Who’s excited for tonight’s TRUMP RALLY!? Hell to the yeah!

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Woo hoo! Trump is at it with a bigger crowd than lefties could ever pull together for a lefty rally! Go Trump!
This is the Prezzie (Im)Peach(Ed) first rally I've ever caught. Are you kidding me? You deplorables pay money to go see this drunk uncle speak? It certainly explains your endless string of bad decisions. This guy lies like a rug.

Wow. Rambling, terrible speech so far. Tailored to fucking slack jawed deplorable imbeciles. Just look at these maskless twats. I see a lot of empty seats, wtf?
My cam is acting up

What? You are using your phone to post, right?

Your phone’s camera feature is acting up?

Come on man! Get it together. How can you rob is all of the chance to get an exclusive look at this massive rally?!?!
What? You are using your phone to post, right?

Your phone’s camera feature is acting up?

Come on man! Get it together. How can you rob is all of the chance to get an exclusive look at this massive rally?!?!
It’s huge!
Thats a lot of people especially outside
Meantime CNN is on back side of building where the entrances are not being used and faking their report of no people. . Plus, they are filtering down his mike so the roars from where the people Are cannot be heard.
The neo-marxist fuckups tell us: "No, no, no!!! THIS is a rally!!"

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