Who won, Palin or the democrats who chased her out of office?

Who won...Palin or the dems who hounded out of the governor's mansion?

  • Palin won any way you slice it

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • The dems won because they have more lawyers and the MSM

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • No one won, Palin is a non-event

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • The voters won because the Tea Party is a real grassroots movement

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
If the dems didn't hound Palin out of office she would have served out her term in relative obscurity. As it turned out, she got mad, became a "national organizer" (as opposed to a "community organizer") who gets wild crowds at rallys and has been a major pain for the dems ever since. The Palin-backed candidates have always won, knocking-off incumbents as well as unknowns. Just wait till November..."she can see November from her house..."

So who came out ahead, the dems who chased Palin out of office, or Palin, who makes $millions and is a political kingmaker (or queenmaker for Nikki Haley in SC).

I think she owes the dems a 'thank you' card at very least.
Ask her Republican opponents who will rip her a new one if she tries to run for President in 2012.
If the dems didn't hound Palin out of office she would have served out her term in relative obscurity. As it turned out, she got mad, became a "national organizer" (as opposed to a "community organizer") who gets wild crowds at rallys and has been a major pain for the dems ever since. The Palin-backed candidates have always won, knocking-off incumbents as well as unknowns. Just wait till November..."she can see November from her house..."

So who came out ahead, the dems who chased Palin out of office, or Palin, who makes $millions and is a political kingmaker (or queenmaker for Nikki Haley in SC).

I think she owes the dems a 'thank you' card at very least.

I see your general point, but your preface is all wrong. Sarah Palin will do nothing in "obscurity" for years to come, maybe never again.

If she had stayed in office, she would have been subject to continued legal harrassment and an opponent would have been raised up against her by the Hollywood-DC axis of Evil.

She came out ahead only in the sense that she took that game away from her haters

She lost credibility as a future candiate, I think, but I'm not sure she really wanted to be one. If she didn't, then yes, she won soundly.
Democrats "ran Palin out of office"?


That's the nicest way of saying "fucking quitter" I have ever seen.

Who won by Palin quitting? Her bank account, but that was the plan all along.
While ridiculed, reviled, and resented by the Democrat Party establishment, as well as some among the ruling Republican Party ranks, Sarah Palin has withstood all attacks and risen to the highest levels of political power playing on the national stage. Whether it be calling out President Obama on his ever increasing list of political gaffes, or raising money for conservative political candidates throughout the country, Sarah Palin has defied those who would see her reduced to a political caricature, garnering admiration, money, and influence.

Palin Power | Newsflavor
If the dems didn't hound Palin out of office she would have served out her term in relative obscurity. As it turned out, she got mad, became a "national organizer" (as opposed to a "community organizer") who gets wild crowds at rallys and has been a major pain for the dems ever since. The Palin-backed candidates have always won, knocking-off incumbents as well as unknowns. Just wait till November..."she can see November from her house..."

So who came out ahead, the dems who chased Palin out of office, or Palin, who makes $millions and is a political kingmaker (or queenmaker for Nikki Haley in SC).

I think she owes the dems a 'thank you' card at very least.

I see your general point, but your preface is all wrong. Sarah Palin will do nothing in "obscurity" for years to come, maybe never again.

If she had stayed in office, she would have been subject to continued legal harrassment and an opponent would have been raised up against her by the Hollywood-DC axis of Evil.

She came out ahead only in the sense that she took that game away from her haters

She lost credibility as a future candiate, I think, but I'm not sure she really wanted to be one. If she didn't, then yes, she won soundly.

Totally agree. IMHO she is not a viable presidential candidate, the dems are the only ones who want her to run. Then again, Huckabee is leading in the Iowa polls. The problem is that the GOP doesn't have a 'no brainer' candidate. Its Huck, or Newt, or Mitt, etc.

I hope someone like NJ's Christie gets the nod and actually knows how to fix the country.
My, my, my... She still strikes fear in the hearts of Democrats even after all of these years...
My, my, my... She still strikes fear in the hearts of Democrats even after all of these years...

