Who Would have Been a Better President: Obama or Romney?

He was endorsed by McCain and McCain led the charge to do such.

The question was whether Romney would be a better president than obama. Not what would McCain like better.

obama has been a disaster. He's been a disaster on every issue. He has turned the country into a police state and made a point of arming our worst enemies. Can he not make a good decision? Or, are all his bad decisions by design? Would Romney be a deliberate disaster? No.

Romney's only plan was to cut the taxes rich people pay, he would have been Dubya on steroids and would have personally invested in some defense contractor businesses before sending arms to Syria, need to profit from such warfare.

Absolute hogwash propaganda
The question was whether Romney would be a better president than obama. Not what would McCain like better.

obama has been a disaster. He's been a disaster on every issue. He has turned the country into a police state and made a point of arming our worst enemies. Can he not make a good decision? Or, are all his bad decisions by design? Would Romney be a deliberate disaster? No.

Romney's only plan was to cut the taxes rich people pay, he would have been Dubya on steroids and would have personally invested in some defense contractor businesses before sending arms to Syria, need to profit from such warfare.

Bullshit! no further comment necessary or warranted.

No further comment because you can not dispute it.
The question was whether Romney would be a better president than obama. Not what would McCain like better.

obama has been a disaster. He's been a disaster on every issue. He has turned the country into a police state and made a point of arming our worst enemies. Can he not make a good decision? Or, are all his bad decisions by design? Would Romney be a deliberate disaster? No.

Romney's only plan was to cut the taxes rich people pay, he would have been Dubya on steroids and would have personally invested in some defense contractor businesses before sending arms to Syria, need to profit from such warfare.

Absolute hogwash propaganda

Study: Romney?s Tax Plan Hits Middle Class - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com
I am sure you can provide a link to prove your point.
Oh yeah. You just talk out of your ass. You dont need any proof.
Remember when Obama said he was going to tar and feather everyone making more than $500,000/yr?

Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - Page full

Rush: Economy will collapse if Obama re-elected

You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.

Correction, those are people ON his side speaking. They are not speaking FOR his side. There is a MASSIVE difference. Neither of the cited people have any authority whatsoever. There claims are just that, claims that have no connection to what republicans actually think.

That is an important distinction as making blanket claims about an entire party does not progree the dialogue. It destroys it.

As for the OP, as Obama has had the chance to actually be the president and Romney has not there is nothing to actually compare the two cases. One side is pure speculation so the thought as to whether or not he would be better is based on nothing more than if you are a republican or not. That would be a simpler question to be honest. There is nothing that leads one to put Romney as a better president and the question is useless unless you think that Romney is going to run again.

QFT, in confidence that Luissa won't return to this topic

I am sure you can provide a link to prove your point.
Oh yeah. You just talk out of your ass. You dont need any proof.
Remember when Obama said he was going to tar and feather everyone making more than $500,000/yr?

Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - Page full

Rush: Economy will collapse if Obama re-elected

You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.

Correction, those are people ON his side speaking. They are not speaking FOR his side. There is a MASSIVE difference. Neither of the cited people have any authority whatsoever. There claims are just that, claims that have no connection to what republicans actually think.

That is an important distinction as making blanket claims about an entire party does not progree the dialogue. It destroys it.

As for the OP, as Obama has had the chance to actually be the president and Romney has not there is nothing to actually compare the two cases. One side is pure speculation so the thought as to whether or not he would be better is based on nothing more than if you are a republican or not. That would be a simpler question to be honest. There is nothing that leads one to put Romney as a better president and the question is useless unless you think that Romney is going to run again.

You and Rabbi are having a real hard time with this.
Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - Page full

Rush: Economy will collapse if Obama re-elected

You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.

Correction, those are people ON his side speaking. They are not speaking FOR his side. There is a MASSIVE difference. Neither of the cited people have any authority whatsoever. There claims are just that, claims that have no connection to what republicans actually think.

