Why all the panic on the Left?


You brain-dead cons crack me up. Dumbfuck, there is no such thing as an electoral college poll. What there is, are individual state polls. Swing states are too close to call and what happened in 2016 was pollsters, not polls, assign those states to Hillary's column. Pollsters were wrong. Polls were remarkably close.

You cult freaks never learn.
If those polls were remarkably close, how did they get so many states wrong.

Only 1 state was wrong.

Learn about MoE, cultist.

They only got one state wrong and it went from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232?

Which state has that many electoral votes?
Imbecile, only one state, Wisconsin, if I recall, was wrong and outside the MoE.
Wisconsin switching changed the outcome from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232????

You really are a moron.
Yes he did just stay in denial of media lies
Nov. 15 th 2016

If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily

This is what he said on Nov 15th 2016
Looks like you're now having an argument with yourself. Let me know how that turns out.

Meanwhile, yes, trump did claim he won the popular vote....


No I put up a Trump tweet right after the 2016 election that you seemed to have refused to believe or not read. Whichever

The one you just put up of him is an opinion.
It's called sarcastic humor, he's very good at it and goes over libs heads ,especially the clueless media. LOL
Same when he was in Calif.saying rake the Forrest floors :)
The rest of us knew he meant Forrest management.
Heck even R voters in Cal. got that one, but not the clueless left.

96% of D.C., media and Hollywood have totally misunderstood and unfairly mislabeled him.
Cons and Independents understand what he's saying and doing.
Hey Libs we are a movement. Started way before the tea party.
What's said about Trump is insulting 63 million voters who voted for him from both parties .
The Conservative's and Independent's has the same rights as liberals in this country.
Liberal's do not have the right to dominate one ideology only, in the Democratic party or the media, or Hollywood.
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?
Covered by The "likely" category, Chowderhead.
..they are doing their best to take care of THEIR countries --they couldn't care LESS about the US--when are you going to wake up???
..it's a ''fk your buddy world'''--DUH
Spewing Trump talk really makes you look dumber than shit.

Every country looks out for themselves but they rely on other countries in trade & security among other things like joining together to create abetter world.

So. Why has it not resulted in a better world? Why is it getting worse?

(Billy hands you a mirror.)

Trump has made it worse.

It was going much better under Obama.

We had the TPP & the Paris Accord.
..Paris Accord is the typical ''agreement'' that is worthless..and screwed over the US
..you're a real genius if you want to screw yourself over --Real Smart Real Dave
More victimhood from Conservatives
hahahah--you also want to fk yourself over....very smart--ahahahahhaha

You brain-dead cons crack me up. Dumbfuck, there is no such thing as an electoral college poll. What there is, are individual state polls. Swing states are too close to call and what happened in 2016 was pollsters, not polls, assign those states to Hillary's column. Pollsters were wrong. Polls were remarkably close.

You cult freaks never learn.
You really are a moron. Those pollsters use their state by state polls showing who is ahead in each one, and then calculate the electoral outcome.

I proved you wrong, idiot. Deal with it.
^^^ A dumbfuck who doesn't understand MoE in a poll too close to call. :eusa_doh:

Deal with it, Chowderhead.
Imbecile... pollsters made those calls, not polls. Are you idiots ever gonna learn the difference?
Based on their state by state POLLS, Puddinbrain.
Dumbfuck... and who calls a state that's too close to call?

How the fuck can anybody be as retarded as you??
You really are a moron. Those pollsters use their state by state polls showing who is ahead in each one, and then calculate the electoral outcome.

I proved you wrong, idiot. Deal with it.
^^^ A dumbfuck who doesn't understand MoE in a poll too close to call. :eusa_doh:

Deal with it, Chowderhead.
Imbecile... pollsters made those calls, not polls. Are you idiots ever gonna learn the difference?
Based on their state by state POLLS, Puddinbrain.
Dumbfuck... and who calls a state that's too close to call?

