Who's English is the best here?

Who's English is the best here?
More importantly, however, what is the point of determining/discussing whose English is best? There is no competition for that "title."
Thus, even if we were to arrive at a consensus on who among us does have the best English, then what? What is there to do with that knowledge/agreement? Indeed, I'm amazed this thread topic has garnered some 125+ posts that are presumably on-topic.

Strange questions :) The point is that I need 3 persons with perfect English to copy them for my personal education :)
It will be honest voting and we don't need any consensus. It's not the Russian Duma :)
Well koshergrl and I use a lot of ellipsis and apostrophe in our common everyday speech.

Audience factor is why.

All of you all (the plural of y'all) are just mere dirt bags so there is no reason for us to polish up our grammar/syntax for you Comrade Johnson .

But it is the same way with the two X-guys (Xelor and xotoxi ).

So you are going to be hard pressed to learn formal journalistic American English on this forum or any other because audience factor is going to cloud everything.

I grew up in Florida so I like to mix "white trash" speech in-with my sentence structure.

"White trash" confuses adverbs and adjectives and violates double negatives and double prepositions. That's just me.

In-with is a double preposition.

Other popular double prepositions:




Comrade Johnson you are just a popular guy !!
And oh by the way, "fokk me!" is an Irish prostitutes' expression.
So is "fokk me running!"

No, there are just so many guys who whant be nominated with their excellent English :)
Well, what is good for Irish prostitutes may be usefulf for anybody :)

I was just reading this article on CNN (Scientists to file motion to defend chemical plant rule, fearing Trump admin won't - CNNPolitics.com) and was bewildered by this paragraph:

In March though, a group of fossil fuel groups including the American Chemistry Council, American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufactures and American Petroleum institute sued the EPA to petition a review of the final rule, arguing in the suit it is "unlawful, arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and not otherwise in accordance with law."

This paragraph is ripe with bullshit...at least two or three commas are missing as I see it.

Those Who Yelp "Grammar Nazi" Prove Their Education Is Defective

Once in awhile, I find sentences that are confusing without the serial comma (called "Oxford comma" to trick us into thinking it is snooty and pedantic). Unfortunately, I don't memorize fad-grammar sentences to use as examples of how our language is being corrupted by influential Diploma Dumbos.

It is an invalid excuse that most of these sentences make sense when re-read. Also, the permissivists' omission has no point to it, even if mostly harmless, just like the academented use dysfunctional "Owens' widow" instead of "Owens's widow."
Comrade Johnson , is Putin narcissistic in your opinion or just ruthless ??

Putin is our Czar. That's all.
Cold War Empowers the Caliphate

Putin is the greatest Russian since Czar Peter the Great, who was also a little rough along the edges. He won't break; he won't even bend. Too bad the globalists have brainwashed our formerly America First president.
I know you're just joking though xotoxi .

Great joke.

Most people won't get it though.

koshergrl will get it though. She is a super smartie.


Koshergrl is as smart as a whip.

And nearly as smart as a chain.
Yup xotoxi there are shades of S&M in koshergrl too.

Sometimes she loves to dish it out.

And other times she loves to be spanked back.

It's not that I love to be spanked. It's that I love it when people think they're dishing it out, when they aren't.

Comrade Johnson , is Putin narcissistic in your opinion or just ruthless ??

Putin is our Czar. That's all.
Cold War Empowers the Caliphate

Putin is the greatest Russian since Czar Peter the Great, who was also a little rough along the edges. He won't break; he won't even bend. Too bad the globalists have brainwashed our formerly America First president.

Putin is a little dweeb. Trump has always been centrist, this isn't news. But that's okay if he restores us back to a constitutional republic, and if he reduces regulations that kill the economy and culture.

I was just reading this article on CNN (Scientists to file motion to defend chemical plant rule, fearing Trump admin won't - CNNPolitics.com) and was bewildered by this paragraph:

In March though, a group of fossil fuel groups including the American Chemistry Council, American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufactures and American Petroleum institute sued the EPA to petition a review of the final rule, arguing in the suit it is "unlawful, arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and not otherwise in accordance with law."

This paragraph is ripe with bullshit...at least two or three commas are missing as I see it.

Those Who Yelp "Grammar Nazi" Prove Their Education Is Defective

Once in awhile, I find sentences that are confusing without the serial comma (called "Oxford comma" to trick us into thinking it is snooty and pedantic). Unfortunately, I don't memorize fad-grammar sentences to use as examples of how our language is being corrupted by influential Diploma Dumbos.

It is an invalid excuse that most of these sentences make sense when re-read. Also, the permissivists' omission has no point to it, even if mostly harmless, just like the academented use dysfunctional "Owens' widow" instead of "Owens's widow."

You really need to get help with your inferiority complex.

