Who's Afraid of Socialism?

Letting people keep more of their own money isn't a give away; however, welfare is a give away.
Do you believe you have a right to your pre-tax income?
If so, is is a legal or a moral right?
Yes, as long as you believe that people own their labor. To not believe that someone owns their labor means would mean slavery is morally ok.

Does government have the ability to tax, yes, only by consent of the governed. Unfortunately nowadays people do not understand natural rights and why they are important. With rights also comes responsibility, you cannot separate the two. People want the rights but not the responsibility. Nowadays people believe rights are not innate, but that they are granted by government. They want government to take the responsibility part away. Government does a shitty job of that, especially the bigger and more diverse the country is. Why? It’s the old lesson that comes from the Tower of Babel. The higher the tower, the further away the people from the top are to the people at the bottom. It’s an unsustainable ecosystem. Ours is both big, and hands down the most diverse in human history. The only way to get a system that big and diverse is to make a small system that works, and then scale that small system up. Thus, we get our constitutional republic, based on the rights of the individual, where the Fed was supposed to be relatively insignificant, to the individual but that individual had more say in their local government, then that was scaled to the state, then scaled to the Fed. All this with an emphasis on not drawing power away from the individual, whether that be from state or federal government, or whatever the majority of the voting population believes. Pure democracy is it’s own tyranny.

Do you really trust this government, the same government that misspent over 1 trillion dollars in the past 10 years, with even more responsibility and a whole shit ton more money? When I say misspent, I don’t mean wasteful spending on ridiculous shit. Misspent means they lost the money, like in double payments made accidentally, payments to the wrong places, or just straight up losing track of money that type of thing. It took Apple how many years to be the first trillion dollar company in history...and our government misspent as much money that the richest company in human history in a matter of 10 years. Yea I’d say government is a very shitty vessel for solving our problems. Individuals on the other hand are very good at it. I’m typing on a device that would’ve been considered a supercomputer in the 90s...and it fits in my palm. It’s tech making the entire globe richer, giving the impoverished worldwide access to the internet where they can participate in things like commerce and education they could not have dreamed of 10 years ago. Made by the same company that took 40 some years to be worth what our government lost track of in 10.
You are a troll, and you misrepresent Marx.

Marx never said anything that stupid - you are making shit up and attributing it to others.

E. Germain: The Marxist Theory of Imperialism and its Critics (1955)

Yeah, when I'm looking for an expert on economics, my favorite source is a Marxist lawyer.....DERP!
Who's your top pick for economic's expert?
Ludwig von Mises.

I go with Rothbard, but Von Mises is a stellar pick.
Mises was Rothbard's mentor, I believe.
This thread should be shut down. This is a capitalists nation. Socialism isn't found in this nation.

Yeah, when I'm looking for an expert on economics, my favorite source is a Marxist lawyer.....DERP!
Who's your top pick for economic's expert?
Ludwig von Mises.

I go with Rothbard, but Von Mises is a stellar pick.
Mises was Rothbard's mentor, I believe.


After he parted ways with Rand.
Letting people keep more of their own money isn't a give away; however, welfare is a give away.
Do you believe you have a right to your pre-tax income?
If so, is is a legal or a moral right?
It's a moral right. What gives anyone else the right to it?
If you believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income then you must believe an amoral market (at best) distributes incomes in a completely just manner.

So a cancer researcher earns more than some high-frequency parasite on Wall Street or a prissy New York real estate speculator, right?
What’s to stop the government by being at least just as amoral as the markets? Outside of the narcissism that comes with the type of thinking that a centralized group (as controlled by how you think it should be), that the group will always have good intentions, and that the most good will always come from those good intentions?
You are a troll, and you misrepresent Marx.

Marx never said anything that stupid - you are making shit up and attributing it to others.

E. Germain: The Marxist Theory of Imperialism and its Critics (1955)

Yeah, when I'm looking for an expert on economics, my favorite source is a Marxist lawyer.....DERP!
Who's your top pick for economic's expert?

Milton Friedman is pretty good.
I thought you were a believer in free markets? The first thing the Chicago School did in Chile was close down every economics department in the country except for their chosen seminary at the Catholic University. They began an assassination program of left-wing professors, labor leaders and politicians and imposed neoliberalism by gunpoint. Apparently, Friedman's "free markets" require totalitarian control?

I thought you were a believer in free markets?

I am.

The first thing the Chicago School did in Chile was close down every economics department in the country except for their chosen seminary at the Catholic University.

So what?

They began an assassination program of left-wing professors, labor leaders and politicians and imposed neoliberalism by gunpoint

Fuck those Commies.

Apparently, Friedman's "free markets" require totalitarian control?

Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, eh comrade?
Yeah, when I'm looking for an expert on economics, my favorite source is a Marxist lawyer.....DERP!
Who's your top pick for economic's expert?
Ludwig von Mises.

I go with Rothbard, but Von Mises is a stellar pick.
Mises was Rothbard's mentor, I believe.


After he parted ways with Rand.
Mises was her mentor as well.
You are a troll, and you misrepresent Marx.