How the fuck can anybody be as retarded as you??
The morons wanting a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE, window licker.

You just can't catch up to the conversation, can you?
^^^ A dumbfuck who doesn't understand MoE in a poll too close to call. :eusa_doh:

Deal with it, Chowderhead.
Imbecile... pollsters made those calls, not polls. Are you idiots ever gonna learn the difference?
Based on their state by state POLLS, Puddinbrain.
Dumbfuck... and who calls a state that's too close to call?

How the fuck can anybody be as retarded as you??
The morons wanting a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE, window licker.

You just can't catch up to the conversation, can you?
Hate to tell ya....
Hillary is not running next year
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?
Covered by The "likely" category, Chowderhead.
Dumbfuck, it's a pollster's choice to not include tossups.


Deal with it, Chowderhead.
Imbecile... pollsters made those calls, not polls. Are you idiots ever gonna learn the difference?
Based on their state by state POLLS, Puddinbrain.
Dumbfuck... and who calls a state that's too close to call?

How the fuck can anybody be as retarded as you??
The morons wanting a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE, window licker.

You just can't catch up to the conversation, can you?
Hate to tell ya....
Hillary is not running next year
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?
Covered by The "likely" category, Chowderhead.
Dumbfuck, it's a pollster's choice to not include tossups.

And they chose to include them to predict a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE.

Man, you are really slow.
I'm not seeing a lot of panic. Perhaps that is only in your imagination..

Uhm they are trying to impeach the president during an election year.

Doesn't look like they are just trying.

And that's not a panic according to you?

Successfully presenting impeachable offences committed by an unethical president doesn't seem like panic to me. Trump' and his supporters reaction to that seems pretty panicky though.

Oh so it's not a panic trying to eliminate a political rival before an election?

The left doesn't want democracy after all.
By that logic the repugs must be in a panic the way Trump is trying to get Biden.
Looking forward to making Republicans accountable for the last three years
Yes, Trump is now deep state. He is the swamp. See how that works?
Actually considering all the evidence that the deep state mastubated the Left into thinking that "Trump colluded" and therefore will be impeached for the last three years, your statement is yet more evidence of the mental illness that has taken over the Left.
The left did no such thing. Mueller is Republican. He was appointed Special Counsel by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for another Republican who recused himself. And that Republican was appointed by a Republican president who was elected by mostly Republicans.

Idiots blame the left for that. :cuckoo:

If Mueller is truly Republican, and guy who appointed him, how come they hired only Democrats to their phony investigation of Trump-Russia collusion.

According to DNA testing, Mueller is only 1/1024 Republican.
Well now you're simply lying again. Mueller did not hire only Democrats.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Sure he didn't. Every single one wanted to overthrow Trump and actively work on that.

Most of them are registered Democrats. The rest are Democrat donors, Trump haters, Hillary supporters etc.

No bias there, right?

Bias? Hate? Get you emotions in order. I dislike Trump, my bias (intolerance) of the Republican Party is based on that parties use of wedge issues - guns, gays, God, immigrants and taxes), their demagoguery and dishonesty, and their propensity for character assassinations and hypocrisy.

You brain-dead cons crack me up. Dumbfuck, there is no such thing as an electoral college poll. What there is, are individual state polls. Swing states are too close to call and what happened in 2016 was pollsters, not polls, assign those states to Hillary's column. Pollsters were wrong. Polls were remarkably close.

You cult freaks never learn.
If those polls were remarkably close, how did they get so many states wrong.

Only 1 state was wrong.

Learn about MoE, cultist.

They only got one state wrong and it went from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232?

Which state has that many electoral votes?
Imbecile, only one state, Wisconsin, if I recall, was wrong and outside the MoE.
Wisconsin switching changed the outcome from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232????

You really are a moron.
Only if you're insane enough yo think Wisconsin represented more than 10 of those electoral votes, which you do seem to think.
If those polls were remarkably close, how did they get so many states wrong.

