WHY a "secret", "confidential" IAEA and Iran agreement...Unseen by USA?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
It is labeled “separate arrangement II,” indicating there is another confidential agreement between Iran and the IAEA governing the agency’s probe of the nuclear weapons allegations.
The document suggests that instead of carrying out their own probe, IAEA staff will monitor Iranian personnel as they inspect the Parchin nuclear site.
Iran will provide agency experts with photos and videos of locations the IAEA says are linked to the alleged weapons work, “taking into account military concerns.”
That wording suggests that — beyond being barred from physically visiting the site — the agency won’t get photo or video information from areas Iran says are off-limits because they have military significance.
IAEA experts would normally take environmental samples for evidence of any weapons development work, but the agreement stipulates that Iranian technicians will do the sampling.
Secret IAEA deal inked with reported ex-head of Iran nuclear bomb effort

It just doesn't make sense the USA pushing an agreement that is "secret" between Iran and IAEA.
Why? Why more importantly is Obama pushing an agreement that frees up $150 billion that without any doubt (Obama says it will!!)

"Let’s stipulate that some of that money will flow to activities that we object to. We have no illusions about the Iranian government or the significance of the Revolutionary Guard and the Quds force,” he said, pointing out that Iran supports the terrorist group Hezbollah and other “groups that threaten our interests and interests of our allies.”


Truly a traitor when you really get down to the reality!
He admits freeing up the sanctioned funds that he admits will be used to KILL people possibly Americans!!!
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Because they can't sell Americans a con job by telling them the truth.
I agree!
Remember Obama is the same guy who wrote and the FFOs obviously either didn't comprehend or didn't CARE!!!
"Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

I mean seriously folks... when will you defenders RECOGNIZE you've been conned and Obama told you he was going to do so!
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.
Wow, so you're saying Obama is setting us up for a war with Iran, right???
The odd reality of Iran's centrifuges: Enough for a bomb, not power

And you can't deny the source, since I used the very liberal Politifact.
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.
Wow, so you're saying Obama is setting us up for a war with Iran, right???
The odd reality of Iran's centrifuges: Enough for a bomb, not power
Nope, I am saying that If they want a bomb that bad they will have one no matter what we do but if they do not play nice with their new toy we will rain death down on them. You people are acting like the US is negotiating from weakness somehow forgetting about our insanely large military capability.
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.
Wow, so you're saying Obama is setting us up for a war with Iran, right???
The odd reality of Iran's centrifuges: Enough for a bomb, not power
Nope, I am saying that If they want a bomb that bad they will have one no matter what we do but if they do not play nice with their new toy we will rain death down on them. You people are acting like the US is negotiating from weakness somehow forgetting about our insanely large military capability.
So now you're definitely saying Obozo is setting us up for a nuclear war, right???
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.

So you have no problem giving Iran $150 billion which according to Obama some of which will be used to kill people possibly Americans in exchange for what? Why the rush to remove sanctions when sanctions were the only reason Iran came to the table.
Plus have you heard any American leaders say as these Iranian leaders said:

the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, spoke at a conference where the crowd burst into a roaring chant, shouting,
“Death to America!”
As the crowd grew louder and voiced their true hatred for the United States and the Western world in general, the ayatollah then said to the crowd, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.”
ALERT: Iranian Leader Calls for "Death to America"... Obama's Response is Astounding
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.
Wow, so you're saying Obama is setting us up for a war with Iran, right???
The odd reality of Iran's centrifuges: Enough for a bomb, not power
Nope, I am saying that If they want a bomb that bad they will have one no matter what we do but if they do not play nice with their new toy we will rain death down on them. You people are acting like the US is negotiating from weakness somehow forgetting about our insanely large military capability.
So now you're definitely saying Obozo is setting us up for a nuclear war, right???
God dammit, do you just not know how to read? Setting us up? No we are offering the Iranians a way out of an inevitable war that allows them to save face. I know you guys wanted nothing less than unconditional capitulation but that was never going to happen and we were going to have to attack their nuclear capability.
It is labeled “separate arrangement II,” indicating there is another confidential agreement between Iran and the IAEA governing the agency’s probe of the nuclear weapons allegations.


It just doesn't make sense the USA pushing an agreement that is "secret" between Iran and IAEA.
You mean 'pushing' an agreement it has nothing to do with?
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.

So you have no problem giving Iran $150 billion which according to Obama some of which will be used to kill people possibly Americans in exchange for what? Why the rush to remove sanctions when sanctions were the only reason Iran came to the table.
Plus have you heard any American leaders say as these Iranian leaders said:

the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, spoke at a conference where the crowd burst into a roaring chant, shouting,
“Death to America!”
As the crowd grew louder and voiced their true hatred for the United States and the Western world in general, the ayatollah then said to the crowd, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.”
ALERT: Iranian Leader Calls for "Death to America"... Obama's Response is Astounding
How can you "give" them something you "took" from them?

What a hack job.

Like "subsidy," same thing.
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.

