Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?

Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.


LOLOLOLOLOL.....black on black crime has been around for a long time. YET it seems to get steam around the 90's...with gang wars and drugs. But its not black people coming here, talking about it, its you white people....so I just turned the tables and true to form, you people can't handle the truth.....and you failed to mention Hitler, your buddy!!

Maybe thats the problem, Black people aren't talking about it ( like you say) when so many youths die in Major cities.Its obviously not a good thing that young kids are dying, its a terrible thing to tear families apart, so maybe it should be talked about because its happening Now.

Hitler, the Brittish Empire's attrocities, well, we could try to correct that wrong, but its in the past. Talking about whats going on now, could possibly lead to high profile leaders who have sway in the Black communities to stand up and give a stronger message. Throwing money at the problem hasn't worked, though Obama talks about more education. If you cant get kids to study
then all the money in the world doesnt help. There is a battle going on for their minds and they are the ones getting fed more and more poison, they give up and turn to violent ways
Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.


LOLOLOLOLOL.....black on black crime has been around for a long time. YET it seems to get steam around the 90's...with gang wars and drugs. But its not black people coming here, talking about it, its you white people....so I just turned the tables and true to form, you people can't handle the truth.....and you failed to mention Hitler, your buddy!!

Maybe thats the problem, Black people aren't talking about it ( like you say) when so many youths die in Major cities.Its obviously not a good thing that young kids are dying, its a terrible thing to tear families apart, so maybe it should be talked about because its happening Now.

Hitler, the Brittish Empire's attrocities, well, we could try to correct that wrong, but its in the past. Talking about whats going on now, could possibly lead to high profile leaders who have sway in the Black communities to stand up and give a stronger message. Throwing money at the problem hasn't worked, though Obama talks about more education. If you cant get kids to study
then all the money in the world doesnt help. There is a battle going on for their minds and they are the ones getting fed more and more poison, they give up and turn to violent ways

The US did quite a bit about Hitler and to a far lesser extent the British Empire.

Just saying.
Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.


LOLOLOLOLOL.....black on black crime has been around for a long time. YET it seems to get steam around the 90's...with gang wars and drugs. But its not black people coming here, talking about it, its you white people....so I just turned the tables and true to form, you people can't handle the truth.....and you failed to mention Hitler, your buddy!!

Maybe thats the problem, Black people aren't talking about it ( like you say) when so many youths die in Major cities.Its obviously not a good thing that young kids are dying, its a terrible thing to tear families apart, so maybe it should be talked about because its happening Now.

Hitler, the Brittish Empire's attrocities, well, we could try to correct that wrong, but its in the past. Talking about whats going on now, could possibly lead to high profile leaders who have sway in the Black communities to stand up and give a stronger message. Throwing money at the problem hasn't worked, though Obama talks about more education. If you cant get kids to study
then all the money in the world doesnt help. There is a battle going on for their minds and they are the ones getting fed more and more poison, they give up and turn to violent ways

Educating the population in my opinion is not the answer here. What is important is that our kids need to learn how to confront conflict...thats the definitive word here, conflict. Most of these murders we see and hear about today all stem from drugs and money. But a high precentage especially among teens stem from unresolved conflicts. I challenge anyone who has contact with any juvenile facility to hold conversations with these kids.....I would bet my last dollar, most are angry, confused and aggressive because violence is the only message they've come to learn as little children....you hurt me, I have to hurt you back. That is a cycle that needs to stop
This post is so devoid of logic that it's truly a challenge to address it. Ima try, but between 'it was nothing to do with color then' vs. 'Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color ', there's little left to actually expose in terms of abject stupidity.

First off, detail what other races were running plantations the ante bellum south.
How does the resulting reality contribute to the 'culture' you mention ?

OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot

You're. The word is 'you're', a contraction formed by 'you' and 'are'.

....you were saying about intelligence ?

Actually, I was referring to your inability to accurately use words to form sentences that convey rational thoughts more than anything. That's the true story.

For the record, humans suck. We suffer from a disease called 'importance'. We form groups and look for other groups to attack in order to be 'more'. It's why when there's nothing but white people around, you still get WW1 and WW2. It's how you can get a genocide in Rwanda that barely makes the front page.

Until this is understood, we'll simply keep spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

Excuse me if I dont save my best grammar for USMB, sometimes i get sloppy, As for Rwanda, oh no, people knew about it , but Clinton didn't have the balls to do anything about it after he decided to give up in Somalia, where we were actually doing a lot of good. Too much 'political pressure'.

And you had a news media so weak they could not criticize the inaction because they would never go out of their way to make a Democrat look bad for fear of a Republican being elected.
So, in a sense, the media did bury the story before it was much too late .

