Whores For Wall Street

Really there arent. So some bank or broker loses a shitload of money. Who cares? What difference does it make? Send them to bankruptcy and go on.
The only problem is they are playing with Uncle's money. Regulation is the problem. Always.

No that's just plain stupid, the market requires more regulation than ever to prevent thieves from destroying our economy. The market is the product of human intervention....it isn't a force of nature.
That might be the dumbest comment you've ever made. The market is self regulating. Government interference causes problems.

I'd be so surprised if you hadn't already been nominated for a Nobel Prize in economics. There is no such thing as self regulating, it doesn't exist.......except in the minds of superficial theorists like yourself.
Actually classic economic theory says so. Something you never studied because they dont teach that in 4th grade, your last grade completed.

Further evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How about that, another subject the Rabbi has to BS and bluff his way through....big surprise.
Translation: I have zero idea what Im talking about so I'll call someone else an idiot to cover my own ignorance/stupidity.
Son, stoned stupid and stuttering is no way to go through life.
The Dodd Frank bill is doing harm to the small community and credit union banks.
Bad Republicans wanting to protect them.
Thanks to Dodd-Frank Community Banks Are Too Small to Survive - Bank Think Article - American Banker

And wouldn't it be a wonderful world if Republicans cared about campaign donations coming from small banks and credit unions.
Um, you seem to be poorly informed. Shocker, I know. But Democrats passed Dodd-Frank, which is what is causing pain among small banks and credit unions. You understand that,right?
Dodd Frank has done nothing but cost money and reduced banks to regulated utilities. It is totally anti middle class and anti growth. Scrap that shit.

Of course....why would anyone want to protect consumers from getting ripped off again?

Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Definition Investopedia
Remind me how this has protected consumers in any way.
In fact consumers are forced to pay more because banks are limited in other ways they can make money. As usual, the left confuses intent with result.

Trading in derivatives was always such a good idea, no need for regulations there.
Really there arent. So some bank or broker loses a shitload of money. Who cares? What difference does it make? Send them to bankruptcy and go on.
The only problem is they are playing with Uncle's money. Regulation is the problem. Always.

De-Regulation and greed created the housing bubble.

If de-regulation is always the problem, why did no Canadian bank fail during the global financial meltdown? Canada was the only banking system which didn't de-regulate when the US, and most of Europe did. It is also the only major banking system which didn't fail, or require a government bailout during the 2008 - 2010 banking crisis.

Governments from all over the world are now studying the Canadian banking system as an example of a well-regulated, financially stable banking system.
The banks were never deregulated. You are misinformed.
You choose one data point and claim it is the entire reason for a complex phenonemon occurring. You are also stupid.
No that's just plain stupid, the market requires more regulation than ever to prevent thieves from destroying our economy. The market is the product of human intervention....it isn't a force of nature.
That might be the dumbest comment you've ever made. The market is self regulating. Government interference causes problems.

I'd be so surprised if you hadn't already been nominated for a Nobel Prize in economics. There is no such thing as self regulating, it doesn't exist.......except in the minds of superficial theorists like yourself.
Actually classic economic theory says so. Something you never studied because they dont teach that in 4th grade, your last grade completed.

Further evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How about that, another subject the Rabbi has to BS and bluff his way through....big surprise.
Translation: I have zero idea what Im talking about so I'll call someone else an idiot to cover my own ignorance/stupidity.
Son, stoned stupid and stuttering is no way to go through life.

Constant use of hackneyed cliches is no way for you to make a persuasive argument.
That might be the dumbest comment you've ever made. The market is self regulating. Government interference causes problems.

I'd be so surprised if you hadn't already been nominated for a Nobel Prize in economics. There is no such thing as self regulating, it doesn't exist.......except in the minds of superficial theorists like yourself.
Actually classic economic theory says so. Something you never studied because they dont teach that in 4th grade, your last grade completed.

Further evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How about that, another subject the Rabbi has to BS and bluff his way through....big surprise.
Translation: I have zero idea what Im talking about so I'll call someone else an idiot to cover my own ignorance/stupidity.
Son, stoned stupid and stuttering is no way to go through life.