So you have no problem giving Iran $150 billion which according to Obama some of which will be used to kill people possibly Americans in exchange for what? Why the rush to remove sanctions when sanctions were the only reason Iran came to the table.
Plus have you heard any American leaders say as these Iranian leaders said:

the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, spoke at a conference where the crowd burst into a roaring chant, shouting,
“Death to America!”
As the crowd grew louder and voiced their true hatred for the United States and the Western world in general, the ayatollah then said to the crowd, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.”
ALERT: Iranian Leader Calls for "Death to America"... Obama's Response is Astounding
Yeah they do that shit for domestic consumption, just like us, they have their own core group of conservatives who can only think with their gonads and love a tough talking authoritarian leader.
For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.

if is a secret deal.., where did you get that info ?
Well obviously John Kerry should have known about it but here is his testimony...
"The side agreements, which probably lay out the terms by which the IAEA will actually perform its five-month investigation under the road map, aren't public. And they're so secret that the US secretary of state isn't able to read them. Kerry told the Foreign Affairs Committee that he had been briefed on the documents but hadn't had a first-hand look at them.

"No, I haven't seen it," Kerry said, adding that "we don't have access to the actual agreement."
Kerry also clarified that national-security adviser Susan Rice had not seen them either.
Secret part of the Iran agreement - Business Insider

If I can see it why hasn't the Secretary of State? I mean this is so inept that wouldn't that factor alone make you really suspect
the capabilities of this serious of negotiations being done by grossly uninformed people like Kerry???
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.
Wow, so you're saying Obama is setting us up for a war with Iran, right???
The odd reality of Iran's centrifuges: Enough for a bomb, not power
Nope, I am saying that If they want a bomb that bad they will have one no matter what we do but if they do not play nice with their new toy we will rain death down on them. You people are acting like the US is negotiating from weakness somehow forgetting about our insanely large military capability.
So now you're definitely saying Obozo is setting us up for a nuclear war, right???
God dammit, do you just not know how to read? Setting us up? No we are offering the Iranians a way out of an inevitable war that allows them to save face. I know you guys wanted nothing less than unconditional capitulation but that was never going to happen and we were going to have to attack their nuclear capability.
So what happens when they get a nuke and we take them out??? Could that be why the Iranian hardliners are bitching about the deal now???
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.
Wow, so you're saying Obama is setting us up for a war with Iran, right???
The odd reality of Iran's centrifuges: Enough for a bomb, not power
Nope, I am saying that If they want a bomb that bad they will have one no matter what we do but if they do not play nice with their new toy we will rain death down on them. You people are acting like the US is negotiating from weakness somehow forgetting about our insanely large military capability.
So now you're definitely saying Obozo is setting us up for a nuclear war, right???
God dammit, do you just not know how to read? Setting us up? No we are offering the Iranians a way out of an inevitable war that allows them to save face. I know you guys wanted nothing less than unconditional capitulation but that was never going to happen and we were going to have to attack their nuclear capability.

How naive! You think these religious zealots are concerned about saving face?
Professor Bernard Lewis, in 2009, said on the question of Iran's nuclear weapon, "For most of the Iranian leadership MAD would work as a deterrent, but for Ahmadinejad and his group with their apocalyptic mindset, mutually assured destruction is not a deterrent, it's an inducement."

True, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is no longer the Iranian president, and the current president, Hassan Rouhani is often deemed by the west a pragmatist and a reformer, but he has openly bragged about hoodwinking the United States in the past.

Further, the apocalyptic mindset is not something unique to Ahmadinejad and his followers. It has deep roots in Shi'ite belief. That -- plus raw superstition, a large measure of religious fanaticism, and a cult of martyrdom -- makes Iran the most dangerous country on the planet today.
Iran's Supreme Leader: "Death to America"
For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.

if is a secret deal.., where did you get that info ?
Well obviously John Kerry should have known about it but here is his testimony...
"The side agreements, which probably lay out the terms by which the IAEA will actually perform its five-month investigation under the road map, aren't public. And they're so secret that the US secretary of state isn't able to read them. Kerry told the Foreign Affairs Committee that he had been briefed on the documents but hadn't had a first-hand look at them.

"No, I haven't seen it," Kerry said, adding that "we don't have access to the actual agreement."
Kerry also clarified that national-security adviser Susan Rice had not seen them either.
Secret part of the Iran agreement - Business Insider

If I can see it why hasn't the Secretary of State? I mean this is so inept that wouldn't that factor alone make you really suspect
the capabilities of this serious of negotiations being done by grossly uninformed people like Kerry???
Hell, Kerry has always been a retard.
We already know where all their nuclear shit is and have the capability to destroy it a hundred times over. For you warhawks, an agreement gives the West the moral authority to attack their nuclear program if they do not keep up their end of the deal.

So you have no problem giving Iran $150 billion which according to Obama some of which will be used to kill people possibly Americans in exchange for what? Why the rush to remove sanctions when sanctions were the only reason Iran came to the table.
Plus have you heard any American leaders say as these Iranian leaders said:

the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, spoke at a conference where the crowd burst into a roaring chant, shouting,
“Death to America!”
As the crowd grew louder and voiced their true hatred for the United States and the Western world in general, the ayatollah then said to the crowd, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.”
ALERT: Iranian Leader Calls for "Death to America"... Obama's Response is Astounding
How can you "give" them something you "took" from them?

What a hack job.

Like "subsidy," same thing.

um yea; it was their money. but if you're giving it back dont even try to say you still have any leverage. you have an empty agreement with a country that has a less than 3-month break-out time for a nuclear weapon; with gazzillions of money not just what we were holding, but what we prevented other countries from giving them, and can continue making their nukes and easily delay long enough until they are finished

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