Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?" (poll)

Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?"

  • Trump

    Votes: 75 68.2%
  • Biden

    Votes: 35 31.8%

  • Total voters
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.

In the former, he was lying. Clearly after 14,000 people have died, it's not a hoax as he made it out to be.

In the latter, he failed miserably. The shortages are a result of his trade war policies and the supply chain replenishment has a lot to do with his roll out of testing kits.... its happening very slowly.
....4 out of 5 people have barely noticeable/not noticeable symptoms
..most people recover
= a big scare hoax
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing explaining that the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration was taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
I stopped at #1 since you start out with a lie the media tried to push-

"As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters,” Col. R. Shane Day, Director of the NCMI, said in a rare statement. “However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists.”
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Biden. It’s not even close. He was part of one of the most successful and incorruptible Presidencies in history. Trump is a failure at the presidency, as a man, as a father, as a husband, and as a functioning human being.

To even bring up a discussion with Trump in it, as if you are even talking about a normal human being is a failure in and of itself.

I hope you worship him just as much when he becomes an inmate n the prison system.
.....you MUST be dumb if you think you can stop problems in the world with $$$!!!!..you are just WASTING US $$$$ by setting up a force for GLOBAL health.....
..these jackasses just WASTE US $$$$
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing explaining that the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
Biden would allow MORE illegals and immigrants in
he would LOVE criminals

fake news.
hahahhahaha--they LOVE criminals..the blacks and Dems LOVE them
..they GIVE THEM $$$ for committing crime and being illegal
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Biden. It’s not even close. He was part of one of the most successful and incorruptible Presidencies in history. Trump is a failure at the presidency, as a man, as a father, as a husband, and as a functioning human being.

To even bring up a discussion with Trump in it, as if you are even talking about a normal human being is a failure in and of itself.

I hope you worship him just as much when he becomes an inmate n the prison system.

1. Your "incorruptible" Obama admin myth will be dispelled by Barr any day now. We'll see who goes to prison.
2. Trump won the biggest upset election in US history, against the Never-Trumpers, Wall Street globalists, the MSM, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, and the Clinton Machine. Hillary had a 95% probability of winning and Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. Remember? That is beating the odds, and he is still beating them every day. That is called success.
3. Your TDS has you very confused. Maybe you'll outgrow it in the next 5-years or so.
Trump did a great job in undoing much of the damage to the economy done under the Obama administration. Biden was part of that destruction in the Obama Administration.

Trump will do a great job getting us back on track after this Chinovirus is diminished.

You would have to be a real idiot to think that clown Biden would do a better job than Trump.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.
Biden. It’s not even close. He was part of one of the most successful and incorruptible Presidencies in history. Trump is a failure at the presidency, as a man, as a father, as a husband, and as a functioning human being.
Yeah sure SKEWED. That must be why Trump is S L A M M I N G Biden in the poll 70/30! :auiqs.jpg:
Short Geeziss is a lose too. Kizzmekia Corbett would have been one of my choices for his stool standing
Trump by all means, Biden does not even know what day it is
Yea but Trump lies are now costing lives. Biden Obama Hillary would have been leaders we trust. Hell even Bush. But I don't trust Trump. He lied for political reasons. Hell, he always lies. This time it just happened to cost lives like we all said it would. Just like when he talks about violence and some right wing nut goes out on a rampage with his Trump manifesto.

Trump cared more about business than public safety. That's why you shouldn't have corporations running/controlling our politicians. Trump is a corporation. They see those less than 200,000 deaths as the cost of doing business. The economy must move on. People need to work. I agree. So Trump should have locked the country down earlier rather than spreading the lies that it's a hoax made up by the liberal media who wants to beat him in November. He's always playing politics, even now.
Wow, you are a very easily brainwashed TDS afflicted moron. The proof is that you still think Trump called the coronavirus a hoax even after that BS was thoroughly debunked a long time ago. Your inability to learn suggests a very low IQ.
No walking it back this time. No more, "well what he meant by when he said that was..." Enough of that. That time is over.

Just like yesterday someone said Trump didn't say Bush lied us into Iraq and there were no WMD's. It's like you guys have Lib DS

Bush did lie us into a war and nearly all Dimms supported it and embraced the lie. Who voted against the war?
Bush lied to us all. Only you guys still to this day don't admit it. And you elected him to a second term.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I always knew this site had more cons than libs. That's all this poll is showing us. Just confirming what I already knew. And it's ridiculous to say Trump has handled this well. Clearly by the discussions we've all been having these past months, he is showing his lack of leadership.

Seriously? You think that you're being intellectually honest?
My son hates Trump because of his personality flaws, but he said that he can't vote for Biden because Biden is totally inept.
So the basic question is, who is more competent?

Is that what you told your son to think? Someone planted that seed. Couldn't be the liberal media that did it.

And if he doesn't think Trump is inept and incompetent then I guess he was going to vote for Trump no matter what.

All you are saying is he's a Republican voter who's embarrassed by Trump. But not enough to vote against him.

Maybe your son won't show up to vote. A lot of people who didn't like Hillary or Trump stayed home. Hopefully your son stays home. LOL
Nope. You have to pick one. November is coming. Who do you want driving the bus?
(I was going to put more options, like neither, or Cuomo, but they are not on November's ballot)
And Obama didn't have to give a tax break to all the rich people and corporations.

You have that wrong. No one was a bigger friend to Wall Street than Ears. He also made dipshit war criminal W’s tax cuts permanent.

