Who Will Win the Super Bowl?

Who Will Win the Super Bowl?

  • Rams

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • Bengals

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Halftime Wardrobe Malfunction

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
Yeah that was not holding. Fixing a game in la in their stadium with all the celebs all the ESPN old head picking la is loco.
You mean TRYING to fix a game in LA for the bengals to win but despite their best efforts by the Cincinnati bengal ref fans, the rams overcame having to play against the refs,,why are bengals fans so butthurt they can’t own up to How despite the efforts of the refs trying to gift wrap the game to the bengals,they blame the refs fir the meltdowns of the bengals players mugging the rams receivers in the end zone at the end,on the refs. I have never seen such butthurt.
Very enjoyable game. Surprised at the lack of penalties called in the first half, especially where the Bengal receiver facemasked a Ram defender and threw him to the ground before catching the ball. Thought the halftime show sucked though.
As you can see there are some butthurt bengals fans here that do not want to talk about that non call against that bengals receiver and how if the game had been fairly officiated,the Rams would not have had to make a comeback because of thst horrible officiating it would never have been as close as it was.they are so butthurt they blame the bengals going into meltdown mode in the end losing their composure mugging rams receivers in the end zone on the refs.:uhoh3:

they do not want to discuss how t despite the refs best efforts to gift wrap this game for the bengals to win,the bengals STILL failed to win,not the refs fault the bengals did not do their part and lost their composure and went into meltdown mode.:rofl: The refs did everything they could to gift wrap it for the bengals,not the refs fault the bengals failed to dot hear part in it and came unglued.:uhoh3: :abgg2q.jpg: :uhoh3: I sure am grateful it was not the cheatriots the rams were facing in the superbowl this time,they are the one AFC team thst the refs would not have thrown those yellow flags against had THEY mugged the rams receivers in the end zone as the bengals did.they ALWAYS get the calls.

I don’t understand the butthurt by these bengal fans,when the nfl f gift wrapped a trip to the superbowl fir the rams a couple years ago cause LA is a much bigger market than New Orleans is and same with Boston is over Kansas City which is why both those games were obviously fixed by the nfl fir that reason alone,when that happened,I owned up,to it thst the nfl gift wrapped the superbowl,for the Rams,I did not deny it as bengal fans here are that the refs did everything in their power to try and giftnwrap this game fir the bengals.such butthurt,geez.:uhoh3:
You mean TRYING to fix a game in LA for the bengals to win but despite their best efforts by the Cincinnati bengal ref fans, the rams overcame having to play against the refs,,why are bengals fans so butthurt they can’t own up to How despite the efforts of the refs trying to gift wrap the game to the bengals,they blame the refs fir the meltdowns of the bengals players mugging the rams receivers in the end zone at the end,on the refs. I have never seen such butthurt.
It was Cincinnati who face masked and scored a td. They got away with one. I’ll give you that one. But the ticky tack fouls at the end that kept staffords drive alive were bullshit.

I love your spin. The nfl is rigged against your rams and they overcame it. Nice.
As you can see there are some butthurt bengals fans here that do not want to talk about that non call against that bengals receiver and how if the game had been fairly officiated,the Rams would not have had to make a comeback because of thst horrible officiating it would never have been as close as it was.they are so butthurt they blame the bengals going into meltdown mode in the end losing their composure mugging rams receivers in the end zone on the refs.:uhoh3:

they do not want to discuss how t despite the refs best efforts to gift wrap this game for the bengals to win,the bengals STILL failed to win,not the refs fault the bengals did not do their part and lost their composure and went into meltdown mode.:rofl: The refs did everything they could to gift wrap it for the bengals,not the refs fault the bengals failed to dot hear part in it and came unglued.:uhoh3: :abgg2q.jpg: :uhoh3: I sure am grateful it was not the cheatriots the rams were facing in the superbowl this time,they are the one AFC team thst the refs would not have thrown those yellow flags against had THEY mugged the rams receivers in the end zone as the bengals did.they ALWAYS get the calls.

