Who's REALLY Ready For The US IG's FISA Court Abuse Investigation Report?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The United States Inspector General, Michal Horowitz, has not spoken to the media and has not declared he has finished his investigation, which began in March 2018, is complete and his report is ready for release. Some believe that Horowitz has already turned his report over to United States Attorney General Barr. Not long ago, however, US AG Barr stated he expected the US IG's report in LATE MAY or EARLY JUNE.

"Horowitz began his investigation in March 2018, examining the Justice Department’s and FBI’s compliance with legal requirements as well as policies and procedures in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court related to onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page as part of a larger counterintelligence investigation into President Trump’s campaign."

The individuals who are most concerned with the contents of the US IG's report must be former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI General Counsel James Baker, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, “maybe” former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and “certainly” Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.

In recent weeks, prior to the rep[ort coming out, several of these key individuals have been pointing fingers and making accusations against the others. Comey 1st publicly attacked Weinstein. This was followed by Weinstein, Clapper, and Brennan accusing Comey of being the one who insisted on the Dossier being part of the FISA Court warrant applications. Former US AG Loretta Lynch joined in at that point, accusing Comey of perjury - lying under oath by misrepresenting what she had told him to do in regards to the Hillary investigation. Former FBI Counsel James Baker joined the circular firing squad next, declaring he and other senior FBI officials thought FBI Director Comey was going to blackmail the President with the Dossier.

Tensions are obviously running high as they nervously await the US IG's report to be released.

Many have begun to wonder if Democrats may try to attempt to discredit the US IG by claiming he - like they falsely accuse US AG Barr of being - is just another President Trump 'Stooge'.

'While prominent Democrats have accused Mueller of failing to do his duty and Barr of prioritizing the interests of Trump over the American people, they’ll have a more difficult time assailing Horowitz, a Harvard-educated lawyer appointed by President Obama to the DoJ’s top watchdog post in 2012.'

Who's Ready For The IG Report On Potential FISA Abuse?
From the evidence exposed so far regarding the Obama FBI's and DOJ's actions in acquiring an initial and several renewals of FISA Court warrants enabling them to spy on Trump associates:

"In essence, a surveillance warrant was issued against an American citizen grounded in unverified, uncorroborated claims made by a foreign agent who “was desperate” to prevent the current President from winning the 2016 election and was passionate about him not being President. Despite this hostility toward the current President, in
a 2017 filing in a British Court."

"Because foreign intelligence activity is very sensitive and because surveilling American citizens implicates the important constitutional rights we hold as citizens, the integrity of the FISA process depends on the court’s ability to hold the government to the highest standards. This means that the evidence adduced before the court must demonstrate probable cause as well as the absence of bias. Thus, all material and relevant evidence favorable to the American target should be released to the court, including evidence that the affidavit on which the FISA warrant was issued was grounded in unverified evidence funded by a political party. In addition, FISC’s rigor in protecting the rights of Americans including applications for a 90-day renewal of surveillance order depends on the government’s production to the court of all material relevant facts including evidence of bias attributed to Mr. Steele, Fusion GPS, and an opposition political party.

Failure to submit all material evidence to the FISA court constitutes a fraud on the court. Even more outrageous, the source of the relevant FISA order targeting Carter Page was created by a foreign national. This means that the FBI and DOJ outsourced their research and arguably violated their solemn duty to the American people. By doing so, these two government departments fueled the narrative that the Russian interfered in America’s last presidential election. On the contrary, the adducible evidence shows that members of the FBI and the DOJ interfered in the 2016 presidential campaign much more than any Russian operative. They placed their fingers on the scales of democracy to favor one candidate over another."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but when are the indictments coming?
When will the FISA courts want their pound of flesh?
When will Barr come down on the deep state conspirators?
The United States Inspector General, Michal Horowitz, has not spoken to the media and has not declared he has finished his investigation, which began in March 2018, is complete and his report is ready for release. Some believe that Horowitz has already turned his report over to United States Attorney General Barr. Not long ago, however, US AG Barr stated he expected the US IG's report in LATE MAY or EARLY JUNE.

"Horowitz began his investigation in March 2018, examining the Justice Department’s and FBI’s compliance with legal requirements as well as policies and procedures in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court related to onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page as part of a larger counterintelligence investigation into President Trump’s campaign."

The individuals who are most concerned with the contents of the US IG's report must be former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI General Counsel James Baker, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, “maybe” former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and “certainly” Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.

In recent weeks, prior to the rep[ort coming out, several of these key individuals have been pointing fingers and making accusations against the others. Comey 1st publicly attacked Weinstein. This was followed by Weinstein, Clapper, and Brennan accusing Comey of being the one who insisted on the Dossier being part of the FISA Court warrant applications. Former US AG Loretta Lynch joined in at that point, accusing Comey of perjury - lying under oath by misrepresenting what she had told him to do in regards to the Hillary investigation. Former FBI Counsel James Baker joined the circular firing squad next, declaring he and other senior FBI officials thought FBI Director Comey was going to blackmail the President with the Dossier.

Tensions are obviously running high as they nervously await the US IG's report to be released.

Many have begun to wonder if Democrats may try to attempt to discredit the US IG by claiming he - like they falsely accuse US AG Barr of being - is just another President Trump 'Stooge'.

'While prominent Democrats have accused Mueller of failing to do his duty and Barr of prioritizing the interests of Trump over the American people, they’ll have a more difficult time assailing Horowitz, a Harvard-educated lawyer appointed by President Obama to the DoJ’s top watchdog post in 2012.'

Who's Ready For The IG Report On Potential FISA Abuse?
Has donnie declassified it yet? Still waiting.
Patiently, we wait.

Looks like it will drop just in time for the Democrat debates.
But but but but, we can’t declassify information. That will be dangerous to national security!

....except for the Mueller report! We want every word of that document!

Right hypocrite lefties?
they’ll have a more difficult time assailing Horowitz, a Harvard-educated lawyer appointed by President Obama to the DoJ’s top watchdog post in 2012.

Why is this guy still in office??

He should've been fired in March of 2017.

Whoever was the "watchdog" under Obama had a blindfold on for 8 years....

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