Why a moritorium?

Politicians generally tend to make general cases and laws out of single anomalous incidents. It's why our legal, regulatory, and tax systems are unmitigated messes.
... This is the first accident so far. While I see the point of a temporary moratorium I think you need to consider all the factors. Including the thousands of people in the oil ind and their suppliers who are out of work as a result of it.

While were talking about this I thought I would mention a fact I am sure many of you have heard already. Shorty before this accident in the gulf, the Obama Admin gave this particular Rig an award for safety. Add that fact to the terribly slow and inept response so far and you have a horrid failure on Obamas fault at the very least.

For gods sake its been 8 weeks and he is just now meeting with the CEO of BP? Are you kidding me? Believe me when I say its much easier for BP to lie and mislead in press releases than it will be for the CEO to look into POTUS's eyes and lie.

So far this spill doesn't rate very high on the list of greatest spills, neither is it a first for the Gulf. The Mexican Ixtoc spill of 1979 was far greater and that only ranked no. 3 ever. Incidentally, that spill took 9 months to stem, and was only finally brought under control by drilling additional wells to relieve the pressure on the leak.

It looks like BP will be bankrupt if that is how long it will take to fix this problem. Ofcourse in the Mexican case it was Mexico's own national oil company that was in charge. I wonder: If Exxon, Chevron or Texaco had been involved in this blowout, would the compensation demands have been so high? Before POTUS puts the thumbscrews on BRITISH Petroleum too hard, maybe he should take note that BP has 22000 employees in the US and only 10000 in Britain.

720,000 TONS on the deep water horizon spill in just 60 days....that mexican spill was 9 MONTH to add up to 1,200,000 million.

the deep water horizon will be the biggest gulf oil spill, when said and done going at that rate!!!!
... This is the first accident so far. While I see the point of a temporary moratorium I think you need to consider all the factors. Including the thousands of people in the oil ind and their suppliers who are out of work as a result of it.

While were talking about this I thought I would mention a fact I am sure many of you have heard already. Shorty before this accident in the gulf, the Obama Admin gave this particular Rig an award for safety. Add that fact to the terribly slow and inept response so far and you have a horrid failure on Obamas fault at the very least.

For gods sake its been 8 weeks and he is just now meeting with the CEO of BP? Are you kidding me? Believe me when I say its much easier for BP to lie and mislead in press releases than it will be for the CEO to look into POTUS's eyes and lie.

So far this spill doesn't rate very high on the list of greatest spills, neither is it a first for the Gulf. The Mexican Ixtoc spill of 1979 was far greater and that only ranked no. 3 ever. Incidentally, that spill took 9 months to stem, and was only finally brought under control by drilling additional wells to relieve the pressure on the leak.

It looks like BP will be bankrupt if that is how long it will take to fix this problem. Ofcourse in the Mexican case it was Mexico's own national oil company that was in charge. I wonder: If Exxon, Chevron or Texaco had been involved in this blowout, would the compensation demands have been so high? Before POTUS puts the thumbscrews on BRITISH Petroleum too hard, maybe he should take note that BP has 22000 employees in the US and only 10000 in Britain.

720,000 TONS on the deep water horizon spill in just 60 days....that mexican spill was 9 MONTH to add up to 1,200,000 million.

the deep water horizon will be the biggest gulf oil spill, when said and done going at that rate!!!!
Yes...let us all hope they can stop it soon.
the moratorium is temporary, while the different riggs have to show their emergency/accident plans and/or get inspected, no? or is there more to this than that....???

I believe the whole situation is being used politically by Obama to move his so called 'energy' platform forward. If you control energy, that's game, set, match. You then control everything.

funny... i think it's being used by the rightwingnuts to try to gain political points.

and every good politician takes adversity and turns it into opportunity. and don't you think it's high time we started taking steps to wean off of oil?

you know...like we started to do in the 70's.. and reagan undid in the 80's.
the moratorium is temporary, while the different riggs have to show their emergency/accident plans and/or get inspected, no? or is there more to this than that....???

I believe the whole situation is being used politically by Obama to move his so called 'energy' platform forward. If you control energy, that's game, set, match. You then control everything.
i don't understand?

Because Bush and cheney had their grips on the oil industry, this means thatthey controlled everything?
I don't think they controlled everything because of their oil grip and I would not think obama controlled everything because of his alternative/fossil energy grip either?

the real grip on oil is the government. Democrats and republicans both.

Obama is, like all politicians, lying. He loves oil. It makes lots of money for the government.
I believe the whole situation is being used politically by Obama to move his so called 'energy' platform forward. If you control energy, that's game, set, match. You then control everything.
i don't understand?

