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Who would you like to see be the Republican Nominee for President in 2024?

Who would you like to see be the Republican Nominee for President in 2024?

  • John Kasich

  • Donald Trump

Results are only viewable after voting.
Its funny watching democrats pick a GOP candidate for president.
My list is much different. Trump is over, in 4-years he will be way over.
That said, if its Trump or Kamala, I'd proudly vote for Trump.

My primary preferences to take Kamala on are:
Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
My wish list candidate is Elon Musk.

On my RINO never list is Kasich, Romney, Ryan, and every never-Trumper

Kamala won't be running for President until 2028. Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for 2024. For Kamala to be running in 2024, she would have to announce her campaign just two years from now in January 2023. Highly unlikely.

I could never support the Republicans you list because of their support for Trump:

Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
My wish list candidate is Elon Musk.

I also think the only way Trump is done is if the Senate is able to convict him and then disqualify him from holding public office again. Otherwise, Trump will run again, because the support base is simply too large for him to not run. The only one that could challenge him for the nomination would be a Never Trumper like Kasich, and right now with this poll, Kasich is getting crushed.
1. We disagree about Joe Biden. IMHO its 50/50 he makes it to 2024 without getting the 25th boot from Nancy. He is barely coherent now and he's on the job a week.

2. If Joe is too old in 2024 Kamala would be up next for the dems. You can say run Joe again, but I can't picture Joe in 4-years being functional.

3. Democrats with TDS can make up all kinds of Trump related excuses, but we all know democrats vote for democrats unless there is a good reason to vote for a Republican, like in 2016 a lot of union workers liked Trump over Hillary. How many of the laid off Keystone pipeline workers will vote democrat in 2022 and 2024? None.

4. Trump could try to run in 2024, but IMHO he won't get the nomination. If he would win the nomination I'd vote for him over Kamala (or Joe).

5. You are very wrong about a Never-Trumper ever getting nominated again, they are all done, as your poll shows. I didn't even vote in that poll. Establishment Republicans are "conservative globalists" and we want "America First Populists". IMHO by 2024 the voters will have had more than enough of the democrat's policies.

1. Joe Biden has done more work as President-Elect for the past two months as well as speaking to the American People, than Donald Trump did for four years as President. Joe Biden is just fine and Nancy Pelosi who is 3 years older than Joe Biden is going to do everything she can to support Joe Biden.

2. Senator Diane Feinstein turns 88 this summer as does Representative Don Young. Both are ten years older than Biden. There are 7 serving U.S. Senators and 17 serving U.S. Representatives older than Biden, so this idea that he is too old is just ageism.

3. Keystone Pipeline workers won't be the deciding factor in the elections of 2022 or 2024.

4. The only one that could take away the nomination from Trump is a never Trumper and it does not appear the party has switched away from Trump to that degree. No one on the pro Trump side of the party is going to run against Trump if he runs in 2024. None of them have Trump's base of support which is much larger than it was in 2016.

5. The Democrats will prove more united in 2024 than the Republicans will be.
1. Joe Xiden is losing it, he signed a few EOs, meh. He really pissed off Canada. All he can actually do is read from the teleprompter and listen to the guy in his earpiece. Joe killed more jobs in a week, and lost more voters than he "won" the election by. Wait until energy prices start to skyrocket. People will miss Trump's "good old days".

2. Look at Xiden, listen to Xiden, he's a few days into his term and has zero command of facts. He can't do a real press conference, only ones where he can read the teleprompter. I'm just waiting for Nancy to 25th his pruny ass.

3. Keystone pipeline workers and the entire energy sector, as well as energy consumers, and counting, will be the deciding factor. As Xiden rolls out the democrat's agenda, more voters regret their votes for him.

4. You have no clue when you expound about Republicans. Never-Trumpers are pyrrhias, ugly lepers who might as well become democrats. Any "Never-Trumper" who runs in any primary will get single digit votes, just friends and family. True, Trump still has a significant following, but we realize that to win a national election you can't alienate women and minorities. As General Kelly said, "Trump is a very flawed man". But Trump started the populist GOP and is gaining "America First" democrats every time Xiden loses US jobs.

Look for many of these to enter the 2024 primary to take on Kamala.
Mike Pence, Trump's VP, competent, paid his dues
Mike Pompeo, 1st in his class at West Point, Secretary of State
Ted Cruz, Senator, runner-up to Trump in 2016, super smart
Nikki Haley, ex-governor, should get women vote
Dan Crenshaw, ex-Navy Seal, Lt. Commander.
Tom Cotton, ex-Army Captain, combat vet.
Josh Hawley, Senator, very smart high-end lawyer from Yale.
Ron Desantis, FL governor, doing a great job
Jim Jordan, OH congressman, fearless, tough as nails

VPs: Tim Scott if its Nikki Haley, and Kristi Noem if its a guy.

1. Joe Biden has already fielded more questions from reporters, as President Elect and now President, than Trump did during his entire term. After he lays out proposals and plans, he takes questions from the media. The idea that he is unfit for office because of his mental state is a myth.

2. Again, he has already spent more time answering questions from the media than Trump did during his entire 4 years in office. Trump did not know anything about being President or any elected office for that matter before he started as President. After four years, its clear by Trump's behavior that he did not learn anything either. Biden is going to be fine. As for Trump, he has all kinds of legal issues to deal with now in addition to a Senate Trial.

3. There are plenty of parts of the Energy Sector that would actually benefit from there not being a Keystone Pipeline.

4. Most Republicans and Democrats to a certain degree are zombies simply following whatever their political party chooses in terms of leaders and policies. That is the only way one can explain a party nominating and supporting George W. Bush who is the opposite of Donald J. Trump when it comes to beliefs and policies they support.

5. Never Trumpers will eventually retake the Republican party because they are simply closer to the political center of the country and which makes them more competitive in national elections. The Republican Party wants to win and will eventually return to candidates that are most competitive at the national level. Trumpism, although popular for a while, is a declining movement. Trump failed to win the popular vote in 2016 and in 2020. Trump only averaged 41% approval over his entire time, which is the worst average approval rating for any President in history according to the GALLUP POLL.
1. Trump had real pressers nearly every day, he holds the record, so stop lying. Trump fielded all questions from a very hostile press. Even with a sycophant press Xiden refuses to do a real press conference. We know Joe is unfit even if you don't admit it.

2. Joe hid in his basement during the campaign, and now never does a real press conference. As Xiden rolls-out the democrat agenda, he pissed off Canada and is costing US energy jobs. Voters will make a course correction in the 2022 and 2024 mid-terms.

3. I see words with no link. Prove the US energy sector is better w/o the Keystone pipeline. That's a lie.

4. Voters have complex algorithms for deciding who to vote for, and those votes need to be protected from voter fraud. Many voters vote "policies" rather than personalities. Xiden's open borders is not playing well.

