Who Would have Been a Better President: Obama or Romney?

Romney would have supported Kaddafi and any rebellion would have been buried on p.9....Detroit would have collapsed and we would have had a full on world depression...
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Romney would not have stood by while 4 Americans were killed in Libya. He would not have tolerated IRS agents snooping on conservatives. He would have acted decisively in Syria. He would have cut spending. He would have governed as president instead of campaigning for the job, like obama does. Would he have made every right decision? No, of course not. No one does. But he would not have mae every wrong decision, as Obama has done.

I don't think so.

I doubt he would have handled Benghazi any different than Obama.

No, rather than targeting conservatives the IRS would have been targeting liberal groups.

Decisively in Syria? What makes you think so?

He was an elitist. His cronies would have gotten rich just like Obama's and I would hazard a guess many of those profiting under Obama would be doing just as we'll, if not better, under Romney.

We would still have Obamacare, but when the shit hits the fan next year, liberals would just be blaming Republicans rather than pointing fingers at each other.

Romney is/was as big a scumbag as Obama. I highly doubt anything would be different today under Romney.


Given that he assembled a terrific team that was executing very well, why do you think he would not have handled Benghazi any differently? Or is it just becauyse you didnt like Romney and wont give him any credit?
Romney would not have stood by while 4 Americans were killed in Libya. He would not have tolerated IRS agents snooping on conservatives. He would have acted decisively in Syria. He would have cut spending. He would have governed as president instead of campaigning for the job, like obama does. Would he have made every right decision? No, of course not. No one does. But he would not have mae every wrong decision, as Obama has done.

I don't think so.

I doubt he would have handled Benghazi any different than Obama.

No, rather than targeting conservatives the IRS would have been targeting liberal groups.

Decisively in Syria? What makes you think so?

He was an elitist. His cronies would have gotten rich just like Obama's and I would hazard a guess many of those profiting under Obama would be doing just as we'll, if not better, under Romney.

We would still have Obamacare, but when the shit hits the fan next year, liberals would just be blaming Republicans rather than pointing fingers at each other.

Romney is/was as big a scumbag as Obama. I highly doubt anything would be different today under Romney.


Given that he assembled a terrific team that was executing very well, why do you think he would not have handled Benghazi any differently? Or is it just becauyse you didnt like Romney and wont give him any credit?

A terrific team?

Would you kindly define what you mean by that or is it simply that you adore him and would never speak ill of him? Kind of like liberals treat Obama.

I have nothing good to say about elitist assholes. You are correct in that.

As for why I believe he would not have acted differently during the Benghazi fiasco... well, he is a liberal politician just like Obama. I see no difference in the two. Why should I expect him to honor an ambassador's life and the life of the staff anymore than Obama?

You say you are not overly impressed. Does that mean that you are moderately impressed?

I'm impressed by what he has done on fighting terrorism on the economic front I'm not impressed and the way he has handled all the recent scandals just going underground and hoping they blow over might be the most unimpressive no matter what ones political views are I think we all deserve better on that front.

Scandals? Please.
Don't play dumb please.
James Rosen
If your response to each of the above is they aren't scandals do me a favor and save it posting that would just be a waste of your time typing it and my time reading it.
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I don't think so.

I doubt he would have handled Benghazi any different than Obama.

No, rather than targeting conservatives the IRS would have been targeting liberal groups.

Decisively in Syria? What makes you think so?

He was an elitist. His cronies would have gotten rich just like Obama's and I would hazard a guess many of those profiting under Obama would be doing just as we'll, if not better, under Romney.

We would still have Obamacare, but when the shit hits the fan next year, liberals would just be blaming Republicans rather than pointing fingers at each other.

Romney is/was as big a scumbag as Obama. I highly doubt anything would be different today under Romney.


Given that he assembled a terrific team that was executing very well, why do you think he would not have handled Benghazi any differently? Or is it just becauyse you didnt like Romney and wont give him any credit?

A terrific team?

Would you kindly define what you mean by that or is it simply that you adore him and would never speak ill of him? Kind of like liberals treat Obama.

I have nothing good to say about elitist assholes. You are correct in that.

As for why I believe he would not have acted differently during the Benghazi fiasco... well, he is a liberal politician just like Obama. I see no difference in the two. Why should I expect him to honor an ambassador's life and the life of the staff anymore than Obama?


Someone please stop this bullshit train.

President Obama did nothing to dishonor the life of Ambassador Stevens....or any of those who dies that day. This storyline does not have legs......stop propping it up with comments like that.

The deaths of those men COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PREVENTED given the state of the security at the consulate. Fucking fuck!
Or should I say: Chicago Thug or Virtuous Mormon?

How about: Talker or Doer?

Maybe: Disengaged or Hands On?

Glib or Intelligent?

Teleprompter or Thinker?

Dissembler or Straight Talker?

Corrupt or Honest?

Any other comparisons come to mind?

Romney is a vulture capitalists who had one idea for his presidency and that was further tax breaks for the wealthy, he would have been Dubya on steroids, no thank you.
I don't think so.

I doubt he would have handled Benghazi any different than Obama.

No, rather than targeting conservatives the IRS would have been targeting liberal groups.

Decisively in Syria? What makes you think so?

He was an elitist. His cronies would have gotten rich just like Obama's and I would hazard a guess many of those profiting under Obama would be doing just as we'll, if not better, under Romney.

We would still have Obamacare, but when the shit hits the fan next year, liberals would just be blaming Republicans rather than pointing fingers at each other.

Romney is/was as big a scumbag as Obama. I highly doubt anything would be different today under Romney.