Because Bush and cheney had their grips on the oil industry, this means thatthey controlled everything?
I don't think they controlled everything because of their oil grip and I would not think obama controlled everything because of his alternative/fossil energy grip either?

the real grip on oil is the government. Democrats and republicans both.

Obama is, like all politicians, lying. He loves oil. It makes lots of money for the government.

true, but our government has spent a LOT of money for them as well....just think about all of our roads for all the oil/gas guzzling cars to use...and all the grants given for gas stations to open through out the country...and the wars we have gotten in and the pressure we have keeping the middle east stable....and the near zero value leases we have given them for certain areas over the years that was OUR property....

all of these things are money we have spent that makes THEIR BUSINESS more profitable....and helped their business take off and be maintained....
It was reported that BP was going to put up a hundred million for laid off oil workers during this six month moratorium. I don't think they should do this because they didn't create this moratorium. So why should they have to foot the bill? In my opinion this moratorium is the among the dumbest things Obama has done.
the moratorium is temporary, while the different riggs have to show their emergency/accident plans and/or get inspected, no? or is there more to this than that....???

I believe the whole situation is being used politically by Obama to move his so called 'energy' platform forward. If you control energy, that's game, set, match. You then control everything.

i don't understand?

Because Bush and cheney had their grips on the oil industry, this means that they controlled everything?

I don't think they controlled everything because of their oil grip and I would not think obama controlled everything because of his alternative/fossil energy grip either?

Care, could you define or explain to me what you mean by 'Bush and Cheney had their grips on the oil industry'? I have no idea what that's supposed to mean? What was different in their administration from any other that suggests that they treated the oil industry any differently?

Obama and the democrats are pushing cap and tax, or cap and trade, which will absolutely control your use of energy thru cost, you won't be able to afford it as you did before. They've changed the name of the bill because of the bad rap that it's gotten, but it's still the same bill from what I understand. We're not talking just oil here, we're talking coal and electric. He admitted during his campaign that a lot of people would lose their jobs and the coal industry would be hurting if he got through what he wanted. It can't be any plainer than that.
am I not correct that these kind of deep water rigs are beyond 7 miles and in International waters? Doesn't that mean that even if we decide to ban our own companies from Drilling there that Other big drilling countries like China and Mexico for example could simple come in and drill there instead. Leaving us with Drilling still going on right off our coast only now some other country is in control of it, and the safety of it, and the profits that come from it?

I know for a fact the Chinese are drilling off our west coast in areas our own companies are banned from Drilling. Can anyone tell me how that makes sense? or how it made sense for one of Obama's only real actions on this spill was to put thousands of people out of work with the stroke of his pen with his knee jerk reaction moratorium on 33 oil rigs in the gulf?

This is the kind of stuff you get with a President who had virtually no exp qualifying him for the job. Knee jerk reactions of a president being lead around by his nose by the poll numbers. A president who has been in campaign mode since he won. A president who only acts pissed off about something after 6 weeks of people wondering why he wasn't doing more. (personally I think he was to busy getting juiced about how he could use this to help further his anti oil agenda to notice how bad it was or would be)

The man might be book smart, but he is clearly completely out of his depths as president.

that rig was blown for the purpose of excusing an end to off shore drilling.
am I not correct that these kind of deep water rigs are beyond 7 miles and in International waters? Doesn't that mean that even if we decide to ban our own companies from Drilling there that Other big drilling countries like China and Mexico for example could simple come in and drill there instead. Leaving us with Drilling still going on right off our coast only now some other country is in control of it, and the safety of it, and the profits that come from it?

I know for a fact the Chinese are drilling off our west coast in areas our own companies are banned from Drilling. Can anyone tell me how that makes sense? or how it made sense for one of Obama's only real actions on this spill was to put thousands of people out of work with the stroke of his pen with his knee jerk reaction moratorium on 33 oil rigs in the gulf?

This is the kind of stuff you get with a President who had virtually no exp qualifying him for the job. Knee jerk reactions of a president being lead around by his nose by the poll numbers. A president who has been in campaign mode since he won. A president who only acts pissed off about something after 6 weeks of people wondering why he wasn't doing more. (personally I think he was to busy getting juiced about how he could use this to help further his anti oil agenda to notice how bad it was or would be)

The man might be book smart, but he is clearly completely out of his depths as president.

very simple- the more money you can prevent people from making as capitalists, the less you have to steal and redistribute.
Heard something interesting tonight on this subject that I have not yet been able to confirm.

George Soros as you all know is a billionaire and provides Millions to the left. It seems his Left wing think tank began pressuring Obama to put a moratorium in place about 8 days before he did.