5. Never-Trump globalists are closer to the middle of the country than Trump's America First populism? WTF are you smokin? Agreed that Trump had unnecessarily high negatives. The 1st debate showed that he still does not understand politics. If Trump had a softer persona he would have won in a landslide. My wife calls him an ill mannered bully who was apparently raised by wolves. She prefers presidents to be presidential.
This thread is depressing and makes me ill. LOL

Its hypothetical base on Trump still being legally able to run in 2024. It appears he has retained much of his base of support, which would prevent any like minded individuals from running if Trump decides to run. The only question is could a never Trumper challenge him for the nomination, and right now Kasich, the most likely never Trumper to challenge Trump in 2024 is losing by a landslide.

Did you miss the fact that he addressed the Democrat National Convention? He is a Democrat!

Republicans that care about the country more than their political party voted for BIDEN in the 2020 election. John Kasich is an American FIRST, being a member of the Republican Party is further down the list. The fact that he was willing to address the Democratic National Convention in order to help defeat Trump who was treasonous foreign agent for Putin while President, is why every Republican should support Kasich in 2024!
Not many RINOs voted for Biden over Trump.
If Kasich did, that just shows how stupid he is. I don't see Biden rewarding Kasich with a cabinet post?!
Your slimy smear of Trump as anything other than a great American president is just partisan TDS. The democrat coxuckers also called Tulsi Gabbard a Putin stooge. She is a veteran, more loyal to the US than any of the socialists.
Kasich is done as a Republican, trust me. Beating Kamala should be easy, if we can keep the democrat cheating to a minimum.

Well, certainly none of them voted for Trump. Trump lost the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives over his four years as President. Trump has the lowest average approval rating as President, 41% in the GALLUP, of any President in U.S. history. The United States is lucky to be rid of Trump and the influence of his supporters in congress. After nearly half a million dead from covid-19, the United States can finally get a on a path to defeating Covid-19 and saving lives. Trump did virtually nothing to fight Covid-19 while he was in office which explains the following:

It should be noted that while Israel infection rate is high, they have already vaccinated 40% of their population compared to the United States which has only vaccinated 5% of its population. The United States has to start over on its strategy to vaccinate the population because Trump never really had a plan. Explains why Israel is at 40% while the United States is only at 5%.
1. Polls are garbage, just ask Hillary and her 95% probability of winning, as well as the 2020 "blue wave".
Trump lost primarily due to voter fraud, the GOP gained House seats and didn't lose any, and the senate was lost by GOP stupidity running Doug Collins against fellow Republican Kelly Loeffler, not any anti-Trump vote.

2. If Trump did nothing to fight covid-19, why do we have (5) covid-19 vaccines in 8-months? That is a medical miracle. It normally takes years to develop vaccines. You're welcome. Look what the vaccines are doing to the infection rate, no thanks to Biden and the democrats,
View attachment 448446

11 months, and what exactly did Trump do to develop the vaccines. Remember this classic from Trump about what to do about Covid-19:

Sarah Cooper Impersonating Trump Compilation (lip sync parody) - YouTube

Getting ultraviolet light into the body or injecting bleach? No wonder the United States is in the top 10 for the worst per capita infections and deaths from covid-19.

430,000 Americans are dead now from covid-19! In TAIWAN, only 7 have died from covid-19!

How and why?

Travel ban of all countries on January 20, 2020. That was then followed by allowing selected people to enter the country if they quarantined for a minimum of 14 days in Taiwan Quarantine hotels. The Quarantine rules were strict. One man went into the hallway of his Quarantine hotel for 8 seconds and was fined $4,000 dollars.

There was a tiny bit of penetration of the virus into Taiwan, probably prior to the January 20, 2020 travel ban. It took three months to stamp out completely. There has been no transmission of the virus in Taiwan since April of 2020. Last person to die of coronavirus in Taiwan died, on May 11, 2020.

The only reported cases of Covid-19 in Taiwan are citizens that are returning to the country from abroad, but the virus never spreads from them because they all must spend a minimum 14 days in a Taiwan quarantine hotel upon arrival in the country.

Do you honestly think you could get away with such bullshit here?

Certainly. The United States drafted 16 million men and women out of their lives, jobs, and sent them overseas to fight in a bloody war in the 1940s. Banning travel entry from other countries and enforcing 14 day quarantines is peanuts compared to what the United States did in World War II.
Who would you like to see be the Republican Nominee for President in 2024?

A. John Kasich

B. Donald Trump
C —- Dan Crenshaw. Why only those two choices?

Its a way of testing Trump's currently popularity against a "Never Trumper" challenger. A one on one matchup like this is the best way to judge the mood of the party. Although, there are obviously people who are not members of the Republican Party voting in the poll. With 70% of the vote so far, it looks like Trump still has a tight, nearly unchallengeable hold on the Republican Party.

At this point, it appears that if the Senate fails to convict Trump and then disqualify him from holding further elected public office, then he remains the top Republican candidate to run for President in 2024.

The only way Trump loses to someone else in 2024, is if the party can gather around one other candidate. 2016 showed that having multiple candidates in the race just split the opposition vote against Trump making it easy to power his way into the nomination. Trump now has a larger base then he had in 2016. The only way Trump loses is if there just one other candidate in the race against him and they are able to beat him to that 50.1% mark. Hands down, a divided field against Trump, even if its only two or three candidates, would hand Trump the nomination.
Again, what if Dan Crenshaw is the choice vs. Trump. Crenshaw is not a never Trumper per se but he also scolded what happened on Jan 6th. He is sort of in between and a great person with strong character and intellect. Why not him or Trump and see what the poll shows then? Kasich isn't overly charismatic or popular so by default many may be choosing Trump. Is that possible?

Well, that could be the focus of another poll. The problem is I don't think many people know who Dan Crenshaw is, which is automatically bad news for the unknown candidate in a poll match up. People overwhelmingly go with the candidate they know as opposed to the one they know nothing about.

Another problem with selecting someone who is already sort with Team Trump is that people are more likely to vote for the real thing rather than a substitute.

If Trump is able and decides to run in 2024, its most likely his only challenger will be a never Trumper like Kasich. The challenge, contest in the Republican party now is between Trumpism and never Trumpers. If Donald Trump does not run again, I think a Ted Cruz or Dan Crenshaw run would not generate as much support as Donald Trump, and make a Kasich run easier.

Ironically, if Kasich was the lone never Trumper in nominee field without Trump, there would likely be several Trumpers dividing up the Trumpist vote, which might make it easier for Kasich to squeeze into the nomination.
Nikki Haley likely runs and you'd be surprised at how well Crenshaw is known. Not many knew about Obama when he ran the first time.

But would Nikki Haley or Dan Crenshaw run if Donald Trump is running? I don't think so.

