Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?

What are you talking about? I have plenty of control, considering I don't feel the NEED to hit small children. Obviously it is you who is lacking control and not to mention, a bully. Does it make you feel like a big tough guy, hitting on a little kid? Bully.

Spanking is not "hitting" a child. Maybe you lose your cool and smack them in the face so you can't tell the difference between your impulsive violence and calm, judicious and deliberated application of a ferrule across a child's behind achieved by parents in control of themselves.

And the billions of parents who physically disciplined their children throughout human history are all bullies. That was stupid.

I get that you can't control yourself with children and as such you're taking the wisest course. But that doesn't apply to every other parent.

There is no need to hit children, and yes spanking is still hitting. Duh.
I'm glad you don't hit children anymore. Those anger management courses were effective.

I never have hit a child. Just because the only way you can deal with little ones is to physically assault them does not mean everyone else does.
Now every parent that spanks is physically assaulting children? You make my job of revealing you for the nutjob you are much easier.

Sorry, but have you read your posts? :lol: If anything, YOU are the nut. You are nuttier than squirrel poop.
Spanking is not "hitting" a child. Maybe you lose your cool and smack them in the face so you can't tell the difference between your impulsive violence and calm, judicious and deliberated application of a ferrule across a child's behind achieved by parents in control of themselves.

And the billions of parents who physically disciplined their children throughout human history are all bullies. That was stupid.

I get that you can't control yourself with children and as such you're taking the wisest course. But that doesn't apply to every other parent.

There is no need to hit children, and yes spanking is still hitting. Duh.
I'm glad you don't hit children anymore. Those anger management courses were effective.

I never have hit a child. Just because the only way you can deal with little ones is to physically assault them does not mean everyone else does.
Now every parent that spanks is physically assaulting children? You make my job of revealing you for the nutjob you are much easier.

Sorry, but have you read your posts? :lol: If anything, YOU are the nut. You are nuttier than squirrel poop.
Actually you are. Spanking has been a time honored practice for thousands of years and here you are judging all those parents, probably even your own, in the most awful way. You could have simply disagreed, but you went well beyond that. So I turned your impious judgmental attacks right back around on you, making them into revelations of your own shortcomings when it comes to handling kids. You absolutely deserve that. But because you've shown yourself to be a person without class, you won't even see your transgression and how I simply reflected it back to you. Shame on you.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


It wasnt all white people doing those things to blacks, and it was nothing to do with color then, and nothing to do with racial tendency now when it comes to Black violence. Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color in many instances. But i dont think there is any inherent violent tendency just because of a persons genetics, one more than the other.

This post is so devoid of logic that it's truly a challenge to address it. Ima try, but between 'it was nothing to do with color then' vs. 'Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color ', there's little left to actually expose in terms of abject stupidity.

First off, detail what other races were running plantations the ante bellum south.
How does the resulting reality contribute to the 'culture' you mention ?

OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world
Blacks seem to be more physical than whites but I don't know about violence. Perhaps their rough and tumble play leads to violence more so than with whites. I am not a physical person in the sense that I like to play grab ass with people but aside from that I don't mind working at my tasks and I love country dancing, which can be physical.

Perhaps blacks are like frustrated small children in that acting out their frustrations gives them some emotional relief? Perhaps they see their problems as being unsurmountable?

Listen, what black children lack in their lives are role models that need to teach them out to negotiate conflict. We don't allow our children options when it comes to conflict. I can't tell you how many parents I see kicking thier kids ass because they lost a fight....lost a fight. How many parents I see yelling at their kids and beating on their kids....remember the black mother that beat her kid after he showed up for a protest and all the media was applauding this bitch? A strong black parents presence alone should have made that kid want to go with his mother, a look should have done the trick...instead, she used violence....do you think for a second this kid is gonna grow up not wanting to use the same tatics to convey his message?

I agree with this. You really aren't teaching a child anything when you use violence except that is how you resolve issues.

Pretty pathetic.
Wait until the next NCAA championship and get back to me on how gentle white kids are.
.....or go to a soccer match in Slovenia.

It would be funny, this whole incestuous amplification of stereotype you guys are engaged in, were it not for the effects on others.

Enjoy your fear.

