WHOO HOO! Keystone to build from Oklahoma to Gulf

Did you follow the money to see who funded that study? When you have one study going against all the othes, it is usually wise to do that.

This article appeared on Forbes.com on October 20, 2011.

A recent study from researchers at Cornell University presented some curious findings on the economic impact of Keystone XL, a proposed multibillion dollar extension linking Canada’s rich supply of crude oil to major U.S. refining hubs. . . .

. . . .So what did the new study conclude? That a $7 billion investment won’t create jobs and may even cost jobs on net, and that the ability to move an additional 900,000 bpd to refineries won’t have the effect of lowering gas prices.

These claims simply defy economic logic — as well as every previous estimate of the economic impact of Keystone XL. Simply put, the study’s conclusions are specious, even absurd. . , , ,

In fact, the Keystone XL pipeline will give our country a more stable and cheaper source of fuel and create thousands of quality American jobs. And taxpayers (think Solyndra) will not risk a dime. . . .

CATO: The Keystone XL Energy Project Is Much More Than a Pipe Dream | Nebraska | Keystone XL Pipeline

Your rebuttal was funded by the Cato Institute :eusa_eh: :clap2:

BTW- much of the tarsands are destined for export so the "cheaper source of fuel" fragment is somewhat dubious. The oil market is global and the Canadians want to export it to markets where the price is highest.
As to jobs, the initial estimate was 3-5K jobs. Now that the environmental impact has come into question the jobs estimate has been boosted up to @ 20K. :eusa_whistle: Coincidence? :doubt:

You really don't read well do you? Or don't read at all? If you had, you would have seen the quoted article is a reprint from Forbes, not CATO. And as for the Perryman Group in the cited study, they have a most impressive clientele list of those who DO fund them and there are very very few oil companies or petroleum based industries on it. See here:
The Perryman Group

You DO understand that the oil companies don't really care what the policy is all that much. They are raking in a fortune from phony green industry projects that simply drive up our costs and benefit society overall little or not at all, and they have plenty of overseas markets to make a profit from as U.S. markets become increasingly unprofitable for them. But hey, if Obama Messiah isn't addressing that and the environmentalists are promoting it as hard as they can, then it must be a good thing, yes?

The ONLY thing that is going to fix it is a business-friendly regulatory and tax policy that can still protect the environment but apply some semblancve of free market principles back into the equation.

(Somebody else explain the bigger words to those who don't get that.)
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The federal gas tax has remained unchanged at 18.4 cents for a gallon of gasoline (and 24.4 cents for diesel) for nearly two decades and the State vary.

U.S. Gasoline Taxes by State

The most taxes added (Conn and NY) is close to 70 cents per gallon. In Texas we pay an extra 38.4.

These rates are low compared to the developed world. From what I understand however our roads suck when compared to developed countries.

I'm posting on the fly because I'm trying to get my seed orders processed, but I thought I saw California at 60 cents per gallon on taxes.

Still lousy on conversion to metric even after all these years so bare with me.

And what's really scary. Your roads are better than our roads :lol: but we really have extreme weather conditions that in spring the roads heave like crazy.

Hell's bells in the dead of winter we have ice roads to get to far northern communities. We actually make roads of ice.

But to get back to pricing, I don't understand and I am slagging my own conservative government here as well, why our governments can't bend and give some relief to the average joes just trying to get to work.
38.5 cents in Florida. Both Texas & Florida are run by Republicans. Almost every tax, fee, and cost has has gone WAY up in the last ten years.

Oh bi partisan piss off here. The province I live in now is seriously NDP we are making your left wingers look like Cheneys.:eusa_angel:

Ok all joking aside, I think what we've witnessed Peach is when the State and Provincial governments started basing tax revenue on citizens day to day needs that's just so wrong.

You need basics without wildly fluctuating prices with the tax burden on these necessities of life.

I've been reading these articles where workers in Britain are seriously going I can't afford to go to work.

And there is a glut of oil on the market. The taxes are killing the middle class.
The whole point of the Keystone project was to tranport oil to refinement facilities. US labor gets work from the project and there are profits in processing the oil. Then US labor gets to load that oil for shipment. It is an income stream for a long time.

I can hardly wait for all the Obamabots to tell us how this is a good part of the project and the other is bad.
They will get the whole thing eventually and Obama will approve it. Making a political blow-up of this was stupid, now everyone has an opinion and a political stake and will try to horn in on the action. If this pipeline is such a good idea, why did they use it for a cheap political trap for the president?

