Who's The Least Insane Republican Candidate?

Who's The Least Insane Republican Candidate?

  • Trump

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Rubio

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Kasich

    Votes: 20 60.6%
  • Carson

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Kasich is the only candidate who was a key figure in balancing the federal budget. Our federal debt is THE single biggest threat to our country's future. Bigger than Mexicans, blacks, homosexuals, Muslims, and Ebola combined.

Kasich's biggest weakness is that he is not bugshit crazy enough for the rubes.
nope. most of ohio's recovery comes from an increase in manufacturing


Ohio showing bounce back in manufacturing
Ohio’s manufacturing industry employed 690,700 people in May, a 2.5 percent increase from the previous year, but still down 15 percent from 2005 when the state had 813,400 jobs. The Great Recession hit Midwest states like Ohio that relied on the manufacturing industry the hardest.

While most other States have rebounded to back where they were before the Great Recession, Ohio is still wallowing in loserdom.

I was there when the EPA shut down the Steel Industry.

I was working at Republic Steel when it started going to shit. And I left.

Cleveland ALONE, lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs. Never to return.

Companies moved out en masse and never looked back.

The Wife and I were looking at houses in the Cleveland Area as a Summer escape from the Heat of South Florida and we could afford the House, but we couldn't afford the Taxes.

Their taxes are BEYOND STUPID.

I would be paying more Property Tax for a $80,000 house in the Suburbs of Cleveland (which aren't NEARLY AS BAD) than I am for a $300,000 house in South Florida.

And I don't mean a little bit more, I mean a LOT more. Almost double.

For the privilege of potholes, lousy Cops, a rotten football team, crime, filth and dirt and an all around feeling of despair.

We said 'Fuck it' and bought an RV.

FUCK Ohio. And Kasich is one of the things wrong with Ohio,

He is a GIANT Pussy.

A giant, quivering pussy afraid of his own shadow.

The only people making any money in Ohio are the Public Sector workers. Everybody else is looking to leave. I know. I still have relatives there.
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Kasich is the only candidate who was a key figure in balancing the federal budget. Our federal debt is THE single biggest threat to our country's future. Bigger than Mexicans, blacks, homosexuals, Muslims, and Ebola combined.

Kasich's biggest weakness is that he is not bugshit crazy enough for the rubes.

No, Kasich' biggest weakness is that he's a pussy.
When is come to shit house rat crazy it's Carson. Carson is delusional and a narcissist

Cruz is a pathological liar a narcissist and a sociopath and that makes him very dangerous.

Rubio is also a liar and suffers from insecurity and a Napoleon complex.

Trump, in spite of his bombastic personality is quite sane. No false humility from Trump. He may be a bit of a bully but there is no doubt that he gets shit done.

Kasich comes off as the sanest of the bunch and like Trump Kasich gets shit done and has a record to prove it.

Kasich, clearly. Though Rubio isn't particularly nuts.

I find it.....fascinating though. That republicans would lament so furiously about how Obama was a poor candidate because he was a freshmen senator and had no military or executive experience. And how the Obama presidency has been 'so bad' because of that lack of experience.

And then, in 2016......their leading candidates would be a business man with no relevant experience, a freshman senator and another freshman senator.

Was all that 'relevant experience' stuff from 2008 just meaningless horseshit to republicans? And if so, what are they saying this cycle that they don't really mean?
Kasich, clearly. Though Rubio isn't particularly nuts.

I find it.....fascinating though. That republicans would lament so furiously about how Obama was a poor candidate because he was a freshmen senator and had no military or executive experience. And how the Obama presidency has been 'so bad' because of that lack of experience.

And then, in 2016......their leading candidates would be a business man with no relevant experience, a freshman senator and another freshman senator.

Was all that 'relevant experience' stuff from 2008 just meaningless horseshit to republicans? And if so, what are they saying this cycle that they don't really mean?

Wow..... Just -- Wow

the Lying Cocksucker not only didn't have any experience in government, he had no experience in -- Anything.

Being a lawyer doesn't count. Being one of the lead attorneys that brought us the financial meltdown (the CitiBank lawsuit that opened up the CRA) doesn't count.

Being some kind of Harvard Law Review pretender doesn't count.

Being on some Board with the TERRORIST Bill Ayers doesn't count.

Getting his sasquatch wife a no-show job at the Hospital for $300k a year doesn't count, either.

What counts is making decisions. Supervising hundreds or thousands of employees. Being the Executive, the ONLY MAN in charge.

And taking the heat for your decisions.

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief never did anything is his miserable excuse for a life that even approaches what Trumpster has done.

He claims he's Black? Okay. Looks sort of Black.

But he was raised by his Lilly White Grandparents when he wasn't getting in the way of his Lilly White Mommy who wanted nothing to do with him so she sent him to Lilly White Private Schools in Lilly White Hawaii.