The real problem though was the Pussyfied UN who under no pressure by the US stood by or pulled out. Its a side effect of liberalism, they pretend to care about people but in the end, they are only afraid of guns and dying and want their cheese and wine.
US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide World news The Guardian

As for WW2 , well, I guess the Japanese were sort of white.
If the media is liberal why is it taking these GOP pretenders seriously? How did the GOP win the last two midterms? The liberal media ain't liberal. Just ask a liberal. It is liberal on social issues BC they use them to divide you poor people.
OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot

You're. The word is 'you're', a contraction formed by 'you' and 'are'.

....you were saying about intelligence ?

Actually, I was referring to your inability to accurately use words to form sentences that convey rational thoughts more than anything. That's the true story.

For the record, humans suck. We suffer from a disease called 'importance'. We form groups and look for other groups to attack in order to be 'more'. It's why when there's nothing but white people around, you still get WW1 and WW2. It's how you can get a genocide in Rwanda that barely makes the front page.

Until this is understood, we'll simply keep spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

Excuse me if I dont save my best grammar for USMB, sometimes i get sloppy, As for Rwanda, oh no, people knew about it , but Clinton didn't have the balls to do anything about it after he decided to give up in Somalia, where we were actually doing a lot of good. Too much 'political pressure'.

And you had a news media so weak they could not criticize the inaction because they would never go out of their way to make a Democrat look bad for fear of a Republican being elected.
So, in a sense, the media did bury the story before it was much too late .

The real problem though was the Pussyfied UN who under no pressure by the US stood by or pulled out. Its a side effect of liberalism, they pretend to care about people but in the end, they are only afraid of guns and dying and want their cheese and wine.
US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide World news The Guardian

As for WW2 , well, I guess the Japanese were sort of white.
If the media is liberal why is it taking these GOP pretenders seriously? How did the GOP win the last two midterms? The liberal media ain't liberal. Just ask a liberal. It is liberal on social issues BC they use them to divide you poor people.

To pretend, as many conservatives do, that there is only a single political party in the U.S. is to, again- as MANY conservatives do- ignore reality.
History shows the party of a sitting, multi term president usually loses midterm elections. This is not news.
I am hesitant to divulge such facts to you as I truly look forward to the crushing disappointment that surely is inbound for you.
GAWD, I love this video.
Sequel coming: 2016

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot

You're. The word is 'you're', a contraction formed by 'you' and 'are'.

....you were saying about intelligence ?

Actually, I was referring to your inability to accurately use words to form sentences that convey rational thoughts more than anything. That's the true story.

For the record, humans suck. We suffer from a disease called 'importance'. We form groups and look for other groups to attack in order to be 'more'. It's why when there's nothing but white people around, you still get WW1 and WW2. It's how you can get a genocide in Rwanda that barely makes the front page.

Until this is understood, we'll simply keep spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

Excuse me if I dont save my best grammar for USMB, sometimes i get sloppy, As for Rwanda, oh no, people knew about it , but Clinton didn't have the balls to do anything about it after he decided to give up in Somalia, where we were actually doing a lot of good. Too much 'political pressure'.

And you had a news media so weak they could not criticize the inaction because they would never go out of their way to make a Democrat look bad for fear of a Republican being elected.
So, in a sense, the media did bury the story before it was much too late .

The real problem though was the Pussyfied UN who under no pressure by the US stood by or pulled out. Its a side effect of liberalism, they pretend to care about people but in the end, they are only afraid of guns and dying and want their cheese and wine.
US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide World news The Guardian

As for WW2 , well, I guess the Japanese were sort of white.
If the media is liberal why is it taking these GOP pretenders seriously? How did the GOP win the last two midterms? The liberal media ain't liberal. Just ask a liberal. It is liberal on social issues BC they use them to divide you poor people.

To pretend, as many conservatives do, that there is only a single political party in the U.S. is to, again- as MANY conservatives do- ignore reality.
History shows the party of a sitting, multi term president usually loses midterm elections. This is not news.
I am hesitant to divulge such facts to you as I truly look forward to the crushing disappointment that surely is inbound for you.
GAWD, I love this video.
Sequel coming: 2016

But I'm voting for hillary.
OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot

You're. The word is 'you're', a contraction formed by 'you' and 'are'.

....you were saying about intelligence ?

Actually, I was referring to your inability to accurately use words to form sentences that convey rational thoughts more than anything. That's the true story.

For the record, humans suck. We suffer from a disease called 'importance'. We form groups and look for other groups to attack in order to be 'more'. It's why when there's nothing but white people around, you still get WW1 and WW2. It's how you can get a genocide in Rwanda that barely makes the front page.

Until this is understood, we'll simply keep spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

Excuse me if I dont save my best grammar for USMB, sometimes i get sloppy, As for Rwanda, oh no, people knew about it , but Clinton didn't have the balls to do anything about it after he decided to give up in Somalia, where we were actually doing a lot of good. Too much 'political pressure'.

