Who Would have Been a Better President: Obama or Romney?

Someone please stop this bullshit train.

President Obama did nothing to dishonor the life of Ambassador Stevens....or any of those who dies that day. This storyline does not have legs......stop propping it up with comments like that.

The deaths of those men COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PREVENTED given the state of the security at the consulate. Fucking fuck!

The hell he did! He left them there to die without support much like King David hung Uriah out to dry. That is dishonorable no matter how you slice it. He did nothing at all for them. He didn't even lift a finger.

Had he made some kind of effort even a failed one, it would have at least been an effort.

Maybe they could not have been saved, but doing nothing was frigging cowardly.


Any rescue attempt by the military more than likely would have became a Blackhawk down situation rather than a rescue, a rescue was not doable.

You know this because? Oh, right. You just do.
Take your avatar for example. How many right wingers would flip their lid if it was about Laura?
Didn't the right wing guarantee the DOW was going to tank if President Obama was re-elected.

Super Tuesday: Dow closes at record high

NO I dont recall anyone guaranteeing that. Do you have a link? Or did you just pull this one out of your ass?

You don't pay too much attention to what the right says, do you?
You guys love to ignore what your side does. It's pretty funny to watch.

I'm sure you can provide a link or two to someone credible predicting the Dow collapsing in the wake of an Obama victory.
Your ability to sling shit regardless of evidence is pretty funny to watch.
Take your avatar for example. How many right wingers would flip their lid if it was about Laura?

Um, none? How many have "flipped their lid" about that moron with the Paul Ryan avatar? Yeah, none. Get over it.
If Romney were elected, we'd be at war with Iran, with $15/gal gasoline, massive unemployment as a result.

And everyone knows this.

I actually disagree with that.

I doubt Romney would have bothered the Generals and Admirals much. His worldview is the stuff of Candyland.
Take your avatar for example. How many right wingers would flip their lid if it was about Laura?

Um, none? How many have "flipped their lid" about that moron with the Paul Ryan avatar? Yeah, none. Get over it.

I could care less about your avatar, I have never held you in high regard... But do you always live in fantasy land?
No one would flip out? Ha! You really do ignore how your side acts.
NO I dont recall anyone guaranteeing that. Do you have a link? Or did you just pull this one out of your ass?

You don't pay too much attention to what the right says, do you?
You guys love to ignore what your side does. It's pretty funny to watch.

I'm sure you can provide a link or two to someone credible predicting the Dow collapsing in the wake of an Obama victory.
Your ability to sling shit regardless of evidence is pretty funny to watch.

First off he never said credible and neither did you. He said right wing. And all I had to do is google it. Plus I remember many on this board claiming the same.

As for your last bit. Sure.
Take your avatar for example. How many right wingers would flip their lid if it was about Laura?

Um, none? How many have "flipped their lid" about that moron with the Paul Ryan avatar? Yeah, none. Get over it.

I could care less about your avatar, I have never held you in high regard... But do you always live in fantasy land?
No one would flip out? Ha! You really do ignore how your side acts.

OK so no one has objected to someone else's avatar because it made fun of a conservative figure. Got it.
You're talking out of your ass. Again.
You don't pay too much attention to what the right says, do you?
You guys love to ignore what your side does. It's pretty funny to watch.

I'm sure you can provide a link or two to someone credible predicting the Dow collapsing in the wake of an Obama victory.
Your ability to sling shit regardless of evidence is pretty funny to watch.

First off he never said credible and neither did you. He said right wing. And all I had to do is google it. Plus I remember many on this board claiming the same.

As for your last bit. Sure.

I am sure you can provide a link to prove your point.
Oh yeah. You just talk out of your ass. You dont need any proof.
Remember when Obama said he was going to tar and feather everyone making more than $500,000/yr?
Um, none? How many have "flipped their lid" about that moron with the Paul Ryan avatar? Yeah, none. Get over it.

