Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?" (poll)

Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?"

  • Trump

    Votes: 75 68.2%
  • Biden

    Votes: 35 31.8%

  • Total voters
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I don't think Biden could command building a tent let alone a few hospitals, it's something only a construction /builder could delegate and deliver.
Problem solving and handling mass employees and supplies is also a talent of having been in the construction biz.
Nope. You have to pick one. November is coming. Who do you want driving the bus?
(I was going to put more options, like neither, or Cuomo, but they are not on November's ballot)
Don't forget in 2019 Trump only had 2.3% growth. I know Republicans are convinced Trump MAGA but that's just not the case. And they will say he was doing great before this virus but that's just bullshit. They didn't believe Obama's numbers. His low unemployment and high stock market didn't impress them. And Obama didn't have to give a tax break to all the rich people and corporations. Now we have a record number of unemployed and no money to pay everyone.

I'm not blaming Trump I'm blaming the entire conservative philosophy of governing.
1. Obama grew the deficit by more than all other presidents before him
2. He was doing great before the virus hit
3. This temporary unemployment glitch will pass as soon as the "back to work" order is given
(there is only one "y" in philosophy)
1. Trump will grow the deficit by more than all presidents before him. So did Bush. Obama was handed a Great Recession stupid.

Was he doing great? 2.3% growth in 2019? Fuck you. Candidate Trump would say President Trump was a failure in 2019.

3. No shit. That would be true no matter who was POTUS.
Excuses excuses excuses. God that’s dumb.
Nope. You have to pick one. November is coming. Who do you want driving the bus?
(I was going to put more options, like neither, or Cuomo, but they are not on November's ballot)
And Obama didn't have to give a tax break to all the rich people and corporations.

You have that wrong. No one was a bigger friend to Wall Street than Ears. He also made dipshit war criminal W’s tax cuts permanent.

Don’t feel bad. You’ve been duped by the MSM, like so many others.
Such bullshit. Reminds me of when you guys wouldn't stop blaming Obama for the fact GE pays no taxes. But then Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay no taxes, and that you don't mind.

I want my president to be a friend to Wall Street. Good for big ears. The economy and stock market was strong before Trump. Last year Trump only had 2.3% growth. NOTHING to brag about. MAGA my ass.
You should like Trump’s bailouts of the rich. He’s doing just like your Messiah.

Sadly, you just aren’t that smart.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

The reliably right-leaning Rasmussen has Trump 13 points underwater (43/56) in its latest Presidential Approval, as of today.

I can you one thing with certainty: Biden would not be bloviating nonsense at press conferences nor tweeting stupidly on a daily basis.

Cause he wouldn't remember why he was standing at the podium in the first place, and he would start drooling in front of the press....but don't worry, his wife would rush up there and help him off the stage......
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

In the first 2 months, Trump did nothing other than to berate the Dems for a "hoax". He compared it to the Russian "hoax".
Trump is a feckless grifter. You don't appoint neophytes to head up a pandemic. Pence was a governor with no experience in managing a medical emergency and Kuchner is a child. Let the experts do the managing. Trump is as inexperienced as they come. The medical team does not have to know how government works. They need to take charge of the crisis and
Trump needs to step aside.
I can you one thing with certainty: Biden would not be bloviating nonsense at press conferences nor tweeting stupidly on a daily basis.

Cause he wouldn't remember why he was standing at the podium in the first place, and he would start drooling in front of the press....but don't worry, his wife would rush up there and help him off the stage......

What the hell do you think Trump does every day?
I cast my ballot for Biden because I believe the media would be far less influential with Biden at the helm. Trump immediately lost the high ground to the media by at first making Pence the point man on the issue.

Far less influential? You mean they would have swept it under the rug.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.

In the former, he was lying. Clearly after 14,000 people have died, it's not a hoax as he made it out to be.

In the latter, he failed miserably. The shortages are a result of his trade war policies and the supply chain replenishment has a lot to do with his roll out of testing kits.... its happening very slowly.
You use words with no proof.
1. Trump's response to COVID beat the "doomsday projections" every time. Initially there would be 2.2m dead Americans, then 100,000 to 200,000 and now its down to about 60,000 by August. So the democrats' criticisms of Trump are in-fact a "hoax". Biden said that Trump's travel ban was "xenophobic" and he would not have place it (leading to thousands more dead Americans) and now he supports it. That is incompetence from "always wrong" Joe.

