Who won in NH ??

Feel the Bern.......................who starts out behind by 341 Delegates from day 1...................

Yeah...........that's power to the people and not the establishment..................

On the other side of the equation they have about 168 I believe who will almost all go to the establishment..............

On the Dem side the majority of the 712 or so SUPERS will go to Clinton.........giving her probably 28% of the votes needed to win out the gate...........and why she knows this............

She lost the public vote badly..............the SUPER'S CHANGED THAT............this is BS and this BS has been going on since 1980.


super delegates account for almost 20% of the delegates, NOT 27% and half of them have NOT committed to her....

Wrong..........they account for 15% of the total delegates but nearly 30% of the delegates needed to win.

Well yeah, if she got them all, but I've never known a candidate to ever get them all, ever....

there are 50% just sitting there for Bernie to get, if he truly wants to be President and isn't in this race to just make a point about socialism.....he needs to get to work.... and get his fellow Senators and Congressmen to commit to him.

I was just reading that a couple of committed delegates to Hillary have moved to Bernie just the past couple of days....

Bottom line.............the Super Delegate way of doing business is BS...........

I listed numbers from articles saying Bernie is in the hole by the Super Delegates out the gate.......Kinda like having a horse race where one contestant gets tied up at the starting gate while the other trots out for a lead and in Hillary's case she will take most of them.

I'll never vote for either.........but the establishment BS needs to end and the primaries should be decided by the people alone...............Not this BS of the Super Delegates on either side...............

I want elected by the people candidates not Coronations.

but citizens united is ok with you????? it is with republicans and scalia and thomas morons on the SC

blah blah blah...........the Dems have Super PAC's and get massive funding for campaigns so spare me your indignation..........

My issue is that it should be the voters choice and not a bunch of I can vote for whoever I want bs........It should be about the people of this country voting and not SUPER DELEGATES.............It's horse hockey.
It's actually worse on the GOP side.................according to this article..............

How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination

In order to win the nomination, a candidate must secure at least 1,237 of the 2,472 delegates that are up for grabs. But not all of them will be won during the state-by-state series of caucuses and primaries that will take place during the first half of 2016. Of the total of 2,472 Republican delegates, 437 of them are unpledged delegates – and 168 of those are members of the Republican National Committee. And unless you have been hiding under a rock somewhere, you already know that the Republican National Committee is not a fan of Donald Trump. In order to win the Republican nomination without any of the unpledged delegates, Trump would need to win 60.78 percent of the delegates that are up for grabs during the caucuses and primaries. And considering that his poll support is hovering around 30 percent right now, that is a very tall order.

That would be 17% of the total delegates and 35% needed to win.......................

Such Democracy on display here.:cuckoo:
super delegates account for almost 20% of the delegates, NOT 27% and half of them have NOT committed to her....
Wrong..........they account for 15% of the total delegates but nearly 30% of the delegates needed to win.
Well yeah, if she got them all, but I've never known a candidate to ever get them all, ever....

there are 50% just sitting there for Bernie to get, if he truly wants to be President and isn't in this race to just make a point about socialism.....he needs to get to work.... and get his fellow Senators and Congressmen to commit to him.

I was just reading that a couple of committed delegates to Hillary have moved to Bernie just the past couple of days....
Bottom line.............the Super Delegate way of doing business is BS...........

I listed numbers from articles saying Bernie is in the hole by the Super Delegates out the gate.......Kinda like having a horse race where one contestant gets tied up at the starting gate while the other trots out for a lead and in Hillary's case she will take most of them.

I'll never vote for either.........but the establishment BS needs to end and the primaries should be decided by the people alone...............Not this BS of the Super Delegates on either side...............

I want elected by the people candidates not Coronations.

but citizens united is ok with you????? it is with republicans and scalia and thomas morons on the SC
blah blah blah...........the Dems have Super PAC's and get massive funding for campaigns so spare me your indignation..........

My issue is that it should be the voters choice and not a bunch of I can vote for whoever I want bs........It should be about the people of this country voting and not SUPER DELEGATES.............It's horse hockey.
You're very selective with your voters rights rage Since when, as the SC ALLOWED, big business to decide our elections???
Wrong..........they account for 15% of the total delegates but nearly 30% of the delegates needed to win.
Well yeah, if she got them all, but I've never known a candidate to ever get them all, ever....

there are 50% just sitting there for Bernie to get, if he truly wants to be President and isn't in this race to just make a point about socialism.....he needs to get to work.... and get his fellow Senators and Congressmen to commit to him.

I was just reading that a couple of committed delegates to Hillary have moved to Bernie just the past couple of days....
Bottom line.............the Super Delegate way of doing business is BS...........

I listed numbers from articles saying Bernie is in the hole by the Super Delegates out the gate.......Kinda like having a horse race where one contestant gets tied up at the starting gate while the other trots out for a lead and in Hillary's case she will take most of them.

I'll never vote for either.........but the establishment BS needs to end and the primaries should be decided by the people alone...............Not this BS of the Super Delegates on either side...............

I want elected by the people candidates not Coronations.

but citizens united is ok with you????? it is with republicans and scalia and thomas morons on the SC
blah blah blah...........the Dems have Super PAC's and get massive funding for campaigns so spare me your indignation..........

