Why Accepting Only Christian Refugees Is Truly Humanitarian, Safe, and Even Beneficial


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
Why Accepting Only Christian Refugees Is Truly Humanitarian, Safe, and Even Beneficial | Human Events

"As refugees from the Middle East flood the West, a number of countries—including Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cyprus, and Australia—are defying political correctness by wanting to accept Christian refugees only.

While more “progressive” voices cry “racism,” the fact remains: there are several objective reasons why the West should give priority, if not exclusivity, to Christian refugees—and some of these are actually to the benefit of European host nations.



All the points made are blatantly obvious and correct.

Obama has refused to let 'fellow' Christians (men, women, children - families) into the country as they try to escape execution by Muslims who demand they convert or be beheaded/burned alive/drowned/etc....

Obama has ordered 10,000 Syrian 'refugees; be allowed into the country.
- Continuous pictures of these people show single, extremely athletic men, no women...no children...being the primary 'refugees
- A check performed by the military (not the govt who were not going to check the backgrounds of any of them) revealed 5 out of 50 were actually ISIS soldiers (10%).
- ISIS itself has declared it will (and as proven HAS) infiltrate the 'Refugee' numbers

Obama has also ordered that a certain number of Syrians (again, primarily single men) who openly admitted they were terrorists - who had perpetrated terrorist acts but claimed they were 'forced to do so' - be allowed to enter the US

It doesn't take a brain surgeon (like Ben Carson) or even a whole lot of common sense (like Jeb Bush) to know Christians are a much safer bet than the other options.

Brining in thousands of Syrians (from the 'Land of ISIS') and refusing to do background checks on them, after ISIS said they are sending troops) and then having terrorist attacks begin in the US is tantamount to TREASON, aiding and abetting our enemies, and facilitating the terrorist attacks on this country!

Al Qaeida declared they would attack US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12...and 20 US embassies were attacked, 4 overrun. Al Qaeida called for the murder of Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12, after 2 'probe' attacks to check compound defenses, and he was murdered that day. The Russians warned about the Tsarnaev brothers, and they carried out the terrorist attacks on the Boston Marathon Bombing. NOW ISIS has declared they WILL infiltrate the refugee ranks with ISIS (which we have already discovered has been done) and perpetrate attacks on the US...and Obama has ordered the US to accept 10,000 Syrians without background checks and to accept a groud of admitted terrorists who swear they were 'forced' to engage in terrorism (and we're just going to take their word for it)....

Obama's / the Obama administration's record for preventing these attacks and keeping Americans safe SUCKS! If it this act of his results in terrorist attacks inside the US, he and members of his administration should be immediately arrested for TREASON, aiding and abetting the enemy!
Given accepting non muslim over muslim refugees is a matter of being practical. Muslims are trouble everywhere they go. They even war with each other as is evidenced in the middle east since there is no strong man to keep the crazies neutralized, thanks to bush getting rid of Sadaam. Thanks bush. If tens of thousands of muslim refugees pour into this country and only one half of one percent are terrorist or future terrorists, as some of their children are bound to become, then there's big trouble. Remember, we don't even get background checks on these refugees. Compare that to all the security crap Americans have had to put with especially since 9-11. Another aspect is, can America afford more poor and hungry? We already have enough poor and hungry here to take care of. If this happens, hope it doesn't, then maybe obama can talk his oil rich saudi buddies into subsidizing the care of their fellow muslim refugees in the land of the great satan (America).
And the Syrians Obama is letting into this country are the same Syrians shown dancing in the streets on 9 / 11 / 01! Just saying...

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