Why all the panic on the Left?

Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be elected by what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.

As if we needed more evidence that conservatism is a brain defect.

By, "the vast majority of Americans are behind the president," you mean the plurality to majority, based on the poll, want Trump impeached; and the 54% average of polls showing disapproval of Trump.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Don't forget what we kept hearing "There is no path to victory"....Ooops!
So when Shokin said that he was fired because of investigation, he was lying?
Of course he was. Every news article, left, center & right, that reported on this has reported there was no active investigation into Burisma or Hunter Biden when Biden threatened to hold up the funds. Every Ukrainian except for Shokin who spoke about this said there was no active investigation into Burisma or Hunter Biden when Biden threatened to hold up the funds.

The only one to say the investigation was open was Shokin. And he only said that on September 4th of this year. And he has an axe to grind against Joe Biden who got him fired.

So what you're saying, Shokin said it because he held a grudge for Biden having him fired.

According to the tape where Biden bragging about firing of Shokin, the one holding a grudge is Biden himself.
Biden got Shokin fired. Here we are, 3½ years later, and the only one saying Shokin was actively investigating Burisma is Shokin. And he only started saying that 2 months ago after talking with Rudy Giuliani, who was trying to help Shokin gain admittance to the U.S.

Biden had skin in the game so he stepped in and used the military aid to Ukraine as blackmail to get the prosecutor that was looking into corruption of companies like Burismo fired. In other words he acted like a mob boss to save his son's ass.

Evidence seem to be missing. Let's wait to see what trump's personal lawyer, AG Barr, comes back with.
Well at least he didn't quash a story about the US govt selling weapons of war to Mexican cartels, or using the IRS to go after Republicans.
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result
This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.

The landslide was last year during the midterms. Thanks for bringing that up.

It certainly is understandable the Republicans being in a panic after an ass kicking like that one.

And now that the Democrats controll the purse strings, and drumpf is fresh out of money from last years budget, lets see how loud the mouth of mar a lago is after the first of the year.

Historically speaking the midterms was a disaster for the Democrats.
The republicans gained a majority during Obama not seen since the 1930's. Despite all the chest pumping by the Democrats.
Historic Gerrymandering
This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.

The landslide was last year during the midterms. Thanks for bringing that up.

It certainly is understandable the Republicans being in a panic after an ass kicking like that one.

And now that the Democrats controll the purse strings, and drumpf is fresh out of money from last years budget, lets see how loud the mouth of mar a lago is after the first of the year.

Historically speaking the midterms was a disaster for the Democrats.
The republicans gained a majority during Obama not seen since the 1930's. Despite all the chest pumping by the Democrats.
Historic Gerrymandering
Republicans picked up 6 Senate seats in 2010.

Tell my how Gerrymandering played a role.
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.

The landslide was last year during the midterms. Thanks for bringing that up.

It certainly is understandable the Republicans being in a panic after an ass kicking like that one.

And now that the Democrats controll the purse strings, and drumpf is fresh out of money from last years budget, lets see how loud the mouth of mar a lago is after the first of the year.

Historically speaking the midterms was a disaster for the Democrats.
The republicans gained a majority during Obama not seen since the 1930's. Despite all the chest pumping by the Democrats.
Historic Gerrymandering
Republicans picked up 6 Senate seats in 2010.

Tell my how Gerrymandering played a role.

Senate flops back and forth depending on who is defending the most seats

Republicans have to defend 13 more seats than the Dems in 2020
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent
The landslide was last year during the midterms. Thanks for bringing that up.

It certainly is understandable the Republicans being in a panic after an ass kicking like that one.

And now that the Democrats controll the purse strings, and drumpf is fresh out of money from last years budget, lets see how loud the mouth of mar a lago is after the first of the year.

Historically speaking the midterms was a disaster for the Democrats.
The republicans gained a majority during Obama not seen since the 1930's. Despite all the chest pumping by the Democrats.
Historic Gerrymandering
Republicans picked up 6 Senate seats in 2010.

Tell my how Gerrymandering played a role.

Senate flops back and forth depending on who is defending the most seats

Republicans have to defend 13 more seats than the Dems in 2020
2010 Election destroys your premise...

Those 37 November elections featured 19 incumbent Democrats (7 of whom retired or were defeated in the primary) and 18 incumbent Republicans (eight of whom retired or were defeated in the primary).

Pretty much even number defending seats, and yet Dimwingers lost 6 seats.
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent
Winning has nothing to do with the popular vote.

