Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

You know there are ways to stop a person with a gun without a gun. All you need is A good Guy to stop it....but curiously all the "good guys" arent around to stop the shooters. The "good guys" are running trying to protect their own asses.

Put a gun on someones hip doesnt automatically make them want to stand around instead of running. Fight or flight
Wow, Lmao u must mean Chuck Norris
This is the reality of being in an active shooting situation, whether it's a crowded store or a building with hallways and several levels.
Such idiocy.
Of course you don't go looking for him.
However when he finds YOU, you then have the means to stop him.

If you people would think before you re-posted mindless memes stolen form someone else, you;d be less of a danger to yourselves and everyone else.

Keep reading....I said what if you can hear the gunman shooting in another part of the building?Your "good guy gun" becomes a useless toy if it can't be used to save those lives.

And if everybody stopped posting "mindless memes" on here, the righties would have to find another board.
U do what u can, the situation is already out of control. common sense n judgement r not two of ur best qualities r they.
You know there are ways to stop a person with a gun without a gun. All you need is A good Guy to stop it....but curiously all the "good guys" arent around to stop the shooters. The "good guys" are running trying to protect their own asses.

Put a gun on someones hip doesnt automatically make them want to stand around instead of running. Fight or flight
I prefer to stand and fight.

Make sure you stay low while you run. Some of us train to drop moving targets.

In the land of hypotheticals everyone is Rambo. But we've seen enough shootings to see that isn't the case.
No you didn't answer the question at all.

For your edification I'll repeat. I'll even bold the relevant part:

"Just because YOU were against Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't mean that America doesn't interfere on a daily basis on the internal mechanisms of many countries throughout the world. The day that stops, is the day I stop commenting on your country - ie, that will never happen."
The question was
How do our gun laws affect your economy?

They don't. How does <insert America's unnecessary and unwanted interference in any countries internal polices> affect its economy?
So, your solution is to disarm the law abiding to stop the mass shootings....problem is your solution clearly won't work, but one has to be level headed to understand this.

Clearly being armed to the teeth doesn't work because you keep on having mass shootings/killings.
Okay....what will happen when you statist tyrants get your wish, and all law abiding are disarmed?

Can you THINK that far ahead?

At any rate, you refuse to accept reality, since just last month several mass murdering events were thwarted by armed citizens. Is this a mental illness or just stupidity?
Okay....what will happen when you statist tyrants get your wish, and all law abiding are disarmed?

Can you THINK that far ahead?

At any rate, you refuse to accept reality, since just last month several mass murdering events were thwarted by armed citizens. Is this a mental illness or just stupidity?

I don't know of anybody who wants you disarmed. They want certain types of weapons banned. They also want other stupid stuff...like....maybe not allowing paranoid schizcos to have guns. You may think that's a dumb idea. I don't...
Okay....what will happen when you statist tyrants get your wish, and all law abiding are disarmed?

Can you THINK that far ahead?

At any rate, you refuse to accept reality, since just last month several mass murdering events were thwarted by armed citizens. Is this a mental illness or just stupidity?

I don't know of anybody who wants you disarmed. They want certain types of weapons banned. They also want other stupid stuff...like....maybe not allowing paranoid schizcos to have guns. You may think that's a dumb idea. I don't...
Again...the typical disingenuous lies of the left. Either you are a dupe are part of the effort. Which is it?

The left has made it clear, they want Americans disarmed. WTF up!

Now...back to your dumb argument that naturally you refused to debate. Gun free zones attract criminals that have lead to mass killings...guess what happens when America becomes a gun free zone thanks to assholes like you?
Show some stats that prove concealed carriers make the situation worse
As you well know they can't, but that won't stop them from lying about it.

The ends justify the means...that is their motto.
Okay....what will happen when you statist tyrants get your wish, and all law abiding are disarmed?

Can you THINK that far ahead?

At any rate, you refuse to accept reality, since just last month several mass murdering events were thwarted by armed citizens. Is this a mental illness or just stupidity?