Constant use of hackneyed cliches is no way for you to make a persuasive argument.
We can add the phrase "hackneyed cliches" to things you know nothing about.
I'd be so surprised if you hadn't already been nominated for a Nobel Prize in economics. There is no such thing as self regulating, it doesn't exist.......except in the minds of superficial theorists like yourself.
Actually classic economic theory says so. Something you never studied because they dont teach that in 4th grade, your last grade completed.

Further evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How about that, another subject the Rabbi has to BS and bluff his way through....big surprise.
Translation: I have zero idea what Im talking about so I'll call someone else an idiot to cover my own ignorance/stupidity.
Son, stoned stupid and stuttering is no way to go through life.

Constant use of hackneyed cliches is no way for you to make a persuasive argument.
We can add the phrase "hackneyed cliches" to things you know nothing about.

There you have me.....you are undoubtedly the undisputed master of hackneyed cliches.
Actually classic economic theory says so. Something you never studied because they dont teach that in 4th grade, your last grade completed.

Further evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How about that, another subject the Rabbi has to BS and bluff his way through....big surprise.
Translation: I have zero idea what Im talking about so I'll call someone else an idiot to cover my own ignorance/stupidity.
Son, stoned stupid and stuttering is no way to go through life.

Constant use of hackneyed cliches is no way for you to make a persuasive argument.
We can add the phrase "hackneyed cliches" to things you know nothing about.

There you have me.....you are undoubtedly the undisputed master of hackneyed cliches.
We've already determined that your reading ability sucks. No need to prove it further.
In fact, why dont you just shut the fuck up? Your posts add nothing to any discussion but merely spew cliches, bumper sticker sentiments and catch phrases gleaned from leftist media sources.
Further evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How about that, another subject the Rabbi has to BS and bluff his way through....big surprise.
Translation: I have zero idea what Im talking about so I'll call someone else an idiot to cover my own ignorance/stupidity.
Son, stoned stupid and stuttering is no way to go through life.

Constant use of hackneyed cliches is no way for you to make a persuasive argument.
We can add the phrase "hackneyed cliches" to things you know nothing about.

There you have me.....you are undoubtedly the undisputed master of hackneyed cliches.
We've already determined that your reading ability sucks. No need to prove it further.
In fact, why dont you just shut the fuck up? Your posts add nothing to any discussion but merely spew cliches, bumper sticker sentiments and catch phrases gleaned from leftist media sources.

Well then, you certainly told me didn't you. I stand admonished by the king of superficiality.
Translation: I have zero idea what Im talking about so I'll call someone else an idiot to cover my own ignorance/stupidity.
Son, stoned stupid and stuttering is no way to go through life.

Constant use of hackneyed cliches is no way for you to make a persuasive argument.
We can add the phrase "hackneyed cliches" to things you know nothing about.

There you have me.....you are undoubtedly the undisputed master of hackneyed cliches.
We've already determined that your reading ability sucks. No need to prove it further.
In fact, why dont you just shut the fuck up? Your posts add nothing to any discussion but merely spew cliches, bumper sticker sentiments and catch phrases gleaned from leftist media sources.

Well then, you certainly told me didn't you. I stand admonished by the king of superficiality.
You stand ignored by someone much smarter and better informed than you.
Bye, asshole.
Constant use of hackneyed cliches is no way for you to make a persuasive argument.
We can add the phrase "hackneyed cliches" to things you know nothing about.

There you have me.....you are undoubtedly the undisputed master of hackneyed cliches.
We've already determined that your reading ability sucks. No need to prove it further.
In fact, why dont you just shut the fuck up? Your posts add nothing to any discussion but merely spew cliches, bumper sticker sentiments and catch phrases gleaned from leftist media sources.

Well then, you certainly told me didn't you. I stand admonished by the king of superficiality.
You stand ignored by someone much smarter and better informed than you.
Bye, asshole.

If that's supposed to be a consequence I don't think you quite get the concept.......sounds more like a reward.
Of course....why would anyone want to protect consumers from getting ripped off again?

Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Definition Investopedia
Remind me how this has protected consumers in any way.
In fact consumers are forced to pay more because banks are limited in other ways they can make money. As usual, the left confuses intent with result.

Trading in derivatives was always such a good idea, no need for regulations there.
Really there arent. So some bank or broker loses a shitload of money. Who cares? What difference does it make? Send them to bankruptcy and go on.
The only problem is they are playing with Uncle's money. Regulation is the problem. Always.