Then the Lying Cocksucker discovers that claiming he's Black comes with a LOT of advantages, set asides and favors not available to Whites.

So -- He's Black.

The bitch didn't know what it was like to grow up on the Mean Streets. I doubt he could fight his way out of a paper bag. Looks like a FAG to me.

the Lying Cocksucker's whole life, from the time he was born until the present has been one big lie.

And still is.

And STUPID people still buy into it.

How's that dick taste, BTW?
Show me a politician on either side that isn't somehow flawed. Hillary is a habitual liar, Bernie has never held a job outside of politics, Reid is mobbed up, so on and so forth. The whole lot of them suck, R&D. A pox on both their houses.

So long as we keep acting like politics is just another spectator sport with "my team" and "your team" We The People deserve what we get.

The right deserves the crazies in the clown car,

The country deserves good leadership and not since Eisenhower has a Republican done that. Bobby Jindyl put it right. The GOP is the party of stupid and that is because of its base.
Why don't you go a give Hillary a milk bone, maybe she will bark for you again.
Show me a politician on either side that isn't somehow flawed. Hillary is a habitual liar, Bernie has never held a job outside of politics, Reid is mobbed up, so on and so forth. The whole lot of them suck, R&D. A pox on both their houses.

So long as we keep acting like politics is just another spectator sport with "my team" and "your team" We The People deserve what we get.

The right deserves the crazies in the clown car,

The country deserves good leadership and not since Eisenhower has a Republican done that. Bobby Jindyl put it right. The GOP is the party of stupid and that is because of its base.
Why don't you go a give Hillary a milk bone, maybe she will bark for you again.

Is that how you trained your dog to mount you and fuck you in the ass?
Kasich, clearly. Though Rubio isn't particularly nuts.

I find it.....fascinating though. That republicans would lament so furiously about how Obama was a poor candidate because he was a freshmen senator and had no military or executive experience. And how the Obama presidency has been 'so bad' because of that lack of experience.

And then, in 2016......their leading candidates would be a business man with no relevant experience, a freshman senator and another freshman senator.

Was all that 'relevant experience' stuff from 2008 just meaningless horseshit to republicans? And if so, what are they saying this cycle that they don't really mean?

Wow..... Just -- Wow

the Lying Cocksucker not only didn't have any experience in government, he had no experience in -- Anything.

Being a lawyer doesn't count. Being one of the lead attorneys that brought us the financial meltdown (the CitiBank lawsuit that opened up the CRA) doesn't count.

Being some kind of Harvard Law Review pretender doesn't count.

Being on some Board with the TERRORIST Bill Ayers doesn't count.

Getting his sasquatch wife a no-show job at the Hospital for $300k a year doesn't count, either.

What counts is making decisions. Supervising hundreds or thousands of employees. Being the Executive, the ONLY MAN in charge.

And taking the heat for your decisions.

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief never did anything is his miserable excuse for a life that even approaches what Trumpster has done.

He claims he's Black? Okay. Looks sort of Black.

But he was raised by his Lilly White Grandparents when he wasn't getting in the way of his Lilly White Mommy who wanted nothing to do with him so she sent him to Lilly White Private Schools in Lilly White Hawaii.

Then the Lying Cocksucker discovers that claiming he's Black comes with a LOT of advantages, set asides and favors not available to Whites.

So -- He's Black.

The bitch didn't know what it was like to grow up on the Mean Streets. I doubt he could fight his way out of a paper bag. Looks like a FAG to me.

the Lying Cocksucker's whole life, from the time he was born until the present has been one big lie.

And still is.

And STUPID people still buy into it.

How's that dick taste, BTW?

Your post is off topic because you are drunk on pedophile Rush Limbaugh's cum which is tainted with Oxycontin aka redneck heroine. The reason you went off topic is because you know that the only sane Republican running is John Kasich and you also know that your heroes Slacker Rubio and Canadian Marc Rubio are both do nothing bitches who have never held a real job in their lives. BUT for now I will kick you lying Republican ass loser.

Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, as a Lecturer for four years (1992–1996), and as a Senior Lecturer for eight years (1996–2004).[70] During this time he taught courses in due process and equal protection, voting rights, and racism and law. He published no legal scholarship, and turned down tenured positions, but served eight years in the Illinois Senate during his twelve years at the university.

Early career in Chicago
After four years living in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago to work as a community organizer. He worked for three years from June 1985 to May 1988 as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side.[51][53][54] During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from 1 to 13 and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[55] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute. In the summer of 1988, he traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks then to Kenya for five weeks where he met many of his paternal relatives for the first time.