Obama gained huge visibility after speaking at the Democratic National Convention in August 2004. He was then elected to the Senate in November 2004, and his star just took off. When Obama announced he was running for President in January 2007, it was a media event and consider by many to be and overdue declaration to run.
Only way I see Trump running is if Biden completely flames out. Meaning aside from his horrible EOs thus far, a terror act occurs here due to his immigration and or anti terror policies, COVID-19 remains with us, stock market crashes, etc.

It would have to be an abominable overall environment where Trump can say "See having me was way better"

I give that a less than 1% chance.
Who would you like to see be the Republican Nominee for President in 2024?

A. John Kasich

B. Donald Trump
C —- Dan Crenshaw. Why only those two choices?

Its a way of testing Trump's currently popularity against a "Never Trumper" challenger. A one on one matchup like this is the best way to judge the mood of the party. Although, there are obviously people who are not members of the Republican Party voting in the poll. With 70% of the vote so far, it looks like Trump still has a tight, nearly unchallengeable hold on the Republican Party.

At this point, it appears that if the Senate fails to convict Trump and then disqualify him from holding further elected public office, then he remains the top Republican candidate to run for President in 2024.

The only way Trump loses to someone else in 2024, is if the party can gather around one other candidate. 2016 showed that having multiple candidates in the race just split the opposition vote against Trump making it easy to power his way into the nomination. Trump now has a larger base then he had in 2016. The only way Trump loses is if there just one other candidate in the race against him and they are able to beat him to that 50.1% mark. Hands down, a divided field against Trump, even if its only two or three candidates, would hand Trump the nomination.
You also need to factor in who the democrats have in 2024...Kamala Harris.

Its going to be Joe Biden in 2024. This assumption that its going to be Harris will totally fall apart after early 2023, just two years from now, when nothing on that front happens.
OK, I hear your prediction, Biden not Harris in 2024.
If the US economy tanks because Joe keeps killing jobs, it won't matter who the democrats run.

p.s. Have you noticed my thread/poll of real GOP primary candidates for 2024? Trump is winning by a mile.
Its funny watching democrats pick a GOP candidate for president.
My list is much different. Trump is over, in 4-years he will be way over.
That said, if its Trump or Kamala, I'd proudly vote for Trump.

My primary preferences to take Kamala on are:
Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
My wish list candidate is Elon Musk.

On my RINO never list is Kasich, Romney, Ryan, and every never-Trumper

Kamala won't be running for President until 2028. Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for 2024. For Kamala to be running in 2024, she would have to announce her campaign just two years from now in January 2023. Highly unlikely.

I could never support the Republicans you list because of their support for Trump:

Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
My wish list candidate is Elon Musk.

I also think the only way Trump is done is if the Senate is able to convict him and then disqualify him from holding public office again. Otherwise, Trump will run again, because the support base is simply too large for him to not run. The only one that could challenge him for the nomination would be a Never Trumper like Kasich, and right now with this poll, Kasich is getting crushed.
1. We disagree about Joe Biden. IMHO its 50/50 he makes it to 2024 without getting the 25th boot from Nancy. He is barely coherent now and he's on the job a week.

2. If Joe is too old in 2024 Kamala would be up next for the dems. You can say run Joe again, but I can't picture Joe in 4-years being functional.

3. Democrats with TDS can make up all kinds of Trump related excuses, but we all know democrats vote for democrats unless there is a good reason to vote for a Republican, like in 2016 a lot of union workers liked Trump over Hillary. How many of the laid off Keystone pipeline workers will vote democrat in 2022 and 2024? None.

4. Trump could try to run in 2024, but IMHO he won't get the nomination. If he would win the nomination I'd vote for him over Kamala (or Joe).

5. You are very wrong about a Never-Trumper ever getting nominated again, they are all done, as your poll shows. I didn't even vote in that poll. Establishment Republicans are "conservative globalists" and we want "America First Populists". IMHO by 2024 the voters will have had more than enough of the democrat's policies.

1. Joe Biden has done more work as President-Elect for the past two months as well as speaking to the American People, than Donald Trump did for four years as President. Joe Biden is just fine and Nancy Pelosi who is 3 years older than Joe Biden is going to do everything she can to support Joe Biden.

2. Senator Diane Feinstein turns 88 this summer as does Representative Don Young. Both are ten years older than Biden. There are 7 serving U.S. Senators and 17 serving U.S. Representatives older than Biden, so this idea that he is too old is just ageism.

3. Keystone Pipeline workers won't be the deciding factor in the elections of 2022 or 2024.

4. The only one that could take away the nomination from Trump is a never Trumper and it does not appear the party has switched away from Trump to that degree. No one on the pro Trump side of the party is going to run against Trump if he runs in 2024. None of them have Trump's base of support which is much larger than it was in 2016.

5. The Democrats will prove more united in 2024 than the Republicans will be.
1. Joe Xiden is losing it, he signed a few EOs, meh. He really pissed off Canada. All he can actually do is read from the teleprompter and listen to the guy in his earpiece. Joe killed more jobs in a week, and lost more voters than he "won" the election by. Wait until energy prices start to skyrocket. People will miss Trump's "good old days".

2. Look at Xiden, listen to Xiden, he's a few days into his term and has zero command of facts. He can't do a real press conference, only ones where he can read the teleprompter. I'm just waiting for Nancy to 25th his pruny ass.

3. Keystone pipeline workers and the entire energy sector, as well as energy consumers, and counting, will be the deciding factor. As Xiden rolls out the democrat's agenda, more voters regret their votes for him.

4. You have no clue when you expound about Republicans. Never-Trumpers are pyrrhias, ugly lepers who might as well become democrats. Any "Never-Trumper" who runs in any primary will get single digit votes, just friends and family. True, Trump still has a significant following, but we realize that to win a national election you can't alienate women and minorities. As General Kelly said, "Trump is a very flawed man". But Trump started the populist GOP and is gaining "America First" democrats every time Xiden loses US jobs.

Look for many of these to enter the 2024 primary to take on Kamala.
Mike Pence, Trump's VP, competent, paid his dues
Mike Pompeo, 1st in his class at West Point, Secretary of State
Ted Cruz, Senator, runner-up to Trump in 2016, super smart
Nikki Haley, ex-governor, should get women vote
Dan Crenshaw, ex-Navy Seal, Lt. Commander.
Tom Cotton, ex-Army Captain, combat vet.
Josh Hawley, Senator, very smart high-end lawyer from Yale.
Ron Desantis, FL governor, doing a great job
Jim Jordan, OH congressman, fearless, tough as nails

VPs: Tim Scott if its Nikki Haley, and Kristi Noem if its a guy.

1. Joe Biden has already fielded more questions from reporters, as President Elect and now President, than Trump did during his entire term. After he lays out proposals and plans, he takes questions from the media. The idea that he is unfit for office because of his mental state is a myth.