De-Regulation and greed created the housing bubble.

If de-regulation is always the problem, why did no Canadian bank fail during the global financial meltdown? Canada was the only banking system which didn't de-regulate when the US, and most of Europe did. It is also the only major banking system which didn't fail, or require a government bailout during the 2008 - 2010 banking crisis.

Governments from all over the world are now studying the Canadian banking system as an example of a well-regulated, financially stable banking system.
The banks were never deregulated. You are misinformed.
You choose one data point and claim it is the entire reason for a complex phenonemon occurring. You are also stupid.

And please explain why not one Banker was prosecuted for crimes that were admitted to

Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street


Why Prosecutors Don t Go After Wall Street NPR

“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”


The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - Los Angeles Times

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI mdash Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.

Bush isn't president anymore & believe it or not he has no control over our legal system.


So you didn't understand the question. Shocking coming from you, lol
This move is all to benefit the rich. Why don't the repubs just come out and say "we only serve the wealthy" and hate the middle class and poor. We REALLY hate the poor. Then they would at least be truthful on their agenda.
Dodd Frank has done nothing but cost money and reduced banks to regulated utilities. It is totally anti middle class and anti growth. Scrap that shit.

Of course....why would anyone want to protect consumers from getting ripped off again?

Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Definition Investopedia
Remind me how this has protected consumers in any way.
In fact consumers are forced to pay more because banks are limited in other ways they can make money. As usual, the left confuses intent with result.

Trading in derivatives was always such a good idea, no need for regulations there.
Really there arent. So some bank or broker loses a shitload of money. Who cares? What difference does it make? Send them to bankruptcy and go on.
The only problem is they are playing with Uncle's money. Regulation is the problem. Always.

"Regulation is the problem. Always"

Conservative Ideas Can'€™t Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis
Conservative Ideas Can'€™t Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis
Conservative Ideas Can'€™t Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Politics Most Blatant Center for American Progress

"I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organisations, specifically banks and others, were such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms," said Allen Greenspan.

Greenspan - I was wrong about the economy. Sort of Business The Guardian
The Dodd Frank bill is doing harm to the small community and credit union banks.
Bad Republicans wanting to protect them.
Thanks to Dodd-Frank Community Banks Are Too Small to Survive - Bank Think Article - American Banker

Gosh, CATO cares about small banks now? lol

Dispelling Myths of Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Legislation
The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, also known as Dodd-Frank, was developed in response to the financial crisis and $700 billion taxpayer-funded bailout. Even though the legislation is just beginning to take effect, critics are quick to attack it, spewing false accusations. Christopher Dodd, co-creator of the legislation is here to dispel some of the myths going around.

Myth No. 1: Dodd-Frank is deepening the economic slowdown.

We were in a financial crisis long before Dodd-Frank was ever introduced. Dodd-Frank didn’t cost American’s millions of jobs, force small businesses to close or drive homeowners into foreclosure. Dodd-Frank was created in an effort to fix these problems.

Myth No. 2: Dodd-Frank hurts small businesses and community banks.

The purpose of the law is to regulate the largest Wall Street firms, the ones most responsible for the crisis. Small banks were victims of the crisis, with hundreds failing because of big banks. Dodd-Frank will actually bring about lower deposit insurance premiums for community banks and will allow them to continue to work with their existing regulators.

Dispelling Myths of Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Legislation

Dodd-Frank doesn’t hurt small banks, says Treasury Department

The law passed last year mostly exempted 7,000 community banks and thrift institutions from tougher capital and liquidity requirements, he noted. Banks were mandated to hold more cash in reserve to protect themselves against market downturns.

Large banks with billions of dollars in assets also have to pay a larger share of the cost of deposit insurance protection, which should lighten the load for their smaller counterparts.

“The Dodd-Frank Act gave the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the ability to examine regularly nonbank financial services providers — like payday lenders, debt collectors and independent mortgage brokers — and to prohibit unfair, deceptive and abusive acts or practices that hurt small banks and Americans across the country,” Wolin wrote.

Dodd-Frank doesn t hurt small banks says Treasury Department - Josh Boak - POLITICO.com

Small banks can't survive, and other community banking myths
Small banks can t survive and other community banking myths

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and Residential Mortgage Compliance.

Dodd-Frank Forum Dismantling the Dodd-Frank Myths

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