Marx never said anything that stupid - you are making shit up and attributing it to others.

E. Germain: The Marxist Theory of Imperialism and its Critics (1955)

Yeah, when I'm looking for an expert on economics, my favorite source is a Marxist lawyer.....DERP!
Who's your top pick for economic's expert?

Milton Friedman is pretty good.
I thought you were a believer in free markets? The first thing the Chicago School did in Chile was close down every economics department in the country except for their chosen seminary at the Catholic University. They began an assassination program of left-wing professors, labor leaders and politicians and imposed neoliberalism by gunpoint. Apparently, Friedman's "free markets" require totalitarian control?

"They began an assassination program of left-wing professors, labor leaders and politicians and imposed neoliberalism by gunpoint."

Horseshit. Have got any credible sources to support that?
Totalitarian means it is not democratic. or coming from the Democratic party either.

It is sad that you lack even the most basic understanding of history.

Lenin had perhaps the most democratic regime in history. People voted for who lived and who died. Naturally the Bourgeoisie, the middle class, were denied the vote; but the proletarians and aristocrats were able to vote to have people shot, to have them put into forced labor camps, ie concentration camps. They voted to deny housing to people in the sub-arctic of Petrograd and Volga.

Yet it was totalitarian and as brutal as you are stupid.

Good thing you never taught children. I child would be better off to have a 1" drill thought their brain than to be subjected to the vile ignorance you spew.
Read a history book, you have no idea what you're talking about. I was a teacher stupid. Lenin was the most democratic ever? This is totally ridiculous.
Totalitarian means it is not democratic. or coming from the Democratic party either.

Sadly, that's not true. People can vote for astonishingly evil things.
They voted Hitler into office.
No they did not he only got 33% of the vote or something but more than anyone else. And Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor big mistake. As usual you have no clue you dupes...

Doesn't matter what percentage he got, he won via 'democratic' means. Look at the support for Trump. He may not have a majority, but a lot of people are cheering for him. That's what democracy can produce. Garbage in, garbage out.

Listen, I don't have a problem with democracy as a way of making decisions when we have to agree to one policy. But when we don't have to all agree, it's stupid - and immoral - to force everyone to follow the mandate of the majority. Freedom isn't as scary as you think.
Totalitarian means it is not democratic. or coming from the Democratic party either.

Sadly, that's not true. People can vote for astonishingly evil things.
They voted Hitler into office.
No they did not he only got 33% of the vote or something but more than anyone else. And Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor big mistake. As usual you have no clue you dupes...

Doesn't matter what percentage he got, he won via 'democratic' means. Look at the support for Trump. He may not have a majority, but a lot of people are cheering for him. That's what democracy can produce. Garbage in, garbage out.

Listen, I don't have a problem with democracy as a way of making decisions when we have to agree to one policy. But when we don't have to all agree, it's stupid - and immoral - to force everyone to follow the mandate of the majority. Freedom isn't as scary as you think.
He was appointed by Hindenburg. One month later later they had the reichstag fire and went dictatorship. A strange kind of democracy that was stupid...
Totalitarian means it is not democratic. or coming from the Democratic party either.

Sadly, that's not true. People can vote for astonishingly evil things.
They voted Hitler into office.
No they did not he only got 33% of the vote or something but more than anyone else. And Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor big mistake. As usual you have no clue you dupes...

Doesn't matter what percentage he got, he won via 'democratic' means. Look at the support for Trump. He may not have a majority, but a lot of people are cheering for him. That's what democracy can produce. Garbage in, garbage out.

Listen, I don't have a problem with democracy as a way of making decisions when we have to agree to one policy. But when we don't have to all agree, it's stupid - and immoral - to force everyone to follow the mandate of the majority. Freedom isn't as scary as you think.
I like the Constitution and checks and balances and courts.
Totalitarian means it is not democratic. or coming from the Democratic party either.
totalitarian means a dictatorship

Sadly, that's not true. People can vote for astonishingly evil things.
Totalitarianism means dictatorship.

As in the dictatorship of the proletariat, for example?
Yes. Do you think any one is defending communism here?
No, but you seem to be of the opinion that being "democratic" makes it all ok, and that's not so. Democracy isn't inherently just or good. It's primary benefit is that it's stable - if there's majority support for the government there's less likely to be a bloody revolution. But there's nothing righteous about majority rule. The majority is frequently (usually?) wrong and they shouldn't be allowed bully the minority willy-nilly.
Totalitarian means it is not democratic. or coming from the Democratic party either.
totalitarian means a dictatorship

Sadly, that's not true. People can vote for astonishingly evil things.
Totalitarianism means dictatorship.

As in the dictatorship of the proletariat, for example?
Yes. Do you think any one is defending communism here?
No, but you seem to be of the opinion that being "democratic" makes it all ok, and that's not so. Democracy isn't inherently just or good. It's primary benefit is that it's stable - if there's majority support for the government there's less likely to be a bloody revolution. But there's nothing righteous about majority rule. The majority is frequently (usually?) wrong and they shouldn't be allowed bully the minority willy-nilly.
That's why we have courts- Independent Courts.

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