Who’s excited for tonight’s TRUMP RALLY!? Hell to the yeah!

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So the numbers were down because of demoncraps and BLM protests, but libscum lie about it. Scum libs are retarded.
Obama did not leave a good economy. That is a delusion of the left. Obama sucked, more than just Michael's dick.
Yeah 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains were horrible Bringing unemployment down from 10% to 5 % was a repub nightmare and having our stock markets zoom upwards made Republicans cry And not only all that ,,he didn't talk like an AH to people like Trump does
Yeah 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains were horrible Bringing unemployment down from 10% to 5 % was a repub nightmare and having our stock markets zoom upwards made Republicans cry And not only all that ,,he didn't talk like an AH to people like Trump does
Ever notice that ANTIFA and BLM show up to protest unarmed while you chicken shit losers
can't even go get a slice of pizza unless you have your firearm? You assholes counter protest
with AR's and body armor while they are wearing flip flops.

You're a bunch of fucking cowards.
Ever notice how stupid you scumbags are?
Well THAT paints a picture (apologies in advance ;-)

Self portrait? Idiot.
Even with the criminals illegally blocking entrances snd spitting and throwing urine there we still tons of people. A day of reckoning will occur with 20 days I predict when about half dozen of these pricks get mowed down all at once for all to see. After some wailing and tears Then behavior will change
Well have you looked in the mirror? Trump is an attractive powerful man they love him you are a pathetic tits sucking on the government

I've had beautiful women come on to me when I am in a relationship. I said 'No'. It is called integrity. It is called 'Honor'.
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