2. WTF are you talking about?? There are no shortages due to trade war policies. If there were any shortages it was due to the globalists moving so many US factories to China and India.

3. The US testing "LAW" requires tests by the CDC or as approved by the FDA. The US is leapfrogging the world in rapid test development, currently doing 160,000 tests per day, soon to be in the millions of tests per day.

4. See how I use credible links to dispel your bullshit?

Early predictions are usually off. I recall on 9/11 predictions of 25,000 dead were floated around.
He said the cases would be close to zero. Currently we have 400,000+ cases.
Here is the quote:
"And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done,"
He missed by 400,000....at least 400,000.

The trade war did cause the shortages. Manufacturers of paper goods import the raw materials to make them here. When the prices went up due to the taxes your blob imposed, they made less. The finished goods from China and other places also saw taxes imposed. When the prices went up due to your blob's taxes, they imported less.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

The reliably right-leaning Rasmussen has Trump 13 points underwater (43/56) in its latest Presidential Approval, as of today.

Trump used to be at a constant 38% approval, and that was with the MSM being 95% negative on Trump all day and all night. The CNN/MSDNC has the democrats all rabidly anti-Trump, and probably most of the indys. I think people not working has them pissed-off, being home too long with no income. The stimulus checks are slow coming, which doesn't help Trump's approval. I'm not worried yet, as soon as people are back to work they will be happy again.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

The reliably right-leaning Rasmussen has Trump 13 points underwater (43/56) in its latest Presidential Approval, as of today.

Trump used to be at a constant 38% approval, and that was with the MSM being 95% negative on Trump all day and all night. The CNN/MSDNC has the democrats all rabidly anti-Trump, and probably most of the indys. I think people not working has them pissed-off, being home too long with no income. The stimulus checks are slow coming, which doesn't help Trump's approval. I'm not worried yet, as soon as people are back to work they will be happy again.

I think trying to re-write the history of his coronavirus response, while the memories are still fresh, is too much for most people to swallow.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

In the first 2 months, Trump did nothing other than to berate the Dems for a "hoax". He compared it to the Russian "hoax".
Trump is a feckless grifter. You don't appoint neophytes to head up a pandemic. Pence was a governor with no experience in managing a medical emergency and Kuchner is a child. Let the experts do the managing. Trump is as inexperienced as they come. The medical team does not have to know how government works. They need to take charge of the crisis and
Trump needs to step aside.

That's a lie and it has been shown to be a lie.......they showed a montage of every single left wing pundit stating that the virus was no big deal, was less dangerous than the flu....

Then, they called Trump a racist and xenophobe for shutting down travel with China...

You stupid asshat........we have the internet .....and your lies are shown to be lies easily.....

Those "medical experts," you moron said that there would be between 1-2 million dead Americans.......now they revised that number to 60,000....after they caused the crash of the U.S. economy...you doofus.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I hold both in utter contempt and share in the same view of presidents, wannabe presidents, and any others that seek to rule as does the fictional character Snake Plisskin. "Fuck your war and your president." I can manage my own virus response quite nicely.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

The reliably right-leaning Rasmussen has Trump 13 points underwater (43/56) in its latest Presidential Approval, as of today.

Trump used to be at a constant 38% approval, and that was with the MSM being 95% negative on Trump all day and all night. The CNN/MSDNC has the democrats all rabidly anti-Trump, and probably most of the indys. I think people not working has them pissed-off, being home too long with no income. The stimulus checks are slow coming, which doesn't help Trump's approval. I'm not worried yet, as soon as people are back to work they will be happy again.

I think trying to re-write the history of his coronavirus response, while the memories are still fresh, is too much for most people to swallow.

Not sure where you're going with the "re-write of history"? Its still being written.
IMHO Trump beat the odds. The experts were predicting 2.2m US deaths based on the global average death rate of 4.4%. Then due to mitigation they revised the US dead to 100,000 to 200,000. Now the latest models are predicting about 60,000 US deaths by August. So Trump is beating the odds, NY & CA are over the hump with Trump's military surge of medical help playing a role. The MSM can whine about this or that, but big picture the virus was well handled so far thanks to the Trump admin's expediting of tests and medical supplies, including ventilators.
Tell me you're one of the democrat hoax promoters with a list of whines to whine about?!
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Trump did nothing for 2 months since he knew about the virus in January. He spent those 2 months in denial and accusing the Dems of a "hoax". He appointed 2 inexperienced hacks to head his response to the virus, instead of medical and science professionals. So let's look at it differently, yes? Hint: Obama care was very successful and Trump, jealous of all things Obama,
tried to kill the program rather than fix it. Oh, he promised better, cheaper healthcare to replace it. A feckless grifter.

