WHO'S GREEDY? Obama Gave 1% to Charity, Romney Gave 15%

Obama Gave Only 1% Of Income To Charity - Romney gave millions to church - thoughts.com conversation engine

I'm not a Romney fan, but hey, facts are facts. Liberals are always accusing Republicans of being greedy and not giving. But liberals are never question on their giving, or the lack thereof . . . .:eusa_whistle:
Not seeing how giving 15% to the Mormon church could be considered charity. A lot of that money is spent on the actual church: tricked out, dripping with gold and the best quality sound, video, lighting, etc.

He doesn't just donate to his Church.
Romney clear about 40 million over the last 2 years for doing nothing..and paid a little less then 14% in taxes.

Obama is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and cleared a little over a million last year.

Do the math.

Based on the lifestyle that the Obama's have gotten used to living, that 1 million dollars won't go far. Makes you wonder who is going to get favorable legislation, so that Obama can make sure he has a good income after he's out of office. At least we know Romney doesn't need our money.
I'm glad both Romney and Barry give to charity.

They give to charity because they want to and they get a tax write off for doing so. Money well spent in my book.

Too bad we taxpayers don't get the same choice.
Youse all are forgetting Joe Biden, that marvelous instrument of charity and his $360 US that he gave.
If you give 14 per cent of your income to the church, its still gone. You simply can't spend it again, whether the church used it to gild the angels on top of their temples in Westwood or the one down by San Diego, or to feed the illegals wending their way through the Sonoran Desert, its gone.

Joe Biden really is marvelous, aint he? The gift that keeps on giving.
Giving money to your cult is not a mark of honor.

I agree that the Mormon Church is a cult. However, Romney believes he's worshipping God.

But when it comes to who is giving more. In typical liberal fashion, liberals claim Republicans are greedy, while putting a lock box on their own wallets.

It's the epitome of hypocrisy.

I always think it's best to let God decide who is worshiping Him appropriately. As far as I am aware, He discourages people from judging others in His name.

Seems to me the GOP has a choice to make. Put forward a decent, hardworking, honest, flawed, American.... or Newt Gingrich.

There is no God. There is no magic sky man ready to grant your wishes if you beg hard enough. And when you die, that's it. Learn to deal.

I think this argument about charity is kind of stupid. A person gets rich by essentially not giving the people who do the real work their fair share, we're supposed to like them better because they give some of that money back to cult-run charities? "Here, I'll give you food but you got to kiss our sky pixie's butt."

Ahhh, if only we could apply the consumer fraud laws to religions like every other business.
Rommmmy knocked down 20 million or so. Barry Soetoro got 400 grand ( OK plus the book ? )
You do the math.
Obama Gave Only 1% Of Income To Charity - Romney gave millions to church - thoughts.com conversation engine

I'm not a Romney fan, but hey, facts are facts. Liberals are always accusing Republicans of being greedy and not giving. But liberals are never question on their giving, or the lack thereof . . . .:eusa_whistle:

Shucks....the 12 years of Reagan and Bush41 the rich got much richer on the $3 trillion we went in debt while granting lower taxes to the wealthiest Americans. They should give some of it back. Besides that....Romney is worth a quarter billion dollars. Him giving three or four million would be like me sending $25 to some organization.
I agree that the Mormon Church is a cult. However, Romney believes he's worshipping God.

But when it comes to who is giving more. In typical liberal fashion, liberals claim Republicans are greedy, while putting a lock box on their own wallets.

It's the epitome of hypocrisy.

I always think it's best to let God decide who is worshiping Him appropriately. As far as I am aware, He discourages people from judging others in His name.

Seems to me the GOP has a choice to make. Put forward a decent, hardworking, honest, flawed, American.... or Newt Gingrich.

There is no God. There is no magic sky man ready to grant your wishes if you beg hard enough. And when you die, that's it. Learn to deal.

I think this argument about charity is kind of stupid. A person gets rich by essentially not giving the people who do the real work their fair share, we're supposed to like them better because they give some of that money back to cult-run charities? "Here, I'll give you food but you got to kiss our sky pixie's butt."

Ahhh, if only we could apply the consumer fraud laws to religions like every other business.

You are the equivalent of rdean or truthmocker on the intellect scale.

Naturally, you find 'charity' to be 'stupid'... you support Gingrich and his record on charity is..... well..... non-existent. I can see why you would find the discussion a tad inconvenient. But your snakeoil salesman is a wealthy man.... who gives jack shit... and got his bundle by insider trading. Which, if you care to review the laws of the United States (and the rest of the world) is illegal. He profited by something which you would go to jail for. Moral? I think not.
Obama Gave Only 1% Of Income To Charity - Romney gave millions to church - thoughts.com conversation engine

I'm not a Romney fan, but hey, facts are facts. Liberals are always accusing Republicans of being greedy and not giving. But liberals are never question on their giving, or the lack thereof . . . .:eusa_whistle:
Not seeing how giving 15% to the Mormon church could be considered charity. A lot of that money is spent on the actual church: tricked out, dripping with gold and the best quality sound, video, lighting, etc.

Typical example of the way the left thinks.

Giving to charity is worthy ONLY if it goes to a charity the LEFT thinks is worthy.
Thus why the left believes the government should take the money and distribute it.