And you had a news media so weak they could not criticize the inaction because they would never go out of their way to make a Democrat look bad for fear of a Republican being elected.
So, in a sense, the media did bury the story before it was much too late .

The real problem though was the Pussyfied UN who under no pressure by the US stood by or pulled out. Its a side effect of liberalism, they pretend to care about people but in the end, they are only afraid of guns and dying and want their cheese and wine.
US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide World news The Guardian

As for WW2 , well, I guess the Japanese were sort of white.
If the media is liberal why is it taking these GOP pretenders seriously? How did the GOP win the last two midterms? The liberal media ain't liberal. Just ask a liberal. It is liberal on social issues BC they use them to divide you poor people.


The MSM is liberal. The fact that they give some coverage to the other side is a pretty low bar for objectivity.

Indeed, the fact that you set the bar so low, is a good sign that, at some level, you know they are biased.
The thing is, people want to live with and around white people and people don't want to live around blacks

No you don't because you're a racist. Most people don't care about it. Because they are PEOPLE which you seem to forget.
Black people have more of a problem with violence in their communities because of their socioeconomic status in general. They have higher unemployment rates, higher rates of poverty. High levels of poverty = more instances of crime.
Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.


LOLOLOLOLOL.....black on black crime has been around for a long time. YET it seems to get steam around the 90's...with gang wars and drugs. But its not black people coming here, talking about it, its you white people....so I just turned the tables and true to form, you people can't handle the truth.....and you failed to mention Hitler, your buddy!!

Back in the 80s, my big political concern was the COld War.

Why? Because the Soviets were a tremendous threat to me and mine, and the dems didn't want to do squat about it.

The Soviets were (mostly white). The potential violence inherent in the Military forces, designed to fight ours was immense.

Their whiteness did not soften my concerns about their intentions or capabilities.

The reason I was not concerned about some black nation launched a Global War on the US was because none of the black nations had the military capacity to be a threat on the scale of the Soviet Union.

YOur attempt to use history to make some point about whites or to make me and/or other whites uncomfortable is going to fail because you misunderstand what our motives in discussing black crime rates are.

It is not to put down blacks but to discuss, and hopefully someday address a problem.

No discussion or town hall or anything is gonna save black people from wanting to kill blacks....until we develop a culture within our ranks in our homes of teaching our children how to solve conflicts without violence, nothing here or anywhere is gonna address or contain or even solve those issues. When you got ghetto fucked up parents who fight among themselves in the streets like thugs.... which is the case.....no lessons are learned that will aide any of us in life, let along a child. Remember the black chic that beat her son for partaking in the Ferguson riots and the news went ga ga over it, like it was a big deal? One look is all I need to my kids, and they'd leave. I'm not braggin, but I raised some kick ass, extremely sucessful kids, all mastered and doing extremely well in life.
Black people have more of a problem with violence in their communities because of their socioeconomic status in general. They have higher unemployment rates, higher rates of poverty. High levels of poverty = more instances of crime.
The reason all these things exist in black communities is that this is the way black people want it like this.
Hitler is a name synonymous with megalomaniac.
And it's true Hitler is responsible for the deaths of millions of humans. Hitler was a White guy.


Hitler, our enemy in WWII, didn't kill as many as Stalin did. Stalin, a White guy, killed more humans than Hitler did. Stalin was our ally in WWII.

BUT !!

Chairman Mao killed more humans than Stalin did. Mao what Asian.
I know of no human responsible for more human deaths than Chairman Mao.

What Black person scores highest on the carnage scale? Idi Amin?

Historically, Blacks would seem less carnage prone than either Whites, or Asians, by that standard.
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world

Yeah, like that white guy, Adolf that murdered 10 million jews!!

Yossif Vissarionovich murdered more than that by starvation, work camps and for ideological difference.
Mao Tse Tung murdered more than 60 million people but people like your miserable ilk will never state that fact because it would destroy your argument from the get go.
Per capita Castro destroyed as many or more than any of the above, ably assisted by the thug whose image you and your ilk proudly display on your t-shirt, and you know who I am talking about. Does CHE ring a bell with you?
Black people have more of a problem with violence in their communities because of their socioeconomic status in general. They have higher unemployment rates, higher rates of poverty. High levels of poverty = more instances of crime.
The reason all these things exist in black communities is that this is the way black people want it like this.

Oh they do, huh? And you know this how? Have you done a poll or something? :D
Black people have more of a problem with violence in their communities because of their socioeconomic status in general. They have higher unemployment rates, higher rates of poverty. High levels of poverty = more instances of crime.
Blacks behave the same way all over the world, the problem is their low IQ's and high testosterone levels on average

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