Who's stupid now?

If the case was warranted the charges would not have been dropped. Gates is probably not suing because he was asked not to by his friend Barry, not because he knows he will lose. Most departments would settle a case like this rather than risk losing in court, after all, they don.t really have to pay the settlement.

cases are dropped all the time even though the accused was guilty

think before you speak.....no one is guilty until they are proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, in a court of law...we are presumed innocent in the USA, until proven guilty.

Of course you're right, I worded that wrong. I should have written "just because a case isn't prosecuted that doesn't mean the defendant was innocent"
Nobody pushed him out on that porch, the police were leaving and he clearly knew exactly what he was doing as he dramatically drew the attention of his neighbors and loudly and falsely incited racist charges toward the officer causing a public disturbance which certainly warranted a trip downtown to file some paperwork...It was actually the smart thing for the police to do at that point, IMO.
hmmm...do you think he was acting or actually angry? I see him as angry, as I would be.

And I agree with QW...the cop knew exactly what he was doing.

I think Gates was hypersensitive and irrational. There was no real reason to be angry.

Agitated, confused, shocked, concerned, verbally abusive, angry, fine...Whatever..Still no excuse for inciting racism in the community and certainly no reason to try to pull rank.

He was an over emotional doofus...his conduct from beginning to end was uncooperative, disorderly and created a public disturbance.

The police did what they had to under the circumstances, IMO.
He didn't incite racism in the community.
Personally, I think that once Gates identified himself he should have been able to tell to the cop to get the fuck off his property ... that no crime has been committed here and you can go on your merry way.

Now, I understand that Gates refused to show ID at first and behaved like an all around ass so I get where Crowley's spine was brought up. Even still, it amounted to a guy calling a cop names on his own property when no crime was committed.

Gates made a complete fool of himself and is now a laughing stock ... race had NOTHING to do with it but I still think Crowley overreacted by arresting Gates.
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Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Police Report - July 23, 2009

Gates 3,000lb Race Chip on his Shoulder is what Caused him to get Arrested...

Read the Report.

A Report backed by Witnesses.



This happened in my city's backyard. Believe me I've heard this story forward and backward about a gillion times. Gates is a jackass and Crowley didn't have to arrest him, IMO.

I'm White...

If I Acted half this Dickheaded as Gates did in Southside East Westminster, they would have had Backup there in minutes, Guns Drawn and I would have been Removed before I could have followed them out Cursing and Yelling as they Tried to Leave...

We don't have a Right to Scream, Threaten and Verbally Assualt Officers as they attempt to Leave our Property...

This is ALL on Gates.

The People who aren't getting this, in Spite of Facts, have Issues with Cops in General... IMO. ;)



Calling someone a racist is an arrestable offense.

The PC crowd strikes again.

I Know the Police Report, which is Backed by Witnesses, is long... And Difficult to Read...

So you keep Making Dishonest Statements on a Messageboard Misrepresenting what ACTUALLY Occured that Night instead.


This is not unlike the Duke "Rape" Case...

And I bet MANY of the same People who Blindly Insisted they Raped her, even as the Facts were Defying such Idiotic Claims, are some of the same who Refuse to Know or Acknowledge the Facts in this Incident.

Duke boys were Crackers who Obviously Raped that Poor Black Girl...

And Gates is just another in a LONG Line of Blacks Abused by Cracker Ass Cops.

^The Narrative...

Enjoy it...

It ain't goin' ANYWHERE...

And that's why Race Relations are Doomed for at least another Generation.


Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Police Report - July 23, 2009

Gates 3,000lb Race Chip on his Shoulder is what Caused him to get Arrested...

Read the Report.

A Report backed by Witnesses.



This happened in my city's backyard. Believe me I've heard this story forward and backward about a gillion times. Gates is a jackass and Crowley didn't have to arrest him, IMO.

I'm White...

If I Acted half this Dickheaded as Gates did in Southside East Westminster, they would have had Backup there in minutes, Guns Drawn and I would have been Removed before I could have followed them out Cursing and Yelling as they Tried to Leave...

We don't have a Right to Scream, Threaten and Verbally Assualt Officers as they attempt to Leave our Property...

This is ALL on Gates.

The People who aren't getting this, in Spite of Facts, have Issues with Cops in General... IMO. ;)



I readily admit that I am generally anti-cop. IMO, they are given FAR too much latitude and have FAR too many petty, BS things that they can arrest you for.

This case being one of them.
This happened in my city's backyard. Believe me I've heard this story forward and backward about a gillion times. Gates is a jackass and Crowley didn't have to arrest him, IMO.

I'm White...

If I Acted half this Dickheaded as Gates did in Southside East Westminster, they would have had Backup there in minutes, Guns Drawn and I would have been Removed before I could have followed them out Cursing and Yelling as they Tried to Leave...

We don't have a Right to Scream, Threaten and Verbally Assualt Officers as they attempt to Leave our Property...

This is ALL on Gates.

The People who aren't getting this, in Spite of Facts, have Issues with Cops in General... IMO. ;)



I readily admit that I am generally anti-cop. IMO, they are given FAR too much latitude and have FAR too many petty, BS things that they can arrest you for.

