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Whoa, France is the new champion of Free Speech?

France Cracks Down on Anti-Semitic Speech, Arrests Provocative Comedian for ‘Defending Terrorism’

by Evan McMurry | 8:46 am, January 14th, 2015

54 people were arrested in France as of Wednesday for “apologizing for terrorism” in the wake of the attack on the Charlie Hebdo office last week that left a dozen dead. French authorities also announced the country would crack down on what the Associated Press summarized as “hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism.”

Thankfully our President did not go to France to defend this.

Well, then all they need are some denunciations and then they can build some camps....

oldest trick in the book.

Well, other than hookers.

The French have just built one at Sangatte, with its own Michelin 3 star chef cooking 3 course meals for the inmates every day. What they should be doing is sending them back to where they came from with a warning next time they will be shot as enemy insurgents.

Nothing like that will happen until the Left/Socialists are removed from power. The Left in Western Europe has a very close relationship with Muslims. They're the ones who opened their nations' borders and allowed them to get a foothold. So most Muslims in Western Europe support the Left/Socialists. They have a very close relationship.

The Left will do everything in its power to not upset them. That's just the current reality. Nothing will change until the Left are booted out of power all across Western Europe.
Furthermore, Mein Kampf is the no. 1 best seller in the Muslim world (after Koran)
Jeremiah you keep spreading that lie.

But I have never meet a muslim who has ever read Mein Kampt.

In fact, most of them don't even know what it is? ...... :cool:
Books are unknown items in some parts of the Muslim world. In fact, some parts of the Muslim world were more developed 1000 years ago.
You obviously have no fear of the LORD to use God's name in vain like that. I think the Muslims have done far more demonization of innocent Jews not to mention an entire nation (Israel) that has been slandered in front of the world by them for decades.
When Irish Catholics were blowing up British people, should Britain have bombed the Vatican?
Most leftist American Jews are leftists first and Jews second and a far greater percentage of real conservatives, as I am, strongly support Israel. People like you would bash and slander conservative Christians who support Israel much more strongly than left wing secular Jews.
You are blissfully ignorant about why conservative Christians support Israel.

You prolly think it's because they love the Jews, or some other Right-Wing talking point.
For Seawych - this is one link with part of the story on Tim McVeigh- I'll find the other part for you. Sit tight.

Timothy McVeigh was Muslim Terrorist Argues US Senator

Hey dimmy, you just linked to a SATIRE page.


"Was he Muslim? Let me answer your question with another question: Does the Pope shit in the woods?" The senator added, "9/11!" and "Did you know we're such a dim nation that many people would probably read this entire satire without realizing it was a joke?!"

Jeri really is a moron.
I know. The guy actually read that and linked it as a real backup source for his claim.

Might as well hold up a "I'm Stupid" sign.
You need to spend more time here, my friend!
France does not have freedom of speech in their laws. Neither does Britain. Neither does Germany. None of them do.
Germany has. The Grundgesetz states that one has the right to express his opinion with words, pictures and writings without censorship.
False. Denying the Holocaust is against the law.

That is not free speech.

BTW, whose sock are you? I've never seen you before, yet you miraculously have 3000+ posts.
France does not have freedom of speech in their laws. Neither does Britain. Neither does Germany. None of them do.
Germany has. The Grundgesetz states that one has the right to express his opinion with words, pictures and writings without censorship.
False. Denying the Holocaust is against the law.

That is not free speech.

BTW, whose sock are you? I've never seen you before, yet you miraculously have 3000+ posts.
Denying the Holocaust is actually not an opinion but a claim. One can have opinions to facts but the facts themselves are how they are, what ever an opinion about it is. So, if you say, that you doubt that the holocaust has happened, it is not a denial of the Holocaust.
However, there is an unwritten law in Germany, the "act of enforcing government defined political correctness." While you can violate that "law" without legal consequences, such violations can destroy your career. That does not apply for officials. "Undemocratic" behavior can earn you an employment ban.

Cases I remember:
A homosexual teacher got an employment ban for participating in a Pro-NRW Demo. Funny, the guy came to provoke the demonstrators but then he told openly, that he is rather afraid of Islamists than of right wingers: Employment ban!
8220 Linker Lehrer 8221 suspendiert Reaktionen Ruhrbarone

A young woman´s Olympic and and police carriers were destroyed because her friend was member of the NPD, a typical case of the exertion of the "act of enforcing government defined political correctness."