It was a trap built, set and baited by the President. He just fell in.

Labor unions got thrown under the bus, just like I said when this all came out.

Strategically this was doomed to fail. For Obama to side with the Sierra Club and others over the other Unions was a deadly move.

Oh and it's now a civil war between the brotherhoods for true. Every day lost of work could cost a home for a union member.

This says it all.

“Unions and environmental groups that have no equity in the work have kicked our members in the teeth,” O’Sullivan said.

“And anger is an understatement as to how we feel about it. We’re not sitting at the same table as people that destroy our members’ lives.

Read more: Keystone pipeline sparks labor civil war - Darren Goode - POLITICO.com

aka we're going to have a hard on for you bastards for a long time.

They are pissed. And these stories aren't even reported in PRAVDA aka msm.
They will get the whole thing eventually and Obama will approve it. Making a political blow-up of this was stupid, now everyone has an opinion and a political stake and will try to horn in on the action. If this pipeline is such a good idea, why did they use it for a cheap political trap for the president?

It was a trap built, set and baited by the President. He just fell in.

Labor unions got thrown under the bus, just like I said when this all came out.

Strategically this was doomed to fail. For Obama to side with the Sierra Club and others over the other Unions was a deadly move.

Oh and it's now a civil war between the brotherhoods for true. Every day lost of work could cost a home for a union member.

This says it all.

“Unions and environmental groups that have no equity in the work have kicked our members in the teeth,” O’Sullivan said.

“And anger is an understatement as to how we feel about it. We’re not sitting at the same table as people that destroy our members’ lives.

Read more: Keystone pipeline sparks labor civil war - Darren Goode - POLITICO.com

aka we're going to have a hard on for you bastards for a long time.

They are pissed. And these stories aren't even reported in PRAVDA aka msm.

There are a lot of fully qualified workers who won't demand union wages in order to take those jobs too. Or who will accept union wages through the iunions that are actually working with employers in the best interests of all. There are good unions that are for the benefit of the worker and who understand that if the employer isn't healthy, the jobs will go away. And then there are the uniions that exist for the benefit of the union bosses and who play politics to keep their membership just happy enough to keep the dues pouring in.

Guess which union Obama will demand get whatever Keystone jobs do arise out of whatever project he allows to happen?
So we can expect the unemployment numbers to drop, the price of gasoline to drop and the economy to boom. How wonderful.

This is good news for many. I'll go at it another day. But today is a good day for workers.
Oklahoma strippers are going to be happy about this too.

And coffee truck dudes. Donut makers for brekky.

When I saw that report of of Cornell I died laughing. No jobs on a pipeline but Solyndra promised 3,000. Give millions to Solyndra. Try to be a king and deprive TC.

What liars the governments are.
You really don't read well do you? Or don't read at all? If you had, you would have seen the quoted article is a reprint from Forbes, not CATO. And as for the Perryman Group in the cited study, they have a most impressive clientele list of those who DO fund them and there are very very few oil companies or petroleum based industries on it. See here:
The Perryman Group

You DO understand that the oil companies don't really care what the policy is all that much. They are raking in a fortune from phony green industry projects that simply drive up our costs and benefit society overall little or not at all, and they have plenty of overseas markets to make a profit from as U.S. markets become increasingly unprofitable for them. But hey, if Obama Messiah isn't addressing that and the environmentalists are promoting it as hard as they can, then it must be a good thing, yes?

The ONLY thing that is going to fix it is a business-friendly regulatory and tax policy that can still protect the environment but apply some semblancve of free market principles back into the equation.

(Somebody else explain the bigger words to those who don't get that.)

free-market principles is Canada simply using the U.S. as a transshipment point to export the oil to markets where the price is higher. Interestingly your CATO piece doesn't say how much of the oil will be for export does it?

Also, the Cornell Report directly addresses the Perryman study starting on page 17. :eusa_whistle: Read it & get back to me. http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/globallaborinstitute/research/upload/GLI_KeystoneXL_Reportpdf.pdf
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I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong. The Nebraska governor and the legislature solved that problem......but Obama played football with it and said his hand was forced and denied it.

From November 22, 2011......

Nebraska governor signs bills to reroute Keystone pipeline | Reuters

"Nebraska governor Dave Heineman signed into law on Tuesday bills to reroute the Keystone XL pipeline away from the ecologically sensitive Sandhills region."

