Who’s excited for tonight’s TRUMP RALLY!? Hell to the yeah!

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"Biden can’t fill a bathroom lol"

after final attendance was counted the fire marshall determined that there were MORE bathrooms than supporters at the BOK center

trump supporters could NOT FILL THE BATHROOMS!


I want you to know I TRULY think this is the FUNNEST THING FKN EVER and I am SO GLAD IT HAPPENED!
You are laughing over nothing, airhead. There's a pandemic going on.

Nobody told you ?
Trump said NO MORE TESTING and virus numbers will go down ? What kind of an asshole did you republicans give America ? Even unqualified is too mild a word for him
Trump was right. You don't get it. The numbers of virus cases are only high because there is a high number of tests taking place. The more tests you have, the higher the numbers of cases. That doesn't mean you HAVE less cases. It just means the reported number will be less. Get it ?
Might be the greatest president in the history of America if he stepped down to become a general in the army he would probably lead us to defeat all of our enemies.. He’s absolutely incredible
Can't be denied that he has accomplished RECORD numbers on the economy, stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, holding China accountable for cyber theft, taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration, created 4 million jobs, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, highest median wage in US history, lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that), Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE, FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases, reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars, Signed Right-To-Try legislation, $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever), Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself), United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957, withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord, pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016, made the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces, withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal, moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court, issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay, MCA deal, reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports, net exports increased by $59 billion in 2018, improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement, we have begun BUILDING THE WALL.
Posting a silly photoshopped pic instead of answering?

Did you suddenly realize your stories didn't work? LMAO!!!
Upon what do you base the claim that that picture is photoshopped ? I saw those very same people on TV, during the rally.
No it wasn't.

Funny everyone else got inside. No one else had a problem with getting inside.

You are a liar and it's getting very pathetic.

Get your bosses at the russian troll farm you work at to train you better.

What's your lie excuse for the pre rally trump appearance being canceled?. No one was there. trump had to cancel his pre rally appearance because no one showed up. They began tearing down that second stage even before trump started his speech at the rally.

Keep lying. All intelligent people are laughing at you.

How's the weather in moscow today comrade?
Intelligent people have been laughing at you libtards for years. Just look at the clowns in the streets.
Those BLM flags and posters scared republicans away
HA HA. That only happens in Democrat cities. In red city, red state Tulsa, OK, BLM did nothing but shout. No rioting, no arson, no looting, no fighting with cops.

Gee, look how well behaved they were. Guess they weren't interested in going to jail, or getting their asses kicked.
You're welcome.

It only took me seconds to see it's an altered shot. But I've had a camera in my hands since the 1970s. I've been using photoshop since it's first version in the 80s. I started working with photos in a professional photo lab when I was a teenager. There isn't anything I haven't experience with when it comes to images. Both film and digital.

I've been editing photos since the 1980s. I'm fast. I can identify the flaws then correctly edit a photo in a matter of a minute at the most. When you've been doing it literally for 3 decades, it's nearly impossible to not be able to see an altered photo in seconds.
Now see if you can edit out those same black people in the videos of Trump speaking. They were standing right behind him, and very visible.
It's been photoshopped.

Notice the colors on the African Americans aren't the same as the colors on the rest of the photo.

I'm a professional photographer. I've been using photoshop since it's first version in the 80s.

I can spot an altered photo from a mile away.

The colors are much darker and saturated on the African Americans than they are on the rest of the shot.

Plus if it was a real shot, the background would be slightly off focus. It's not.

When a camera focuses on what's right in front of it, the background is always just slightly blurred. It's not in the photo the russian troll put up.

Here's one that isn't photoshopped. The colors are all even. The focal point is clear with the background slightly fuzzed.

View attachment 353142
So what's your point ? Are you saying those black people weren't actually present in the arena, in attendance at the rally ?
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