1. Trump got the CDC and FDA and Task Force up and running in the 1st two months. The CDC was woefully inadequate for the testing capacity needed. So Trump got commercial labs involved.
2. The democrat "hoax" is alive and well, accusing Trump of mismanagement, when Biden wouldn't have implemented the travel ban, which now he approves?! Totally inept Biden, still always wrong.
3. What two "hacks" are you referring to? Pence was a governor used to managing responses to emergencies. His appointment gives the medical team the time to work on the disease, instead of trying to figure how the government works.
4. Obamacare rollout was not successful, it was a disaster, so says CNN.

In the first 2 months, Trump did nothing other than to berate the Dems for a "hoax". He compared it to the Russian "hoax".
Trump is a feckless grifter. You don't appoint neophytes to head up a pandemic. Pence was a governor with no experience in managing a medical emergency and Kuchner is a child. Let the experts do the managing. Trump is as inexperienced as they come. The medical team does not have to know how government works. They need to take charge of the crisis and
Trump needs to step aside.

Your list of "opinions" has no basis in fact. They are just partisan bullshit.
1. Trump had to deal with an outdated CDC and a medical warehouse that was very depleted. His main response was the travel ban which Biden and the democrats called "xenophobic". Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
2. A "feckless grifter" is a low energy swindler. That sounds more like Joe Biden and his Hunter Biden scams. WTF do you think you have on Trump? Nothing. So your label is stupid.
3. Neophytes could describe a 79 year old physician if you want Fauci to manage the government's response to the pandemic. Redfield is way past his prime too. Pence as a governor managed responses to many emergencies, he is no neophyte to emergency management, and he has done a great job managing the response to COVID.
4. Your "Experts"? Name a few.
5. Obama never even ran a "KoolAde stand" and neither did Biden for that matter. Trump ran a very successful business empire and has tons of experience managing complex problems.
6. The medical team would need to mobilize the entire Federal government to combat COVID, your not knowing that proves that you have no clue what you're whining about. How can the medical team "take charge" when all they know is virology? Don't be so stupid. Let everyone do what they know best, its working just fine.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.

In the former, he was lying. Clearly after 14,000 people have died, it's not a hoax as he made it out to be.

In the latter, he failed miserably. The shortages are a result of his trade war policies and the supply chain replenishment has a lot to do with his roll out of testing kits.... its happening very slowly.
You use words with no proof.
1. Trump's response to COVID beat the "doomsday projections" every time. Initially there would be 2.2m dead Americans, then 100,000 to 200,000 and now its down to about 60,000 by August. So the democrats' criticisms of Trump are in-fact a "hoax". Biden said that Trump's travel ban was "xenophobic" and he would not have place it (leading to thousands more dead Americans) and now he supports it. That is incompetence from "always wrong" Joe.

2. WTF are you talking about?? There are no shortages due to trade war policies. If there were any shortages it was due to the globalists moving so many US factories to China and India.

3. The US testing "LAW" requires tests by the CDC or as approved by the FDA. The US is leapfrogging the world in rapid test development, currently doing 160,000 tests per day, soon to be in the millions of tests per day.

4. See how I use credible links to dispel your bullshit?

Early predictions are usually off. I recall on 9/11 predictions of 25,000 dead were floated around.
He said the cases would be close to zero. Currently we have 400,000+ cases.
Here is the quote:
"And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done,"
He missed by 400,000....at least 400,000.

The trade war did cause the shortages. Manufacturers of paper goods import the raw materials to make them here. When the prices went up due to the taxes your blob imposed, they made less. The finished goods from China and other places also saw taxes imposed. When the prices went up due to your blob's taxes, they imported less.
1. The 2.2m US dead wasn't an early "prediction", it was based on the global average of 4.4% as U2Edge keeps posting as fact. Trump's early "happy talk" was just trying to avert a "panic", which never happened, thankfully.
2. There is no tariff on paper raw materials. Got any more bullshit?
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.