That is an important distinction as making blanket claims about an entire party does not progree the dialogue. It destroys it.

As for the OP, as Obama has had the chance to actually be the president and Romney has not there is nothing to actually compare the two cases. One side is pure speculation so the thought as to whether or not he would be better is based on nothing more than if you are a republican or not. That would be a simpler question to be honest. There is nothing that leads one to put Romney as a better president and the question is useless unless you think that Romney is going to run again.

QFT, in confidence that Luissa won't return to this topic


You were saying?
I am sorry so many right wingers spoke out of their asses about the elections. You want me to find all the clowns who claimed he wouldn't win.
And If someone like Rush doesn't speak for you, why do you guys pay him so much money? Give him such good ratings? Defend him all the time?
You guys live in some world where you make liberals answer for everything Bill Maher says, but give Rush and Glenn a pass.
I am sure you can provide a link to prove your point.
Oh yeah. You just talk out of your ass. You dont need any proof.
Remember when Obama said he was going to tar and feather everyone making more than $500,000/yr?

Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - Page full

Rush: Economy will collapse if Obama re-elected

You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.

Geesus you are one stupid fuck.
The first story only quotes the second story. Neither story predicts the Dow will plunge if Obama is re-elected. They did say the present path of gov't spending will ultimately lead to collapse. Which is not the same thing. Not remotely close. True, but not close to what you claimed.

You are kind of half retarded when it comes to the Dow and the Stock Markey, aren't you?
I do not know much, but I was able to comprehend the first article... Which was picked up by a few right Wing blogs. She also reference Rush once, retard. Her whole blog isn't based on what Rush said.
Those were the first two I saw when googled, there was more. Which you probably realized after googling. You are just too dishonest to admit it.

And thanks for the neg. I missed your mature comments.
Translation: I've had my azz handed to me so I need to deflect so I dont look like the moron I am.

Sure I have. By you? A man who has to use words like **** when he doesn't like what someone says?
Such a little man.
Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - Page full

Rush: Economy will collapse if Obama re-elected

You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.

Geesus you are one stupid fuck.
The first story only quotes the second story. Neither story predicts the Dow will plunge if Obama is re-elected. They did say the present path of gov't spending will ultimately lead to collapse. Which is not the same thing. Not remotely close. True, but not close to what you claimed.

You are kind of half retarded when it comes to the Dow and the Stock Markey, aren't you?
I do not know much, but I was able to comprehend the first article... Which was picked up by a few right Wing blogs. She also reference Rush once, retard. Her whole blog isn't based on what Rush said.
Those were the first two I saw when googled, there was more. Which you probably realized after googling. You are just too dishonest to admit it.

And thanks for the neg. I missed your mature comments.

I have noticed the nut job cons like to neg and send nasty messages when they get their asses handed to them on here.
You know this because? Oh, right. You just do.

Because I have military experience and it is kind of obvious to anybody with any kind of understanding about military operations.

Benghazi (II): A military analysis of the Fox mystery man's fantasy rescue plan | The Best Defense
SOrry. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see the screen.

Yeah, you had "military experience" what, 10 years ago shoveling shit in an FOB somewhere and that qualifies you to comment on the assets and capabilities that were available at the time. Puhleeze.

But you can?
Romney's only plan was to cut the taxes rich people pay, he would have been Dubya on steroids and would have personally invested in some defense contractor businesses before sending arms to Syria, need to profit from such warfare.

Absolute hogwash propaganda

Study: Romney?s Tax Plan Hits Middle Class - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com

His tax plan was simplification to some degree, lowering rates and 'eliminating' deductions and loopholes... The 'rich' pay while close to 5-% of the adult citizenry pays nothing in income tax.. that is something that will eventually have to be corrected

You have nothing besides your own conspiracy theory brain for your Syria bullshit

As stated.. absolute hogwash propaganda
Both Obama and Romney are Progressives. They are for bigger Government. There would be no difference between the two on this.
If Romney would have gotten elected, we would possibly see The Health Care Act gone and his own type of Health Care put in, like the one in his State of Massachusetts.
We would start seeing businesses doing much better and they would be hiring again
Romney would have had better control on congress and the Government Departments.

