Whoa: Lefty The Atlantic Says Every American Should Want Trump to Prevail Against China

If your an internationalist, subscribe to government controlled economies, means of production, and distribution, then of course you are against all attempts to thwart unfair trade practices as established by China. Who cares about preservation of intellectual property and punitive trade practices provided you get your consumer items cheap!

Tariffs are taxes by the government to control an economic outcome and redistribute wealth in the economy. How’s that any different than what a leftist does?
The problem is that it is being conducted by a doofus who is clearly winging the whole thing.

At least it's being conducted. China has far more to lose.
Does it really? China has always been China through wars, famines and disease that would mean the end of us. China has a capacity for suffering that we cannot even comprehend. They can outlast anything. Can we?

Starving to death has nothing to do with suffering.
China can barely feed their people as it is,while we dont have that problem.
They are totally right too.

“Some Americans disagree with the Trump administration’s criticisms of China’s economic practices and, as a result, its decision to challenge them at all. Many criticize the Trump administration’s tactical use of tariffs on economic grounds. But a Chinese victory in the trade conflict, now, would damage democracy and human rights regardless of the economics of the initial trade issues themselves.”

Every American Should Hope Trump Prevails Against China
Weather guy is the most misleading member of the conservative USMB board.
Notice that he didn't tell us that the author is a right winger who works for the conservative American Enterprise institute. He told you that The Atlantic is Lefty. So by pretending that The Atlantic (in general terms) is some guy who writes all the articles, he erases the conservative guy's conservatism.
So what’s wrong with the American Enterprise Institute? I always thought they were a think tank, floating, and discussing ideas. Is that not where Mitty got his Massachusetts healthcare idea that Obama so much admired?
They are totally right too.

“Some Americans disagree with the Trump administration’s criticisms of China’s economic practices and, as a result, its decision to challenge them at all. Many criticize the Trump administration’s tactical use of tariffs on economic grounds. But a Chinese victory in the trade conflict, now, would damage democracy and human rights regardless of the economics of the initial trade issues themselves.”

Every American Should Hope Trump Prevails Against China

Of course they are right.
Once again this is simply another example of Trump Derangement Syndrom...also known as.. Orange Man Bad. No matter what.
How on EARTH can any liberal want China to continue with their policies and continue to rape Americas economy??
ONLY.... ONLY..... the investor class want China to win. And that is because there is more ROI on investing in products with the lowest possible cost to make.
So of course the corporate media is spinning this like the end of the world...and leftist are parroting their own enemies just because....wait for it... ORANGE MAN BAD.
They are totally right too.

“Some Americans disagree with the Trump administration’s criticisms of China’s economic practices and, as a result, its decision to challenge them at all. Many criticize the Trump administration’s tactical use of tariffs on economic grounds. But a Chinese victory in the trade conflict, now, would damage democracy and human rights regardless of the economics of the initial trade issues themselves.”

Every American Should Hope Trump Prevails Against China

We all do want him to prevail against China, that is why we are so upset about his inept handling of the situation.
China is better than the United States. China isn't a Nazi cesspool. Chinese food is better, and Chinese women are cute, not flabby heifers like American ones are usually.

I don't know if you're being serious and I disagree with much of it, however it did make me laugh at it's offensiveness.
When was the last time a Chinese man has shot up a synagogue? When was the last time you saw a Chinese man on the street corner with his paper bag drinking? When was the last time you saw a fat Chinese woman covered with tattoos? Chinese are superior over Americans.

I hate to say it, Ed...but you're kind of an idiot! You do realize that the Chinese communists have killed millions of their own people? That their government puts hundreds of thousands of their own citizens in prison camps for doing nothing more than dissenting against the communists in power?
China is better than the United States. China isn't a Nazi cesspool. Chinese food is better, and Chinese women are cute, not flabby heifers like American ones are usually.

I don't know if you're being serious and I disagree with much of it, however it did make me laugh at it's offensiveness.
When was the last time a Chinese man has shot up a synagogue? When was the last time you saw a Chinese man on the street corner with his paper bag drinking? When was the last time you saw a fat Chinese woman covered with tattoos? Chinese are superior over Americans.