Sorry, I don't know what you're referring to, but I don't really think that hitting kids teaches them anything except violence. It has nothing to do with their color, of course. Derp.

Of course you don't, dear. It's why I told you about it to begin with.
You claim violence has nothing to do with color while agreeing that black children have no role models and get their butts kicked by parents for losing a fight and further agree that the lady in Baltimore should NOT have smacked her son around for participating in a riot.

Smell what you are shoveling.
It reeks of bigotry hidden by a desire to not see children abused.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


It wasnt all white people doing those things to blacks, and it was nothing to do with color then, and nothing to do with racial tendency now when it comes to Black violence. Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color in many instances. But i dont think there is any inherent violent tendency just because of a persons genetics, one more than the other.

This post is so devoid of logic that it's truly a challenge to address it. Ima try, but between 'it was nothing to do with color then' vs. 'Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color ', there's little left to actually expose in terms of abject stupidity.

First off, detail what other races were running plantations the ante bellum south.
How does the resulting reality contribute to the 'culture' you mention ?

OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot
Blacks on average have higher testosterone and lower IQ levels

LOLOLOLOL.....Tell that to Obama, the most intelligent president we've had in decades....just sayin

You must be kidding. Obama's superior intelligence is a media created myth. When I was a child, my friends and I would make fun of anyone who said the stupid things Obama has said. He stated Europe was a country; Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina were in the Gulf of Mexico; our forefathers built the intercontinental railroad (he didn't say which continent it went to); the U.S. Constitution is twenty centuries old; and people don't kill in the name of religion. Obama also hosted the parents of a deserter and the parents of a thug in the White House. No other president has ever given special treatment to those who were so clearly undeserving. Obama also pronounced corpsman (core.man) as corpse.man.

There are many more Obama gaffes, but the one that should have put the country on notice that something was seriously wrong with the man was when he signed the wrong date in a guest book. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew most people are aware of what year it is. Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. His defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant.

I remember how Sarah Palin was called stupid for saying that She could see Russia from her home and that is how she got her knowledge of Russia. The problem was she never said that. It was a comedienne on SNL who said those things. Palin did say that she could see Russia from some locations in Alaska which is true. Those with a superior knowledge of geography (this does not include Obama) know that mainland Russia can be seen from certain parts of mainland Alaska and if island possessions are considered it is even possible to swim or walk to Russia (it's been done). Comparing Palin to Obama and judging them by what they say, it is obvious that she is his intellectually superior.

Don't ask for a link. If you had gotten your news from Drudge instead of the Obama worshiping alphabet media you would know it's true. Besides, you know how to Google.

Drudge as a source ?
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
No wonder you think Palin is smart.
I agree with this. You really aren't teaching a child anything when you use violence except that is how you resolve issues.

It's not ridiculous. It makes perfect sense. When you hit a child, you are teaching the child that hitting is the way to deal with something when it bothers you.
Every new generation of parents thinks they know better than parents for the last thousands of years, but they don't. And spanking is not "hitting" a child. If you can't tell the difference, perhaps it's better you do neither. But your inability to control your temper with your kids shouldn't be projected onto other parents.

What are you talking about? I have plenty of control, considering I don't feel the NEED to hit small children. Obviously it is you who is lacking control and not to mention, a bully. Does it make you feel like a big tough guy, hitting on a little kid? Bully.
If you ever have children, I'd bet that they will at some point, get spanked. It may be the only way to keep them from danger. 3 year olds can't be reasoned with.
You can not get through to a small child with "time outs" a reasonable argument or threats to withhold a treat. If your child touches a knife in the kitchen, saying " Please don't do that, Johnny." will not remove the attraction he feels for that shiny object of his desire.
Trying to reason with a little one is like shoveling shit against the tide.
A slap on the back of the hand and a stern "No" may work, if it causes some discomfort. If it doesn't, You had damned well better smack his butt before he gets hurt.

Let's hope you don't reproduce.
The thing is, people want to live with and around white people and people don't want to live around blacks

Hey, I serously don't have an issue with whites not wanting to be around blacks....I just wish we could convey that message to white women, cause they simply love the idea of desegregation...just sayin!!
Don't get too excited. We all know what the vast majority of those women look like. I think they have to just take what they can get.

