Whomever wins next Tuesday will be the most unpopular victor

He may have paid for it and probably used undocumented workers to build it. If they are deported he will have to pay american workers at least triple the wage for the same work. So that would be OK.
He may have paid for it and probably used undocumented workers to build it. If they are deported he will have to pay american workers at least triple the wage for the same work. So that would be OK.
It was union labor.....
Nope. I'm retired. You poor bastards have to get up and fight the ugly american rat race. I did my time. Snuff of that crap.
Nope. I'm retired. You poor bastards have to get up and fight the ugly american rat race. I did my time. Snuff of that crap.
I was retired at 45....it was boring.....back to an officer at a Fortune500, it's a lot of fun actually.....
I really don't care who wins...but I must say these are the two absolute worst choices I've seen in my 78 years of life.
I really don't care who wins...but I must say these are the two absolute worst choices I've seen in my 78 years of life.
I've been waiting for this chance my entire life....to vote against the establishment, and win......
Sitting in a chair for 5 hours per day isn't my dfn of work. Country cluyb types ain't my fellow Americans.
You are assuming its over Tuesday

Florida has butterfly ballots again?

With the race tightening up, Utah could throw it to the house. If Clinton wins Trump and his supporters are going to be moaning on how the race is rigged and disputing results. Wouldn't surprise me if the same happens with Clinton if Trump wins.

No guarantee with anything
I agree that if Hilary is elected it will be a morass. But I believe trump is a much more serious person behind closed doors than in front of the camera. He will bring people together and make deals. The two trillion overseas will get repatriated quickly. I expect him to appoint serious capable and professional people not hacks. Trump has grown on the campaign trail, he will grow in office. If he wins, he will be considered one of the greatest political figures of all time because he did it all alone by sheer will. No one has ever overcome such obstacles and he will have a clear slate to work with. His potential to be great is unlimited.

That's absolutely delusional. The man is so bad at making deals that the only reason Republicans are finally coming around is Hillary's investigation. The man is picking fights with his own party. If you think he will get things done or that he has strong will youve been looking at another race
I really don't care who wins...but I must say these are the two absolute worst choices I've seen in my 78 years of life.
I've been waiting for this chance my entire life....to vote against the establishment, and win......

Sounds like you'll be waiting alot longer. I cannot comprehend how anyone can believe they are voting against the establishment by supporting one of their donors
I really don't care who wins...but I must say these are the two absolute worst choices I've seen in my 78 years of life.
I've been waiting for this chance my entire life....to vote against the establishment, and win......

Sounds like you'll be waiting alot longer. I cannot comprehend how anyone can believe they are voting against the establishment by supporting one of their donors
I don't support hitlery like you do.....sorry....
I really don't care who wins...but I must say these are the two absolute worst choices I've seen in my 78 years of life.
I've been waiting for this chance my entire life....to vote against the establishment, and win......

Sounds like you'll be waiting alot longer. I cannot comprehend how anyone can believe they are voting against the establishment by supporting one of their donors
I don't support hitlery like you do.....sorry....

Sure. That's why you are voting for her donor.

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