2. Again, he has already spent more time answering questions from the media than Trump did during his entire 4 years in office. Trump did not know anything about being President or any elected office for that matter before he started as President. After four years, its clear by Trump's behavior that he did not learn anything either. Biden is going to be fine. As for Trump, he has all kinds of legal issues to deal with now in addition to a Senate Trial.

3. There are plenty of parts of the Energy Sector that would actually benefit from there not being a Keystone Pipeline.

4. Most Republicans and Democrats to a certain degree are zombies simply following whatever their political party chooses in terms of leaders and policies. That is the only way one can explain a party nominating and supporting George W. Bush who is the opposite of Donald J. Trump when it comes to beliefs and policies they support.

5. Never Trumpers will eventually retake the Republican party because they are simply closer to the political center of the country and which makes them more competitive in national elections. The Republican Party wants to win and will eventually return to candidates that are most competitive at the national level. Trumpism, although popular for a while, is a declining movement. Trump failed to win the popular vote in 2016 and in 2020. Trump only averaged 41% approval over his entire time, which is the worst average approval rating for any President in history according to the GALLUP POLL.
1. Trump had real pressers nearly every day, he holds the record, so stop lying. Trump fielded all questions from a very hostile press. Even with a sycophant press Xiden refuses to do a real press conference. We know Joe is unfit even if you don't admit it.

2. Joe hid in his basement during the campaign, and now never does a real press conference. As Xiden rolls-out the democrat agenda, he pissed off Canada and is costing US energy jobs. Voters will make a course correction in the 2022 and 2024 mid-terms.

3. I see words with no link. Prove the US energy sector is better w/o the Keystone pipeline. That's a lie.

4. Voters have complex algorithms for deciding who to vote for, and those votes need to be protected from voter fraud. Many voters vote "policies" rather than personalities. Xiden's open borders is not playing well.

5. Never-Trump globalists are closer to the middle of the country than Trump's America First populism? WTF are you smokin? Agreed that Trump had unnecessarily high negatives. The 1st debate showed that he still does not understand politics. If Trump had a softer persona he would have won in a landslide. My wife calls him an ill mannered bully who was apparently raised by wolves. She prefers presidents to be presidential.
This thread is depressing and makes me ill. LOL

Its hypothetical base on Trump still being legally able to run in 2024. It appears he has retained much of his base of support, which would prevent any like minded individuals from running if Trump decides to run. The only question is could a never Trumper challenge him for the nomination, and right now Kasich, the most likely never Trumper to challenge Trump in 2024 is losing by a landslide.

Did you miss the fact that he addressed the Democrat National Convention? He is a Democrat!

Republicans that care about the country more than their political party voted for BIDEN in the 2020 election. John Kasich is an American FIRST, being a member of the Republican Party is further down the list. The fact that he was willing to address the Democratic National Convention in order to help defeat Trump who was treasonous foreign agent for Putin while President, is why every Republican should support Kasich in 2024!
Not many RINOs voted for Biden over Trump.
If Kasich did, that just shows how stupid he is. I don't see Biden rewarding Kasich with a cabinet post?!
Your slimy smear of Trump as anything other than a great American president is just partisan TDS. The democrat coxuckers also called Tulsi Gabbard a Putin stooge. She is a veteran, more loyal to the US than any of the socialists.
Kasich is done as a Republican, trust me. Beating Kamala should be easy, if we can keep the democrat cheating to a minimum.

Well, certainly none of them voted for Trump. Trump lost the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives over his four years as President. Trump has the lowest average approval rating as President, 41% in the GALLUP, of any President in U.S. history. The United States is lucky to be rid of Trump and the influence of his supporters in congress. After nearly half a million dead from covid-19, the United States can finally get a on a path to defeating Covid-19 and saving lives. Trump did virtually nothing to fight Covid-19 while he was in office which explains the following:

It should be noted that while Israel infection rate is high, they have already vaccinated 40% of their population compared to the United States which has only vaccinated 5% of its population. The United States has to start over on its strategy to vaccinate the population because Trump never really had a plan. Explains why Israel is at 40% while the United States is only at 5%.
1. Polls are garbage, just ask Hillary and her 95% probability of winning, as well as the 2020 "blue wave".
Trump lost primarily due to voter fraud, the GOP gained House seats and didn't lose any, and the senate was lost by GOP stupidity running Doug Collins against fellow Republican Kelly Loeffler, not any anti-Trump vote.

2. If Trump did nothing to fight covid-19, why do we have (5) covid-19 vaccines in 8-months? That is a medical miracle. It normally takes years to develop vaccines. You're welcome. Look what the vaccines are doing to the infection rate, no thanks to Biden and the democrats,
View attachment 448446

11 months, and what exactly did Trump do to develop the vaccines. Remember this classic from Trump about what to do about Covid-19:

Sarah Cooper Impersonating Trump Compilation (lip sync parody) - YouTube

Getting ultraviolet light into the body or injecting bleach? No wonder the United States is in the top 10 for the worst per capita infections and deaths from covid-19.

430,000 Americans are dead now from covid-19! In TAIWAN, only 7 have died from covid-19!

How and why?

Travel ban of all countries on January 20, 2020. That was then followed by allowing selected people to enter the country if they quarantined for a minimum of 14 days in Taiwan Quarantine hotels. The Quarantine rules were strict. One man went into the hallway of his Quarantine hotel for 8 seconds and was fined $4,000 dollars.

There was a tiny bit of penetration of the virus into Taiwan, probably prior to the January 20, 2020 travel ban. It took three months to stamp out completely. There has been no transmission of the virus in Taiwan since April of 2020. Last person to die of coronavirus in Taiwan died, on May 11, 2020.

The only reported cases of Covid-19 in Taiwan are citizens that are returning to the country from abroad, but the virus never spreads from them because they all must spend a minimum 14 days in a Taiwan quarantine hotel upon arrival in the country.

Do you honestly think you could get away with such bullshit here?

Certainly. The United States drafted 16 million men and women out of their lives, jobs, and sent them overseas to fight in a bloody war in the 1940s. Banning travel entry from other countries and enforcing 14 day quarantines is peanuts compared to what the United States did in World War II.

We are not at war, and neither is Taiwan.
Who would you like to see be the Republican Nominee for President in 2024?

A. John Kasich

B. Donald Trump
C —- Dan Crenshaw. Why only those two choices?

Its a way of testing Trump's currently popularity against a "Never Trumper" challenger. A one on one matchup like this is the best way to judge the mood of the party. Although, there are obviously people who are not members of the Republican Party voting in the poll. With 70% of the vote so far, it looks like Trump still has a tight, nearly unchallengeable hold on the Republican Party.

At this point, it appears that if the Senate fails to convict Trump and then disqualify him from holding further elected public office, then he remains the top Republican candidate to run for President in 2024.