Keep telling yourself that, pear shaped white dude....keep telling yourself that.
Feel better yet ?
Didn't think so.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


It wasnt all white people doing those things to blacks, and it was nothing to do with color then, and nothing to do with racial tendency now when it comes to Black violence. Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color in many instances. But i dont think there is any inherent violent tendency just because of a persons genetics, one more than the other.

This post is so devoid of logic that it's truly a challenge to address it. Ima try, but between 'it was nothing to do with color then' vs. 'Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color ', there's little left to actually expose in terms of abject stupidity.

First off, detail what other races were running plantations the ante bellum south.
How does the resulting reality contribute to the 'culture' you mention ?

OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot

You're. The word is 'you're', a contraction formed by 'you' and 'are'.

....you were saying about intelligence ?

Actually, I was referring to your inability to accurately use words to form sentences that convey rational thoughts more than anything. That's the true story.

For the record, humans suck. We suffer from a disease called 'importance'. We form groups and look for other groups to attack in order to be 'more'. It's why when there's nothing but white people around, you still get WW1 and WW2. It's how you can get a genocide in Rwanda that barely makes the front page.

Until this is understood, we'll simply keep spinning our wheels, going nowhere.
There is no need to hit children, and yes spanking is still hitting. Duh.
I'm glad you don't hit children anymore. Those anger management courses were effective.

I never have hit a child. Just because the only way you can deal with little ones is to physically assault them does not mean everyone else does.
Now every parent that spanks is physically assaulting children? You make my job of revealing you for the nutjob you are much easier.

Sorry, but have you read your posts? :lol: If anything, YOU are the nut. You are nuttier than squirrel poop.
Actually you are. Spanking has been a time honored practice for thousands of years and here you are judging all those parents, probably even your own, in the most awful way. You could have simply disagreed, but you went well beyond that. So I turned your impious judgmental attacks right back around on you, making them into revelations of your own shortcomings when it comes to handling kids. You absolutely deserve that. But because you've shown yourself to be a person without class, you won't even see your transgression and how I simply reflected it back to you. Shame on you.

He won't hit a child, therefore, he has no class.
You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you ?
Blacks on average have higher testosterone and lower IQ levels

LOLOLOLOL.....Tell that to Obama, the most intelligent president we've had in decades....just sayin
Obama's intelligence is a fabrication. That's why he refuses to
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world

Yeah, like that white guy, Adolf that murdered 10 million jews!!
10 million? Nonsense!
Fuck you, Nazi bigot.
Well, it's true!
It's up to you to decide which is better- amount of black people killed by white cops or the amount of store clerks who were robbed and killed by black criminals. Sorry, but I’m really sick of whites not being protected in racial confrontations.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Our excuse was power and control. I can't argue your points either. And I dont take joy in how violent the black community is. I truly want it to stop.

I just feel like things will never improve if we wait for whites to do what's right. Even if they do it won't be enough if blacks dont change their behavior too.

1. Make it a goal the next generation of black kids will all have mothers and fathers raising them. No more accepting eubonic talk.

I dont have kids because I'm too selfish and can't afford them. If that's true for you too do like me dont have kids.
Just what, exactly, should white folks do? Blacks get preference in colleges and employment. They have equal rights and more than equal opportunities.
The problem is instilling the motivation for all of us to take advantage of those opportunities.
Blacks do, to a certain extent, mark themselves for failure.
The ghetto ebonics, disdain for blacks who act "Too white" the single parent families with weak or nonexistant father figures all work against them when they try to get a job.

Hell! Even names! I see no problem with being proud of your heritage, but giving your kid a name that marks him before he even gets an interview?

What's wrong with typical American names?

I guess there in lies my biggest problem. Blacks want to be African-Americans.
Why not just Americans?

Next, understand that YOU, hundreds of years later, are the direct beneficiary of the injustices I just referred to. That does NOT automatically make you an insensitive prick, but it does give you privileges that African Americans do not currently enjoy.
Snipped for brevity
That's bullshit. My family didn't get here until well after the civil war.
In the first generation my grandfather went from a young immigrant with no skills to the owner of a decent sized farm in Connecticut. Don't give me crap about white advantage. The tables have been turned since the 60's and more blacks are in poverty now than they were then.
Dammit! take some friggin responsibility for your problems. I sure as hell didn't put your sorry ass in the ghetto.
Wrong! Youre just mad because you did worse than grandpa.
Not by a long shot.