Don’t feel bad. You’ve been duped by the MSM, like so many others.
Such bullshit. Reminds me of when you guys wouldn't stop blaming Obama for the fact GE pays no taxes. But then Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay no taxes, and that you don't mind.

I want my president to be a friend to Wall Street. Good for big ears. The economy and stock market was strong before Trump. Last year Trump only had 2.3% growth. NOTHING to brag about. MAGA my ass.
Trump did a great job in undoing much of the damage to the economy done under the Obama administration. Biden was part of that destruction in the Obama Administration.

Trump will do a great job getting us back on track after this Chinovirus is diminished.

You would have to be a real idiot to think that clown Biden would do a better job than Trump.
.......there should be a thread on how Mr Trump is the first POTUS to try to get America off China's leash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was RIGHT all along on the tariffs!!!
etc many other commodities
Nope. You have to pick one. November is coming. Who do you want driving the bus?
(I was going to put more options, like neither, or Cuomo, but they are not on November's ballot)
Don't forget in 2019 Trump only had 2.3% growth. I know Republicans are convinced Trump MAGA but that's just not the case. And they will say he was doing great before this virus but that's just bullshit. They didn't believe Obama's numbers. His low unemployment and high stock market didn't impress them. And Obama didn't have to give a tax break to all the rich people and corporations. Now we have a record number of unemployed and no money to pay everyone.

I'm not blaming Trump I'm blaming the entire conservative philosophy of governing.
1. Obama grew the deficit by more than all other presidents before him
2. He was doing great before the virus hit
3. This temporary unemployment glitch will pass as soon as the "back to work" order is given
(there is only one "y" in philosophy)
1. Trump will grow the deficit by more than all presidents before him. So did Bush. Obama was handed a Great Recession stupid.

Was he doing great? 2.3% growth in 2019? Fuck you. Candidate Trump would say President Trump was a failure in 2019.

3. No shit. That would be true no matter who was POTUS.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.

Six weeks after he blew off the Jan. 18, warning from Alex Azar, Trump said, "I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re (cases) going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up. " Six weeks after that incredible bullshit, we're closing in on a half-million cases.

That's who they want leading? That's plain crazy.

and MOST of the cases recovered/did not need medical attention = it was over hyped and a big scare hoax
....my company in a medium city has been working fine-NO cases

Your anecdote in no way contradicts my post.

In the US, today:

26,000+ recovered
16,000+ deceased
426,000 active cases (most will recover, many won't)

That's the opposite of "going very substantially down".
Trump by all means, Biden does not even know what day it is
Yea but Trump lies are now costing lives. Biden Obama Hillary would have been leaders we trust. Hell even Bush. But I don't trust Trump. He lied for political reasons. Hell, he always lies. This time it just happened to cost lives like we all said it would. Just like when he talks about violence and some right wing nut goes out on a rampage with his Trump manifesto.

Trump cared more about business than public safety. That's why you shouldn't have corporations running/controlling our politicians. Trump is a corporation. They see those less than 200,000 deaths as the cost of doing business. The economy must move on. People need to work. I agree. So Trump should have locked the country down earlier rather than spreading the lies that it's a hoax made up by the liberal media who wants to beat him in November. He's always playing politics, even now.
Wow, you are a very easily brainwashed TDS afflicted moron. The proof is that you still think Trump called the coronavirus a hoax even after that BS was thoroughly debunked a long time ago. Your inability to learn suggests a very low IQ.
No walking it back this time. No more, "well what he meant by when he said that was..." Enough of that. That time is over.

Just like yesterday someone said Trump didn't say Bush lied us into Iraq and there were no WMD's. It's like you guys have Lib DS

Bush did lie us into a war and nearly all Dimms supported it and embraced the lie. Who voted against the war?
Bush lied to us all. Only you guys still to this day don't admit it. And you elected him to a second term.
Can you quote the specific alleged lie and prove that it is a lie, or are you just so fucking stupid that you have easily been brainwashed into mindlessly and incessantly whining that Bush lied to you?

Which is it, you whiney low IQ bitchboi?
Trump did a great job in undoing much of the damage to the economy done under the Obama administration. Biden was part of that destruction in the Obama Administration.

Trump will do a great job getting us back on track after this Chinovirus is diminished.

You would have to be a real idiot to think that clown Biden would do a better job than Trump.
.......there should be a thread on how Mr Trump is the first POTUS to try to get America off China's leash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was RIGHT all along on the tariffs!!!
etc many other commodities

Trump is always right.

Well almost always right. He was wrong on bumpstocks.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.

Six weeks after he blew off the Jan. 18, warning from Alex Azar, Trump said, "I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re (cases) going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up. " Six weeks after that incredible bullshit, we're closing in on a half-million cases.

That's who they want leading? That's plain crazy.

and MOST of the cases recovered/did not need medical attention = it was over hyped and a big scare hoax
....my company in a medium city has been working fine-NO cases

Your anecdote in no way contradicts my post.

In the US, today:

26,000+ recovered
16,000+ deceased
426,000 active cases (most will recover, many won't)

That's the opposite of "going very substantially down".
MOST will recover --right there--good call
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Biden. It’s not even close. He was part of one of the most successful and incorruptible Presidencies in history. Trump is a failure at the presidency, as a man, as a father, as a husband, and as a functioning human being.

To even bring up a discussion with Trump in it, as if you are even talking about a normal human being is a failure in and of itself.

I hope you worship him just as much when he becomes an inmate n the prison system.
So incorruptible that the general population purchased a record number of handguns, rifles and ammunition.

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