The only way Trump loses to someone else in 2024, is if the party can gather around one other candidate. 2016 showed that having multiple candidates in the race just split the opposition vote against Trump making it easy to power his way into the nomination. Trump now has a larger base then he had in 2016. The only way Trump loses is if there just one other candidate in the race against him and they are able to beat him to that 50.1% mark. Hands down, a divided field against Trump, even if its only two or three candidates, would hand Trump the nomination.
You also need to factor in who the democrats have in 2024...Kamala Harris.

Its going to be Joe Biden in 2024. This assumption that its going to be Harris will totally fall apart after early 2023, just two years from now, when nothing on that front happens.
OK, I hear your prediction, Biden not Harris in 2024.
If the US economy tanks because Joe keeps killing jobs, it won't matter who the democrats run.

p.s. Have you noticed my thread/poll of real GOP primary candidates for 2024? Trump is winning by a mile.

Yep, Even more indication that were already set up for a BIDEN VS. TRUMP matchup in 2024. I don't think Trump can win the general election matchup again, and if Trump concludes that himself, he may not run. But he obviously has the nomination for the party locked up already whether he decides to run or not.
Its funny watching democrats pick a GOP candidate for president.
My list is much different. Trump is over, in 4-years he will be way over.
That said, if its Trump or Kamala, I'd proudly vote for Trump.

My primary preferences to take Kamala on are:
Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
My wish list candidate is Elon Musk.

On my RINO never list is Kasich, Romney, Ryan, and every never-Trumper

Kamala won't be running for President until 2028. Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for 2024. For Kamala to be running in 2024, she would have to announce her campaign just two years from now in January 2023. Highly unlikely.

I could never support the Republicans you list because of their support for Trump:

Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
My wish list candidate is Elon Musk.

I also think the only way Trump is done is if the Senate is able to convict him and then disqualify him from holding public office again. Otherwise, Trump will run again, because the support base is simply too large for him to not run. The only one that could challenge him for the nomination would be a Never Trumper like Kasich, and right now with this poll, Kasich is getting crushed.
1. We disagree about Joe Biden. IMHO its 50/50 he makes it to 2024 without getting the 25th boot from Nancy. He is barely coherent now and he's on the job a week.

2. If Joe is too old in 2024 Kamala would be up next for the dems. You can say run Joe again, but I can't picture Joe in 4-years being functional.

3. Democrats with TDS can make up all kinds of Trump related excuses, but we all know democrats vote for democrats unless there is a good reason to vote for a Republican, like in 2016 a lot of union workers liked Trump over Hillary. How many of the laid off Keystone pipeline workers will vote democrat in 2022 and 2024? None.

4. Trump could try to run in 2024, but IMHO he won't get the nomination. If he would win the nomination I'd vote for him over Kamala (or Joe).

5. You are very wrong about a Never-Trumper ever getting nominated again, they are all done, as your poll shows. I didn't even vote in that poll. Establishment Republicans are "conservative globalists" and we want "America First Populists". IMHO by 2024 the voters will have had more than enough of the democrat's policies.

1. Joe Biden has done more work as President-Elect for the past two months as well as speaking to the American People, than Donald Trump did for four years as President. Joe Biden is just fine and Nancy Pelosi who is 3 years older than Joe Biden is going to do everything she can to support Joe Biden.

2. Senator Diane Feinstein turns 88 this summer as does Representative Don Young. Both are ten years older than Biden. There are 7 serving U.S. Senators and 17 serving U.S. Representatives older than Biden, so this idea that he is too old is just ageism.

3. Keystone Pipeline workers won't be the deciding factor in the elections of 2022 or 2024.

4. The only one that could take away the nomination from Trump is a never Trumper and it does not appear the party has switched away from Trump to that degree. No one on the pro Trump side of the party is going to run against Trump if he runs in 2024. None of them have Trump's base of support which is much larger than it was in 2016.

5. The Democrats will prove more united in 2024 than the Republicans will be.
1. Joe Xiden is losing it, he signed a few EOs, meh. He really pissed off Canada. All he can actually do is read from the teleprompter and listen to the guy in his earpiece. Joe killed more jobs in a week, and lost more voters than he "won" the election by. Wait until energy prices start to skyrocket. People will miss Trump's "good old days".

2. Look at Xiden, listen to Xiden, he's a few days into his term and has zero command of facts. He can't do a real press conference, only ones where he can read the teleprompter. I'm just waiting for Nancy to 25th his pruny ass.

3. Keystone pipeline workers and the entire energy sector, as well as energy consumers, and counting, will be the deciding factor. As Xiden rolls out the democrat's agenda, more voters regret their votes for him.

4. You have no clue when you expound about Republicans. Never-Trumpers are pyrrhias, ugly lepers who might as well become democrats. Any "Never-Trumper" who runs in any primary will get single digit votes, just friends and family. True, Trump still has a significant following, but we realize that to win a national election you can't alienate women and minorities. As General Kelly said, "Trump is a very flawed man". But Trump started the populist GOP and is gaining "America First" democrats every time Xiden loses US jobs.

Look for many of these to enter the 2024 primary to take on Kamala.
Mike Pence, Trump's VP, competent, paid his dues
Mike Pompeo, 1st in his class at West Point, Secretary of State
Ted Cruz, Senator, runner-up to Trump in 2016, super smart
Nikki Haley, ex-governor, should get women vote
Dan Crenshaw, ex-Navy Seal, Lt. Commander.
Tom Cotton, ex-Army Captain, combat vet.
Josh Hawley, Senator, very smart high-end lawyer from Yale.
Ron Desantis, FL governor, doing a great job
Jim Jordan, OH congressman, fearless, tough as nails

VPs: Tim Scott if its Nikki Haley, and Kristi Noem if its a guy.

1. Joe Biden has already fielded more questions from reporters, as President Elect and now President, than Trump did during his entire term. After he lays out proposals and plans, he takes questions from the media. The idea that he is unfit for office because of his mental state is a myth.

2. Again, he has already spent more time answering questions from the media than Trump did during his entire 4 years in office. Trump did not know anything about being President or any elected office for that matter before he started as President. After four years, its clear by Trump's behavior that he did not learn anything either. Biden is going to be fine. As for Trump, he has all kinds of legal issues to deal with now in addition to a Senate Trial.

3. There are plenty of parts of the Energy Sector that would actually benefit from there not being a Keystone Pipeline.

4. Most Republicans and Democrats to a certain degree are zombies simply following whatever their political party chooses in terms of leaders and policies. That is the only way one can explain a party nominating and supporting George W. Bush who is the opposite of Donald J. Trump when it comes to beliefs and policies they support.

5. Never Trumpers will eventually retake the Republican party because they are simply closer to the political center of the country and which makes them more competitive in national elections. The Republican Party wants to win and will eventually return to candidates that are most competitive at the national level. Trumpism, although popular for a while, is a declining movement. Trump failed to win the popular vote in 2016 and in 2020. Trump only averaged 41% approval over his entire time, which is the worst average approval rating for any President in history according to the GALLUP POLL.
1. Trump had real pressers nearly every day, he holds the record, so stop lying. Trump fielded all questions from a very hostile press. Even with a sycophant press Xiden refuses to do a real press conference. We know Joe is unfit even if you don't admit it.

