Whoa! Bolton coming out swinging! Can't believe the WSJ gave him Op-Ed

Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Can you give us the gist? I can't read past a few sentences.


The Walking Orange Stain is doing good to get past the first page of Dick, Jane and Sally.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Ugh. Paywall.
Trump is such a turd that he just can’t help degrading himself and the United States of America’s by asking foreign nations to help him win elections.
I personally want to thank any foreign country that helped Trump get elected, and hope they help get him reelected in 2020 ... :thup:
Some of us on this board believe the integrity of the US Republic is worth defending and others don’t. Your side is clear where they stand and it isn’t for defending the USA.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

How exciting.

It is!
The former and current military leaders and advisors against Trump are adding up!

Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis

Marine Corps. Gen. John Kelly

Marine Corps Gen. John Allen

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen

Air Force Gen. Richard Myers

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey

William Perry

Navy Adm. William McRaven

Navy Adm. James Stavridis

Army Gen. Raymond A. "Tony" Thomas

Air Force Gen. Mike Hayden

Ash Carter

Leon Panetta and Chuck Hagel

You still haven't learned to keep your panties dry, have you?
Fired ex-employee with an axe to grind towards his boss.
Should be a riveting tale of fiction. ... :thup:

Funny how there are so fucking many of them.
No other POTUS has ever had this many detractors.
But you drink Trump piss and post your shit, Sparky.

That's true, no other President has had so many insiders hate him so much. That tells people with a brain that maybe just maybe he's the man for the job.

The man has liberals and conservaties. Republicans and Democrats, hating on him and complaining? Why ? Because he's fighting their deep state bullshit.

That you're apparently too stupid to understand that , for example, Mattis and Bolton hate Trump because he doesn't want to fight endless wars is sad.
Some of us on this board believe the integrity of the US Republic is worth defending and others don’t. Your side is clear where they stand and it isn’t for defending the USA.
Getting our wonderful Pres.Trump reelected is in the vital national interest of the country. ... :thup:
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Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

How exciting.

It is!
The former and current military leaders and advisors against Trump are adding up!

Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis

Marine Corps. Gen. John Kelly

Marine Corps Gen. John Allen

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen

Air Force Gen. Richard Myers

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey

William Perry

Navy Adm. William McRaven

Navy Adm. James Stavridis

Army Gen. Raymond A. "Tony" Thomas

Air Force Gen. Mike Hayden

Ash Carter

Leon Panetta and Chuck Hagel

Right along with traitorous faggots like you!
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Gotta love left wingers who trashed Bolton before and love him now. You nit wits are going to strip your gears with all this change of direction.
These traitors wanted to steamroll Trump and he would not let them.
Bolton is a war mongers war monger. He would nuke the universe but orange man wouldn't let him. Now he's mad and pumping out the lies. Libs in love.

Trump knew who he was before he hired him. Well.......everyone else in the world knew who he was. Maybe Trump can argue he was out of touch.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Hell hath no fury like a war hawk denied his wars.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Can you give us the gist? I can't read past a few sentences.

I'll give you the Cliff's Notes version....

"Man, these grapes are hella-sour!"
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Gotta love left wingers who trashed Bolton before and love him now. You nit wits are going to strip your gears with all this change of direction.

Bolton is a lousy excuse for a human being. That doesn't automatically mean he is wrong about Trump.

Sometimes it takes one to know one.

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