It's not ridiculous. It makes perfect sense. When you hit a child, you are teaching the child that hitting is the way to deal with something when it bothers you.
Every new generation of parents thinks they know better than parents for the last thousands of years, but they don't. And spanking is not "hitting" a child. If you can't tell the difference, perhaps it's better you do neither. But your inability to control your temper with your kids shouldn't be projected onto other parents.

What are you talking about? I have plenty of control, considering I don't feel the NEED to hit small children. Obviously it is you who is lacking control and not to mention, a bully. Does it make you feel like a big tough guy, hitting on a little kid? Bully.
If you ever have children, I'd bet that they will at some point, get spanked. It may be the only way to keep them from danger. 3 year olds can't be reasoned with.
You can not get through to a small child with "time outs" a reasonable argument or threats to withhold a treat. If your child touches a knife in the kitchen, saying " Please don't do that, Johnny." will not remove the attraction he feels for that shiny object of his desire.
Trying to reason with a little one is like shoveling shit against the tide.
A slap on the back of the hand and a stern "No" may work, if it causes some discomfort. If it doesn't, You had damned well better smack his butt before he gets hurt.

I do have one, Ernie. I've never had the need to hit my child. I would grab his hands and look him in the eyes and say "no" and didn't HAVE to hit him.
You were very lucky. I had 4 kids, only one has never received a spanking.
It wasnt all white people doing those things to blacks, and it was nothing to do with color then, and nothing to do with racial tendency now when it comes to Black violence. Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color in many instances. But i dont think there is any inherent violent tendency just because of a persons genetics, one more than the other.

This post is so devoid of logic that it's truly a challenge to address it. Ima try, but between 'it was nothing to do with color then' vs. 'Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color ', there's little left to actually expose in terms of abject stupidity.

First off, detail what other races were running plantations the ante bellum south.
How does the resulting reality contribute to the 'culture' you mention ?

OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot

You're. The word is 'you're', a contraction formed by 'you' and 'are'.

....you were saying about intelligence ?

Actually, I was referring to your inability to accurately use words to form sentences that convey rational thoughts more than anything. That's the true story.

For the record, humans suck. We suffer from a disease called 'importance'. We form groups and look for other groups to attack in order to be 'more'. It's why when there's nothing but white people around, you still get WW1 and WW2. It's how you can get a genocide in Rwanda that barely makes the front page.

Until this is understood, we'll simply keep spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

Excuse me if I dont save my best grammar for USMB, sometimes i get sloppy, As for Rwanda, oh no, people knew about it , but Clinton didn't have the balls to do anything about it after he decided to give up in Somalia, where we were actually doing a lot of good. Too much 'political pressure'.

And you had a news media so weak they could not criticize the inaction because they would never go out of their way to make a Democrat look bad for fear of a Republican being elected.
So, in a sense, the media did bury the story before it was much too late .

The real problem though was the Pussyfied UN who under no pressure by the US stood by or pulled out. Its a side effect of liberalism, they pretend to care about people but in the end, they are only afraid of guns and dying and want their cheese and wine.
US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide World news The Guardian

As for WW2 , well, I guess the Japanese were sort of white.
This post is so devoid of logic that it's truly a challenge to address it. Ima try, but between 'it was nothing to do with color then' vs. 'Its about Culture and how culture relates to peoples color ', there's little left to actually expose in terms of abject stupidity.

First off, detail what other races were running plantations the ante bellum south.
How does the resulting reality contribute to the 'culture' you mention ?

OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot

You're. The word is 'you're', a contraction formed by 'you' and 'are'.

....you were saying about intelligence ?

Actually, I was referring to your inability to accurately use words to form sentences that convey rational thoughts more than anything. That's the true story.

For the record, humans suck. We suffer from a disease called 'importance'. We form groups and look for other groups to attack in order to be 'more'. It's why when there's nothing but white people around, you still get WW1 and WW2. It's how you can get a genocide in Rwanda that barely makes the front page.