2. Joe hid in his basement during the campaign, and now never does a real press conference. As Xiden rolls-out the democrat agenda, he pissed off Canada and is costing US energy jobs. Voters will make a course correction in the 2022 and 2024 mid-terms.

3. I see words with no link. Prove the US energy sector is better w/o the Keystone pipeline. That's a lie.

4. Voters have complex algorithms for deciding who to vote for, and those votes need to be protected from voter fraud. Many voters vote "policies" rather than personalities. Xiden's open borders is not playing well.

5. Never-Trump globalists are closer to the middle of the country than Trump's America First populism? WTF are you smokin? Agreed that Trump had unnecessarily high negatives. The 1st debate showed that he still does not understand politics. If Trump had a softer persona he would have won in a landslide. My wife calls him an ill mannered bully who was apparently raised by wolves. She prefers presidents to be presidential.
This thread is depressing and makes me ill. LOL

Its hypothetical base on Trump still being legally able to run in 2024. It appears he has retained much of his base of support, which would prevent any like minded individuals from running if Trump decides to run. The only question is could a never Trumper challenge him for the nomination, and right now Kasich, the most likely never Trumper to challenge Trump in 2024 is losing by a landslide.

Did you miss the fact that he addressed the Democrat National Convention? He is a Democrat!

Republicans that care about the country more than their political party voted for BIDEN in the 2020 election. John Kasich is an American FIRST, being a member of the Republican Party is further down the list. The fact that he was willing to address the Democratic National Convention in order to help defeat Trump who was treasonous foreign agent for Putin while President, is why every Republican should support Kasich in 2024!
Not many RINOs voted for Biden over Trump.
If Kasich did, that just shows how stupid he is. I don't see Biden rewarding Kasich with a cabinet post?!
Your slimy smear of Trump as anything other than a great American president is just partisan TDS. The democrat coxuckers also called Tulsi Gabbard a Putin stooge. She is a veteran, more loyal to the US than any of the socialists.
Kasich is done as a Republican, trust me. Beating Kamala should be easy, if we can keep the democrat cheating to a minimum.

Well, certainly none of them voted for Trump. Trump lost the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives over his four years as President. Trump has the lowest average approval rating as President, 41% in the GALLUP, of any President in U.S. history. The United States is lucky to be rid of Trump and the influence of his supporters in congress. After nearly half a million dead from covid-19, the United States can finally get a on a path to defeating Covid-19 and saving lives. Trump did virtually nothing to fight Covid-19 while he was in office which explains the following:

It should be noted that while Israel infection rate is high, they have already vaccinated 40% of their population compared to the United States which has only vaccinated 5% of its population. The United States has to start over on its strategy to vaccinate the population because Trump never really had a plan. Explains why Israel is at 40% while the United States is only at 5%.
1. Polls are garbage, just ask Hillary and her 95% probability of winning, as well as the 2020 "blue wave".
Trump lost primarily due to voter fraud, the GOP gained House seats and didn't lose any, and the senate was lost by GOP stupidity running Doug Collins against fellow Republican Kelly Loeffler, not any anti-Trump vote.

2. If Trump did nothing to fight covid-19, why do we have (5) covid-19 vaccines in 8-months? That is a medical miracle. It normally takes years to develop vaccines. You're welcome. Look what the vaccines are doing to the infection rate, no thanks to Biden and the democrats,
View attachment 448446

11 months, and what exactly did Trump do to develop the vaccines. Remember this classic from Trump about what to do about Covid-19:

Sarah Cooper Impersonating Trump Compilation (lip sync parody) - YouTube

Getting ultraviolet light into the body or injecting bleach? No wonder the United States is in the top 10 for the worst per capita infections and deaths from covid-19.

430,000 Americans are dead now from covid-19! In TAIWAN, only 7 have died from covid-19!

How and why?

Travel ban of all countries on January 20, 2020. That was then followed by allowing selected people to enter the country if they quarantined for a minimum of 14 days in Taiwan Quarantine hotels. The Quarantine rules were strict. One man went into the hallway of his Quarantine hotel for 8 seconds and was fined $4,000 dollars.

There was a tiny bit of penetration of the virus into Taiwan, probably prior to the January 20, 2020 travel ban. It took three months to stamp out completely. There has been no transmission of the virus in Taiwan since April of 2020. Last person to die of coronavirus in Taiwan died, on May 11, 2020.

The only reported cases of Covid-19 in Taiwan are citizens that are returning to the country from abroad, but the virus never spreads from them because they all must spend a minimum 14 days in a Taiwan quarantine hotel upon arrival in the country.

Do you honestly think you could get away with such bullshit here?

Certainly. The United States drafted 16 million men and women out of their lives, jobs, and sent them overseas to fight in a bloody war in the 1940s. Banning travel entry from other countries and enforcing 14 day quarantines is peanuts compared to what the United States did in World War II.

We are not at war, and neither is Taiwan.

We are at war with a virus. But regardless of how you classify it, the U.S. Federal government is more than capable of responding the way that TAIWAN did. TAIWAN simply followed the science and the leadership put the appropriate measures in place. The United States had the capability to do what TAIWAN did, but Trump did nothing and dismissed the virus as seasonal flu that would be gone by Easter 2020.
Who would you like to see be the Republican Nominee for President in 2024?

A. John Kasich

B. Donald Trump
C —- Dan Crenshaw. Why only those two choices?

Its a way of testing Trump's currently popularity against a "Never Trumper" challenger. A one on one matchup like this is the best way to judge the mood of the party. Although, there are obviously people who are not members of the Republican Party voting in the poll. With 70% of the vote so far, it looks like Trump still has a tight, nearly unchallengeable hold on the Republican Party.

At this point, it appears that if the Senate fails to convict Trump and then disqualify him from holding further elected public office, then he remains the top Republican candidate to run for President in 2024.

The only way Trump loses to someone else in 2024, is if the party can gather around one other candidate. 2016 showed that having multiple candidates in the race just split the opposition vote against Trump making it easy to power his way into the nomination. Trump now has a larger base then he had in 2016. The only way Trump loses is if there just one other candidate in the race against him and they are able to beat him to that 50.1% mark. Hands down, a divided field against Trump, even if its only two or three candidates, would hand Trump the nomination.
You also need to factor in who the democrats have in 2024...Kamala Harris.

Its going to be Joe Biden in 2024. This assumption that its going to be Harris will totally fall apart after early 2023, just two years from now, when nothing on that front happens.
OK, I hear your prediction, Biden not Harris in 2024.
If the US economy tanks because Joe keeps killing jobs, it won't matter who the democrats run.

p.s. Have you noticed my thread/poll of real GOP primary candidates for 2024? Trump is winning by a mile.

