Who Would have Been a Better President: Obama or Romney?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Or should I say: Chicago Thug or Virtuous Mormon?

How about: Talker or Doer?

Maybe: Disengaged or Hands On?

Glib or Intelligent?

Teleprompter or Thinker?

Dissembler or Straight Talker?

Corrupt or Honest?

Any other comparisons come to mind?
Or should I say: Chicago Thug or Virtuous Mormon?

How about: Talker or Doer?

Maybe: Disengaged or Hands On?

Glib or Intelligent?

Teleprompter or Thinker?

Dissembler or Straight Talker?

Corrupt or Honest?

Any other comparisons come to mind?

Thinks corporations are corporations, or thinks corporations are people?

Thinks Chrysler is moving Jeeps in China, or thinks Chrysler is moving Jeep TO China?

Any other comparisons... let's see...

Open question or loaded?

Objective, or slanted?

Worthwhile thread, or pointless?
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No way to know I have seen what Obama has done and the results and I'm not overly impressed I have no way of knowing what Romney would have done or what the results would have been it would all be speculation on my part.
Or should I say: Chicago Thug or Virtuous Mormon?

How about: Talker or Doer?

Maybe: Disengaged or Hands On?

Glib or Intelligent?

Teleprompter or Thinker?

Dissembler or Straight Talker?

Corrupt or Honest?

Any other comparisons come to mind?

Thinks corporations are people, or thinks corporations are corporations?

Thinks Chrysler is moving Jeeps in China, or thinks Chrysler is moving Jeep TO China?

Any other comparisons... let's see...

Open question or loaded?

Objective, or slanted?

Worthwhile thread, or pointless?

Well, I guess being confused is better than nothing...
Or should I say: Chicago Thug or Virtuous Mormon?

How about: Talker or Doer?

Maybe: Disengaged or Hands On?

Glib or Intelligent?

Teleprompter or Thinker?

Dissembler or Straight Talker?

Corrupt or Honest?

Any other comparisons come to mind?

None of the above. I guess that question will be debated for years to come. One can only hope the next four years pass quickly and this pretender doesn't do any more damage then he already has.
No way to know I have seen what Obama has done and the results and I'm not overly impressed I have no way of knowing what Romney would have done or what the results would have been it would all be speculation on my part.

You say you are not overly impressed. Does that mean that you are moderately impressed?
If Romney were elected, we'd be at war with Iran, with $15/gal gasoline, massive unemployment as a result.

And everyone knows this.
Romney would not have stood by while 4 Americans were killed in Libya. He would not have tolerated IRS agents snooping on conservatives. He would have acted decisively in Syria. He would have cut spending. He would have governed as president instead of campaigning for the job, like obama does. Would he have made every right decision? No, of course not. No one does. But he would not have mae every wrong decision, as Obama has done.
Romney would not have stood by while 4 Americans were killed in Libya. He would not have tolerated IRS agents snooping on conservatives. He would have acted decisively in Syria. He would have cut spending. He would have governed as president instead of campaigning for the job, like obama does. Would he have made every right decision? No, of course not. No one does. But he would not have mae every wrong decision, as Obama has done.

Of course oh prescient one :cool:
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No way to know I have seen what Obama has done and the results and I'm not overly impressed I have no way of knowing what Romney would have done or what the results would have been it would all be speculation on my part.

You say you are not overly impressed. Does that mean that you are moderately impressed?

I'm impressed by what he has done on fighting terrorism on the economic front I'm not impressed and the way he has handled all the recent scandals just going underground and hoping they blow over might be the most unimpressive no matter what ones political views are I think we all deserve better on that front.
Romney would not have stood by while 4 Americans were killed in Libya. He would not have tolerated IRS agents snooping on conservatives. He would have acted decisively in Syria. He would have cut spending. He would have governed as president instead of campaigning for the job, like obama does. Would he have made every right decision? No, of course not. No one does. But he would not have mae every wrong decision, as Obama has done.

I don't think so.

I doubt he would have handled Benghazi any different than Obama.

No, rather than targeting conservatives the IRS would have been targeting liberal groups.

Decisively in Syria? What makes you think so?

He was an elitist. His cronies would have gotten rich just like Obama's and I would hazard a guess many of those profiting under Obama would be doing just as we'll, if not better, under Romney.

We would still have Obamacare, but when the shit hits the fan next year, liberals would just be blaming Republicans rather than pointing fingers at each other.

Romney is/was as big a scumbag as Obama. I highly doubt anything would be different today under Romney.

No way to know I have seen what Obama has done and the results and I'm not overly impressed I have no way of knowing what Romney would have done or what the results would have been it would all be speculation on my part.

You say you are not overly impressed. Does that mean that you are moderately impressed?

I'm impressed by what he has done on fighting terrorism on the economic front I'm not impressed and the way he has handled all the recent scandals just going underground and hoping they blow over might be the most unimpressive no matter what ones political views are I think we all deserve better on that front.

Scandals? Please.

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