Who's calling the shots on immigration


Gold Member
May 23, 2012
Business Roundtable for one. One of their roving troubleshooters is Jeffrey Immelt, CEO. And of course Obama appointed him for his Jobs Council.
While repubs and dems fight over whether obama deserves a vacation or whether Michelle is getting uppity or how much Obama paid for his golf clubs, the ones who are calling the shots are charting our nations future.
More workers for fewer jobs equal lower wages. The coming immigration reform

I posted a couple times about the trans pacific partnership and the lack of coverage about it and got pictures of people in tinfoil hats and one megaposter here said my link was B.S. But who's really calling the shots? Very few of us wanted Nafta or Most Favored Nation for China, which led to destroying our manufacturing base resulting in lower wages for all in the end, but both parties went for it. Clinton talked against trade deals while running in 1990 but then shoved Nafta through with a vengeance.
Most people are fed up with our nation being flooded with people from the third world but both parties are for it. Did I vote for Obama? Sure. We're only given two choices by corporate america and he was the least worst in this time of unhinged, give everything over to corporations and kowtow to Israel republicans. People that call him a socialist or even liberal can't provide any evidence to prove this. I would've preferred the likes of Kucinich or Nader but they won't get big money to back them.

BRT: The realistic way to immigration reform | Business Roundtable

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