Wanna try again?
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent
Winning has nothing to do with the popular vote.

Wanna try again?
We were talking about the accuracy of that poll
It was off by one percent
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent

Prediction was Clinton winning presidency. She lost and three years latter you still think she won.
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent

Prediction was Clinton winning presidency. She lost and three years latter you still think she won.
Where did I say that?

Even Trump thought he was going to lose
Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent
Winning has nothing to do with the popular vote.

Wanna try again?
We were talking about the accuracy of that poll
It was off by one percent

It wasn't "that" poll. Is every poll but one.
Wisconsin switching changed the outcome from a HILLARY ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE to Trump winning 304-232????

You really are a moron.
Only if you're insane enough yo think Wisconsin represented more than 10 of those electoral votes, which you do seem to think.
You're the one pushing this idiotic theory, not me.

Uh, no ... I never said any one state represented all of the electoral votes. That bit of idiocy belongs solely to .... you. :badgrin:
Um, yes you did. Go back and read your posts after I painted you into a corner, Moron.

Imbecile, you're illiterate. I said 1 state's polls were wrong. That's 10 electoral votes.
I'm quite sure nobody is buying your continued lies.............and I'm pretty sure even you aren't buying them.
Biden got Shokin fired. Here we are, 3½ years later, and the only one saying Shokin was actively investigating Burisma is Shokin. And he only started saying that 2 months ago after talking with Rudy Giuliani, who was trying to help Shokin gain admittance to the U.S.
Biden had skin in the game so he stepped in and used the military aid to Ukraine as blackmail to get the prosecutor that was looking into corruption of companies like Burismo fired. In other words he acted like a mob boss to save his son's ass.
Liar. Biden had no skin in the game. Furthermore, he was acting on behalf of the president, who sent him.
Right, Biden had no skin in the game, but comes out of nowhere and blackmails the Ukranians into firing a prosecutor or else they don't get a billion in military aid. That's exactly how stupid you sound.
You're lying again. Biden didn't come out of nowhere. The U.S., along with other countries and international bodies, had been trying for sometime to get Poroshenko to get Shokin out.
Really now....How did Biden get to be in charge of Ukraine? Coincidence I bet. All these other hot spots in the world. Then Hunter gets up and travels with daddy to China on Air Force One, shortly thereafter he's granted a billion and half dollars from a highly sought after Chinese govt. bank of investments in his fund.

Gee I wonder how that happened? Oh never mind it's all just coicidence, nothing unusual like corruption here either. And if you be,I've that then I have some pristine swampland to sell ya.

You see that's the problem with the Democrats and their puppets in the media, they actually think that the American people are stupid enough to believe the bullshit and propaganda they spew on a 24/7 basis.

This is exactly why the idiots are also in denial about Moody's saying that the writing is on the wall for the Dems.
Biden was assigned Ukraine by Obama.
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent
Winning has nothing to do with the popular vote.

Wanna try again?

Sadly, your deformed brain prevents you from recalling we were talking about polling, not who won the electoral college.
^^^ a dumbfuck who refers to a map with no tossups.


Dumbfuck.... who eliminated the tossups in that map.... the polls? Or the pollsters??

.... is any of this piercing your impenetrable armor of ignorance?

Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent

Prediction was Clinton winning presidency. She lost and three years latter you still think she won.
Again, pollsters predicted Hillary would win the presidency, polls did not. It"s no one else's fault but your own you can't grasp that.
Polls were right, eh?

View attachment 288233

Oh, shut up you idiot.

New York Times link
That is pretty close to the final result

Yes, 84% Clinton winning was pretty close to election result.

Predicted a 3 percent Clinton win, she won popular vote by 2 percent
Winning has nothing to do with the popular vote.

Wanna try again?

Sadly, your deformed brain prevents you from recalling we were talking about polling, not who won the electoral college.
Once again you demonstrate your inability to keep up with a conversation.

Sad, really.
How did your polls work out for ya in 2016?
Polls were remarkably accurate.

They predicted a Hillary electoral landslide.

Uh, no, they didn't. They predicted Hillary would win the popular vote by 3.2 points. She won by 2.2 points.

As always, you rightards prove to be too stupid to know the difference between polls and pollsters.

"They" all predicted Hillary winning. "They" were all wrong.

Yet, lefties still claim... "she won".
Pollsters predicted Hillary would win the election, not polls. There is no such thing as an electoral college poll.
Actually there is, that's why those who run campaigns get the big bucks.

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