Who Would have Been a Better President: Obama or Romney?

Romney is basically honest, Obama is basically dishonest.

nothing more needs to be said.

Vulture capitalists are not honest people.

:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.
He made a claim that any rescue operation would have resulted in a "Blackhawk Down" scenario. I asked how he could know such a thing given he does not know what assets we had in the area. What the deployment of Libyans were or their capabilities, what the mission would have been, or any relevant information. His response was that he shoveled shit in a FOB 10 years ago so he knows all about it.

Only a rube would believe that. Which is why you fell for it. I personally do not know any of that information so could not venture a guess as to what would have happened. I do know that lying about it to bolster your re-election chances is beyond contemptible.

So from all your time serving our nation in the military give us your rescue plan you would have used to get them out alive, I am guessing your plan would have been to send John Rambo in because you really loved that movie and he seemed to do a good job getting those P.O.W.'s out of Vietnam. Or maybe Chuck Norris?
So you cannot support your assertion. Or refute my characterization of your military service. Got it.

Still waiting for you to apply your military expertise to the situation and show us what should have been done.
Obama is doing very well so it's hard to imagine Romney doing anything but coming up short.
Romney is basically honest, Obama is basically dishonest.

nothing more needs to be said.

Vulture capitalists are not honest people.

:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.

A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.
Vulture capitalists are not honest people.

:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.

A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

more lies. the companies that failed would have failed anyway, Bain just made it smoother for the employees and the shareholders-------how awful!
Someone please stop this bullshit train.

President Obama did nothing to dishonor the life of Ambassador Stevens....or any of those who dies that day. This storyline does not have legs......stop propping it up with comments like that.

The deaths of those men COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PREVENTED given the state of the security at the consulate. Fucking fuck!

The hell he did! He left them there to die without support much like King David hung Uriah out to dry. That is dishonorable no matter how you slice it. He did nothing at all for them. He didn't even lift a finger.

Had he made some kind of effort even a failed one, it would have at least been an effort.

Maybe they could not have been saved, but doing nothing was frigging cowardly.


Any rescue attempt by the military more than likely would have became a Blackhawk down situation rather than a rescue, a rescue was not doable.

You know, I can understand that and I thought about it before I made my post. The truth is though that he dishonored them after the event by his actions which were more or less just, oh well... big deal he was just an ambassador. I was disgusted by the administration's response to this after the fact.

I have kept my mouth shut about the whole thing until now, but I feel their attitudes in this respect are absolutely shameful.

He was endorsed by McCain and McCain led the charge to do such.

The question was whether Romney would be a better president than obama. Not what would McCain like better.

obama has been a disaster. He's been a disaster on every issue. He has turned the country into a police state and made a point of arming our worst enemies. Can he not make a good decision? Or, are all his bad decisions by design? Would Romney be a deliberate disaster? No.

Romney's only plan was to cut the taxes rich people pay, he would have been Dubya on steroids and would have personally invested in some defense contractor businesses before sending arms to Syria, need to profit from such warfare.

So, what you seem to be saying is that Romney would have been no different than Obama except Romney would have invested in military contractors while Obama's "investments" were in health insurers before he eventually stabs them in the back and suckers us all with government run health coverage.

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So... because someone else who you cannot name allegedly did something unspecific, that proves your ASSumption about Romney??

Obama is not acting like a Republican in any way, in actuality... he is pretty much doing nothing with Syria and he is acting like a far leftist on his taxation, fiscal spending, etc

Yet tax rates on the rich are still low, fiscal spending is not something Republicans worry about when they are in charge, and arming the Syrian rebels is supported by none other than the Republican presidential candidate from 2008.

McCain is an idiot, he is not a republican or a conservative, he is part to the dem/lib party.

He and obama are on the same path, arm our potential enemies and destroy stable governments. Egypt and Libya are now controlled by radical muslims, and we helped put them in power.

The world is laughing at the stupidity of the US government.

Add Romney to that and you would have hit a triple.

:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.

A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

more lies. the companies that failed would have failed anyway, Bain just made it smoother for the employees and the shareholders-------how awful!

You just drown in that kool aid.
Vulture capitalists are not honest people.

:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.

A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

No, you're confusing reality with the movie Wall Street. Your inability to distinguish truth from fantasy accounts for many of your posts. You seem to imagine yourself as a capable military commander, despite having been nothing more than a fobbit.
:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.

A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

No, you're confusing reality with the movie Wall Street. Your inability to distinguish truth from fantasy accounts for many of your posts. You seem to imagine yourself as a capable military commander, despite having been nothing more than a fobbit.

Still waiting to hear your expert military opinion regarding your Benghazi rescue plan.
A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

No, you're confusing reality with the movie Wall Street. Your inability to distinguish truth from fantasy accounts for many of your posts. You seem to imagine yourself as a capable military commander, despite having been nothing more than a fobbit.

Still waiting to hear your expert military opinion regarding your Benghazi rescue plan.

I dont know enough details to form a reasonable plan.

You should try that line sometime. It will make you look less stupid and ignorant than you do.
Vulture capitalists are not honest people.

:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.

A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

So, you think that perfectly viable and healthy companies go searching for venture capitalists to destroy them? You think that you are more qualified to determine that a company needs venture capital and thinks Bain can help than the experts and owners of that company? Pathetic.

That is a seriously misguided concept. There is a reason that these companies go and LOOK for venture capitalist funds. They don’t vulture anything. The business comes to them and then they attempt to recover it. Sometimes that does not work and other times it does.
Or should I say: Chicago Thug or Virtuous Mormon?

How about: Talker or Doer?

Maybe: Disengaged or Hands On?

Glib or Intelligent?

Teleprompter or Thinker?

Dissembler or Straight Talker?

Corrupt or Honest?

Any other comparisons come to mind?

Obama gave me this sweet free cell phone. So I think he's better.
:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.

A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

So, you think that perfectly viable and healthy companies go searching for venture capitalists to destroy them? You think that you are more qualified to determine that a company needs venture capital and thinks Bain can help than the experts and owners of that company? Pathetic.

That is a seriously misguided concept. There is a reason that these companies go and LOOK for venture capitalist funds. They don’t vulture anything. The business comes to them and then they attempt to recover it. Sometimes that does not work and other times it does.

He's bought products from major companies so that qualifies him to give an opinion. Just like he was a fobbit 10 years ago so is perfectly qualified to discuss logistics of operations.
:confused: true, but Romney is not, was not, a vulture capitalist. you have been a victim of the left wing media lying to you.

Bain capital saved failing companies. Staples is just one example.

A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

So, you think that perfectly viable and healthy companies go searching for venture capitalists to destroy them? You think that you are more qualified to determine that a company needs venture capital and thinks Bain can help than the experts and owners of that company? Pathetic.

That is a seriously misguided concept. There is a reason that these companies go and LOOK for venture capitalist funds. They don’t vulture anything. The business comes to them and then they attempt to recover it. Sometimes that does not work and other times it does.

No venture capitalist look for companies they can acquire then bust out for max profit regardless if they are saveable or not.

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