Given that he assembled a terrific team that was executing very well, why do you think he would not have handled Benghazi any differently? Or is it just becauyse you didnt like Romney and wont give him any credit?

A terrific team?

Would you kindly define what you mean by that or is it simply that you adore him and would never speak ill of him? Kind of like liberals treat Obama.

I have nothing good to say about elitist assholes. You are correct in that.

As for why I believe he would not have acted differently during the Benghazi fiasco... well, he is a liberal politician just like Obama. I see no difference in the two. Why should I expect him to honor an ambassador's life and the life of the staff anymore than Obama?


OK so you have no reason at all other than hatred of someone much more successful than you.
Given that he assembled a terrific team that was executing very well, why do you think he would not have handled Benghazi any differently? Or is it just becauyse you didnt like Romney and wont give him any credit?

A terrific team?

Would you kindly define what you mean by that or is it simply that you adore him and would never speak ill of him? Kind of like liberals treat Obama.

I have nothing good to say about elitist assholes. You are correct in that.

As for why I believe he would not have acted differently during the Benghazi fiasco... well, he is a liberal politician just like Obama. I see no difference in the two. Why should I expect him to honor an ambassador's life and the life of the staff anymore than Obama?


OK so you have no reason at all other than hatred of someone much more successful than you.

Pot meet kettle you hypocrite.

Given that he assembled a terrific team that was executing very well, why do you think he would not have handled Benghazi any differently? Or is it just becauyse you didnt like Romney and wont give him any credit?

A terrific team?

Would you kindly define what you mean by that or is it simply that you adore him and would never speak ill of him? Kind of like liberals treat Obama.

I have nothing good to say about elitist assholes. You are correct in that.

As for why I believe he would not have acted differently during the Benghazi fiasco... well, he is a liberal politician just like Obama. I see no difference in the two. Why should I expect him to honor an ambassador's life and the life of the staff anymore than Obama?


Someone please stop this bullshit train.

President Obama did nothing to dishonor the life of Ambassador Stevens....or any of those who dies that day. This storyline does not have legs......stop propping it up with comments like that.

The deaths of those men COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PREVENTED given the state of the security at the consulate. Fucking fuck!

The hell he did! He left them there to die without support much like King David hung Uriah out to dry. That is dishonorable no matter how you slice it. He did nothing at all for them. He didn't even lift a finger.

Had he made some kind of effort even a failed one, it would have at least been an effort.

Maybe they could not have been saved, but doing nothing was frigging cowardly.

We really missed out on a Romney presidency. He wouldn't represent 47% of Americans? You know most of those would have been Republicans.

Remember, Romney wanted to bring immigrants with degree here and help them get jobs. It was front and center on his website. And cut education. Republicans hate education. What kind of education did Romney and his kids get?

And he was a pioneer of outsourcing. He moved one of this companies to China the very month of the election. Talk about "balls".

He has ten times the money Bush had and ten times the "disdain" for the "little people". Bush sent Americans off to die and be maimed for "fun, profit and oil". Imagine how gleeful Romney would have been to do worse. And considering how Republicans have blocked healthcare for first responders, Romney would have done worse. He would have laughed at how he got so many ignorant Americans to "vote white'.
Or should I say: Chicago Thug or Virtuous Mormon?

How about: Talker or Doer?

Maybe: Disengaged or Hands On?

Glib or Intelligent?

Teleprompter or Thinker?

Dissembler or Straight Talker?

Corrupt or Honest?

Any other comparisons come to mind?

Guess we know your choice
Romney was a total idiot- Pub dupes!! No stimulus for GM and Chrysler, or state and local gov'ts- Detroit would have collapsed and we would have had a full on world depression... Romney would have supported Kaddafi and any rebellion would have been buried on p.9....No Cairo speech,arab spring, no democracy in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya- or Iran!
A terrific team?

Would you kindly define what you mean by that or is it simply that you adore him and would never speak ill of him? Kind of like liberals treat Obama.

I have nothing good to say about elitist assholes. You are correct in that.

As for why I believe he would not have acted differently during the Benghazi fiasco... well, he is a liberal politician just like Obama. I see no difference in the two. Why should I expect him to honor an ambassador's life and the life of the staff anymore than Obama?


Someone please stop this bullshit train.

President Obama did nothing to dishonor the life of Ambassador Stevens....or any of those who dies that day. This storyline does not have legs......stop propping it up with comments like that.

The deaths of those men COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PREVENTED given the state of the security at the consulate. Fucking fuck!

The hell he did! He left them there to die without support much like King David hung Uriah out to dry. That is dishonorable no matter how you slice it. He did nothing at all for them. He didn't even lift a finger.

Had he made some kind of effort even a failed one, it would have at least been an effort.

Maybe they could not have been saved, but doing nothing was frigging cowardly.


Any rescue attempt by the military more than likely would have became a Blackhawk down situation rather than a rescue, a rescue was not doable.
Romney would not have stood by while 4 Americans were killed in Libya. He would not have tolerated IRS agents snooping on conservatives. He would have acted decisively in Syria. He would have cut spending. He would have governed as president instead of campaigning for the job, like obama does. Would he have made every right decision? No, of course not. No one does. But he would not have mae every wrong decision, as Obama has done.

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Romney was a total idiot- Pub dupes!! No stimulus for GM and Chrysler, or state and local gov'ts- Detroit would have collapsed and we would have had a full on world depression... Romney would have supported Kaddafi and any rebellion would have been buried on p.9....No Cairo speech,arab spring, no democracy in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya- or Iran!

It's funny. Some on the right still say the stimulas for the auto industry was a mistake. Image the numbers if President Obama decided to not do it. Romney would have put us in a depression.

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