Who Would have Been a Better President: Obama or Romney?

His tax plan was simplification to some degree, lowering rates and 'eliminating' deductions and loopholes... The 'rich' pay while close to 5-% of the adult citizenry pays nothing in income tax.. that is something that will eventually have to be corrected

You have nothing besides your own conspiracy theory brain for your Syria bullshit

As stated.. absolute hogwash propaganda

Republicans have a track record whether you want to deny it or not and Obama is acting like a Republican regarding Syria which is a shame.

So... because someone else who you cannot name allegedly did something unspecific, that proves your ASSumption about Romney??

Obama is not acting like a Republican in any way, in actuality... he is pretty much doing nothing with Syria and he is acting like a far leftist on his taxation, fiscal spending, etc

Yet tax rates on the rich are still low, fiscal spending is not something Republicans worry about when they are in charge, and arming the Syrian rebels is supported by none other than the Republican presidential candidate from 2008.
Republicans have a track record whether you want to deny it or not and Obama is acting like a Republican regarding Syria which is a shame.

So... because someone else who you cannot name allegedly did something unspecific, that proves your ASSumption about Romney??

Obama is not acting like a Republican in any way, in actuality... he is pretty much doing nothing with Syria and he is acting like a far leftist on his taxation, fiscal spending, etc

Yet tax rates on the rich are still low, fiscal spending is not something Republicans worry about when they are in charge, and arming the Syrian rebels is supported by none other than the Republican presidential candidate from 2008.

McCain is an idiot, he is not a republican or a conservative, he is part to the dem/lib party.

He and obama are on the same path, arm our potential enemies and destroy stable governments. Egypt and Libya are now controlled by radical muslims, and we helped put them in power.

The world is laughing at the stupidity of the US government.
So... because someone else who you cannot name allegedly did something unspecific, that proves your ASSumption about Romney??

Obama is not acting like a Republican in any way, in actuality... he is pretty much doing nothing with Syria and he is acting like a far leftist on his taxation, fiscal spending, etc

Yet tax rates on the rich are still low, fiscal spending is not something Republicans worry about when they are in charge, and arming the Syrian rebels is supported by none other than the Republican presidential candidate from 2008.

McCain is an idiot, he is not a republican or a conservative, he is part to the dem/lib party.

He and obama are on the same path, arm our potential enemies and destroy stable governments. Egypt and Libya are now controlled by radical muslims, and we helped put them in power.

The world is laughing at the stupidity of the US government.

McCain's Shift Makes Him Senate's Most Conservative - NationalJournal.com
Yet tax rates on the rich are still low, fiscal spending is not something Republicans worry about when they are in charge, and arming the Syrian rebels is supported by none other than the Republican presidential candidate from 2008.

McCain is an idiot, he is not a republican or a conservative, he is part to the dem/lib party.

He and obama are on the same path, arm our potential enemies and destroy stable governments. Egypt and Libya are now controlled by radical muslims, and we helped put them in power.

The world is laughing at the stupidity of the US government.

McCain's Shift Makes Him Senate's Most Conservative - NationalJournal.com

McCain needs to retire to arizona and concentrate on cooking ribs on his grill.
To summarize: Obama is so bad that even his most fervent supporters concede that Romney could have been no worse. Thank you.
Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - Page full

Rush: Economy will collapse if Obama re-elected

You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.

Geesus you are one stupid fuck.
The first story only quotes the second story. Neither story predicts the Dow will plunge if Obama is re-elected. They did say the present path of gov't spending will ultimately lead to collapse. Which is not the same thing. Not remotely close. True, but not close to what you claimed.

You are kind of half retarded when it comes to the Dow and the Stock Markey, aren't you?
I do not know much, but I was able to comprehend the first article... Which was picked up by a few right Wing blogs. She also reference Rush once, retard. Her whole blog isn't based on what Rush said.
Those were the first two I saw when googled, there was more. Which you probably realized after googling. You are just too dishonest to admit it.

And thanks for the neg. I missed your mature comments.

I wouldn't call anyone "retarded" with your record here. You made two claims. You didn't support them. Then when you tried to support it you cited articles that did not say what you claimed they say.
You have a record here of making claims you cannot substantiate, throwing irrelevant evidence that also does not substantiate your claims, and then calling people morons or stupid because they call you on it.

Frankly this marks you as having inferior intelligence.
Because I have military experience and it is kind of obvious to anybody with any kind of understanding about military operations.

Benghazi (II): A military analysis of the Fox mystery man's fantasy rescue plan | The Best Defense
SOrry. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see the screen.

Yeah, you had "military experience" what, 10 years ago shoveling shit in an FOB somewhere and that qualifies you to comment on the assets and capabilities that were available at the time. Puhleeze.

But you can?

He made a claim that any rescue operation would have resulted in a "Blackhawk Down" scenario. I asked how he could know such a thing given he does not know what assets we had in the area. What the deployment of Libyans were or their capabilities, what the mission would have been, or any relevant information. His response was that he shoveled shit in a FOB 10 years ago so he knows all about it.

Only a rube would believe that. Which is why you fell for it. I personally do not know any of that information so could not venture a guess as to what would have happened. I do know that lying about it to bolster your re-election chances is beyond contemptible.
SOrry. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see the screen.

Yeah, you had "military experience" what, 10 years ago shoveling shit in an FOB somewhere and that qualifies you to comment on the assets and capabilities that were available at the time. Puhleeze.

But you can?

He made a claim that any rescue operation would have resulted in a "Blackhawk Down" scenario. I asked how he could know such a thing given he does not know what assets we had in the area. What the deployment of Libyans were or their capabilities, what the mission would have been, or any relevant information. His response was that he shoveled shit in a FOB 10 years ago so he knows all about it.

Only a rube would believe that. Which is why you fell for it. I personally do not know any of that information so could not venture a guess as to what would have happened. I do know that lying about it to bolster your re-election chances is beyond contemptible.

So from all your time serving our nation in the military give us your rescue plan you would have used to get them out alive, I am guessing your plan would have been to send John Rambo in because you really loved that movie and he seemed to do a good job getting those P.O.W.'s out of Vietnam. Or maybe Chuck Norris?
Would Romney support cannibals eating their enemies? No. Would Romney give arms to people who will use them to kill children that did nothing wrong? No. Would Romney have enriched his life by taking a vacation costing 100 million dollars while workers are furloughed? No.
Lawyers are supposed to manipulate laws, including bankruptcy laws. That's what they get paid to do. Lawyers don't make money securing their client's assets for the government or the opposition.

obama is a crook who is using the nation's assets as his own private piggy bank. The poor man has to sandwich in the African vacation between the Martha's Vinyard vacation and the European tour vacation.
But you can?

He made a claim that any rescue operation would have resulted in a "Blackhawk Down" scenario. I asked how he could know such a thing given he does not know what assets we had in the area. What the deployment of Libyans were or their capabilities, what the mission would have been, or any relevant information. His response was that he shoveled shit in a FOB 10 years ago so he knows all about it.

Only a rube would believe that. Which is why you fell for it. I personally do not know any of that information so could not venture a guess as to what would have happened. I do know that lying about it to bolster your re-election chances is beyond contemptible.

So from all your time serving our nation in the military give us your rescue plan you would have used to get them out alive, I am guessing your plan would have been to send John Rambo in because you really loved that movie and he seemed to do a good job getting those P.O.W.'s out of Vietnam. Or maybe Chuck Norris?
So you cannot support your assertion. Or refute my characterization of your military service. Got it.

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