At the end of his first year at HARVARD LAW SCHOOL he was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review based on his grades and a writing competition.[59] In February 1990, his second year at Harvard, he was elected president of the law review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review's staff of 80 editors.

Obama directed Illinois Project Vote from April to October 1992, a voter registration drive, officially nonpartisan, that helped Carol Moseley Braun become the first black woman ever elected to the Senate.

Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, as a Lecturer for four years (1992–1996), and as a Senior Lecturer for eight years (1996–2004)

In 1993 Obama joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 12-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004.
Speaking of Napoleon, what's with Cruz tweaking his own nipple?

View attachment 64836

Kaisch looks like the baby shrub in that photo.
Hey parasite, Unlike you, Canadian Ted Cruz and Slacker Marco Rubio; John Kasich is a decent human being who has done something with his life and has a resume to prove it.

I would bring the likes of you Cruz and Rubio to a the guillotine, dull the blade and start at your feet taking off and inch at a time.

John Kasich is a giant pussy. He promised to oppose The Rapist's gun bill and then caved. Pussy.

He promised to rein-in Ohio's STUPID public unions and caved in. Pussy.

Even his mommy and daddy were goobermint employees.

Kasich is a giant pussy.

The only thing that helped Ohio is fracking. Without it, it would be 2nd only to Michigan in deteriorating Cities. And it's pretty bad now. Ohio sucks.

Ohio sucks big green donkey dicks.

And scumbag, gutless politicians like Kasich are the reason why.

I know. I used to live there. SO don't try to tell me about Kasich. He's a giant pussy.

At least he's not shit house crazy like the rest of those ass clowns.

"Gov. Kasich is the lone voice of reason and optimism in a very loud room."
-Fmr. NJ Gov. Republican Christine Todd Whitman

Kasich would do far less damage than the other four clowns and may actually do more good than harm which is something Republicans haven't done since Eisenhower.
When is come to shit house rat crazy it's Carson. Carson is delusional and a narcissist

Cruz is a pathological liar a narcissist and a sociopath and that makes him very dangerous.

Rubio is also a liar and suffers from insecurity and a Napoleon complex.

Trump, in spite of his bombastic personality is quite sane. No false humility from Trump. He may be a bit of a bully but there is no doubt that he gets shit done.

Kasich comes off as the sanest of the bunch and like Trump Kasich gets shit done and has a record to prove it.

Kasich, clearly. Though Rubio isn't particularly nuts.

I find it.....fascinating though. That republicans would lament so furiously about how Obama was a poor candidate because he was a freshmen senator and had no military or executive experience. And how the Obama presidency has been 'so bad' because of that lack of experience.

And then, in 2016......their leading candidates would be a business man with no relevant experience, a freshman senator and another freshman senator.

Was all that 'relevant experience' stuff from 2008 just meaningless horseshit to republicans? And if so, what are they saying this cycle that they don't really mean?

90-odd percent of what they say is meaningless horseshit, so I'm leaning toward that conclusion.
Kasich is a lunatic.

He freaked out when he was shown one of his super pac ads that showed him hugging one of his supporters.
When is come to shit house rat crazy it's Carson. Carson is delusional and a narcissist

Cruz is a pathological liar a narcissist and a sociopath and that makes him very dangerous.

Rubio is also a liar and suffers from insecurity and a Napoleon complex.

Trump, in spite of his bombastic personality is quite sane. No false humility from Trump. He may be a bit of a bully but there is no doubt that he gets shit done.

Kasich comes off as the sanest of the bunch and like Trump Kasich gets shit done and has a record to prove it.

I'll agree with that synopsis as far as any liberal could. I won't bother trying to make my case Cruz is the craziest, it's almost too close to call anyway.

It is a close call. My gut reaction of the candidates is that if could pick one to beat the shit out of it would be a toss up between Cruz and Rubio and along with Carson they would do the most damage even eclipsing what Bush did to the country.

I think the only qualified one is Kasich with Trump a somewhat distant second. I also think that for the most part Kasich and Trump believe in what they are saying whereas Cruz and Rubio are a couple of phonies.

Trump is an asshole and so is Romney. Republican voters sure go for crooks an asshole.

Not much to argue with there, except the extent of the Donald's truthfulness. At times I fall prey to the dark lure of the conspiracy theory voiced by the more paranoid on the right, describing a diabolical hoax hatched by Trump to camouflage himself as a certifiable loon with wild, almost fascist proposals which appeal so much to so many base Republicans. While deep down he fundamentally holds on to a leftist worldview. The camou slips every once in awhile, like when he said tonight he would never let people die in the streets for want of health care, (or was it "starve in the streets"? Doesn't matter, same ideal.) No self respecting nutter would ever say such a thing. Otherwise you're more or less right on.

