Whores For Wall Street

Our Too Big To Fail banks are now Too Big To Save. This is the direct result of the US federal government aiding and abetting frauds and other evildoers. The people robbing the pockets of the common man have been receiving police protection as they empty your wallet.

Some rubes are too stupid and willfully ignorant to realize they are among the victims of these criminals. They don't even know their own money is being stolen from them in myriad clever ways. And so they defend the very people who are robbing them.

On an instinctual level, they do know something is being taken from them, and so they look for a scapegoat to explain the uneasiness they feel at the visceral level. More often than not, they choose the wrong target for their ire.

But Wall Street is now operating like The Mob. They are organized crime. From the price of aluminum in your can of beer, to the amount of your health insurance premiums, to the cost of your college tuition, right down to the gas in the tank of your car, there is a Wall Street trader who has boosted the price of every service you use and every product you buy.

They are doing it openly. They know that if caught, they will suffer nothing more than a fine, no jail time. Not even an admission of wrongdoing. It's all upside and no downside.

Rather than allow failed business models to collapse, over the course of the past several decades the federal government has propped up this corrupt system and not allowed better business models to move into the marketplace.

You mean since Reagan began his assault on anti trust laws?

FEBRUARY 15 1986

The Reagan administration has recommended to Congress legislation to revise fundamentally the nation's antitrust laws. The intellectual underpinning of the proposal is the idea that antitrust laws are the real villain behind our dismal showing in international competition. Critics of antitrust, particularly the secretary of commerce, Malcolm Baldridge, argue that the current law is too tough on business conduct, particularly proposed mergers between competitors.

If the Fortune 500 are allowed to merge, antitrust critics argue, the United States will once again be armed for international combat.

For a self-described conservative administration, attacking the antitrust laws as the cause of record trade deficits is radical indeed. The original trustbuster, Republican Teddy Roosevelt, would be shocked, not to mention Republican John Sherman, who authored the first major antitrust law in 1890. Republicans and Democrats alike, historically have supported antitrust enforcement as a way to promote efficiency and vigorous competition. Until recently, blaming antitrust for Japanese imports, much like blaming criminal laws for the high crime rate, was not a popular notion.

Five years ago, however, the U.S. Attorney General made a point of telling the American public, big is not bad. Now, Baldridge has taken that message even one step further: Bigness is positively good.

Checking Merger Mania
Of course....why would anyone want to protect consumers from getting ripped off again?

Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Definition Investopedia
Remind me how this has protected consumers in any way.
In fact consumers are forced to pay more because banks are limited in other ways they can make money. As usual, the left confuses intent with result.

Trading in derivatives was always such a good idea, no need for regulations there.
Really there arent. So some bank or broker loses a shitload of money. Who cares? What difference does it make? Send them to bankruptcy and go on.
The only problem is they are playing with Uncle's money. Regulation is the problem. Always.

No that's just plain stupid, the market requires more regulation than ever to prevent thieves from destroying our economy. The market is the product of human intervention....it isn't a force of nature.

A free market is the most democratic institution available to us. Regulation tends to serve the interests of those doing the regulating, and those who have their attention.

Myths and fairy tales. How'd the 'free market' do in 2004-208?

Adam Smith:

"When the regulation, therefore, is in support of the workman, it is always just and equitable; but it is sometimes otherwise when in favour of the masters."

This column by Alan Krueger from 2001 is a reminder that Adam Smith was not a "narrow, unyielding defender of unfettered free enterprise":
Economist s View The Many Faces of Adam Smith
Of course....why would anyone want to protect consumers from getting ripped off again?

Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Definition Investopedia
Remind me how this has protected consumers in any way.
In fact consumers are forced to pay more because banks are limited in other ways they can make money. As usual, the left confuses intent with result.

Trading in derivatives was always such a good idea, no need for regulations there.
Really there arent. So some bank or broker loses a shitload of money. Who cares? What difference does it make? Send them to bankruptcy and go on.
The only problem is they are playing with Uncle's money. Regulation is the problem. Always.

No that's just plain stupid, the market requires more regulation than ever to prevent thieves from destroying our economy. The market is the product of human intervention....it isn't a force of nature.
That might be the dumbest comment you've ever made. The market is self regulating. Government interference causes problems.

Sure, that's why the WORLD WIDE HOUSING BUBBLE and BUST happened in dozens of nations, including China and places like Lebanon, Poland, Croatia, Ireland, Spain, etc right? Some 'correction'
Perhaps more working class folk will wake up and start to see this sham for what it is worth.
You are right... while people wake up every day and slave away at their jobs... what is happening at wall St? Is it on the up and up? Hard to answer that one.
I know enough to see what is happening... this is a move to help the wealthy... the regulation itself doesn't hurt anything,
I know enough to see what is happening... this is a move to help the wealthy... the regulation itself doesn't hurt anything,

Actually, you don't see anything at all ... what you're seeing is leftist propaganda, and it's tainting your position.
Perhaps more working class folk will wake up and start to see this sham for what it is worth.