FYI...most charity money given to any church does not go to the asthetics of the church.....it goes to community projects.
Obama Gave Only 1% Of Income To Charity - Romney gave millions to church - thoughts.com conversation engine

I'm not a Romney fan, but hey, facts are facts. Liberals are always accusing Republicans of being greedy and not giving. But liberals are never question on their giving, or the lack thereof . . . .:eusa_whistle:

Shucks....the 12 years of Reagan and Bush41 the rich got much richer on the $3 trillion we went in debt while granting lower taxes to the wealthiest Americans. They should give some of it back. Besides that....Romney is worth a quarter billion dollars. Him giving three or four million would be like me sending $25 to some organization.

It is quite humorous reading your posts. They all say the same thing...

"I hate the Bush's and I am jealous of people that make more money than I do"

Your posts say absolutely nothing more.
Obama gave 14% of his income to charity according to his last return. Both is return and Gov. Romney's return show charity above and beyond what most Americans give and I commend them both.
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Obama Gave Only 1% Of Income To Charity - Romney gave millions to church - thoughts.com conversation engine

I'm not a Romney fan, but hey, facts are facts. Liberals are always accusing Republicans of being greedy and not giving. But liberals are never question on their giving, or the lack thereof . . . .:eusa_whistle:
Not seeing how giving 15% to the Mormon church could be considered charity. A lot of that money is spent on the actual church: tricked out, dripping with gold and the best quality sound, video, lighting, etc.

Typical example of the way the left thinks.

Giving to charity is worthy ONLY if it goes to a charity the LEFT thinks is worthy.
Thus why the left believes the government should take the money and distribute it.

FYI...most charity money given to any church does not go to the asthetics of the church.....it goes to community projects.

you got a link for that......cause i think if you look into it...you might be surpirsed

or i might...but you want to provided evidence for what you post?
Obama Gave Only 1% Of Income To Charity - Romney gave millions to church - thoughts.com conversation engine

I'm not a Romney fan, but hey, facts are facts. Liberals are always accusing Republicans of being greedy and not giving. But liberals are never question on their giving, or the lack thereof . . . .:eusa_whistle:

Obama is worth 9 million. Mitt is worth 250 million.

And so Obama should give less PERCENTAGE of his income to charity?

Uh...it has nothing to do with the actual dollars given...it has to do with percentage of income..

So that sort of debunks your pathetic, desperate response.
Typical example of the way the left thinks.

Giving to charity is worthy ONLY if it goes to a charity the LEFT thinks is worthy.
Thus why the left believes the government should take the money and distribute it.

FYI...most charity money given to any church does not go to the asthetics of the church.....it goes to community projects.

On the few occassions I can overcome my gag factor and walk into a church, it seems to me that God is living large.. His crib is all pimped out. And this is even the case in churches in poor neighborhoods. And frankly, it's been like that for centuries. All the Great European Cathedrals were built when people were living in fecal matter.
Not seeing how giving 15% to the Mormon church could be considered charity. A lot of that money is spent on the actual church: tricked out, dripping with gold and the best quality sound, video, lighting, etc.

Typical example of the way the left thinks.

Giving to charity is worthy ONLY if it goes to a charity the LEFT thinks is worthy.
Thus why the left believes the government should take the money and distribute it.

FYI...most charity money given to any church does not go to the asthetics of the church.....it goes to community projects.

you got a link for that......cause i think if you look into it...you might be surpirsed

or i might...but you want to provided evidence for what you post?
You need a link to prove that church's house the homeless, open their doors when disasters hit the area, feed the hungry, etc?


Where do you live...under a rock?
Typical example of the way the left thinks.

Giving to charity is worthy ONLY if it goes to a charity the LEFT thinks is worthy.
Thus why the left believes the government should take the money and distribute it.

FYI...most charity money given to any church does not go to the asthetics of the church.....it goes to community projects.

On the few occassions I can overcome my gag factor and walk into a church, it seems to me that God is living large.. His crib is all pimped out. And this is even the case in churches in poor neighborhoods. And frankly, it's been like that for centuries. All the Great European Cathedrals were built when people were living in fecal matter.

yes...it is the congregations way of showing God that he is worthy of all they can give....but once the church has its beauty, the dollars keep coming in...and going out.
Obama gave 14% of his income to charity according to his last return. Both is return and Gov. Romney's return show charity above and beyond what most Americans give and I commend them both.

Sounds good to me.
Obama Gave Only 1% Of Income To Charity - Romney gave millions to church - thoughts.com conversation engine

I'm not a Romney fan, but hey, facts are facts. Liberals are always accusing Republicans of being greedy and not giving. But liberals are never question on their giving, or the lack thereof . . . .:eusa_whistle:
Not seeing how giving 15% to the Mormon church could be considered charity. A lot of that money is spent on the actual church: tricked out, dripping with gold and the best quality sound, video, lighting, etc.

Typical example of the way the left thinks.

Giving to charity is worthy ONLY if it goes to a charity the LEFT thinks is worthy.
Thus why the left believes the government should take the money and distribute it.

FYI...most charity money given to any church does not go to the asthetics of the church.....it goes to community projects.

Except.... Ravi is wrong. He doesn't just donate to his Church. He has a charitable foundation which does not donate to his Church.... but it does donate a serious amount of money to a lot of charities.

I guess the truth is getting lost in people's enthusiasm to malign the man. Gotta love our politics... we really will stoop to any level to malign the opposition.

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