Yep, Even more indication that were already set up for a BIDEN VS. TRUMP matchup in 2024. I don't think Trump can win the general election matchup again, and if Trump concludes that himself, he may not run. But he obviously has the nomination for the party locked up already whether he decides to run or not.
It may be Harris vs. Trump?
Who would you like to see be the Republican Nominee for President in 2024?

A. John Kasich

B. Donald Trump
C —- Dan Crenshaw. Why only those two choices?

Its a way of testing Trump's currently popularity against a "Never Trumper" challenger. A one on one matchup like this is the best way to judge the mood of the party. Although, there are obviously people who are not members of the Republican Party voting in the poll. With 70% of the vote so far, it looks like Trump still has a tight, nearly unchallengeable hold on the Republican Party.

At this point, it appears that if the Senate fails to convict Trump and then disqualify him from holding further elected public office, then he remains the top Republican candidate to run for President in 2024.

The only way Trump loses to someone else in 2024, is if the party can gather around one other candidate. 2016 showed that having multiple candidates in the race just split the opposition vote against Trump making it easy to power his way into the nomination. Trump now has a larger base then he had in 2016. The only way Trump loses is if there just one other candidate in the race against him and they are able to beat him to that 50.1% mark. Hands down, a divided field against Trump, even if its only two or three candidates, would hand Trump the nomination.
You also need to factor in who the democrats have in 2024...Kamala Harris.

Its going to be Joe Biden in 2024. This assumption that its going to be Harris will totally fall apart after early 2023, just two years from now, when nothing on that front happens.
OK, I hear your prediction, Biden not Harris in 2024.
If the US economy tanks because Joe keeps killing jobs, it won't matter who the democrats run.

p.s. Have you noticed my thread/poll of real GOP primary candidates for 2024? Trump is winning by a mile.

Yep, Even more indication that were already set up for a BIDEN VS. TRUMP matchup in 2024. I don't think Trump can win the general election matchup again, and if Trump concludes that himself, he may not run. But he obviously has the nomination for the party locked up already whether he decides to run or not.
It may be Harris vs. Trump?
That's my bet, Harris v Trump in 2014.
IMHO Joe will never be able to finish his first term due to age issues.
Nancy is ready to 25th his ass ASAP.
Its funny watching democrats pick a GOP candidate for president.
My list is much different. Trump is over, in 4-years he will be way over.
That said, if its Trump or Kamala, I'd proudly vote for Trump.

My primary preferences to take Kamala on are:
Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
My wish list candidate is Elon Musk.

On my RINO never list is Kasich, Romney, Ryan, and every never-Trumper

Kamala won't be running for President until 2028. Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for 2024. For Kamala to be running in 2024, she would have to announce her campaign just two years from now in January 2023. Highly unlikely.

I could never support the Republicans you list because of their support for Trump:

Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
My wish list candidate is Elon Musk.

I also think the only way Trump is done is if the Senate is able to convict him and then disqualify him from holding public office again. Otherwise, Trump will run again, because the support base is simply too large for him to not run. The only one that could challenge him for the nomination would be a Never Trumper like Kasich, and right now with this poll, Kasich is getting crushed.
1. We disagree about Joe Biden. IMHO its 50/50 he makes it to 2024 without getting the 25th boot from Nancy. He is barely coherent now and he's on the job a week.

2. If Joe is too old in 2024 Kamala would be up next for the dems. You can say run Joe again, but I can't picture Joe in 4-years being functional.

3. Democrats with TDS can make up all kinds of Trump related excuses, but we all know democrats vote for democrats unless there is a good reason to vote for a Republican, like in 2016 a lot of union workers liked Trump over Hillary. How many of the laid off Keystone pipeline workers will vote democrat in 2022 and 2024? None.

4. Trump could try to run in 2024, but IMHO he won't get the nomination. If he would win the nomination I'd vote for him over Kamala (or Joe).

5. You are very wrong about a Never-Trumper ever getting nominated again, they are all done, as your poll shows. I didn't even vote in that poll. Establishment Republicans are "conservative globalists" and we want "America First Populists". IMHO by 2024 the voters will have had more than enough of the democrat's policies.

1. Joe Biden has done more work as President-Elect for the past two months as well as speaking to the American People, than Donald Trump did for four years as President. Joe Biden is just fine and Nancy Pelosi who is 3 years older than Joe Biden is going to do everything she can to support Joe Biden.

2. Senator Diane Feinstein turns 88 this summer as does Representative Don Young. Both are ten years older than Biden. There are 7 serving U.S. Senators and 17 serving U.S. Representatives older than Biden, so this idea that he is too old is just ageism.

3. Keystone Pipeline workers won't be the deciding factor in the elections of 2022 or 2024.

4. The only one that could take away the nomination from Trump is a never Trumper and it does not appear the party has switched away from Trump to that degree. No one on the pro Trump side of the party is going to run against Trump if he runs in 2024. None of them have Trump's base of support which is much larger than it was in 2016.

5. The Democrats will prove more united in 2024 than the Republicans will be.
1. Joe Xiden is losing it, he signed a few EOs, meh. He really pissed off Canada. All he can actually do is read from the teleprompter and listen to the guy in his earpiece. Joe killed more jobs in a week, and lost more voters than he "won" the election by. Wait until energy prices start to skyrocket. People will miss Trump's "good old days".

2. Look at Xiden, listen to Xiden, he's a few days into his term and has zero command of facts. He can't do a real press conference, only ones where he can read the teleprompter. I'm just waiting for Nancy to 25th his pruny ass.

3. Keystone pipeline workers and the entire energy sector, as well as energy consumers, and counting, will be the deciding factor. As Xiden rolls out the democrat's agenda, more voters regret their votes for him.

4. You have no clue when you expound about Republicans. Never-Trumpers are pyrrhias, ugly lepers who might as well become democrats. Any "Never-Trumper" who runs in any primary will get single digit votes, just friends and family. True, Trump still has a significant following, but we realize that to win a national election you can't alienate women and minorities. As General Kelly said, "Trump is a very flawed man". But Trump started the populist GOP and is gaining "America First" democrats every time Xiden loses US jobs.

Look for many of these to enter the 2024 primary to take on Kamala.
Mike Pence, Trump's VP, competent, paid his dues
Mike Pompeo, 1st in his class at West Point, Secretary of State
Ted Cruz, Senator, runner-up to Trump in 2016, super smart
Nikki Haley, ex-governor, should get women vote
Dan Crenshaw, ex-Navy Seal, Lt. Commander.
Tom Cotton, ex-Army Captain, combat vet.
Josh Hawley, Senator, very smart high-end lawyer from Yale.
Ron Desantis, FL governor, doing a great job
Jim Jordan, OH congressman, fearless, tough as nails

VPs: Tim Scott if its Nikki Haley, and Kristi Noem if its a guy.