Why is that interesting. Well I also heard that the rigs that have to shut down will not just sit idle, they will simply contract out to another country most likely Brazil and keep right on working. It also seems that Soros just so happens to own a large share of the Brazilian Oil Company that stands to benefit from it.

Hmm Like I said I have yet to confirm these assertions.
am I not correct that these kind of deep water rigs are beyond 7 miles and in International waters? Doesn't that mean that even if we decide to ban our own companies from Drilling there that Other big drilling countries like China and Mexico for example could simple come in and drill there instead. Leaving us with Drilling still going on right off our coast only now some other country is in control of it, and the safety of it, and the profits that come from it?

I know for a fact the Chinese are drilling off our west coast in areas our own companies are banned from Drilling. Can anyone tell me how that makes sense? or how it made sense for one of Obama's only real actions on this spill was to put thousands of people out of work with the stroke of his pen with his knee jerk reaction moratorium on 33 oil rigs in the gulf?

This is the kind of stuff you get with a President who had virtually no exp qualifying him for the job. Knee jerk reactions of a president being lead around by his nose by the poll numbers. A president who has been in campaign mode since he won. A president who only acts pissed off about something after 6 weeks of people wondering why he wasn't doing more. (personally I think he was to busy getting juiced about how he could use this to help further his anti oil agenda to notice how bad it was or would be)

The man might be book smart, but he is clearly completely out of his depths as president.

What the hell is wrong with you? Next you'll be saying "death panels" and "kill grandma" are real.
There is a lot more to this than what meets the eye. Looks like there could be a conflict of interest from our administration

August 15, 2008

London: Billionaire investor George Soros bought an $811 million stake in Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras) in the second quarter, making the Brazilian state-controlled oil company his investment fund’s largest holding.
August 15, 2008

Soros Invests $811 Million In Brazilian Oil | Sweetness & Light
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There is a lot more to this than what meets the eye. Looks like there could be a conflict of interest from our administration

August 15, 2008

London: Billionaire investor George Soros bought an $811 million stake in Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras) in the second quarter, making the Brazilian state-controlled oil company his investment fund’s largest holding.
August 15, 2008

Soros Invests $811 Million In Brazilian Oil | Sweetness & Light

It's always about money/power in the end, one and the same basically.
OBAMA: "Already, I have issued a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling. I know this creates difficulty for the people who work on these rigs, but for the sake of their safety and for the sake of the entire region, we need to know the facts before we allow deepwater drilling to continue."

THE FACTS: Obama issued a six-month moratorium on new permits for deepwater drilling but production continues from existing deepwater wells.

FACT CHECK: Obama left blanks in oil spill speech

he dosen't give a shit, he just stole 20 billion dollars from BP to give to his union buddies.

Widdyo Willyo, you are as fucking stupid as Barton.
OBAMA: "Already, I have issued a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling. I know this creates difficulty for the people who work on these rigs, but for the sake of their safety and for the sake of the entire region, we need to know the facts before we allow deepwater drilling to continue."

THE FACTS: Obama issued a six-month moratorium on new permits for deepwater drilling but production continues from existing deepwater wells.

FACT CHECK: Obama left blanks in oil spill speech
Makes as much sense as a moratorium on building highways because of a rush hour pile-up.

And what else would we expect of the board primary purveyor of utter nonsense to say:cuckoo:
am I not correct that these kind of deep water rigs are beyond 7 miles and in International waters? Doesn't that mean that even if we decide to ban our own companies from Drilling there that Other big drilling countries like China and Mexico for example could simple come in and drill there instead. Leaving us with Drilling still going on right off our coast only now some other country is in control of it, and the safety of it, and the profits that come from it?

I know for a fact the Chinese are drilling off our west coast in areas our own companies are banned from Drilling. Can anyone tell me how that makes sense? or how it made sense for one of Obama's only real actions on this spill was to put thousands of people out of work with the stroke of his pen with his knee jerk reaction moratorium on 33 oil rigs in the gulf?

This is the kind of stuff you get with a President who had virtually no exp qualifying him for the job. Knee jerk reactions of a president being lead around by his nose by the poll numbers. A president who has been in campaign mode since he won. A president who only acts pissed off about something after 6 weeks of people wondering why he wasn't doing more. (personally I think he was to busy getting juiced about how he could use this to help further his anti oil agenda to notice how bad it was or would be)

The man might be book smart, but he is clearly completely out of his depths as president.

that rig was blown for the purpose of excusing an end to off shore drilling.

The foil hat brigade is out in force.:cuckoo:

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