Until this is understood, we'll simply keep spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

Excuse me if I dont save my best grammar for USMB, sometimes i get sloppy, As for Rwanda, oh no, people knew about it , but Clinton didn't have the balls to do anything about it after he decided to give up in Somalia, where we were actually doing a lot of good. Too much 'political pressure'.

And you had a news media so weak they could not criticize the inaction because they would never go out of their way to make a Democrat look bad for fear of a Republican being elected.
So, in a sense, the media did bury the story before it was much too late .

The real problem though was the Pussyfied UN who under no pressure by the US stood by or pulled out. Its a side effect of liberalism, they pretend to care about people but in the end, they are only afraid of guns and dying and want their cheese and wine.
US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide World news The Guardian

As for WW2 , well, I guess the Japanese were sort of white.

Wow.......NOTHING I can write illustrates the detail and depth of your ridiculousness as you just have.
You win ?
Blacks on average have higher testosterone and lower IQ levels

LOLOLOLOL.....Tell that to Obama, the most intelligent president we've had in decades....just sayin
Obama's intelligence is a fabrication. That's why he refuses to
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world

Yeah, like that white guy, Adolf that murdered 10 million jews!!
10 million? Nonsense!
Fuck you, Nazi bigot.
Well, it's true!

You are known to the FBI, aren't you ?
Blacks on average have higher testosterone and lower IQ levels

LOLOLOLOL.....Tell that to Obama, the most intelligent president we've had in decades....just sayin
Obama's intelligence is a fabrication. That's why he refuses to
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world

Yeah, like that white guy, Adolf that murdered 10 million jews!!
10 million? Nonsense!
Fuck you, Nazi bigot.
Well, it's true!

You are known to the FBI, aren't you ?
For what?
OK, wow , you are so much smarter than everyone else around here, truly amazing. I suppose instead of the word COLOR I should have used genetics. I mean, I dont believe that being of 'Caucasian' ancestry makes a person any more prone to violence than being of African ancestry.

Cultures come and go in the history of the world , but the color of peoples skin may not change as rapidly , I realize you dont understand what the fuck Im talking about, but thats fine. I just wanted to post my opinion. You seem to be more obsessed with what people 'Look' Like.

No. I am merely far more intelligent than you are. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or four, but I doubt it.
....and let's be clear; YOU don't know WTF you are talking about.

True story.

You think the tendency toward violence is really based on what color the skin is ??? then you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Theres much more to a human than that. Maybe your just an intelligent bigot

You're. The word is 'you're', a contraction formed by 'you' and 'are'.

....you were saying about intelligence ?

Actually, I was referring to your inability to accurately use words to form sentences that convey rational thoughts more than anything. That's the true story.

For the record, humans suck. We suffer from a disease called 'importance'. We form groups and look for other groups to attack in order to be 'more'. It's why when there's nothing but white people around, you still get WW1 and WW2. It's how you can get a genocide in Rwanda that barely makes the front page.

Until this is understood, we'll simply keep spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

Excuse me if I dont save my best grammar for USMB, sometimes i get sloppy, As for Rwanda, oh no, people knew about it , but Clinton didn't have the balls to do anything about it after he decided to give up in Somalia, where we were actually doing a lot of good. Too much 'political pressure'.

And you had a news media so weak they could not criticize the inaction because they would never go out of their way to make a Democrat look bad for fear of a Republican being elected.
So, in a sense, the media did bury the story before it was much too late .

The real problem though was the Pussyfied UN who under no pressure by the US stood by or pulled out. Its a side effect of liberalism, they pretend to care about people but in the end, they are only afraid of guns and dying and want their cheese and wine.
US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide World news The Guardian

As for WW2 , well, I guess the Japanese were sort of white.

Wow.......NOTHING I can write illustrates the detail and depth of your ridiculousness as you just have.
You win ?

There was something incorrect about Rwanda that i said ? really, what was that? Nothing ridiculous except you think WW1 and WW2 were about being white. Rwanda proved that black people can hack each other to death with machettes, so whats your point there?

I agreed with the first half of your paragraph, but then it loses it from there.

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