1. Joe Biden has already fielded more questions from reporters, as President Elect and now President, than Trump did during his entire term. After he lays out proposals and plans, he takes questions from the media. The idea that he is unfit for office because of his mental state is a myth.

2. Again, he has already spent more time answering questions from the media than Trump did during his entire 4 years in office. Trump did not know anything about being President or any elected office for that matter before he started as President. After four years, its clear by Trump's behavior that he did not learn anything either. Biden is going to be fine. As for Trump, he has all kinds of legal issues to deal with now in addition to a Senate Trial.

3. There are plenty of parts of the Energy Sector that would actually benefit from there not being a Keystone Pipeline.

4. Most Republicans and Democrats to a certain degree are zombies simply following whatever their political party chooses in terms of leaders and policies. That is the only way one can explain a party nominating and supporting George W. Bush who is the opposite of Donald J. Trump when it comes to beliefs and policies they support.

5. Never Trumpers will eventually retake the Republican party because they are simply closer to the political center of the country and which makes them more competitive in national elections. The Republican Party wants to win and will eventually return to candidates that are most competitive at the national level. Trumpism, although popular for a while, is a declining movement. Trump failed to win the popular vote in 2016 and in 2020. Trump only averaged 41% approval over his entire time, which is the worst average approval rating for any President in history according to the GALLUP POLL.
1. Trump had real pressers nearly every day, he holds the record, so stop lying. Trump fielded all questions from a very hostile press. Even with a sycophant press Xiden refuses to do a real press conference. We know Joe is unfit even if you don't admit it.

2. Joe hid in his basement during the campaign, and now never does a real press conference. As Xiden rolls-out the democrat agenda, he pissed off Canada and is costing US energy jobs. Voters will make a course correction in the 2022 and 2024 mid-terms.

3. I see words with no link. Prove the US energy sector is better w/o the Keystone pipeline. That's a lie.

4. Voters have complex algorithms for deciding who to vote for, and those votes need to be protected from voter fraud. Many voters vote "policies" rather than personalities. Xiden's open borders is not playing well.

5. Never-Trump globalists are closer to the middle of the country than Trump's America First populism? WTF are you smokin? Agreed that Trump had unnecessarily high negatives. The 1st debate showed that he still does not understand politics. If Trump had a softer persona he would have won in a landslide. My wife calls him an ill mannered bully who was apparently raised by wolves. She prefers presidents to be presidential.
This thread is depressing and makes me ill. LOL

Its hypothetical base on Trump still being legally able to run in 2024. It appears he has retained much of his base of support, which would prevent any like minded individuals from running if Trump decides to run. The only question is could a never Trumper challenge him for the nomination, and right now Kasich, the most likely never Trumper to challenge Trump in 2024 is losing by a landslide.

Did you miss the fact that he addressed the Democrat National Convention? He is a Democrat!

Republicans that care about the country more than their political party voted for BIDEN in the 2020 election. John Kasich is an American FIRST, being a member of the Republican Party is further down the list. The fact that he was willing to address the Democratic National Convention in order to help defeat Trump who was treasonous foreign agent for Putin while President, is why every Republican should support Kasich in 2024!
Not many RINOs voted for Biden over Trump.
If Kasich did, that just shows how stupid he is. I don't see Biden rewarding Kasich with a cabinet post?!
Your slimy smear of Trump as anything other than a great American president is just partisan TDS. The democrat coxuckers also called Tulsi Gabbard a Putin stooge. She is a veteran, more loyal to the US than any of the socialists.
Kasich is done as a Republican, trust me. Beating Kamala should be easy, if we can keep the democrat cheating to a minimum.

Well, certainly none of them voted for Trump. Trump lost the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives over his four years as President. Trump has the lowest average approval rating as President, 41% in the GALLUP, of any President in U.S. history. The United States is lucky to be rid of Trump and the influence of his supporters in congress. After nearly half a million dead from covid-19, the United States can finally get a on a path to defeating Covid-19 and saving lives. Trump did virtually nothing to fight Covid-19 while he was in office which explains the following:

It should be noted that while Israel infection rate is high, they have already vaccinated 40% of their population compared to the United States which has only vaccinated 5% of its population. The United States has to start over on its strategy to vaccinate the population because Trump never really had a plan. Explains why Israel is at 40% while the United States is only at 5%.
1. Polls are garbage, just ask Hillary and her 95% probability of winning, as well as the 2020 "blue wave".
Trump lost primarily due to voter fraud, the GOP gained House seats and didn't lose any, and the senate was lost by GOP stupidity running Doug Collins against fellow Republican Kelly Loeffler, not any anti-Trump vote.

2. If Trump did nothing to fight covid-19, why do we have (5) covid-19 vaccines in 8-months? That is a medical miracle. It normally takes years to develop vaccines. You're welcome. Look what the vaccines are doing to the infection rate, no thanks to Biden and the democrats,
View attachment 448446

11 months, and what exactly did Trump do to develop the vaccines. Remember this classic from Trump about what to do about Covid-19:

Sarah Cooper Impersonating Trump Compilation (lip sync parody) - YouTube

Getting ultraviolet light into the body or injecting bleach? No wonder the United States is in the top 10 for the worst per capita infections and deaths from covid-19.

430,000 Americans are dead now from covid-19! In TAIWAN, only 7 have died from covid-19!

How and why?

Travel ban of all countries on January 20, 2020. That was then followed by allowing selected people to enter the country if they quarantined for a minimum of 14 days in Taiwan Quarantine hotels. The Quarantine rules were strict. One man went into the hallway of his Quarantine hotel for 8 seconds and was fined $4,000 dollars.

There was a tiny bit of penetration of the virus into Taiwan, probably prior to the January 20, 2020 travel ban. It took three months to stamp out completely. There has been no transmission of the virus in Taiwan since April of 2020. Last person to die of coronavirus in Taiwan died, on May 11, 2020.

The only reported cases of Covid-19 in Taiwan are citizens that are returning to the country from abroad, but the virus never spreads from them because they all must spend a minimum 14 days in a Taiwan quarantine hotel upon arrival in the country.

Do you honestly think you could get away with such bullshit here?

Certainly. The United States drafted 16 million men and women out of their lives, jobs, and sent them overseas to fight in a bloody war in the 1940s. Banning travel entry from other countries and enforcing 14 day quarantines is peanuts compared to what the United States did in World War II.

We are not at war, and neither is Taiwan.

We are at war with a virus. But regardless of how you classify it, the U.S. Federal government is more than capable of responding the way that TAIWAN did. TAIWAN simply followed the science and the leadership put the appropriate measures in place. The United States had the capability to do what TAIWAN did, but Trump did nothing and dismissed the virus as seasonal flu that would be gone by Easter 2020.

As I said before, we did NOT have the capability to do what Taiwan did. Once again, you prove you inability to read.

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