Yes she does - due in great part to the fact she wins out more often than not...

Recent Republican primary results see Palin enjoying a nearly two-thirds endorsement success rate, despite that fact that some of her endorsements are political newcomers outside the bounds of the Republican establishment. It is not accident that Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is in the political fight of his Washington DC career, with Palin sending the signal to Nevada voters last spring that it was time for Reid and his Big Government liberalism to be sent packing. Reid’s opponent, conservative Sharron Angle, is now polling neck and neck with the powerful and well funded incumbent Nevada Senator. Reid’s defeat would prove one of the most significant political upsets in Nevada history, and Sarah Palin is proving a significant factor in that very real possibility.

Palin Power | Newsflavor
I find the utter hatred and disdain some those on the left hold for her amusing. Now that Bush Derangement Syndrome is out of favor we have Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS).
Democrats "ran Palin out of office"?


That's the nicest way of saying "fucking quitter" I have ever seen.

Who won by Palin quitting? Her bank account, but that was the plan all along.

Have you researched the bogus "ethics charges" against her? The count was 0'fer 18 and counting. She ran out of money and had to take a book tour to feed her family.

If I leave a money losing job to make a quick $20-million, you can't call me a quitter. Call me a millionaire, call me a "national organizer", call me a conservative cheerleader, she even has enough money to take on the slime-balls, except she doesn't have to. She can get voters to the polls, thats what counts.
If the dems didn't hound Palin out of office she would have served out her term in relative obscurity. As it turned out, she got mad, became a "national organizer" (as opposed to a "community organizer") who gets wild crowds at rallys and has been a major pain for the dems ever since. The Palin-backed candidates have always won, knocking-off incumbents as well as unknowns. Just wait till November..."she can see November from her house..."

So who came out ahead, the dems who chased Palin out of office, or Palin, who makes $millions and is a political kingmaker (or queenmaker for Nikki Haley in SC).

I think she owes the dems a 'thank you' card at very least.

Why not try putting a little factual information in your OP first....then ask us questions about your opinion?
Democrats "ran Palin out of office"?


That's the nicest way of saying "fucking quitter" I have ever seen.

Who won by Palin quitting? Her bank account, but that was the plan all along.

Have you researched the bogus "ethics charges" against her? The count was 0'fer 18 and counting. She ran out of money and had to take a book tour to feed her family.

If I leave a money losing job to make a quick $20-million, you can't call me a quitter. Call me a millionaire, call me a "national organizer", call me a conservative cheerleader, she even has enough money to take on the slime-balls, except she doesn't have to. She can get voters to the polls, thats what counts.

LMAO. If you want to be a sucker, that's your prerogative. I am not buying that shit though.

Palin would have been defended by the state if these bogus charges would have gone anywhere (hard to imagine they would if they were so bogus).

Only Palin could choose to quit. She did so and it was to cash in on her popularity post election.

I don't blame her, but I am not going to call shit shinola.

It's the truth and you know it.

Deal with it.
I can't wait until the 2012 GOP primaries. I'm going to grab my popcorn, log on USMB, and watch. It's going to be great. :popcorn:
Have you researched the bogus "ethics charges" against her? The count was 0'fer 18 and counting. She ran out of money and had to take a book tour to feed her family.

If I leave a money losing job to make a quick $20-million, you can't call me a quitter. Call me a millionaire, call me a "national organizer", call me a conservative cheerleader, she even has enough money to take on the slime-balls, except she doesn't have to. She can get voters to the polls, thats what counts.

That is one of the biggest pieces of bullshit I've ever seen on this board and I've seen plenty in my just about two years here.
You know why it's great to be a Dem?

Because our Jedi Mind Powers are so vast that we can remove elected GOP officials simply by waving our hands.

We are all powerful and, apparently, the GOP is powerless to stop us as we magically force people like Palin to resign.

Honestly Republicans, why do you even bother to show up to work? Are you just into masochism?

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