I hate to say it, Ed...but you're kind of an idiot! You do realize that the Chinese communists have killed millions of their own people? That their government puts hundreds of thousands of their own citizens in prison camps for doing nothing more than dissenting against the communists in power?
Famines happened in China long before communism.List of famines in China - Wikipedia
China is better than the United States. China isn't a Nazi cesspool. Chinese food is better, and Chinese women are cute, not flabby heifers like American ones are usually.

I don't know if you're being serious and I disagree with much of it, however it did make me laugh at it's offensiveness.
When was the last time a Chinese man has shot up a synagogue? When was the last time you saw a Chinese man on the street corner with his paper bag drinking? When was the last time you saw a fat Chinese woman covered with tattoos? Chinese are superior over Americans.

I hate to say it, Ed...but you're kind of an idiot! You do realize that the Chinese communists have killed millions of their own people? That their government puts hundreds of thousands of their own citizens in prison camps for doing nothing more than dissenting against the communists in power?
Famines happened in China long before communism.List of famines in China - Wikipedia

Do you understand the difference between famines that occurred naturally...and famines that are imposed on the people by the ruling class? Like I said, Ed...you're not that bright!
Estimates of up to 45 million people were killed in China because of the communist party's agenda...not because of a famine brought on naturally! Think about that before you post any more inane comments on how wonderful the Chinese are!
They are totally right too.

“Some Americans disagree with the Trump administration’s criticisms of China’s economic practices and, as a result, its decision to challenge them at all. Many criticize the Trump administration’s tactical use of tariffs on economic grounds. But a Chinese victory in the trade conflict, now, would damage democracy and human rights regardless of the economics of the initial trade issues themselves.”

Every American Should Hope Trump Prevails Against China

We all do want him to prevail against China, that is why we are so upset about his inept handling of the situation.
Inept meaning he’s not caving to you Commies.
They are totally right too.

“Some Americans disagree with the Trump administration’s criticisms of China’s economic practices and, as a result, its decision to challenge them at all. Many criticize the Trump administration’s tactical use of tariffs on economic grounds. But a Chinese victory in the trade conflict, now, would damage democracy and human rights regardless of the economics of the initial trade issues themselves.”

Every American Should Hope Trump Prevails Against China

We all do want him to prevail against China, that is why we are so upset about his inept handling of the situation.
Inept meaning he’s not caving to you Commies.

Is China going to pay for the wall, and Mexico pay for the tariffs, or is it the other way around? Sometimes Trump loses me in his explanations on how we are winning.
Estimates of up to 45 million people were killed in China because of the communist party's agenda...not because of a famine brought on naturally! Think about that before you post any more inane comments on how wonderful the Chinese are!
China in 1960 had 1/3rd the per capita income GDP as Haiti. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. By 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
China is better than the United States. China isn't a Nazi cesspool. Chinese food is better, and Chinese women are cute, not flabby heifers like American ones are usually.

I don't know if you're being serious and I disagree with much of it, however it did make me laugh at it's offensiveness.
When was the last time a Chinese man has shot up a synagogue? When was the last time you saw a Chinese man on the street corner with his paper bag drinking? When was the last time you saw a fat Chinese woman covered with tattoos? Chinese are superior over Americans.

I hate to say it, Ed...but you're kind of an idiot! You do realize that the Chinese communists have killed millions of their own people? That their government puts hundreds of thousands of their own citizens in prison camps for doing nothing more than dissenting against the communists in power?
Famines happened in China long before communism.List of famines in China - Wikipedia

Do you understand the difference between famines that occurred naturally...and famines that are imposed on the people by the ruling class? Like I said, Ed...you're not that bright!
China stopped having famines not too long after becoming communist. The American version of the Holodomor happened because of capitalist austerity.American Holodomor
Estimates of up to 45 million people were killed in China because of the communist party's agenda...not because of a famine brought on naturally! Think about that before you post any more inane comments on how wonderful the Chinese are!
China in 1960 had 1/3rd the per capita income GDP as Haiti. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. By 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
How China Became a Capitalist Nation - U.S. Global Investors

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