This case being one of them.

I don't Doubt the Police Report and ALL Witnesses Agreed that was what Happened that Night...

Hell, I don't even Think Gates Denies the Report...

And in that, the Cop let Gates Act like an Ass WAY too long...

I Garun-damn-tee you that I would have been Detained in my Hood a LOT Sooner than Gates was...

And I would have Deserved it.


I'm White...

If I Acted half this Dickheaded as Gates did in Southside East Westminster, they would have had Backup there in minutes, Guns Drawn and I would have been Removed before I could have followed them out Cursing and Yelling as they Tried to Leave...

We don't have a Right to Scream, Threaten and Verbally Assualt Officers as they attempt to Leave our Property...

This is ALL on Gates.

The People who aren't getting this, in Spite of Facts, have Issues with Cops in General... IMO. ;)



I readily admit that I am generally anti-cop. IMO, they are given FAR too much latitude and have FAR too many petty, BS things that they can arrest you for.

This case being one of them.

I don't Doubt the Police Report and ALL Witnesses Agreed that was what Happened that Night...

Hell, I don't even Think Gates Denies the Report...

And in that, the Cop let Gates Act like an Ass WAY too long...

I Garun-damn-tee you that I would have been Detained in my Hood a LOT Sooner than Gates was...

And I would have Deserved it.



I totally agree that he acted like a complete and total prick and understand WHY Crowley arrested him. I just think it's wrong for a cop arrest a man who up until he stepped on his property was minding his own business and doing nothing wrong. IMO, after Gates ID'd himself and yelped racism, Crowley should have given him his badge number and his supervisor's number, told him to call him and file a complaint, and then taken whatever verbal assault Gates laid on him as he left.
I totally agree that he acted like a complete and total prick and understand WHY Crowley arrested him. I just think it's wrong for a cop arrest a man who up until he stepped on his property was minding his own business and doing nothing wrong. IMO, after Gates ID'd himself and yelped racism, Crowley should have given him his badge number and his supervisor's number, told him to call him and file a complaint, and then taken whatever verbal assault Gates laid on him as he left.

Good point. Then if Gates had made a big deal publically after the fact, he would have looked more like an ass.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Police Report - July 23, 2009

Gates 3,000lb Race Chip on his Shoulder is what Caused him to get Arrested...

Read the Report.

A Report backed by Witnesses.



This happened in my city's backyard. Believe me I've heard this story forward and backward about a gillion times. Gates is a jackass and Crowley didn't have to arrest him, IMO.

I'm White...

If I Acted half this Dickheaded as Gates did in Southside East Westminster, they would have had Backup there in minutes, Guns Drawn and I would have been Removed before I could have followed them out Cursing and Yelling as they Tried to Leave...

We don't have a Right to Scream, Threaten and Verbally Assualt Officers as they attempt to Leave our Property...

This is ALL on Gates.

The People who aren't getting this, in Spite of Facts, have Issues with Cops in General... IMO. ;)


The cops would have been wrong in your case as well. Problem is, you cannot see beyond race.

Cops are not free to arrest someone for acting like an asshole.

End of story.
I readily admit that I am generally anti-cop. IMO, they are given FAR too much latitude and have FAR too many petty, BS things that they can arrest you for.

This case being one of them.

I don't Doubt the Police Report and ALL Witnesses Agreed that was what Happened that Night...

Hell, I don't even Think Gates Denies the Report...

And in that, the Cop let Gates Act like an Ass WAY too long...

I Garun-damn-tee you that I would have been Detained in my Hood a LOT Sooner than Gates was...

And I would have Deserved it.



I totally agree that he acted like a complete and total prick and understand WHY Crowley arrested him. I just think it's wrong for a cop arrest a man who up until he stepped on his property was minding his own business and doing nothing wrong. IMO, after Gates ID'd himself and yelped racism, Crowley should have given him his badge number and his supervisor's number, told him to call him and file a complaint, and then taken whatever verbal assault Gates laid on him as he left.

And that's where we Disagree...

I have Higher Expectations of my Fellow Citizens when it comes to the Work the Police have to do...

The Office WAS leaving... At that point the Expectation is that Gates takes his Drunk ass back in the House and shuts the fuck up.

I would have been Pleased that that my Neighbors and the Police were Concerned about my Property once all things were Established...

But then again, unlike this Racist Gates, I don't run around Accusing every Cracker who Approaches me of being a Racist.

He does...

He was Looking for an Event and Wine probably played a Role in his Veiled Threats against the Officer.

He has a MASSIVE Chip on his Shoulder and once his Generation is Gone, we might be able to Start some Race Healing...

Until then, I'm as Guilty as this Officer of being White and Blacks like Gates aren't going to Change, they will just have to Expire.

And there are plenty of Whites in the Same Boat...

I do NOT believe this Officer is one of them, instead I KNOW this Officer put up with EXTRA Shit from this guy because he was Black.

I would Wager that if Gates was White that the Arrest would have come Sooner.

White Cops know what the Potential of Serious Claims of Racism and Lawsuits are from Beligerant Blacks who are already Accusing them of Racism from the First Word... And in this Neighborhood?

