Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

This is the reality of being in an active shooting situation, whether it's a crowded store or a building with hallways and several levels.
Such idiocy.
Of course you don't go looking for him.
However when he finds YOU, you then have the means to stop him.

If you people would think before you re-posted mindless memes stolen form someone else, you;d be less of a danger to yourselves and everyone else.

Keep reading....I said what if you can hear the gunman shooting in another part of the building?Your "good guy gun" becomes a useless toy if it can't be used to save those lives.

And if everybody stopped posting "mindless memes" on here, the righties would have to find another board.
More clueless.
So you'd just walk up to a guy and disarm him with your bare hands I guess.

Yeah CCW, or even open carry, really helped in the <insert mass shooting here>. It appears no matter how armed your society is, you still can't stop mass shootings.

well since the three deadliest mass shootings in this country were in gun free zones there weren't any people with concealed weapons at those places were there?

And like I said my CC permit in no way obligates me to protect you or anyone else. I have it to protect my wife and myself. If you choose not to carry a defensive weapon then I will assume that it is your preference to have the cops protect you and I will honor your choice
The problem or should I say one of the many problems with martyrbegan's theory is unless the good guy has a clear shot it's more than likely he will miss due to the inability to concentrate on the target due to the fluid nature of group of people in a panic.

A guy without a gun has 100% chance of missing.

Again, you are not trying to make a bad situation good, or expecting perfection, you are trying to make a bad situation less bad.
That kind of wishful thinking is why the good guy with gun fantasy is so dangerous.
It's a simple equation more guns=more bullets = more deaths.
The only workable solutions involve more security measures and more trained guards
In public places.
I don't know of anyone that fantasizes about this shit except gun grabber leftists. Where are YOUR examples of ccw holders taking each other out?

You stupid assholes demand proof to fictitious ill defined scenarios and pull whatever you want out of your rears for evidence.
2 Concealed Carry Holders Kill Each Other In Road Rage Incident
He said epidemic.
well since the three deadliest mass shootings in this country were in gun free zones there weren't any people with concealed weapons at those places were there?

And like I said my CC permit in no way obligates me to protect you or anyone else. I have it to protect my wife and myself. If you choose not to carry a defensive weapon then I will assume that it is your preference to have the cops protect you and I will honor your choice

Really? You can't own a gun in Orlando? Really? Wow, never knew that...

Don't have to worry about where I live. So you go right ahead, and have your armed-to-the-teeth society....fantastic place to live...NOT...
well since the three deadliest mass shootings in this country were in gun free zones there weren't any people with concealed weapons at those places were there?

And like I said my CC permit in no way obligates me to protect you or anyone else. I have it to protect my wife and myself. If you choose not to carry a defensive weapon then I will assume that it is your preference to have the cops protect you and I will honor your choice

Really? You can't own a gun in Orlando? Really? Wow, never knew that...

Don't have to worry about where I live. So you go right ahead, and have your armed-to-the-teeth society....fantastic place to live...NOT...
The night club was a gun free zone Moron the shooting didn't happen all over the entire city of Orlando.

And if you don't live here what we do or don't do is none of your fucking business is it?

Besides we are obviously not an armed to the teeth society if we were there would be a lot less mass killings because those criminals would have been facing return fire
The night club was a gun free zone Moron the shooting didn't happen all over the entire city of Orlando.

And if you don't live here what we do or don't do is none of your fucking business is it?

As is their right. And what about all the other non gun-free zones that have had mass shootings? And who's to say if somebody had been armed they would have done anything. The fact you live in a society where that is even a consideration says a lot. None of it good..

It's a free world I'll say what I like....Of course it's my business. well, just like Iraq and Afghanistan is none of your business, right?
The night club was a gun free zone Moron the shooting didn't happen all over the entire city of Orlando.

And if you don't live here what we do or don't do is none of your fucking business is it?

As is their right. And what about all the other non gun-free zones that have had mass shootings? And who's to say if somebody had been armed they would have done anything. The fact you live in a society where that is even a consideration says a lot. None of it good..

It's a free world I'll say what I like....Of course it's my business. well, just like Iraq and Afghanistan is none of your business, right?
For one a mass shooting and a mass killing are two different things

And since what we do within our own borders has absolutely ZERO effect on you no it really is none of your fucking business just like what you do on your island is none of mine.

So your opinion on anything that happens within the borders of this country have no value

And FYI I was against invading Iraq and Afghanistan from day one and still am.
For one a mass shooting and a mass killing are two different things

And since what we do within our own borders has absolutely ZERO effect on you no it really is none of your fucking business just like what you do on your island is none of mine.