"Die simpelste rechtsstaatliche Regel, die Unschuldsvermutung, galt nicht mehr. Schlimmer noch: Um des guten antifaschistischen Gefühls willen wurde ein Mensch für die Gesinnung eines anderen Menschen verantwortlich gemacht. Der Fall ist krass, aber keineswegs einzigartig. Denn das Gegenstück zu der unverzeihlichen Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber den NSU-Morden ist eine stets aktivierbare Bereitschaft, sich über den Rechtsextremismus zu empören, zur Not auch ohne realen Grund."
Olympia-Skandal Die symbolische Opferung der Nadja Drygalla - DIE WELT

Who I am? I am just a guy, who wants to discuss this and that and is frustrated by the western governments.
France always had a great tradition in journalism. That spirit comes out in the solidarity that French people are displaying with Charlie Hebdo. Most countries would have buckled up by now but not France.
France does not have freedom of speech in their laws. Neither does Britain. Neither does Germany. None of them do.

France Arrests a Comedian For His Facebook Comments, Showing the Sham of the West’s “Free Speech” Celebration

By Glenn Greenwald
The Intercept

January 16, 2015

Forty-eight hours after hosting a massive march under the banner of free expression, France opened a criminal investigation of a controversial French comedian for a Facebook post he wrote about the Charlie Hebdo attack, and then this morning, arrested him for that post on charges of “defending terrorism.” The comedian, Dieudonné (above), previously sought elective office in France on what he called an “anti-Zionist” platform, has had his show banned by numerous government officials in cities throughout France, and has been criminally prosecuted several times before for expressing ideas banned in that country."


The Western democracies have a real problem with the concept of “freedom of speech”. Their hypocrisy and double standards know no borders. The inflicted state terrorism of the West against Muslims in the Middle East or non-white peoples in Africa or elsewhere is boundless. But when these downtrodden victims of Western genocidal attacks fight back, they are called “terrorists”. Insults and incitement against Muslims and their prophet Mohammad falls allegedly under the concept of freedom of speech, which is assumed unlimited, however, when this noble concept is used against the atrocities committed by the Zionist occupying regime in Palestine or its US master, it’s considered a “crime” by the French judiciary.

Maurice Sinet, who worked as a political cartoonist for “Charlie Hebdo” for 20 years, was fired in 2009 for his “anti-Semitic” cartoon mocking the relationship of Nikolas Sarkozy’s son, Jean, with a wealthy Jewish woman. Commenting on rumors that Jean considered to convert to Judaism out of carrier reasons, Maurice Sinet quipped: ““He’ll go a long way in life, that little lad.” He was charged of “inciting racial hatred”. After the journalist Claude Askolovitch thought, Sinet’s article was anti-Semitic, then editor in chief, Philippe Val, demanded an apology from Sinet. He refused saying: “I’d rather cut my balls off.” He lost his job. One of the many Zionist front Organization took him to court, and Sinet won a 40, 000 Euro court judgment against his former publisher. (1)

The controversial French comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala posted on facebook “I like Charlie Coulibaly”. An investigation by the Paris prosecutor’s office followed immediately, and two days later, Wednesday 14 January, he was arrested for exercising his right of freedom of speech. His shows are banned because of being “anti-Semitic”. With the approval of the French government freedom of expression can be utilized, but if it doesn’t fit into the prevailing political concept of the ruling political and media class, one has a problem.

The “protest march of millions” in Paris , “led” by 40 big shots, was a fake. The heads of states did not lead the march, instead they flew in for a photo op on a hermetically sealed street. No wonder that US President Obama did not want to waste his time for such a gimmick. Many of these heads of states fight against freedom of speech in their own countries. Was this the only manipulation by the corporate media?

The circumstances of the terror attack at “Charlie Hebdo” raises more questions that it has answered so far. The cold-blooded assassination of police officer Ahmed Merabet at point-blank range did not cause a single blood splatter on the sidewalk. In the assassination of John F. Kennedy, however, there was blood and brain all over the car. How come that the attack by the Kouachi brothers and their getaway were filmed from roof tops? Who were these people and who stationed them there? Do people take their IDs with them, when going on a deadly rampage? But the world knows already that it’s possible to find a brand-new passport besides the pulverized twin towers in New York City . Like the 9/11 hijackers, the perpetrators of the Paris atrocities were known within minutes.