My issue is that it should be the voters choice and not a bunch of I can vote for whoever I want bs........It should be about the people of this country voting and not SUPER DELEGATES.............It's horse hockey.
You're very selective with your voters rights rage Since when, as the SC ALLOWED, big business to decide our elections???
And how about redistricting ???? no complaints there either??
Wrong..........they account for 15% of the total delegates but nearly 30% of the delegates needed to win.
Well yeah, if she got them all, but I've never known a candidate to ever get them all, ever....

there are 50% just sitting there for Bernie to get, if he truly wants to be President and isn't in this race to just make a point about socialism.....he needs to get to work.... and get his fellow Senators and Congressmen to commit to him.

I was just reading that a couple of committed delegates to Hillary have moved to Bernie just the past couple of days....
Bottom line.............the Super Delegate way of doing business is BS...........

I listed numbers from articles saying Bernie is in the hole by the Super Delegates out the gate.......Kinda like having a horse race where one contestant gets tied up at the starting gate while the other trots out for a lead and in Hillary's case she will take most of them.

I'll never vote for either.........but the establishment BS needs to end and the primaries should be decided by the people alone...............Not this BS of the Super Delegates on either side...............

I want elected by the people candidates not Coronations.

but citizens united is ok with you????? it is with republicans and scalia and thomas morons on the SC
blah blah blah...........the Dems have Super PAC's and get massive funding for campaigns so spare me your indignation..........

My issue is that it should be the voters choice and not a bunch of I can vote for whoever I want bs........It should be about the people of this country voting and not SUPER DELEGATES.............It's horse hockey.
You're very selective with your voters rights rage Since when, as the SC ALLOWED, big business to decide our elections???
BS..............Bush has spent 35 Million this time and is still getting his ass kicked...........

Obama spent nearly 1 Billion in his first election.............Where the hell did he get that money..........the tooth ferry............................Again, spare me your BS as you avoid my point.
You gonna melt down eddie................................

Do you think these Super Delegates are BS or not??????????? Stop avoiding the question and my point.
You gonna melt down eddie................................

Do you think these Super Delegates are BS or not??????????? Stop avoiding the question and my point.
You gonna melt down eddie................................

Do you think these Super Delegates are BS or not??????????? Stop avoiding the question and my point.
sure they are just as the RESTRICTIVE voting policies in red states are too
You gonna melt down eddie................................

Do you think these Super Delegates are BS or not??????????? Stop avoiding the question and my point.
You gonna melt down eddie................................

Do you think these Super Delegates are BS or not??????????? Stop avoiding the question and my point.
sure they are just as the RESTRICTIVE voting policies in red states are too

All of that to agree with me in your rampage....................LOL

Restrictive.........probably meaning needing an I.D..............poor thing...........we need I.D.'s for a whole lot of stuff in this country, but if it's to vote........Lion's Tiger's and Bears.
You gonna melt down eddie................................

Do you think these Super Delegates are BS or not??????????? Stop avoiding the question and my point.
Do you? Have you made efforts to remove them in your own Republican party primary elections?

You might have answered this already?

I just quoted the data on that side as well.....................Both sides on this issue SUCK.........
You gonna melt down eddie................................

Do you think these Super Delegates are BS or not??????????? Stop avoiding the question and my point.
Do you? Have you made efforts to remove them in your own Republican party primary elections?

You might have answered this already?

I just quoted the data on that side as well.....................Both sides on this issue SUCK.........
Do you think the Republican establishment might use the super delegates to defeat Trump becoming the nominee? Any whispers in the rumor mill on their strategy?
I don't like super delegates, though I accept they are part of the contest rules and it can't change midstream....

But I also do not like Caucuses, I think it should just be "we the people's" individual vote, and I also do not like how delegates are issued by State, where some States are winner takes all delegates and some States have delegates distributed by the percentage of votes they got...I think it should all be the same, throughout the States and preferably the delegates are divided by the percentage of votes each candidate got....
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You gonna melt down eddie................................

Do you think these Super Delegates are BS or not??????????? Stop avoiding the question and my point.
Do you? Have you made efforts to remove them in your own Republican party primary elections?

You might have answered this already?

I just quoted the data on that side as well.....................Both sides on this issue SUCK.........
Do you think the Republican establishment might use the super delegates to defeat Trump becoming the nominee? Any whispers in the rumor mill on their strategy?
Of course they will try that.............
I don't like super delegates, though I accept they are part of the contest rules and it can't change midstream....

But I also do not like Caucuses, I think it should just be "we the people's" individual vote, but I also do not like how delegates are issued by State, where some States are winner takes all delegates and some States have delegates distributed by the percentage of votes they got...I think it should all be the same, throughout the States and preferably the delegates are divided by the percentage of votes each candidate got....
I'd like to away with all of this.............

Let them all get voted on for the primaries.............one day...........top 2 run off..........They win or lose on the votes BY THE PEOPLE.
Is this really true? Why and how does this work out this way?

Well that's how the Democrat establishments actually have control of their party. This might not be Obama's plan to have Sanders run after his term.
adolf hitler propaganda
lie but 10% true

Super Delegates for the democratic side can basically choose any nomination...
I think the super delegates can choose the nominee on the Republican side as well....you do have fewer super delegates but you ALSO have fewer pledged delegates on the republican side needed to win, about a thousand less delegates than the Dems need to win...

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