Who Would have Been a Better President: Obama or Romney?

This post isn't a question. It's an unsupported opinion. Romney would have been beholden to the concentrated corporate wealth which funds movement conservatism, which seeks to preserve anti-competitive monopolies in our largest sectors, heath insurance and energy. And he would have rekindled the war on terrorism in order to scare well-meaning patriots into supporting an interventionist foreign policy. Bush II. Is Obama better? Barely.

At the end of the day, under either Pres., we live in Ronald Reagan's America: Big business and big money control Washington through an unprecedented lobbying and election-funding machine. And then, when voters experience the corrupt effect of the private sector's ownership of Washington, the news media, also owned by the wealthy private sector, blames something very thing which they own: government. The whole point of the modern Republican Party is to fool people about who really controls Washington. This allows them to enjoy the benefits of centralize power without being accountable for how much their policies have hurt the middle class, and the needed demand for robust domestic consumption
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A load of crap, they loaded many viable companies with debt and then cashed out.

So, you think that perfectly viable and healthy companies go searching for venture capitalists to destroy them? You think that you are more qualified to determine that a company needs venture capital and thinks Bain can help than the experts and owners of that company? Pathetic.

That is a seriously misguided concept. There is a reason that these companies go and LOOK for venture capitalist funds. They don’t vulture anything. The business comes to them and then they attempt to recover it. Sometimes that does not work and other times it does.

He's bought products from major companies so that qualifies him to give an opinion. Just like he was a fobbit 10 years ago so is perfectly qualified to discuss logistics of operations.

Still waiting for you to provide your opinion based on your many years of military service to our nation about how we should have conducted the Benghazi rescue.
No, you're confusing reality with the movie Wall Street. Your inability to distinguish truth from fantasy accounts for many of your posts. You seem to imagine yourself as a capable military commander, despite having been nothing more than a fobbit.

Still waiting to hear your expert military opinion regarding your Benghazi rescue plan.

I dont know enough details to form a reasonable plan.

You should try that line sometime. It will make you look less stupid and ignorant than you do.

And yet you think a rescue was a viable option.
No, you're confusing reality with the movie Wall Street. Your inability to distinguish truth from fantasy accounts for many of your posts. You seem to imagine yourself as a capable military commander, despite having been nothing more than a fobbit.

Still waiting to hear your expert military opinion regarding your Benghazi rescue plan.

I dont know enough details to form a reasonable plan.

You should try that line sometime. It will make you look less stupid and ignorant than you do.

No offense, but it seems you're always saying how little you know. Perhaps it's time to spend some time with Google? Just sayin'.
Still waiting to hear your expert military opinion regarding your Benghazi rescue plan.

I dont know enough details to form a reasonable plan.

You should try that line sometime. It will make you look less stupid and ignorant than you do.

No offense, but it seems you're always saying how little you know. Perhaps it's time to spend some time with Google? Just sayin'.

See, RDont, this is the issue. Not everything is available on Google. It takes more than a 2 minute search to form an authoritative opinion. I realzie that never stopped you, but for people with actual college educations we understand that depth of knowledge requires concerted effort beyond a Google search.
A smart person knows what he doesn't know. You are the opposite of that.
I dont know enough details to form a reasonable plan.

You should try that line sometime. It will make you look less stupid and ignorant than you do.

No offense, but it seems you're always saying how little you know. Perhaps it's time to spend some time with Google? Just sayin'.

See, RDont, this is the issue. Not everything is available on Google. It takes more than a 2 minute search to form an authoritative opinion. I realzie that never stopped you, but for people with actual college educations we understand that depth of knowledge requires concerted effort beyond a Google search.
A smart person knows what he doesn't know. You are the opposite of that.

Don't put "college education" and "we" into the same sentence. It will make your nose grow.
No offense, but it seems you're always saying how little you know. Perhaps it's time to spend some time with Google? Just sayin'.

See, RDont, this is the issue. Not everything is available on Google. It takes more than a 2 minute search to form an authoritative opinion. I realzie that never stopped you, but for people with actual college educations we understand that depth of knowledge requires concerted effort beyond a Google search.
A smart person knows what he doesn't know. You are the opposite of that.

Don't put "college education" and "we" into the same sentence. It will make your nose grow.

You're right. I should have said "for people with actual college educations, I and others understand..." I should have left you out of it completely as you clearly have a 9th grade education.
Still waiting to hear your expert military opinion regarding your Benghazi rescue plan.

I dont know enough details to form a reasonable plan.

You should try that line sometime. It will make you look less stupid and ignorant than you do.

And yet you think a rescue was a viable option.

the point is that they did not even try to rescue those people, they told the military to stand down and let them die.

A rescue might have failed or might have succeeded, but they did not even TRY.

thats the scandal. they were afraid that a terrorist attack would hurt obama's reelection chances, so the tried to sweep it under the rug and pretend it was just random street violence caused by a stupid video that only 10 people in the entire world had seen.

the whole lot of them should be jailed for treason.
I dont know enough details to form a reasonable plan.

You should try that line sometime. It will make you look less stupid and ignorant than you do.

And yet you think a rescue was a viable option.

the point is that they did not even try to rescue those people, they told the military to stand down and let them die.

A rescue might have failed or might have succeeded, but they did not even TRY.

thats the scandal. they were afraid that a terrorist attack would hurt obama's reelection chances, so the tried to sweep it under the rug and pretend it was just random street violence caused by a stupid video that only 10 people in the entire world had seen.

the whole lot of them should be jailed for treason.

They did not try a rescue because military operations take planning and there is no scandal.

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