Which was after the initial confrontation, where Congress was trying to force the pipeline through on the original route, when the State Department wouldn't sign off on the bill.

If the builder has agreed to conditions that will make the pipeline go around the aquifer, well then that's great news for everyone!

I'm sure that it will be approved once TransCanada re-applies, which it is apparently in the process of doing:

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This is a victory.

Whoopsies. Meant to hit preview.

And now of all things the President is "welcoming" this plan.:lol:

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday applauded a decision by Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. to build the most southern portion of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline as a stand-alone project that does not need U.S. State Department approval.

"The president welcomes today's news that TransCanada plans to build a pipeline to bring crude oil from Cushing, Oklahoma, to the Gulf of Mexico," White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

The plan will "help address the bottleneck of oil" in the U.S. Midwest that has resulted from increased domestic production.

"We look forward to working with TransCanada to ensure that it is built in a safe, responsible and timely manner, and we commit to take every step possible to expedite the necessary federal permits," Carney said.

Obama 'welcomes' plan to build southern Keystone leg

How gullible you are.
I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong. The Nebraska governor and the legislature solved that problem......but Obama played football with it and said his hand was forced and denied it.

From November 22, 2011......

Nebraska governor signs bills to reroute Keystone pipeline | Reuters

"Nebraska governor Dave Heineman signed into law on Tuesday bills to reroute the Keystone XL pipeline away from the ecologically sensitive Sandhills region."

Which was after the initial confrontation, where Congress was trying to force the pipeline through on the original route, when the State Department wouldn't sign off on the bill.

If the builder has agreed to conditions that will make the pipeline go around the aquifer, well then that's great news for everyone!

I'm sure that it will be approved once TransCanada re-applies, which it is apparently in the process of doing:


The state department is involved in Nebraska? From earlier reports, the permit process was suppose to start all over, which takes years.
You really don't read well do you? Or don't read at all? If you had, you would have seen the quoted article is a reprint from Forbes, not CATO. And as for the Perryman Group in the cited study, they have a most impressive clientele list of those who DO fund them and there are very very few oil companies or petroleum based industries on it. See here:
The Perryman Group

You DO understand that the oil companies don't really care what the policy is all that much. They are raking in a fortune from phony green industry projects that simply drive up our costs and benefit society overall little or not at all, and they have plenty of overseas markets to make a profit from as U.S. markets become increasingly unprofitable for them. But hey, if Obama Messiah isn't addressing that and the environmentalists are promoting it as hard as they can, then it must be a good thing, yes?

The ONLY thing that is going to fix it is a business-friendly regulatory and tax policy that can still protect the environment but apply some semblancve of free market principles back into the equation.

(Somebody else explain the bigger words to those who don't get that.)

free-market principles is Canada simply using the U.S. as a transshipment point to export the oil to markets where the price is higher. Interestingly your CATO piece doesn't say how much of the oil will be for export does it?

Also, the Cornell Report directly addresses the Perryman study starting on page 17. :eusa_whistle: Read it & get back to me. http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/globallaborinstitute/research/upload/GLI_KeystoneXL_Reportpdf.pdf

Nor did your Cornell study because the point being made was jobs. But by all means, change the subject. It's so much easier than admitting one doesn't have a clue what they are talking about. Even the most leftwing sources admit supply is way up while demand is way down, so what is exported isn't that much of a consideration right now. The idea of a free market that actually puts people to work so that they can earn money that will boost the economy is something the folks really don't deal with in your Cornell study. And we have already pretty much shown they were very off track in their assessment of how many jobs are at stake.
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They will get the whole thing eventually and Obama will approve it. Making a political blow-up of this was stupid, now everyone has an opinion and a political stake and will try to horn in on the action. If this pipeline is such a good idea, why did they use it for a cheap political trap for the president?

Cheap political trap? No one forced the President to reject it to begin with. It's called allowing private companies to give jobs to the community. I would have thought that if the President was so gung ho about jobs as he claims, he would have jumped at the chance to create so many more jobs without spending any money like many others were.

