Whoever Controls Information Controls the Country: CIA/FBI Asleep at the Wheel


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
WASHINGTON – The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has created an enemies list of 36 commentators – including pastors, authors, radio talk-show hosts, pro-family activists and researchers – in an effort to limit the effectiveness of their media outreach...

...The formulation of the list is the work of GLAAD’s “Commentator Accountability Project” that aims to “educate the media about the extreme rhetoric of over three dozen activists who are often given a platform to speak in opposition to LGBT people and the issues that affect their lives.”...

...GLAAD encourages individuals to alert the organization when those on the enemies list appear on local or national news...

...“The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation should more accurately be called the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Criticism,” said Farah. “These people actually believe that if you have a different viewpoint and a different value system from them you are a hate-filled, bigoted monster. Here’s a group that claims in its own name that it is ‘against defamation,’ but actively defames those with whom it has disagreements. Not one example of hateful or defamatory language is offered as evidence against any of those listed in this report.”... http://www.wnd.com/2012/03/gay-hate-list-farah-perkins-colson-more/

I remember watching a documentary on pre WWII Germany and the rise of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Party to power. One of the techniques these fascists employed to remarkable success was to encourage individuals to be on the lookout and report to the Reicht those people high ranking or in media or other professions who were not supportive 100% [completely uncritical of] the Nazi Party.

Here's the problem with this rampant fascism. It is devoid of morality and the wind in its sails is the narcissistic and unreflective pursuit of personal indulgences and base physical gratification. The "Me" generation has grown up and is feeling its oats in a most bizarre way. And teaching the younger generations to jump into the fold.

The problem of being devoid of morality is a real issue today. We have a recipe for extreme political devolution as a result. Add one pinch of a bad economy, people struggling to make it and now stir in 100s of millions of young antsy people trained since birth via media exposure that "anything at all that I want or desire should be mine without brakes, without reproach..in fact I'm entitled to it without question. Nobody is allowed to criticize my rampant self indulgence!"

I'm thinking the knockout crimes are the first symptoms of sniffles in a plague that is ready to befall this country. At a critical mass, there will be massive crime waves and theft.

The difference between the Depression of the 1930s and now is that back then everyone had an exposure to religion, morality or just basic common sense, give and take..personal restraint. There were the random exceptions, the outlaws. But they were true oddballs. Now today if you have a moral structure and consider others you are a freak of nature. An outcast. Someone GLAAD will put on its hit list.

Used to be that when the country ran into trouble, the covert ops folks would sieze control of the media and turn the public in a direction that would be good for the country. Now those ops guys are asleep at the wheel. They've allowed GLAAD to really get out of control. Not sure if any of them have put 2 + 2 together but sooner or later they need to realize that they still can control the media. If GLAAD can, they can. And they'd best get to it.

One thing to keep your conspiracy-theory radar out for are these biblical movies being released. Either GLAAD has suddenly dropped its full-scale assault on organized religious values and "seen where the money is", or this is more of the same crap. My personal take is that they are going to try to redact the Bible via film and then after watering it down in this way, take it down completely as "a work of fiction so absurd that anyone taking it seriously is mentally ill".

Not such a far stretch if you consider a gay cabal has already taken over the American Psychological Association and deemed everything LGBT "perfectly sane" and anyone criticizing their cult as "deranged/bigoted/hateful/insane".

We are at a crux now gentlemen. Are you going to sit on your hands for fear you will be next on the Agenda's blackmail list? Or are you going to buck up and do what's right for the country?

A nation without morality in an economic downward spiral is a nation that will join the fate of all the others before it in the history books that were engaged in the same type of recipe for disaster.

You either love this country or you are a lazy, scared, cowardly part of the problem. IMHO.
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The media is only one part of the Axis of Indoctrination as you left out the other two parts: academia and Hollywood.
The media is only one part of the Axis of Indoctrination as you left out the other two parts: academia and Hollywood.

Hollywood's GLAAD is the media.

Even Fox News with the guy in Delaware who raped his toddler daughter, he also raped his son but Fox doesn't mention that hardly at all. The Five expressed shock and outrage that this story wasn't covered in the media.

There's another story Fox knows about that is equally or perhaps more shocking involving a young girl. It's two lesbians in California who were found with their 8 year old girl near starvation chained by a neck collar, leg and arm shackles to a wall. Did you hear about this? No, no you didn't. And you won't either because even Fox News is ONLY allowed to address 'heterosexual pedophiles'...while homosexual child abusers get a constant pass. Even while the Du Pont guy raped both a girl and a boy, his crimes against the boy were hardly mentioned. All the focus was on the heterosexual pedophilia...

If the covert ops guys would get on this depravity and spin it the way they always have, this country might stand a chance. An amoral populace that remains mute and via silence assents to the homosexual depravities and agendas is the same populace who will give the silent nod to other more desperate "me first and don't you dare criticize me!" crimes...

If GLAAD can control information, then so can covert ops. Maybe the head of the snake is the reason they're not. But even he isn't going to save this country when the self-indulgent reinless anarchist throngs get it in their head that the next fun game after "knockouts" is "knockouts and theft" or "knockouts and [fill in the blank]".

1930s Great Depression had morality still in each player.

2008-- Great Depression is different in that the players are far more numerous and completely devoid of personal restraint. That is a disaster on the verge of the making. It's something that every man woman and child should be very aware of and desperately concerned about...if they weren't so busy humping things and children...
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As to academia, it's fairly benign. It's more or less like a rogue dog but on the end of a tether. It never overcomes the power of the media's more constant hour-exposure to the young formative mind. At most it serves as a type of check-valve to keep the media somewhat counterbalanced...somewhat..

The media is going to make or break this country at this pivotal point in our history. There is no church or morality anymore as a counterbalance. The Gay Agenda has declared war on religion and has roped along other usually moral or at least grounded facets of the left on its bandwagon. We need to swiftly stop this. Mark my words. I am right about this. I've met the masses. They aren't going to do as well with an economic tanking as the 1930s handled it.

In the 1930s, just for example, if you didn't know how to grow a garden or your own food, or butcher a chicken, you were a freak of nature. Even inner city folk had some exposure to country living at a cousin's or uncle's house. Now you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in a whole day of your travels who knows how to put a potato in the ground and get a harvest out of it in a couple months. People will be hungry. They will be hungry, they will be used to rampant and wholly unchecked self-centered being and they will be eyeing what you have in your larder and everywhere else for that matter.

We really have trouble on our hands, very practically speaking.. The media has created a fundamental flaw in the average American such that any outside force strong enough could tip the scales into utter chaos.
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