I'm stunned about how little you know about our economic system ... must be a bitch being on the outside looking in.

Shocking, you mean you are a conservative who 'believes in' myths and fairy tales?
Myths and fairy tales? Nope ... and I won't let you post them unopposed, either.
I know enough to see what is happening... this is a move to help the wealthy... the regulation itself doesn't hurt anything,

Actually, you don't see anything at all ... what you're seeing is leftist propaganda, and it's tainting your position.

Leftist? Oh you mean historically correct

ONE position conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of ANY policy in the US? You know one that worked as they said it would?

Fought labor laws, regulating banks, min wage laws, food stamps, SS, Medicare, etc

I know enough to see what is happening... this is a move to help the wealthy... the regulation itself doesn't hurt anything,

Actually, you don't see anything at all ... what you're seeing is leftist propaganda, and it's tainting your position.

Leftist? Oh you mean historically correct

ONE position conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of ANY policy in the US? You know one that worked as they said it would?

Fought labor laws, regulating banks, min wage laws, food stamps, SS, Medicare, etc

Useless rhetoric ... categorically false ... and unsubstantiated.

Almost like reading Dr. Seuss ... except his took some imagination.
Perhaps more working class folk will wake up and start to see this sham for what it is worth.


I'm stunned about how little you know about our economic system ... must be a bitch being on the outside looking in.

Shocking, you mean you are a conservative who 'believes in' myths and fairy tales?
Myths and fairy tales? Nope ... and I won't let you post them unopposed, either.

What's that? That the right wingers stood with the Banksters and CREATED the great recession?

Conservatives Can’t Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Predictably, many conservatives sought to blame the bogeymen they always blamed.
Politics Most Blatant Center for American Progress
I know enough to see what is happening... this is a move to help the wealthy... the regulation itself doesn't hurt anything,

Actually, you don't see anything at all ... what you're seeing is leftist propaganda, and it's tainting your position.

Leftist? Oh you mean historically correct

ONE position conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of ANY policy in the US? You know one that worked as they said it would?

Fought labor laws, regulating banks, min wage laws, food stamps, SS, Medicare, etc

Useless rhetoric ... categorically false ... and unsubstantiated.

Almost like reading Dr. Seuss ... except his took some imagination.

PLEASE tell me which policies the conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history? Go back 30 years? 40? 100? 200? lol
Perhaps more working class folk will wake up and start to see this sham for what it is worth.


I'm stunned about how little you know about our economic system ... must be a bitch being on the outside looking in.

Shocking, you mean you are a conservative who 'believes in' myths and fairy tales?
Myths and fairy tales? Nope ... and I won't let you post them unopposed, either.

What's that? That the right wingers stood with the Banksters and CREATED the great recession?

Conservatives Can’t Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Predictably, many conservatives sought to blame the bogeymen they always blamed.
Politics Most Blatant Center for American Progress

An opinion piece from a leftist web site is supposed to prove something?

Tell you what ... let's make this easy. Give me a valid, fact-based, rationale for keeping the Dodd-Frank law as it is. Lose the opinion pieces, and base it in fact.

I, in turn, will refute your presentation with a fact-based counter-argument. Then, we'll see who is right.

I'm stunned about how little you know about our economic system ... must be a bitch being on the outside looking in.

Shocking, you mean you are a conservative who 'believes in' myths and fairy tales?
Myths and fairy tales? Nope ... and I won't let you post them unopposed, either.

What's that? That the right wingers stood with the Banksters and CREATED the great recession?

Conservatives Can’t Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Predictably, many conservatives sought to blame the bogeymen they always blamed.
Politics Most Blatant Center for American Progress

An opinion piece from a leftist web site is supposed to prove something?

Tell you what ... let's make this easy. Give me a valid, fact-based, rationale for keeping the Dodd-Frank law as it is. Lose the opinion pieces, and base it in fact.

I, in turn, will refute your presentation with a fact-based counter-argument. Then, we'll see who is right.

Got it, you can't actually refute the suibstance of the "leftist web site"

"inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced."

Instead you ask for something I've already presented

Post 11 page 2

Whores For Wall Street Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm stunned about how little you know about our economic system ... must be a bitch being on the outside looking in.

Shocking, you mean you are a conservative who 'believes in' myths and fairy tales?
Myths and fairy tales? Nope ... and I won't let you post them unopposed, either.

What's that? That the right wingers stood with the Banksters and CREATED the great recession?

Conservatives Can’t Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Predictably, many conservatives sought to blame the bogeymen they always blamed.
Politics Most Blatant Center for American Progress

An opinion piece from a leftist web site is supposed to prove something?

Tell you what ... let's make this easy. Give me a valid, fact-based, rationale for keeping the Dodd-Frank law as it is. Lose the opinion pieces, and base it in fact.

I, in turn, will refute your presentation with a fact-based counter-argument. Then, we'll see who is right.

Got it, you can't actually refute the suibstance of the "leftist web site"

"inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced."

Instead you ask for something I've already presented

Post 11 page 2

Whores For Wall Street Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Waiting on your factual analysis -- until then, quit wasting my time.

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