In the former, he was lying. Clearly after 14,000 people have died, it's not a hoax as he made it out to be.

In the latter, he failed miserably. The shortages are a result of his trade war policies and the supply chain replenishment has a lot to do with his roll out of testing kits.... its happening very slowly.
You use words with no proof.
1. Trump's response to COVID beat the "doomsday projections" every time. Initially there would be 2.2m dead Americans, then 100,000 to 200,000 and now its down to about 60,000 by August. So the democrats' criticisms of Trump are in-fact a "hoax". Biden said that Trump's travel ban was "xenophobic" and he would not have place it (leading to thousands more dead Americans) and now he supports it. That is incompetence from "always wrong" Joe.

2. WTF are you talking about?? There are no shortages due to trade war policies. If there were any shortages it was due to the globalists moving so many US factories to China and India.

3. The US testing "LAW" requires tests by the CDC or as approved by the FDA. The US is leapfrogging the world in rapid test development, currently doing 160,000 tests per day, soon to be in the millions of tests per day.

4. See how I use credible links to dispel your bullshit?

Early predictions are usually off. I recall on 9/11 predictions of 25,000 dead were floated around.
He said the cases would be close to zero. Currently we have 400,000+ cases.
Here is the quote:
"And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done,"
He missed by 400,000....at least 400,000.

The trade war did cause the shortages. Manufacturers of paper goods import the raw materials to make them here. When the prices went up due to the taxes your blob imposed, they made less. The finished goods from China and other places also saw taxes imposed. When the prices went up due to your blob's taxes, they imported less.
1. The 2.2m US dead wasn't an early "prediction", it was based on the global average of 4.4% as U2Edge keeps posting as fact. Trump's early "happy talk" was just trying to avert a "panic", which never happened, thankfully.
2. There is no tariff on paper raw materials. Got any more bullshit?
You should read your source...retard
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.

In the former, he was lying. Clearly after 14,000 people have died, it's not a hoax as he made it out to be.

In the latter, he failed miserably. The shortages are a result of his trade war policies and the supply chain replenishment has a lot to do with his roll out of testing kits.... its happening very slowly.
You use words with no proof.
1. Trump's response to COVID beat the "doomsday projections" every time. Initially there would be 2.2m dead Americans, then 100,000 to 200,000 and now its down to about 60,000 by August. So the democrats' criticisms of Trump are in-fact a "hoax". Biden said that Trump's travel ban was "xenophobic" and he would not have place it (leading to thousands more dead Americans) and now he supports it. That is incompetence from "always wrong" Joe.

2. WTF are you talking about?? There are no shortages due to trade war policies. If there were any shortages it was due to the globalists moving so many US factories to China and India.

3. The US testing "LAW" requires tests by the CDC or as approved by the FDA. The US is leapfrogging the world in rapid test development, currently doing 160,000 tests per day, soon to be in the millions of tests per day.

4. See how I use credible links to dispel your bullshit?

Early predictions are usually off. I recall on 9/11 predictions of 25,000 dead were floated around.
He said the cases would be close to zero. Currently we have 400,000+ cases.
Here is the quote:
"And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done,"
He missed by 400,000....at least 400,000.

The trade war did cause the shortages. Manufacturers of paper goods import the raw materials to make them here. When the prices went up due to the taxes your blob imposed, they made less. The finished goods from China and other places also saw taxes imposed. When the prices went up due to your blob's taxes, they imported less.
1. The 2.2m US dead wasn't an early "prediction", it was based on the global average of 4.4% as U2Edge keeps posting as fact. Trump's early "happy talk" was just trying to avert a "panic", which never happened, thankfully.
2. There is no tariff on paper raw materials. Got any more bullshit?
You should read your source...retard

Here is what you wrote, falsely blaming Trump tariffs on raw paper materials for "shortages" and increased prices.
"The trade war did cause the shortages. Manufacturers of paper goods import the raw materials to make them here. When the prices went up due to the taxes your blob imposed, they made less. The finished goods from China and other places also saw taxes imposed. When the prices went up due to your blob's taxes, they imported less."