So your opinion on anything that happens within the borders of this country have no value

And FYI I was against invading Iraq and Afghanistan from day one and still am.

Six of one...

Actually it does have an affect on me. Every time your president farts it affects our economy.

And anything you say - due to your crappy electoral system - also has no value.
For one a mass shooting and a mass killing are two different things

And since what we do within our own borders has absolutely ZERO effect on you no it really is none of your fucking business just like what you do on your island is none of mine.

So your opinion on anything that happens within the borders of this country have no value

And FYI I was against invading Iraq and Afghanistan from day one and still am.

Six of one...

Actually it does have an affect on me. Every time your president farts it affects our economy.

And anything you say - due to your crappy electoral system - also has no value.

How do our gun laws affect your economy? Be specific
For one a mass shooting and a mass killing are two different things

And since what we do within our own borders has absolutely ZERO effect on you no it really is none of your fucking business just like what you do on your island is none of mine.

So your opinion on anything that happens within the borders of this country have no value

And FYI I was against invading Iraq and Afghanistan from day one and still am.

Six of one...

Actually it does have an affect on me. Every time your president farts it affects our economy.

And anything you say - due to your crappy electoral system - also has no value.

How do our gun laws affect your economy? Be specific

You didn't specify guns....

Just because YOU were against Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't mean that America doesn't interfere on a daily basis on the internal mechanisms of many countries throughout the world. The day that stops, is the day I stop commenting on your country - ie, that will never happen.

That aside, this is message board for debate. Where ideas and points of view are exchanged. Who cares who says what. I'm interested in what everybody says - whether they're full of shit or not...;o)
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For one a mass shooting and a mass killing are two different things

And since what we do within our own borders has absolutely ZERO effect on you no it really is none of your fucking business just like what you do on your island is none of mine.

So your opinion on anything that happens within the borders of this country have no value

And FYI I was against invading Iraq and Afghanistan from day one and still am.

Six of one...

Actually it does have an affect on me. Every time your president farts it affects our economy.

And anything you say - due to your crappy electoral system - also has no value.

How do our gun laws affect your economy? Be specific

You didn't specify guns....

Just because YOU were against Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't mean that America interferes on a daily basis on the internal mechanisms of many countries throughout the world. The day that stops, is the day I stop commenting on your country - ie, that will never happen.

That aside, this is message board for debate. Where ideas and points of view are exchanged. Who cares who says what. I'm interested in what everybody says - whether they're full of shit or not...;o)

I said what we do within our own borders and since this is obviously a thread on our gun laws the question is valid

Your opinions on our domestic laws are irrelevant as they have no effect on you. You can argue about our foreign policy that does have an effect on you and other countries which I will probably agree with you is overbearing.

But our domestic laws should be of no interest or any concern of yours just as yours are of no interest or concern to us
No you didn't answer the question at all.

For your edification I'll repeat. I'll even bold the relevant part:

"Just because YOU were against Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't mean that America doesn't interfere on a daily basis on the internal mechanisms of many countries throughout the world. The day that stops, is the day I stop commenting on your country - ie, that will never happen."
No you didn't answer the question at all.

For your edification I'll repeat. I'll even bold the relevant part:

"Just because YOU were against Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't mean that America doesn't interfere on a daily basis on the internal mechanisms of many countries throughout the world. The day that stops, is the day I stop commenting on your country - ie, that will never happen."
Go change your diapers, nobody cares about your hurt feelings.
So you'd just walk up to a guy and disarm him with your bare hands I guess.

Yeah CCW, or even open carry, really helped in the <insert mass shooting here>. It appears no matter how armed your society is, you still can't stop mass shootings.
So, your solution is to disarm the law abiding to stop the mass shootings....problem is your solution clearly won't work, but one has to be level headed to understand this.
No you didn't answer the question at all.

For your edification I'll repeat. I'll even bold the relevant part:

"Just because YOU were against Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't mean that America doesn't interfere on a daily basis on the internal mechanisms of many countries throughout the world. The day that stops, is the day I stop commenting on your country - ie, that will never happen."
The question was
How do our gun laws affect your economy?
Yeah CCW, or even open carry, really helped in the <insert mass shooting here>. It appears no matter how armed your society is, you still can't stop mass shootings.

Seeing how they are usually ALL in gun free zones, that makes you a liar.
This is the reality of being in an active shooting situation, whether it's a crowded store or a building with hallways and several levels.

So say you actually pull your gun out and stay in place until you are found? You have a lot of explaining to do when the cops arrive, and explain very quickly.

Calling you a retard would be an insult to retards. The bad guy is easy enough to spot for the rest of us.
s just shoot the knigger. We got it.

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