I don’t understand the butthurt by these bengal fans,when the nfl f gift wrapped a trip to the superbowl fir the rams a couple years ago cause LA is a much bigger market than New Orleans is and same with Boston is over Kansas City which is why both those games were obviously fixed by the nfl fir that reason alone,when that happened,I owned up,to it thst the nfl gift wrapped the superbowl,for the Rams,I did not deny it as bengal fans here are that the refs did everything in their power to try and giftnwrap this game fir the bengals.such butthurt,geez.:uhoh3:
Stafford played like shit.
As you can see there are some butthurt bengals fans here that do not want to talk about that non call against that bengals receiver and how if the game had been fairly officiated,the Rams would not have had to make a comeback because of thst horrible officiating it would never have been as close as it was.they are so butthurt they blame the bengals going into meltdown mode in the end losing their composure mugging rams receivers in the end zone on the refs.:uhoh3:

they do not want to discuss how t despite the refs best efforts to gift wrap this game for the bengals to win,the bengals STILL failed to win,not the refs fault the bengals did not do their part and lost their composure and went into meltdown mode.:rofl: The refs did everything they could to gift wrap it for the bengals,not the refs fault the bengals failed to dot hear part in it and came unglued.:uhoh3: :abgg2q.jpg: :uhoh3: I sure am grateful it was not the cheatriots the rams were facing in the superbowl this time,they are the one AFC team thst the refs would not have thrown those yellow flags against had THEY mugged the rams receivers in the end zone as the bengals did.they ALWAYS get the calls.

I don’t understand the butthurt by these bengal fans,when the nfl f gift wrapped a trip to the superbowl fir the rams a couple years ago cause LA is a much bigger market than New Orleans is and same with Boston is over Kansas City which is why both those games were obviously fixed by the nfl fir that reason alone,when that happened,I owned up,to it thst the nfl gift wrapped the superbowl,for the Rams,I did not deny it as bengal fans here are that the refs did everything in their power to try and giftnwrap this game fir the bengals.such butthurt,geez.:uhoh3:
3rd and goal they call holding? Then rams hold but they hav an offsetting penalty? So stafford gets 6 downs to score.
I think football claims a lot of men's good health. They need to revise the game to make sure no man's life is shortened by a hit to the brainstem that brings dementia up from the spine to the brain, bruises so severe a bloodclot cuts off heartbeat or causes brain injury that results in many bad things, and plays meant to disable the best player who has a high percentage rate of making a score impossible. Untoward language eases the tongues of puerile people to use coarse language in every day life unless a coach makes civil language a fact of life for his team. They could hand out a list of acceptable language that describes their frustration without teaching children watching the games along with Dad how to abusively use language against a rival, which in real life turns a rival into a hardened foe.

God knows that is the rightest education you can give someone--civil speech that brings a panacea to an objective problem without disabling a person for life.
I think football claims a lot of men's good health. They need to revise the game to make sure no man's life is shortened by a hit to the brainstem that brings dementia up from the spine to the brain, bruises so severe a bloodclot cuts off heartbeat or causes brain injury that results in many bad things, and plays meant to disable the best player who has a high percentage rate of making a score impossible. Untoward language eases the tongues of puerile people to use coarse language in every day life unless a coach makes civil language a fact of life for his team. They could hand out a list of acceptable language that describes their frustration without teaching children watching the games along with Dad how to abusively use language against a rival, which in real life turns a rival into a hardened foe.

God knows that is the rightest education you can give someone--civil speech that brings a panacea to an objective problem without disabling a person for life.
1. I think they have made changes so the hits are fewer and not as bad.
2. I can't believe with those helmets they can still get hurt. When I played I felt invincible wearing those shoulder pads and helmet. I know your brain still gets jarred though. I can't believe they can't figure out a way to stop that. A better helmet. Or magnetic helmets that can't touch each other.

That's it! Billion dollar idea. Helmets that are like magnets. Not magnets that attract to each other but repel each other. So you literally can't do a helmet to helmet.
You mean TRYING to fix a game in LA for the bengals to win but despite their best efforts by the Cincinnati bengal ref fans, the rams overcame having to play against the refs,,why are bengals fans so butthurt they can’t own up to How despite the efforts of the refs trying to gift wrap the game to the bengals,they blame the refs fir the meltdowns of the bengals players mugging the rams receivers in the end zone at the end,on the refs. I have never seen such butthurt.
Now I know fir a fact I am telling the truth the fact USMBs resident trollboy smellybozo put a dislike proves I hit the nail on the head. :abgg2q.jpg:
Now I know fir a fact I am telling the truth the fact USMBs resident trollboy smellybozo put a dislike proves I hit the nail on the head. :abgg2q.jpg:
Come on LA RAM FAN. 3rd down and they call holding to give the rams 1st and goal with a minute left? If it were fixed Stafford would have to have overcome 4th and long. He didn't, because Roger Goddell likes you. He really likes you!!!
If a few plays go the other way then maybe the Rams don't win. Like the holding call on the Bengals LB that gave LA 1st and goal on the 1. Or the drop by the Cinci receiver at midfield that woulda kept their drive alive and possibly led to a score for them. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. All I'm saying is, the Bengals have nothing to be ashamed of.
Stafford played like shit.
In his defense, the use of the 3rd string tight end, no running game and Becham injured early in the game. They still outplayed the Bengals. And any penalties were made even by the flagrant facemask touchdown the Bengals scored. I would not have minded the Rams or Bengals winning.
In his defense, the use of the 3rd string tight end, no running game and Becham injured early in the game. They still outplayed the Bengals. And any penalties were made even by the flagrant facemask touchdown the Bengals scored. I would not have minded the Rams or Bengals winning.
You're making too much of that one non call. The Bengals could have went down and scored anyways. One play plenty of time left.