Here is copy from my link proving that there are no tariffs on raw materials, and that there are no "shortages", of raw paper materials, the market for printed material is just slowing. Probably due to folks reading more online, duh.
"Baehr and others had told Congress that the overall decline in groundwood paper sales is the result of other market forces, such as the decline in the newspaper business and slowing-to-flat sales of print books, and not due to paper imported from Canada. "

So stop your whining and bullshitting about Trump.
biden wouldn't blow off warnings from the pentagon briefing regarding the US was ripe for a pandemic, when the transition was in action between the outgoing & incoming administration were taking place.

biden wouldn't allow his NSA to dismantle the pandemic response team, that the obama administration put in place.

biden wouldn't blow off the warning from the intel community that something was brewing like a possible uncontrollable virus outbreak (via cables from china that they were monitoring).

biden wouldn't fire the science expert overlooking labs that was embedded within china to warn that it was happening.

biden wouldn't 'prefer ' that american citizens stay on a floating petri dish because he 'liked the numbers [of infected] where they were '

when the virus broke out of china - biden would have accepted the gene sequence & resulting WHO recommended test kits to start testing right away instead of insisting the CDC kits be used instead which ended up defective & put us weeks behind from where we could have been.

& biden wouldn't ship an overwhelming amount of our tax payer stockpiled PPE to them, resulting in a severe shortage, taking months to sign & enact the DPA, when it was too late; whining & outright lying that ' the obama administration left the cub boards bare '.
....no one dismantled the pandemic team--we stopped WASTING $$$ on it to other countries..get your facts straight

Trump dismantled the pandemic team, saying that he was a businessman and didn't like people standing around.
Of course, he denied it and said that he knew nothing about it and then blamed someone in his administration. How gullible his minions are, yes?

He also called the virus a "hoax" and said we'd have "zero cases" very shortly.
He said that the virus is democrat's "new hoax", get your facts straight.
His "happy talk" was just to stay calm and avoid a panic, like for paper products and disinfectants, while the government focused it's response to the virus.

In the former, he was lying. Clearly after 14,000 people have died, it's not a hoax as he made it out to be.

In the latter, he failed miserably. The shortages are a result of his trade war policies and the supply chain replenishment has a lot to do with his roll out of testing kits.... its happening very slowly.
You use words with no proof.
1. Trump's response to COVID beat the "doomsday projections" every time. Initially there would be 2.2m dead Americans, then 100,000 to 200,000 and now its down to about 60,000 by August. So the democrats' criticisms of Trump are in-fact a "hoax". Biden said that Trump's travel ban was "xenophobic" and he would not have place it (leading to thousands more dead Americans) and now he supports it. That is incompetence from "always wrong" Joe.

2. WTF are you talking about?? There are no shortages due to trade war policies. If there were any shortages it was due to the globalists moving so many US factories to China and India.

3. The US testing "LAW" requires tests by the CDC or as approved by the FDA. The US is leapfrogging the world in rapid test development, currently doing 160,000 tests per day, soon to be in the millions of tests per day.

4. See how I use credible links to dispel your bullshit?

Early predictions are usually off. I recall on 9/11 predictions of 25,000 dead were floated around.
He said the cases would be close to zero. Currently we have 400,000+ cases.
Here is the quote:
"And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done,"
He missed by 400,000....at least 400,000.

The trade war did cause the shortages. Manufacturers of paper goods import the raw materials to make them here. When the prices went up due to the taxes your blob imposed, they made less. The finished goods from China and other places also saw taxes imposed. When the prices went up due to your blob's taxes, they imported less.
1. The 2.2m US dead wasn't an early "prediction", it was based on the global average of 4.4% as U2Edge keeps posting as fact. Trump's early "happy talk" was just trying to avert a "panic", which never happened, thankfully.
2. There is no tariff on paper raw materials. Got any more bullshit?
You should read your source...retard

Here is what you wrote, falsely blaming Trump tariffs on raw paper materials for "shortages" and increased prices.
"The trade war did cause the shortages. Manufacturers of paper goods import the raw materials to make them here. When the prices went up due to the taxes your blob imposed, they made less. The finished goods from China and other places also saw taxes imposed. When the prices went up due to your blob's taxes, they imported less."

Here is copy from my link proving that there are no tariffs on raw materials, and that there are no "shortages", of raw paper materials, the market for printed material is just slowing. Probably due to folks reading more online, duh.
"Baehr and others had told Congress that the overall decline in groundwood paper sales is the result of other market forces, such as the decline in the newspaper business and slowing-to-flat sales of print books, and not due to paper imported from Canada. "

So stop your whining and bullshitting about Trump.
From your source:
“The administration first levied the tariffs in January...”

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