I don't know of anybody who wants you disarmed. They want certain types of weapons banned. They also want other stupid stuff...like....maybe not allowing paranoid schizcos to have guns. You may think that's a dumb idea. I don't...
Mental patients can't legally buy guns and we've had semi-auto rifles for a long time without these kinds of problems. So what changed?
Okay....what will happen when you statist tyrants get your wish, and all law abiding are disarmed?

Can you THINK that far ahead?

At any rate, you refuse to accept reality, since just last month several mass murdering events were thwarted by armed citizens. Is this a mental illness or just stupidity?

I don't know of anybody who wants you disarmed. They want certain types of weapons banned. They also want other stupid stuff...like....maybe not allowing paranoid schizcos to have guns. You may think that's a dumb idea. I don't...
Mental patients can't legally buy guns and we've had semi-auto rifles for a long time without these kinds of problems. So what changed?

so only people confined to mental health facilities shouldn't have guns?

Again...the typical disingenuous lies of the left. Either you are a dupe are part of the effort. Which is it?

The left has made it clear, they want Americans disarmed. WTF up!

Now...back to your dumb argument that naturally you refused to debate. Gun free zones attract criminals that have lead to mass killings...guess what happens when America becomes a gun free zone thanks to assholes like you?

No lies. Maybe you're one of those paranoid schizos.....Maybe you're just a nutbar who thinks the whole world is out to get you. Then again, maybe you're just another NRA shill. Just remember this: the NRA don't give a fuck about you. All LaPierre gives a fuck about is where his next payment from the gun manufacturer lobby is coming from..

Yeah, that's right. The Orlando shooter who was either a closet gay or ISIS supporter or whatever, sat down, studied a map, and thought "Gee where is there a nightclub that doesn't allow guns that I can shoot up." Nothing about him being a frequent visitor, a wife beater, or just a plain out nutcase being the reason behind going on a shooting spree. No, it was all about whether the place didn't allow guns.

Are you fucking serious? Christ you're a fucking moron....
Again...the typical disingenuous lies of the left. Either you are a dupe are part of the effort. Which is it?

The left has made it clear, they want Americans disarmed. WTF up!

Now...back to your dumb argument that naturally you refused to debate. Gun free zones attract criminals that have lead to mass killings...guess what happens when America becomes a gun free zone thanks to assholes like you?

No lies. Maybe you're one of those paranoid schizos.....Maybe you're just a nutbar who thinks the whole world is out to get you. Then again, maybe you're just another NRA shill. Just remember this: the NRA don't give a fuck about you. All LaPierre gives a fuck about is where his payment for the gun manufacturer lobby is coming from..

Yeah, that's right. The Orlando shooter who was either a closet gay or ISIS supporter or whatever, sat down, studied a map, and thought "Gee where is there a nightclub that doesn't allow guns that I can shoot up." Nothing about him being a frequent visitor, a wife beater, or just a plain out nutcase being the reason behind going on a shooting spree. No, it was all about whether the place didn't allow guns.

Are you fucking serious? Christ you're a fucking moron....
That is really sad. You are incapable of thinking logically, but then I knew that.

Yeah the NRA doesn't give a fuck about anything, but Obama and the Ds they really care and are all about love and hope...you doofus.

I am not even an NRA member, but because you are such an asshole, I think I will become a lifetime member today.

Do you know anything about history? Once the people are disarmed, what do you think happens? Now think long and hard...
Mental patients can't legally buy guns and we've had semi-auto rifles for a long time without these kinds of problems. So what changed?

Nothing's changed. America's always been the King of First World mass shootings bar none. Sure, Norway had a mass shooting. As have most first world countries. The issue is, for some weird reason the US just keeps on having them. Of course, when Australia banned certain types of weapons back in 96 there hasn't been one since. Nothing to do with banning assault rifles though. no, no, no. Just a pesky coincidence :cuckoo:

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