I was just reading this article on CNN (Scientists to file motion to defend chemical plant rule, fearing Trump admin won't - CNNPolitics.com) and was bewildered by this paragraph:

In March though, a group of fossil fuel groups including the American Chemistry Council, American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufactures and American Petroleum institute sued the EPA to petition a review of the final rule, arguing in the suit it is "unlawful, arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and not otherwise in accordance with law."

This paragraph is ripe with bullshit...at least two or three commas are missing as I see it.

Those Who Yelp "Grammar Nazi" Prove Their Education Is Defective

Once in awhile, I find sentences that are confusing without the serial comma (called "Oxford comma" to trick us into thinking it is snooty and pedantic). Unfortunately, I don't memorize fad-grammar sentences to use as examples of how our language is being corrupted by influential Diploma Dumbos.

It is an invalid excuse that most of these sentences make sense when re-read. Also, the permissivists' omission has no point to it, even if mostly harmless, just like the academented use dysfunctional "Owens' widow" instead of "Owens's widow."

This last line reminds me of my office motto when I was a publication editor:

"Strunk and White must die".
Who's English is the best here?
More importantly, however, what is the point of determining/discussing whose English is best? There is no competition for that "title."
Thus, even if we were to arrive at a consensus on who among us does have the best English, then what? What is there to do with that knowledge/agreement? Indeed, I'm amazed this thread topic has garnered some 125+ posts that are presumably on-topic.

Strange questions :) The point is that I need 3 persons with perfect English to copy them for my personal education :)
It will be honest voting and we don't need any consensus. It's not the Russian Duma :)
Well koshergrl and I use a lot of ellipsis and apostrophe in our common everyday speech.

Audience factor is why.

All of you all (the plural of y'all) are just mere dirt bags so there is no reason for us to polish up our grammar/syntax for you Comrade Johnson .

But it is the same way with the two X-guys (Xelor and xotoxi ).

So you are going to be hard pressed to learn formal journalistic American English on this forum or any other because audience factor is going to cloud everything.

I grew up in Florida so I like to mix "white trash" speech in-with my sentence structure.

"White trash" confuses adverbs and adjectives and violates double negatives and double prepositions. That's just me.

In-with is a double preposition.

Other popular double prepositions:




All of you all (the plural of y'all) are just mere dirt bags so there is no reason for us to polish up our grammar/syntax for you Comrade Johnson .

But it is the same way with the two X-guys (Xelor and xotoxi ).

Without a doubt, the majority of the writing one'll encounter on this forum is colloquial, or at least mine is. I suppose that's fine for the OP's purposes as he indicated in his OP that he wants to "speak pure American English."

One thing, Comrade Johnson, that you should note is that all native speakers of English speak pure English. That is not the same thing as speaking English perfectly and in accordance with the grammar rules and idiomatic constructions for the language.
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Who's English is the best here?
More importantly, however, what is the point of determining/discussing whose English is best? There is no competition for that "title."
Thus, even if we were to arrive at a consensus on who among us does have the best English, then what? What is there to do with that knowledge/agreement? Indeed, I'm amazed this thread topic has garnered some 125+ posts that are presumably on-topic.

Strange questions :) The point is that I need 3 persons with perfect English to copy them for my personal education :)
It will be honest voting and we don't need any consensus. It's not the Russian Duma :)
Well koshergrl and I use a lot of ellipsis and apostrophe in our common everyday speech.

Audience factor is why.

All of you all (the plural of y'all) are just mere dirt bags so there is no reason for us to polish up our grammar/syntax for you Comrade Johnson .

But it is the same way with the two X-guys (Xelor and xotoxi ).

So you are going to be hard pressed to learn formal journalistic American English on this forum or any other because audience factor is going to cloud everything.

I grew up in Florida so I like to mix "white trash" speech in-with my sentence structure.

"White trash" confuses adverbs and adjectives and violates double negatives and double prepositions. That's just me.

In-with is a double preposition.

Other popular double prepositions:




We write in the vernacular.
Sometimes I'm lazy and using a cell phone, or I make mistakes because I am interrupted in mid sentence, have to leave and come back, and don't have time to read over what I'm writing. I'll switch tenses sometimes, or totally garble a sentence.

That's what an editor is for. If you don't have an editor working for you, meh, no biggie.
Who's English is the best here?
More importantly, however, what is the point of determining/discussing whose English is best? There is no competition for that "title."
Thus, even if we were to arrive at a consensus on who among us does have the best English, then what? What is there to do with that knowledge/agreement? Indeed, I'm amazed this thread topic has garnered some 125+ posts that are presumably on-topic.

Strange questions :) The point is that I need 3 persons with perfect English to copy them for my personal education :)
It will be honest voting and we don't need any consensus. It's not the Russian Duma :)
The point is that I need 3 persons with perfect English to copy them for my personal education

Excuse me? Copy what?

It will be honest voting

Voting how or where? There's no poll associated with this thread.

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