Trump is a liar and that is why Republicans love him but then again we tell children that there is an Easter bunny and Santa Claus. Republican voters love liars and loons. Trump know his audience very well. My guess is Trump is slightly less Conservative than Hillary and more conservative than Bernie on most issues.

In spite of being a bully at times Trump has more basic humanity than Rubio and Cruz who would allow people to die in the streets and take the Marie Antoinette approach and say, "let them eat cake". I could with great joy drop a dull guillotine blade on corporate errand boys like Slacker Rubio and Canadian Nazi Ted Cruz.
Trump is more liberal than Hillary.

Politicians play make believe all the time.

Obama is a closeted moderate Republican who runs as a Democrat to get the black vote.
When is come to shit house rat crazy it's Carson. Carson is delusional and a narcissist

Cruz is a pathological liar a narcissist and a sociopath and that makes him very dangerous.

Rubio is also a liar and suffers from insecurity and a Napoleon complex.

Trump, in spite of his bombastic personality is quite sane. No false humility from Trump. He may be a bit of a bully but there is no doubt that he gets shit done.

Kasich comes off as the sanest of the bunch and like Trump Kasich gets shit done and has a record to prove it.

So Trump and Kasich are the left wing choices for the Republican Party Nominee....

It is good to see that left wing moonbat progressives are fulfilling all expectations in the world championship race for ultimate stupidity.

They're all equally dangerous in their own way
I've come to the belief that there's absolutely no way to predict what Trump will do on anything. He flat out lied about healthcare reform and libel laws. I was willing to accept that the Wall (-: Deportations Muslims were all largely hyperbole designed to entertain, and behind the hyperbole, it wasn't that he actually had a real grasp of issues, but he had a general sense of direction and policy could be devised. After all, much of FDR's 100 days was adlibbed and even more so just stolen .. copied .. from Al Smith.

But he had no clue on healthcare and has no desire to have one, and he flat out lied on libel ... and he hasn't been libeled, and quite possibly he is the only person in America for whom it would factually be impossible to libel, for it requires an intentional lie or conscious decision to not investigate ..... but there's actually no way to investigate wtf this man is actually thinking ....
When is come to shit house rat crazy it's Carson. Carson is delusional and a narcissist

Cruz is a pathological liar a narcissist and a sociopath and that makes him very dangerous.

Rubio is also a liar and suffers from insecurity and a Napoleon complex.

Trump, in spite of his bombastic personality is quite sane. No false humility from Trump. He may be a bit of a bully but there is no doubt that he gets shit done.

Kasich comes off as the sanest of the bunch and like Trump Kasich gets shit done and has a record to prove it.

I'll agree with that synopsis as far as any liberal could. I won't bother trying to make my case Cruz is the craziest, it's almost too close to call anyway.

It is a close call. My gut reaction of the candidates is that if could pick one to beat the shit out of it would be a toss up between Cruz and Rubio and along with Carson they would do the most damage even eclipsing what Bush did to the country.

I think the only qualified one is Kasich with Trump a somewhat distant second. I also think that for the most part Kasich and Trump believe in what they are saying whereas Cruz and Rubio are a couple of phonies.

Trump is an asshole and so is Romney. Republican voters sure go for crooks an asshole.

Not much to argue with there, except the extent of the Donald's truthfulness. At times I fall prey to the dark lure of the conspiracy theory voiced by the more paranoid on the right, describing a diabolical hoax hatched by Trump to camouflage himself as a certifiable loon with wild, almost fascist proposals which appeal so much to so many base Republicans. While deep down he fundamentally holds on to a leftist worldview. The camou slips every once in awhile, like when he said tonight he would never let people die in the streets for want of health care, (or was it "starve in the streets"? Doesn't matter, same ideal.) No self respecting nutter would ever say such a thing. Otherwise you're more or less right on.

Trump is a liar and that is why Republicans love him but then again we tell children that there is an Easter bunny and Santa Claus. Republican voters love liars and loons. Trump know his audience very well. My guess is Trump is slightly less Conservative than Hillary and more conservative than Bernie on most issues.

In spite of being a bully at times Trump has more basic humanity than Rubio and Cruz who would allow people to die in the streets and take the Marie Antoinette approach and say, "let them eat cake". I could with great joy drop a dull guillotine blade on corporate errand boys like Slacker Rubio and Canadian Nazi Ted Cruz.
Trump is more liberal than Hillary.

Politicians play make believe all the time.

Obama is a closeted moderate Republican who runs as a Democrat to get the black vote.

I would tend to agree but with the political spectrum shifting as the populace as a whole gets dumber and dumber it's heard to say what left and right is anymore in the US.

I personally am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative but with that said, if big government is good government I would not have a problem with that at all. After all it's supposed to be government for and by the people. Unfortunately America is a plutocracy in need of a French style revolution complete with guillotines and patriots.

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