Only 1 state was wrong.

Learn about MoE, cultist.

They only got one state wrong and it went from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232?

Which state has that many electoral votes?
Imbecile, only one state, Wisconsin, if I recall, was wrong and outside the MoE.
Wisconsin switching changed the outcome from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232????

You really are a moron.
Only if you're insane enough yo think Wisconsin represented more than 10 of those electoral votes, which you do seem to think.
You're the one pushing this idiotic theory, not me.
Only 1 state was wrong.

Learn about MoE, cultist.

They only got one state wrong and it went from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232?

Which state has that many electoral votes?
Imbecile, only one state, Wisconsin, if I recall, was wrong and outside the MoE.
Wisconsin switching changed the outcome from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232????

You really are a moron.
Only if you're insane enough yo think Wisconsin represented more than 10 of those electoral votes, which you do seem to think.
You're the one pushing this idiotic theory, not me.

Uh, no ... I never said any one state represented all of the electoral votes. That bit of idiocy belongs solely to .... you. :badgrin:
They only got one state wrong and it went from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232?

Which state has that many electoral votes?
Imbecile, only one state, Wisconsin, if I recall, was wrong and outside the MoE.
Wisconsin switching changed the outcome from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232????

You really are a moron.
Only if you're insane enough yo think Wisconsin represented more than 10 of those electoral votes, which you do seem to think.
You're the one pushing this idiotic theory, not me.

Uh, no ... I never said any one state represented all of the electoral votes. That bit of idiocy belongs solely to .... you. :badgrin:
Um, yes you did. Go back and read your posts after I painted you into a corner, Moron.
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?


Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
So what you're saying, Shokin said it because he held a grudge for Biden having him fired.

According to the tape where Biden bragging about firing of Shokin, the one holding a grudge is Biden himself.
Biden got Shokin fired. Here we are, 3½ years later, and the only one saying Shokin was actively investigating Burisma is Shokin. And he only started saying that 2 months ago after talking with Rudy Giuliani, who was trying to help Shokin gain admittance to the U.S.
Biden had skin in the game so he stepped in and used the military aid to Ukraine as blackmail to get the prosecutor that was looking into corruption of companies like Burismo fired. In other words he acted like a mob boss to save his son's ass.
Liar. Biden had no skin in the game. Furthermore, he was acting on behalf of the president, who sent him.
Right, Biden had no skin in the game, but comes out of nowhere and blackmails the Ukranians into firing a prosecutor or else they don't get a billion in military aid. That's exactly how stupid you sound.
You're lying again. Biden didn't come out of nowhere. The U.S., along with other countries and international bodies, had been trying for sometime to get Poroshenko to get Shokin out.
Really now....How did Biden get to be in charge of Ukraine? Coincidence I bet. All these other hot spots in the world. Then Hunter gets up and travels with daddy to China on Air Force One, shortly thereafter he's granted a billion and half dollars from a highly sought after Chinese govt. bank of investments in his fund.

Gee I wonder how that happened? Oh never mind it's all just coicidence, nothing unusual like corruption here either. And if you be,I've that then I have some pristine swampland to sell ya.

You see that's the problem with the Democrats and their puppets in the media, they actually think that the American people are stupid enough to believe the bullshit and propaganda they spew on a 24/7 basis.

This is exactly why the idiots are also in denial about Moody's saying that the writing is on the wall for the Dems.
This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.

The landslide was last year during the midterms. Thanks for bringing that up.

It certainly is understandable the Republicans being in a panic after an ass kicking like that one.

And now that the Democrats controll the purse strings, and drumpf is fresh out of money from last years budget, lets see how loud the mouth of mar a lago is after the first of the year.

Historically speaking the midterms was a disaster for the Democrats.
The republicans gained a majority during Obama not seen since the 1930's. Despite all the chest pumping by the Democrats.

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