The fact that he wasn't tells me that creating jobs really isn't his focus.
You really don't read well do you? Or don't read at all? If you had, you would have seen the quoted article is a reprint from Forbes, not CATO. And as for the Perryman Group in the cited study, they have a most impressive clientele list of those who DO fund them and there are very very few oil companies or petroleum based industries on it. See here:
The Perryman Group

You DO understand that the oil companies don't really care what the policy is all that much. They are raking in a fortune from phony green industry projects that simply drive up our costs and benefit society overall little or not at all, and they have plenty of overseas markets to make a profit from as U.S. markets become increasingly unprofitable for them. But hey, if Obama Messiah isn't addressing that and the environmentalists are promoting it as hard as they can, then it must be a good thing, yes?

The ONLY thing that is going to fix it is a business-friendly regulatory and tax policy that can still protect the environment but apply some semblancve of free market principles back into the equation.

(Somebody else explain the bigger words to those who don't get that.)

free-market principles is Canada simply using the U.S. as a transshipment point to export the oil to markets where the price is higher. Interestingly your CATO piece doesn't say how much of the oil will be for export does it?

Also, the Cornell Report directly addresses the Perryman study starting on page 17. :eusa_whistle: Read it & get back to me. http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/globallaborinstitute/research/upload/GLI_KeystoneXL_Reportpdf.pdf

Nor did your Cornell study because the point being made was jobs. But by all means, change the subject. It's so much easier than admitting one doesn't have a clue what they are talking about. Even the most leftwing sources admit supply is way up while demand is way down, so what is exported isn't that much of a consideration right now. The idea of a free market that actually puts people to work so that they can earn money that will boost the economy is something the folks really don't deal with in your Cornell study. And we have already pretty much shown they were very off track in their assessment of how many jobs are at stake.

pages 7-8 WITH footnotes. :eusa_whistle: When are you going to read it :eusa_eh:
This is a victory.

Whoopsies. Meant to hit preview.

And now of all things the President is "welcoming" this plan.:lol:

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday applauded a decision by Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. to build the most southern portion of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline as a stand-alone project that does not need U.S. State Department approval.

"The president welcomes today's news that TransCanada plans to build a pipeline to bring crude oil from Cushing, Oklahoma, to the Gulf of Mexico," White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

The plan will "help address the bottleneck of oil" in the U.S. Midwest that has resulted from increased domestic production.

"We look forward to working with TransCanada to ensure that it is built in a safe, responsible and timely manner, and we commit to take every step possible to expedite the necessary federal permits," Carney said.

Obama 'welcomes' plan to build southern Keystone leg

What is it you think will happen?
free-market principles is Canada simply using the U.S. as a transshipment point to export the oil to markets where the price is higher. Interestingly your CATO piece doesn't say how much of the oil will be for export does it?

Also, the Cornell Report directly addresses the Perryman study starting on page 17. :eusa_whistle: Read it & get back to me. http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/globallaborinstitute/research/upload/GLI_KeystoneXL_Reportpdf.pdf

Nor did your Cornell study because the point being made was jobs. But by all means, change the subject. It's so much easier than admitting one doesn't have a clue what they are talking about. Even the most leftwing sources admit supply is way up while demand is way down, so what is exported isn't that much of a consideration right now. The idea of a free market that actually puts people to work so that they can earn money that will boost the economy is something the folks really don't deal with in your Cornell study. And we have already pretty much shown they were very off track in their assessment of how many jobs are at stake.

pages 7-8 WITH footnotes. :eusa_whistle: When are you going to read it :eusa_eh:

Sorry. Didn't you think I would check it out? Not even close let alone no cigar.
This is a victory.

Whoopsies. Meant to hit preview.

And now of all things the President is "welcoming" this plan.:lol:

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday applauded a decision by Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. to build the most southern portion of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline as a stand-alone project that does not need U.S. State Department approval.

"The president welcomes today's news that TransCanada plans to build a pipeline to bring crude oil from Cushing, Oklahoma, to the Gulf of Mexico," White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

The plan will "help address the bottleneck of oil" in the U.S. Midwest that has resulted from increased domestic production.

"We look forward to working with TransCanada to ensure that it is built in a safe, responsible and timely manner, and we commit to take every step possible to expedite the necessary federal permits," Carney said.

Obama 'welcomes' plan to build southern Keystone leg

How gullible you are.

How so? Keystone III is a win win for both our countries.

First off the mark, I don't want to behead you.

Secondly no one is lined up to fly planes into any of your buildings.

Thirdly there is no rush to purchase suicide bomber vests from any one up here to walk into a Walmart and blow up a batch of you because you want and need our oil.

I'd say that's a win win.

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