I could care less about your avatar, I have never held you in high regard... But do you always live in fantasy land?
No one would flip out? Ha! You really do ignore how your side acts.

OK so no one has objected to someone else's avatar because it made fun of a conservative figure. Got it.
You're talking out of your ass. Again.

Did I say that? Per Usual, you are always talking out of your ass.
I could care less about your avatar, I have never held you in high regard... But do you always live in fantasy land?
No one would flip out? Ha! You really do ignore how your side acts.

OK so no one has objected to someone else's avatar because it made fun of a conservative figure. Got it.
You're talking out of your ass. Again.

Did I say that? Per Usual, you are always talking out of your ass.

Yup. You did. Don't backtrack and claim you didnt say something when you obviously did. Your credibility is already at a low point because of your incessant ass-talking. Don't make it worse.
I'm sure you can provide a link or two to someone credible predicting the Dow collapsing in the wake of an Obama victory.
Your ability to sling shit regardless of evidence is pretty funny to watch.

First off he never said credible and neither did you. He said right wing. And all I had to do is google it. Plus I remember many on this board claiming the same.

As for your last bit. Sure.

I am sure you can provide a link to prove your point.
Oh yeah. You just talk out of your ass. You dont need any proof.
Remember when Obama said he was going to tar and feather everyone making more than $500,000/yr?



You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.
OK so no one has objected to someone else's avatar because it made fun of a conservative figure. Got it.
You're talking out of your ass. Again.

Did I say that? Per Usual, you are always talking out of your ass.

Yup. You did. Don't backtrack and claim you didnt say something when you obviously did. Your credibility is already at a low point because of your incessant ass-talking. Don't make it worse.

Show me where I said no one has objected to an avatar making fun of a conservative. I will be waiting.
And how many blamed the Dow dropping the day after the election on Obama? Even thought there was a crisis in Europe.

You are a moron, Rabbi. And you, someone who used to love to leave nice little comments when negging, should never comment on anyone speaking out of their ass.
You are an angry little man.
First off he never said credible and neither did you. He said right wing. And all I had to do is google it. Plus I remember many on this board claiming the same.

As for your last bit. Sure.

I am sure you can provide a link to prove your point.
Oh yeah. You just talk out of your ass. You dont need any proof.
Remember when Obama said he was going to tar and feather everyone making more than $500,000/yr?

Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - Page full

Rush: Economy will collapse if Obama re-elected

You can find a few right wing blogs that ran the first story.

Do you need more links? These are the people speaking for your side.

Correction, those are people ON his side speaking. They are not speaking FOR his side. There is a MASSIVE difference. Neither of the cited people have any authority whatsoever. There claims are just that, claims that have no connection to what republicans actually think.

That is an important distinction as making blanket claims about an entire party does not progree the dialogue. It destroys it.

As for the OP, as Obama has had the chance to actually be the president and Romney has not there is nothing to actually compare the two cases. One side is pure speculation so the thought as to whether or not he would be better is based on nothing more than if you are a republican or not. That would be a simpler question to be honest. There is nothing that leads one to put Romney as a better president and the question is useless unless you think that Romney is going to run again.
There is very little difference between the two. Romney would've been less abrasive and probably have intilled a better business climate. Romney would not have done anything about out-of-control military spending which is putting us in the poorhouse, either.
The hell he did! He left them there to die without support much like King David hung Uriah out to dry. That is dishonorable no matter how you slice it. He did nothing at all for them. He didn't even lift a finger.

Had he made some kind of effort even a failed one, it would have at least been an effort.

Maybe they could not have been saved, but doing nothing was frigging cowardly.


Any rescue attempt by the military more than likely would have became a Blackhawk down situation rather than a rescue, a rescue was not doable.

You know this because? Oh, right. You just do.

Because I have military experience and it is kind of obvious to anybody with any kind of understanding about military operations.

Benghazi (II): A military analysis of the Fox mystery man's fantasy rescue plan | The Best Defense

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