Who Would have Been a Better President: Obama or Romney?

Or should I say: Chicago Thug or Virtuous Mormon?

How about: Talker or Doer?

Maybe: Disengaged or Hands On?

Glib or Intelligent?

Teleprompter or Thinker?

Dissembler or Straight Talker?

Corrupt or Honest?

Any other comparisons come to mind?

Stupid "what if" questions are so much fun. Truth be known, I would have made a better President than either one. So would a couple of others on here.
Any rescue attempt by the military more than likely would have became a Blackhawk down situation rather than a rescue, a rescue was not doable.

You know this because? Oh, right. You just do.

Because I have military experience and it is kind of obvious to anybody with any kind of understanding about military operations.

Benghazi (II): A military analysis of the Fox mystery man's fantasy rescue plan | The Best Defense

The real problem there was not the rescue plan. That just makes better headlines as blaming Obama for deaths is better than blaming him for playing political football. The problem was that they did use it as a political football when the whole thing was blamed on some asinine YouTube video. That was just dumb. It should have been called what it was from the get go and they damn well knew it.

That was not a scandal event though. The right is just as bad about using these things as political weapons as the left.
Romney cant be any worse than the jackass we got now.
First off he never said credible and neither did you. He said right wing. And all I had to do is google it. Plus I remember many on this board claiming the same.

As for your last bit. Sure.

I am sure you can provide a link to prove your point.
Oh yeah. You just talk out of your ass. You dont need any proof.
Remember when Obama said he was going to tar and feather everyone making more than $500,000/yr?

Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - Page full

Rush: Economy will collapse if Obama re-elected

You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.

Geesus you are one stupid fuck.
The first story only quotes the second story. Neither story predicts the Dow will plunge if Obama is re-elected. They did say the present path of gov't spending will ultimately lead to collapse. Which is not the same thing. Not remotely close. True, but not close to what you claimed.
Did I say that? Per Usual, you are always talking out of your ass.

Yup. You did. Don't backtrack and claim you didnt say something when you obviously did. Your credibility is already at a low point because of your incessant ass-talking. Don't make it worse.

Show me where I said no one has objected to an avatar making fun of a conservative. I will be waiting.

Because you didnt. I said no one had objected to it. Your claim was if someone had posted an avatar that was offensive to some conservative person all the conservatives would be bitching. I pointed out people do post such avatars and I haven't heard any bitching.
Have you considered another board to post to?
Any rescue attempt by the military more than likely would have became a Blackhawk down situation rather than a rescue, a rescue was not doable.

You know this because? Oh, right. You just do.

Because I have military experience and it is kind of obvious to anybody with any kind of understanding about military operations.

Benghazi (II): A military analysis of the Fox mystery man's fantasy rescue plan | The Best Defense
SOrry. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see the screen.

Yeah, you had "military experience" what, 10 years ago shoveling shit in an FOB somewhere and that qualifies you to comment on the assets and capabilities that were available at the time. Puhleeze.
Would Romney arm al quaeda against American troops in Syria?

He was endorsed by McCain and McCain led the charge to do such.

The question was whether Romney would be a better president than obama. Not what would McCain like better.

obama has been a disaster. He's been a disaster on every issue. He has turned the country into a police state and made a point of arming our worst enemies. Can he not make a good decision? Or, are all his bad decisions by design? Would Romney be a deliberate disaster? No.
The bottom line is that we know that obama has been a corrupt president and a fiscal failure.
Common sense says that Romney would have been better, but we will never know.

I want to correct one of the commonly used libtard phrases about corporations being people.

The law says that a corporation is a legal "person". That was done to protect the employees and shareholders from personal liability for the acts of the corporation. It is a good thing.
You know this because? Oh, right. You just do.

Because I have military experience and it is kind of obvious to anybody with any kind of understanding about military operations.

Benghazi (II): A military analysis of the Fox mystery man's fantasy rescue plan | The Best Defense
SOrry. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see the screen.

Yeah, you had "military experience" what, 10 years ago shoveling shit in an FOB somewhere and that qualifies you to comment on the assets and capabilities that were available at the time. Puhleeze.

I am betting that is more military experience than you ever had, funny how the article backs my position up.
Because I have military experience and it is kind of obvious to anybody with any kind of understanding about military operations.

Benghazi (II): A military analysis of the Fox mystery man's fantasy rescue plan | The Best Defense
SOrry. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see the screen.

Yeah, you had "military experience" what, 10 years ago shoveling shit in an FOB somewhere and that qualifies you to comment on the assets and capabilities that were available at the time. Puhleeze.

I am betting that is more military experience than you ever had, funny how the article backs my position up.

I am betting that I nailed your "military experience" completely. I am also betting that it is irrelevant to the discussion and your claim makes you look idiotic.
Would Romney arm al quaeda against American troops in Syria?

He was endorsed by McCain and McCain led the charge to do such.

The question was whether Romney would be a better president than obama. Not what would McCain like better.

obama has been a disaster. He's been a disaster on every issue. He has turned the country into a police state and made a point of arming our worst enemies. Can he not make a good decision? Or, are all his bad decisions by design? Would Romney be a deliberate disaster? No.

Romney's only plan was to cut the taxes rich people pay, he would have been Dubya on steroids and would have personally invested in some defense contractor businesses before sending arms to Syria, need to profit from such warfare.
SOrry. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see the screen.

Yeah, you had "military experience" what, 10 years ago shoveling shit in an FOB somewhere and that qualifies you to comment on the assets and capabilities that were available at the time. Puhleeze.

I am betting that is more military experience than you ever had, funny how the article backs my position up.

I am betting that I nailed your "military experience" completely. I am also betting that it is irrelevant to the discussion and your claim makes you look idiotic.

I know I nailed your military experience, most you big time patriots like to wave the flag and let others do the real work.
I am betting that is more military experience than you ever had, funny how the article backs my position up.

I am betting that I nailed your "military experience" completely. I am also betting that it is irrelevant to the discussion and your claim makes you look idiotic.

I know I nailed your military experience, most you big time patriots like to wave the flag and let others do the real work.
You're such an ignorant POS.
I am betting that I nailed your "military experience" completely. I am also betting that it is irrelevant to the discussion and your claim makes you look idiotic.

I know I nailed your military experience, most you big time patriots like to wave the flag and let others do the real work.
You're such an ignorant POS.

And you are a gentleman and a scholar with no military background.
I think Romney would have been slightly better fiscally... neither would have been great on foreign policy.. I don't think you would have had as much division with Romney, as he is more of a moderate and centrist..

But don't get me wrong.. while I believe Obama to be a horrible President.. I don't think Romney would have been 'good'
He was endorsed by McCain and McCain led the charge to do such.

The question was whether Romney would be a better president than obama. Not what would McCain like better.

obama has been a disaster. He's been a disaster on every issue. He has turned the country into a police state and made a point of arming our worst enemies. Can he not make a good decision? Or, are all his bad decisions by design? Would Romney be a deliberate disaster? No.

Romney's only plan was to cut the taxes rich people pay, he would have been Dubya on steroids and would have personally invested in some defense contractor businesses before sending arms to Syria, need to profit from such warfare.

Bullshit! no further comment necessary or warranted.
If your personal objective is to punish the rich, then I can see your thinking obama is better.

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