Why a Rino is voting Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
“Complete and total destruction of the Republican Party”: Former Reagan official Bruce Bartlett on why he backs Trump

According to this one time Reagan and Bush advisor, he voted for Trump with the sole purpose of destroying the GOP. He says that this needs to be done in order to destroy the right winged nut jobs.

So I ask you, what in the GOP needs to be purged so that they are no longer considered crazy by the media?

I guess that when this pompous ass says he wants to "destroy the right wing nut jobs"....he is mainly referring to the likes of Mississippi and Alabama....backwood rubes that they are...voted for Trump at about 47%.

The only 2 states that have gone higher than those bastions of Right Wing Nut Jobs are.....Massachusetts (48%) & New York (61%).

When New York and Mississippi and Massachusetts and Alabama are saying in Unison:


...Its seems to me its time for Establishment cocksuckers like this "former Bush Advisor" to shut the fuck up.

It helps me to know just how Rino the Reagan and Bush cabinets actually were.
The arrogant pompous elite ruling class have always despised the people, they are just coming out of the closet in droves this election showing it.
“Complete and total destruction of the Republican Party”: Former Reagan official Bruce Bartlett on why he backs Trump

According to this one time Reagan and Bush advisor, he voted for Trump with the sole purpose of destroying the GOP. He says that this needs to be done in order to destroy the right winged nut jobs.

So I ask you, what in the GOP needs to be purged so that they are no longer considered crazy by the media?

Well, the blind squirrel found a nut. He's right, the nut jobs need to be destroyed. But it's not necessary to nominate Trump in order to do so. In fact, that would only strengthen them. Trump should be rejected, Kasich should be nominated. The Drumpfodder will break off and go live in Galt's Gulch, where they'll spend the rest of their days living off of tree roots. Kasich will draw in centrists and establish a renaissance of Republican identity.
The arrogant pompous elite ruling class have always despised the people, they are just coming out of the closet in droves this election showing it.

We've always known it. But man oh man I didn't realize how many levels there were right across the board. Amanda Carpenter (Cruz chick) coming right out with Red State's Erik to actually begin to formulate a blacklist of conservatives they don't like for backing Trump.

And pro Cruz people are thrilled with this?

Blacklisted: Drudge, Coulter, Hannity, Carson, Breitbart, O'Reilly, Christie Make GOP Smart Set's List of 'Ideological Hustlers' - Breitbart
The arrogant pompous elite ruling class have always despised the people, they are just coming out of the closet in droves this election showing it.

We've always known it. But man oh man I didn't realize how many levels there were right across the board. Amanda Carpenter (Cruz chick) coming right out with Red State's Erik to actually begin to formulate a black list of conservatives they don't like for backing Trump.

And pro Cruz people are thrilled with this?

Its always been this bad, but the establishment parties had the process so rigged they made sure our only choice was the establishment. This election Trump turned that on its head. They threw every known attack at the man and nothing stuck, not only did they fail to destroy him he's leading the race and they are coming unglued.
GOP Establishment: You there, voting peons WE pick the candidate and tell you who to vote for so just shut up and do what you are told you useless dimwits.

The People: :fu:
The arrogant pompous elite ruling class have always despised the people, they are just coming out of the closet in droves this election showing it.

We've always known it. But man oh man I didn't realize how many levels there were right across the board. Amanda Carpenter (Cruz chick) coming right out with Red State's Erik to actually begin to formulate a black list of conservatives they don't like for backing Trump.

And pro Cruz people are thrilled with this?

Its always been this bad, but the establishment parties had the process so rigged they made sure our only choice was the establishment. This election Trump turned that on its head. They threw every known attack at the man and nothing stuck, not only did they fail to destroy him he's leading the race and they are coming unglued.

This has been like the best ever primary because of Trump. The political division of ECW. Can you imagine the general if the Teflon Don makes it?

He'll bring the furniture. Seriously, if you had the Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton debates as a world wide pay per view with the monies going to the Treasury you could balance the budget before November.

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So I ask you, what in the GOP needs to be purged so that they are no longer considered crazy by the media?

Asking what the GOP needs to do to be liked by the media is like asking what we need to do to be liked by Islamic terrorists: Kill ourselves?
So I ask you, what in the GOP needs to be purged so that they are no longer considered crazy by the media?

Asking what the GOP needs to do to be liked by the media is like asking what we need to do to be liked by Islamic terrorists: Kill ourselves?

What other organization could lose to Obama twice and then to Hillary?
Some Kasich supporters in Indiana are gonna now vote for Trump since the Cruz-Kasich alliance. Funny how that works......those voters are smart........really, really smart!
Some Kasich supporters in Indiana are gonna now vote for Trump since the Cruz-Kasich alliance. Funny how that works......those voters are smart........really, really smart!

Are they smart enough to get accepted into Trump University?
“Complete and total destruction of the Republican Party”: Former Reagan official Bruce Bartlett on why he backs Trump

According to this one time Reagan and Bush advisor, he voted for Trump with the sole purpose of destroying the GOP. He says that this needs to be done in order to destroy the right winged nut jobs.

So I ask you, what in the GOP needs to be purged so that they are no longer considered crazy by the media?
It has nothing to do with ‘the media’ – and Bartlett’s correct: the GOP needs to relegate to the political backseat the extreme right that’s damaging the Party:

The racists and bigots who find refuge among the ranks of republicans.

The social right hostile to Establishment Clause jurisprudence, and its ridiculous attacks on the privacy rights of women, the due process rights of gay Americans, and now their idiotic, unwarranted attacks on those transgender.

Reactionary libertarian loons and their desire to return America to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

And TPM nitwits with their ignorant, wrongheaded perceptions of government and the Constitution.

Republicans need to find, groom, and promote new, pragmatic candidates that can win National elections in the tradition of Jacob Javits and Ed Brooke.

It may not be necessary – or possible – to ‘destroy’ the GOP, but republicans need to stop this nonsense about ‘the establishment’ and ‘RINO’ and focus instead on sound, responsible governance the people demand of their elected representatives.
The arrogant pompous elite ruling class have always despised the people, they are just coming out of the closet in droves this election showing it.

We've always known it. But man oh man I didn't realize how many levels there were right across the board. Amanda Carpenter (Cruz chick) coming right out with Red State's Erik to actually begin to formulate a black list of conservatives they don't like for backing Trump.

And pro Cruz people are thrilled with this?

Its always been this bad, but the establishment parties had the process so rigged they made sure our only choice was the establishment. This election Trump turned that on its head. They threw every known attack at the man and nothing stuck, not only did they fail to destroy him he's leading the race and they are coming unglued.

This has been like the best ever primary because of Trump. The political division of ECW. Can you imagine the general if the Teflon Don makes it?

He'll bring the furniture. Seriously, if you had the Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton debates as a world wide pay per view with the monies going to the Treasury you could balance the budget before November.


If Trump wins the nomination he will forever reset the general election just like he has the primary. No more pathetic GOP establishment wimps just standing there allowing the Democrats to repeatedly kick them in the groin. The Democrats want a street fight in the gutter well Trump will give them a taste of their own medicine. If Trump wins the primary I predict liberal heads are going to explode. :laugh:

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