I 8217 m Maurice Sinet 8211 8220 I Like Charlie Coulibaly 8221 8211 Wake Up From Your Slumber

The Western democracies have a real problem with the concept of “freedom of speech”. Their hypocrisy and double standards know no borders. The inflicted state terrorism of the West against Muslims in the Middle East or non-white peoples in Africa or elsewhere is boundless. But when these downtrodden victims of Western genocidal attacks fight back, they are called “terrorists”. Insults and incitement against Muslims and their prophet Mohammad falls allegedly under the concept of freedom of speech, which is assumed unlimited, however, when this noble concept is used against the atrocities committed by the Zionist occupying regime in Palestine or its US master, it’s considered a “crime” by the French judiciary.

Maurice Sinet, who worked as a political cartoonist for “Charlie Hebdo” for 20 years, was fired in 2009 for his “anti-Semitic” cartoon mocking the relationship of Nikolas Sarkozy’s son, Jean, with a wealthy Jewish woman. Commenting on rumors that Jean considered to convert to Judaism out of carrier reasons, Maurice Sinet quipped: ““He’ll go a long way in life, that little lad.” He was charged of “inciting racial hatred”. After the journalist Claude Askolovitch thought, Sinet’s article was anti-Semitic, then editor in chief, Philippe Val, demanded an apology from Sinet. He refused saying: “I’d rather cut my balls off.” He lost his job. One of the many Zionist front Organization took him to court, and Sinet won a 40, 000 Euro court judgment against his former publisher. (1)

The controversial French comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala posted on facebook “I like Charlie Coulibaly”. An investigation by the Paris prosecutor’s office followed immediately, and two days later, Wednesday 14 January, he was arrested for exercising his right of freedom of speech. His shows are banned because of being “anti-Semitic”. With the approval of the French government freedom of expression can be utilized, but if it doesn’t fit into the prevailing political concept of the ruling political and media class, one has a problem.

The “protest march of millions” in Paris , “led” by 40 big shots, was a fake. The heads of states did not lead the march, instead they flew in for a photo op on a hermetically sealed street. No wonder that US President Obama did not want to waste his time for such a gimmick. Many of these heads of states fight against freedom of speech in their own countries. Was this the only manipulation by the corporate media?

The circumstances of the terror attack at “Charlie Hebdo” raises more questions that it has answered so far. The cold-blooded assassination of police officer Ahmed Merabet at point-blank range did not cause a single blood splatter on the sidewalk. In the assassination of John F. Kennedy, however, there was blood and brain all over the car. How come that the attack by the Kouachi brothers and their getaway were filmed from roof tops? Who were these people and who stationed them there? Do people take their IDs with them, when going on a deadly rampage? But the world knows already that it’s possible to find a brand-new passport besides the pulverized twin towers in New York City . Like the 9/11 hijackers, the perpetrators of the Paris atrocities were known within minutes.

I 8217 m Maurice Sinet 8211 8220 I Like Charlie Coulibaly 8221 8211 Wake Up From Your Slumber

fang posted this stupidity and contum endorsed it

The circumstances of the terror attack at “Charlie Hebdo” raises more questions that it has answered so far. The cold-blooded assassination of police officer Ahmed Merabet at point-blank range did not cause a single blood splatter on the sidewalk. In the assassination of John F. Kennedy, however, there was blood and brain all over the car. How come that the attack by the Kouachi brothers and their getaway were filmed from roof tops? Who were these people and who stationed them there?

I will state-----it is very clear that neither of these two idiots
have even seen a person dead of a single gunshot
wound to the head or bothered to listen to the news
of the event-------or even have any concept of the manner
in which JFK was shot------feel free to ask why ---you two
fang posted this stupidity and contum endorsed it

The circumstances of the terror attack at “Charlie Hebdo” raises more questions that it has answered so far. The cold-blooded assassination of police officer Ahmed Merabet at point-blank range did not cause a single blood splatter on the sidewalk. In the assassination of John F. Kennedy, however, there was blood and brain all over the car. How come that the attack by the Kouachi brothers and their getaway were filmed from roof tops? Who were these people and who stationed them there?

I will state-----it is very clear that neither of these two idiots
have even seen a person dead of a single gunshot
wound to the head or bothered to listen to the news
of the event-------or even have any concept of the manner
in which JFK was shot------feel free to ask why ---you two

Clueless in Tel Aviv


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