They Deal with it EVERYDAY in the Hood...

I Doubt very much that this Officer was Expecting this Shitheadedness from a Mature and Established Man, but he got it...

And I am Certain he took Loads more Sht from Gates simply because he was Black.

You know he did, A15... Admit it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEuQowyUMFk]YouTube - Toms Nigga Moment[/ame]

I bet that Arron Mcgruder would agree about what happened with Gates...

Wonder if the Boondocks has covered it?


This happened in my city's backyard. Believe me I've heard this story forward and backward about a gillion times. Gates is a jackass and Crowley didn't have to arrest him, IMO.

I'm White...

If I Acted half this Dickheaded as Gates did in Southside East Westminster, they would have had Backup there in minutes, Guns Drawn and I would have been Removed before I could have followed them out Cursing and Yelling as they Tried to Leave...

We don't have a Right to Scream, Threaten and Verbally Assualt Officers as they attempt to Leave our Property...

This is ALL on Gates.

The People who aren't getting this, in Spite of Facts, have Issues with Cops in General... IMO. ;)


The cops would have been wrong in your case as well. Problem is, you cannot see beyond race.

Cops are not free to arrest someone for acting like an asshole.

End of story.

He was doing more than Acting like an Asshole, Ravi... And the Police Report which is Backed by Witnesses and which Gates himself doesn't even Deny, Illustrates it.

The Officer was FULLY Backed by the Law to Arrest him for his Actions and Words.

But you don't Bother yourself with Facts, Ravi... It takes Reading and Comprehension.

You just be Sure that your Perceptions are what Matter. :lol:


He wasn't drunk.

I guess that is a typical conclusion from mal, though. An angry black man must be sloshed on ripple.
He wasn't drunk.

I guess that is a typical conclusion from mal, though. An angry black man must be sloshed on ripple.

Well, a Black Man who wanted to Squash the Situation @ 1600 Suggest what?...

To get together and Drink and Talk...

Gates had Wine that Evening... It was 12:30 in the Morning...

I've been Drunk on Wine at that Hour...

I don't Doubt at ALL that he was, and that was why he was Veiling Threats at an Officer as the Officer was Attempting to Leave him be at this Home.

This is ALL on Gates.

Had Gates been White, he would have been Arrested EARLIER in the Incident.


I don't Doubt the Police Report and ALL Witnesses Agreed that was what Happened that Night...

Hell, I don't even Think Gates Denies the Report...

And in that, the Cop let Gates Act like an Ass WAY too long...

I Garun-damn-tee you that I would have been Detained in my Hood a LOT Sooner than Gates was...

And I would have Deserved it.



I totally agree that he acted like a complete and total prick and understand WHY Crowley arrested him. I just think it's wrong for a cop arrest a man who up until he stepped on his property was minding his own business and doing nothing wrong. IMO, after Gates ID'd himself and yelped racism, Crowley should have given him his badge number and his supervisor's number, told him to call him and file a complaint, and then taken whatever verbal assault Gates laid on him as he left.

And that's where we Disagree...

I have Higher Expectations of my Fellow Citizens when it comes to the Work the Police have to do...

The Office WAS leaving... At that point the Expectation is that Gates takes his Drunk ass back in the House and shuts the fuck up.

I would have been Pleased that that my Neighbors and the Police were Concerned about my Property once all things were Established...

But then again, unlike this Racist Gates, I don't run around Accusing every Cracker who Approaches me of being a Racist.

He does...

He was Looking for an Event and Wine probably played a Role in his Veiled Threats against the Officer.

He has a MASSIVE Chip on his Shoulder and once his Generation is Gone, we might be able to Start some Race Healing...

Until then, I'm as Guilty as this Officer of being White and Blacks like Gates aren't going to Change, they will just have to Expire.

And there are plenty of Whites in the Same Boat...

I do NOT believe this Officer is one of them, instead I KNOW this Officer put up with EXTRA Shit from this guy because he was Black.

I would Wager that if Gates was White that the Arrest would have come Sooner.

White Cops know what the Potential of Serious Claims of Racism and Lawsuits are from Beligerant Blacks who are already Accusing them of Racism from the First Word... And in this Neighborhood?

They Deal with it EVERYDAY in the Hood...

I Doubt very much that this Officer was Expecting this Shitheadedness from a Mature and Established Man, but he got it...

And I am Certain he took Loads more Sht from Gates simply because he was Black.

You know he did, A15... Admit it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEuQowyUMFk]YouTube - Toms Nigga Moment[/ame]

I bet that Arron Mcgruder would agree about what happened with Gates...

Wonder if the Boondocks has covered it?



I agree that Crowley isn't racist. I agree that Gates has a chip on his shoulder. I agree that if Gates were white he would have gotten arrested sooner.

But yes, we differ.

It was Gates' property and after it was established that Gates was the homeowner and no crime was committed Crowley had no need to be on the premises any more. He needs to leave now and should be man enough and confident enough in the job he has performed to simply give Gates his super's number and walk away from it. That's the way I think it should be, anyway.

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