But stafford was 3rd and long. Penalty. 1st and goal. Penalty. First and goal again. 2nd down, 3rd down touchdown. It was bs. LOL.

Hey, neither of these are my teams. And I'm happy for Stafford. I'm even more happy for LA Ram Fan because the fix finally worked in his favor. Big market LA beat Cincinnati. There's a shocker.
If a few plays go the other way then maybe the Rams don't win. Like the holding call on the Bengals LB that gave LA 1st and goal on the 1. Or the drop by the Cinci receiver at midfield that woulda kept their drive alive and possibly led to a score for them. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. All I'm saying is, the Bengals have nothing to be ashamed of.
In his defense, the use of the 3rd string tight end, no running game and Becham injured early in the game. They still outplayed the Bengals. And any penalties were made even by the flagrant facemask touchdown the Bengals scored. I would not have minded the Rams or Bengals winning.

In his defense, the use of the 3rd string tight end, no running game and Becham injured early in the game. They still outplayed the Bengals. And any penalties were made even by the flagrant facemask touchdown the Bengals scored. I would not have minded the Rams or Bengals winning.

the flagrant face mask non call penalty is something smellybozo,airplane mechanic and other bengals apologists cheering on the bungles don’t want to talk about because it exposes how the refs did everything in their power to giftwrap this game fir the bungles and yet despite that,they STILL could not win :abgg2q.jpg: even with the game heavily stacked in favor fir the bungles with the rams already entering the game with higby out and Beckham gone early in the game,the bungles apologists somehow blame the refs fir the bungles losing their composure at the end self destructing mugging the rams receivers in the end zone on the fault of the rams fir correcly calling those yellow flags.comedy gold.:rofl:

fortunately fir the rams,they were not playing the cheatriots this time,the refs in both those superbowls let the defenders mug the rams receivers.it’s only the cheatriots in the nfl,thst get away with that from the refs,none of the other nfl teams get that special treatment THEY get.
We just had the first controversial play of this superbowl. That was offensive interference AND a face mask. Bengals got away with one.
I have Noticed that in all the babble and asinine rants by bengals fans here that the game was given to the Rams by the refs that NONE of them want to talk about that moment. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: They don’t want to talk about how the bungles got away with that call like you said so well,why is thst,man I have never seen so many butthurt sore losers.

All these butthurt sore loser bengals fans in their bullshit babble the refs gave the game to the rams,they keep runnning off evading the facts how the refs did everything in their power to gift wrap this game for the bungles with thst non call pass interference face mask non call personal foul penalty,they like to pretend that never happened in their juvenile rants thst the refs gave the rams the game,suck it up and grow up.quit whining being a sore loser,you are about the only objective person not a rams fan that will talk about that horrible non call by the officials, :thup: why is thst.:uhoh3:
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I have Noticed that in all the babble and asinine rants by bengals fans here that the game was given to the Rams by the refs that NONE of them want to talk about that moment. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: They don’t want to talk about how the bungles got away with that call like you said so well,why is thst,man I have never seen so many butthurt sore losers.

All these butthurt sore loser bengals fans in their bullshit babble the refs gave the game to the rams,they keep runnning off evading the facts how the refs did everything in their power to gift wrap this game for the bungles with thst non call pass interference face mask non call personal foul penalty,they like to pretend that never happened in their juvenile rants thst the refs gave the rams the game,suck it up and grow up.quit whining being a sore loser,you are about the only objective person not a rams fan that will talk about that horrible non call by the officials, :thup: why is thst.:uhoh3:
You must be from Langley.

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