His tax plan was simplification to some degree, lowering rates and 'eliminating' deductions and loopholes... The 'rich' pay while close to 5-% of the adult citizenry pays nothing in income tax.. that is something that will eventually have to be corrected

You have nothing besides your own conspiracy theory brain for your Syria bullshit

As stated.. absolute hogwash propaganda

Republicans have a track record whether you want to deny it or not and Obama is acting like a Republican regarding Syria which is a shame.
Geesus you are one stupid fuck.
The first story only quotes the second story. Neither story predicts the Dow will plunge if Obama is re-elected. They did say the present path of gov't spending will ultimately lead to collapse. Which is not the same thing. Not remotely close. True, but not close to what you claimed.

You are kind of half retarded when it comes to the Dow and the Stock Markey, aren't you?
I do not know much, but I was able to comprehend the first article... Which was picked up by a few right Wing blogs. She also reference Rush once, retard. Her whole blog isn't based on what Rush said.
Those were the first two I saw when googled, there was more. Which you probably realized after googling. You are just too dishonest to admit it.

And thanks for the neg. I missed your mature comments.

I have noticed the nut job cons like to neg and send nasty messages when they get their asses handed to them on here.

Rabbi used to love to fly by me with negs, the comment was usually calling me a **** or something else. He is a very small man.
Some times I think he just negged to just neg. I think all we had to be is a liberal. He is the type who is all about party, and he doesn't think his party can do no wrong.
Everyone and their dog knows people on the right predicted the Dow would tank when Obama was elected in 2008 And again when he was reelected. He is also the type to Blame Obama for the recession and completely forget who really had a Part in it.
Correction, those are people ON his side speaking. They are not speaking FOR his side. There is a MASSIVE difference. Neither of the cited people have any authority whatsoever. There claims are just that, claims that have no connection to what republicans actually think.

That is an important distinction as making blanket claims about an entire party does not progree the dialogue. It destroys it.

As for the OP, as Obama has had the chance to actually be the president and Romney has not there is nothing to actually compare the two cases. One side is pure speculation so the thought as to whether or not he would be better is based on nothing more than if you are a republican or not. That would be a simpler question to be honest. There is nothing that leads one to put Romney as a better president and the question is useless unless you think that Romney is going to run again.

QFT, in confidence that Luissa won't return to this topic


You were saying?
I am sorry so many right wingers spoke out of their asses about the elections. You want me to find all the clowns who claimed he wouldn't win.
And If someone like Rush doesn't speak for you, why do you guys pay him so much money? Give him such good ratings? Defend him all the time?
You guys live in some world where you make liberals answer for everything Bill Maher says, but give Rush and Glenn a pass.

Good morning!
Guess I put my foot in my mouth early, hunh.

Yes, alot of RWs talked shit. That doesn't mean that includes present company.
The most I ever hear from or about Rush, I see on here, posted by "your side's" wingnuts.
Bill Maher's an idiot and I don't associate him with even Franco, much less you or any other left-leaners.

His tax plan was simplification to some degree, lowering rates and 'eliminating' deductions and loopholes... The 'rich' pay while close to 5-% of the adult citizenry pays nothing in income tax.. that is something that will eventually have to be corrected

You have nothing besides your own conspiracy theory brain for your Syria bullshit

As stated.. absolute hogwash propaganda

Republicans have a track record whether you want to deny it or not and Obama is acting like a Republican regarding Syria which is a shame.

So... because someone else who you cannot name allegedly did something unspecific, that proves your ASSumption about Romney??

Obama is not acting like a Republican in any way, in actuality... he is pretty much doing nothing with Syria and he is acting like a far leftist on his taxation, fiscal spending, etc

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