Who's stupid now?

He was arrested on his own front porch, after the cops IDd him, because he was loud? Why is being loud an arrestable offense? Don't most noise ordinances require an attempt to get a person to voluntarily comply?

Why didn't Crowley simply leave when he knew that Gates had a legitimate, and legal, reason for being in his own home? Why did he call for backup, and thus escalate the situation? Why didn't he simply leave?

The reason is simple, his authority was challenged, and he reacted like any macho prick would in that situation, he hit back with his power to arrest someone for a BS reason. Your defense of him perpetuates the problem, cops are not there to arrest people, they are there to serve and protect the public. The public was not in danger from an old man who needs a cane to walk, something even Crowley recognized, or he would have placed his hands behind him when he cuffed him.

I paid very close attention to this incident at the time and not one person has shown one shred of proof that any of the officers behaved like anything but officers following proper procedure. Everyone else has proven their own prejudices by such conjecture.

Then why did they drop the charges?

It was because Crowley acted out of emotion instead of being a 'professional' and following proper procedure. Crowley should have turned, got into is squad car, and properly served the public by patrolling for REAL criminals and people actually breaking the law.
Had he done that he would have diffused the situation as well as have been following proper police procedure. He had already established the fact that Gates lived there. His business there was done.
I can't believe current events are so boring that this incident is being rehashed.
the person who called in to the police and later changed her story, IIRC, works for harvard. hmmmm, no way she was pressured i bet. :eusa_whistle:
Maybe you can get someone in the eots zone to expound on that.
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I hadn't read anything on this case in quite awhile so I did some googling and I came upon this site which gives some insight into Mr Gates.............

10 Questions for Henry Louis Gates Jr. - TIME

What were you doing the night Barack Obama was elected? Rick Klein, LA CROSSE, WIS.

I was at my friend's house in Cambridge, Mass. Everyone kept saying, "He's winning, he's winning," but I wouldn't let myself celebrate until Wolf Blitzer said he was President. Then I cheered, and we all cried and drank about another gallon of champagne.

Is African-American history taught enough in our schools? David Veigel, VIRGINIA BEACH

No. African-American history is generally taught only in Black History Month, which is February, the coldest, darkest, shortest month. It's like the month that was left over, they gave to black people. I'm a big advocate of teaching history in our public schools on a multicultural level.

Is it right for African Americans to use the N word? Pitufo Geiger BAGUIO CITY, PHILIPPINES

I was raised hearing black people using the N word, and I don't find it offensive at all. I do find it offensive when a nonblack person uses it.

He's a race baiter and no better than that little bitch in Seattle who thought she could just treat an LEO whoever they want with no repercussion. I would like to slap both of them.
I paid very close attention to this incident at the time and not one person has shown one shred of proof that any of the officers behaved like anything but officers following proper procedure. Everyone else has proven their own prejudices by such conjecture.

Then why did they drop the charges?

It was because Crowley acted out of emotion instead of being a 'professional' and following proper procedure. Crowley should have turned, got into is squad car, and properly served the public by patrolling for REAL criminals and people actually breaking the law.
Had he done that he would have diffused the situation as well as have been following proper police procedure. He had already established the fact that Gates lived there. His business there was done.

Too bad it was actually Gates who acted out of emotion which was so extreme the procedure was forced to meet it.
You do realize that having a rational, mature, intelligent conversation with Ravi is impossible? I doubt s/he could manage one of the three , let alone ALL three.

Ah Ravi's okay. I don't have any problem with her. She's just a liberal and as a result will be a bit 'off' in her perceptions as all liberals appear to be to us conservatives. But we look just as 'off' to them. :)
Could you link me to the recording of the yo mama comment? Thanks. :eusa_angel:
Classic Ravi!

I love it...lol!

She was passing through the neighborhood, she did not live there, she was not a neighbor and never claimed to be, even in the 911 tapes. The only place that claim was made was in the media, I therefore conclude that you are relying on the media reports. You still got your facts wrong.


Whalen has for more than 15 years worked for Harvard in an office about 100 yards from Gates’s home, according to Murphy. [her lawyer] “For her to be characterized as the racist spark that fueled the fire is just utterly, 100 percent wrong,’’ Murphy said.
Gates caller didn’t cite race, police say - The Boston Globe

Your post said she lived in the neighborhood, she does not. If you want to argue semantics because she actually works on the campus near his home, and claim that it is actually his neighborhood, I cannot prove you wrong. That does not negate the fact that was passing by when she called in.

She was passing through the neighborhood, she did not live there, she was not a neighbor and never claimed to be, even in the 911 tapes. The only place that claim was made was in the media, I therefore conclude that you are relying on the media reports. You still got your facts wrong.


Whalen has for more than 15 years worked for Harvard in an office about 100 yards from Gates’s home, according to Murphy. [her lawyer] “For her to be characterized as the racist spark that fueled the fire is just utterly, 100 percent wrong,’’ Murphy said.
Gates caller didn’t cite race, police say - The Boston Globe

Your post said she lived in the neighborhood, she does not. If you want to argue semantics because she actually works on the campus near his home, and claim that it is actually his neighborhood, I cannot prove you wrong. That does not negate the fact that [] was passing by when she called in.

Someone else posted that.

Get your facts straight! :razz: Looks like YOU who wants to argue semantics!
He was not invited to step outside because of department policy, he was asked to step outside so that Crowley would have an excuse to arrest him.

Nobody pushed him out on that porch, the police were leaving and he clearly knew exactly what he was doing as he dramatically drew the attention of his neighbors and loudly and falsely incited racist charges toward the officer causing a public disturbance which certainly warranted a trip downtown to file some paperwork...It was actually the smart thing for the police to do at that point, IMO.

What happened to your previous story that Crowley was perfectly justified in asking Gates to step outside because he had to be sure no one had him under duress? Kinda falls apart when you actually look at the situation, instead of listening to police defend each other, doesn't it?

Believe it or not, Gates has a legal right to make a fool of himself and falsely accuse anyone, including a police officer who is standing in his living room questioning him, of being a racist. I am not saying Gates is right, I am saying Crowley is wrong, he should simply have walked away from this when he knew Gates actually lived in the house. That would have been the professional thing for him to do.
He was not invited to step outside because of department policy, he was asked to step outside so that Crowley would have an excuse to arrest him.

Nobody pushed him out on that porch, the police were leaving and he clearly knew exactly what he was doing as he dramatically drew the attention of his neighbors and loudly and falsely incited racist charges toward the officer causing a public disturbance which certainly warranted a trip downtown to file some paperwork...It was actually the smart thing for the police to do at that point, IMO.

What happened to your previous story that Crowley was perfectly justified in asking Gates to step outside because he had to be sure no one had him under duress? Kinda falls apart when you actually look at the situation, instead of listening to police defend each other, doesn't it?

Believe it or not, Gates has a legal right to make a fool of himself and falsely accuse anyone, including a police officer who is standing in his living room questioning him, of being a racist. I am not saying Gates is right, I am saying Crowley is wrong, he should simply have walked away from this when he knew Gates actually lived in the house. That would have been the professional thing for him to do.

No, that was the beginning when he first got to the door.

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