Why all the panic on the Left?

Crooks have run for election before
Prosecuting their crimes is not political
Only a window licking moron thinks this isn't just a political stunt.

Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

But it was just about Biden.



Assfuck? Do you think I'm an assfuck, Dave?


Dave the love and harmony just POURS out of you.

How could we lose in the world what Obama never had in the world? With Obama, Russia and China, and the EU, they were practically calling all the shots and taking over the world. All of the hate, bigotry, slurs and contempt have all come from your lovely darlings on the Left. Democrats release criminals, protect criminals and break the law clear up to city boards, governors, mayors and the House. Then Obama spent more than all previous presidents spent combined in 200 years.

You are an assfuck. You do nothing but lie. We were far ahead in the world under Obama thn under yuoiur fat assed orange buddy.

The US was the work leader as it had been for decades.

Then along comes the con man Trump. He pissed off ll our allies. Called their leaders names & kissy faced Putin & NK. He just handed Russia control of the Middle East. He handed China our leadership in the TPP.

Every country Trump withdraws aid & pulls out of, China or Russia steps in to take our place,.

Trump gave Russia the green light to build nukes & is taking away our ability to see what they are doing.

Yep those evil Democrats . Sorry, assfuck, but that hate & slurs & bigotry flows from Trump, probably the dumbest most ignorant President we have had in the past 100 years. The only people dumber is his ignorant, dumbass supporters. Like you.

Trump let Russia build nukes?

Pretty sure they have had them for a while, Genius.

Trump gave them the green light to build more. Learn how to read.
Trump got us out of a Treaty Russia was blatantly violating. Why should we tie our hands while letting Putin do whatever he wants, which is what the wimp Barry Hussein did.

Apparently, you like being "ass fucked" by Putin...(to steal a phrase)

So, fuck the treaty & let Putin just fly? It was as gift. Just one of many.

When only one side is following a Treaty, there is no Treaty.
The vast majority of feeble minded jerks.

Anyone is thinks Trump is so great is dumber than shit.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.
A Democratic Party that plans to increase access to healthcare, make secondary education affordable, protect the environment and return our global leadership
Democratic socialist party that plans to bankrupt the country by making pie in the sky promises, and banking on the ignorance of people as to the dark history of socialism. Then using whatever wealth we have left to maintain its stand hold on power.

So, you are ignoring our skyrocketing deficits?

No one is pushing socialism. It is just a word your ignorant fucks are being told to scare you into voting for them so they can take your money & give it to wealthy people.
Ha ha ha. The current crop of candidates are all pushing socialism and some openly.
Who is saying the Government will take over corporations? You assfucks need to learn what socialism is.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.
A Democratic Party that plans to increase access to healthcare, make secondary education affordable, protect the environment and return our global leadership
Democratic socialist party that plans to bankrupt the country by making pie in the sky promises, and banking on the ignorance of people as to the dark history of socialism. Then using whatever wealth we have left to maintain its stand hold on power.

So, you are ignoring our skyrocketing deficits?

No one is pushing socialism. It is just a word your ignorant fucks are being told to scare you into voting for them so they can take your money & give it to wealthy people.
Ha ha ha. The current crop of candidates are all pushing socialism and some openly.
Who is saying the Government will take over corporations? You assfucks need to learn what socialism is.
So you admit your party is pushing Socialism on America.

Baby steps....



Assfuck? Do you think I'm an assfuck, Dave?


Dave the love and harmony just POURS out of you.

How could we lose in the world what Obama never had in the world? With Obama, Russia and China, and the EU, they were practically calling all the shots and taking over the world. All of the hate, bigotry, slurs and contempt have all come from your lovely darlings on the Left. Democrats release criminals, protect criminals and break the law clear up to city boards, governors, mayors and the House. Then Obama spent more than all previous presidents spent combined in 200 years.

You are an assfuck. You do nothing but lie. We were far ahead in the world under Obama thn under yuoiur fat assed orange buddy.

The US was the work leader as it had been for decades.

Then along comes the con man Trump. He pissed off ll our allies. Called their leaders names & kissy faced Putin & NK. He just handed Russia control of the Middle East. He handed China our leadership in the TPP.

Every country Trump withdraws aid & pulls out of, China or Russia steps in to take our place,.

Trump gave Russia the green light to build nukes & is taking away our ability to see what they are doing.

Yep those evil Democrats . Sorry, assfuck, but that hate & slurs & bigotry flows from Trump, probably the dumbest most ignorant President we have had in the past 100 years. The only people dumber is his ignorant, dumbass supporters. Like you.

Trump let Russia build nukes?

Pretty sure they have had them for a while, Genius.

Trump gave them the green light to build more. Learn how to read.
Trump got us out of a Treaty Russia was blatantly violating. Why should we tie our hands while letting Putin do whatever he wants, which is what the wimp Barry Hussein did.

Apparently, you like being "ass fucked" by Putin...(to steal a phrase)

So, fuck the treaty & let Putin just fly? It was as gift. Just one of many.

We're flying too.
Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be reelected because of what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.
The vast majority of feeble minded jerks.

Anyone is thinks Trump is so great is dumber than shit.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.

"our taxes" unless you are wealthy, there is no plan to raise your taxes. Trump has not shrunk the size of government. Epstein was Trump's buddy & partied with his underage girl pimp, Jerry often.

Ya right, just like that professional liar Obama promised not raise our taxes! Now who do you think was closer to Epstein, Trump, who kicked him out of Mara Lago, or Bill Clinton who flew to Epstein's pedophile island on Epstein's private jet, numerous times?
Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be reelected because of what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.
The vast majority of feeble minded jerks.

Anyone is thinks Trump is so great is dumber than shit.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.

"our taxes" unless you are wealthy, there is no plan to raise your taxes. Trump has not shrunk the size of government. Epstein was Trump's buddy & partied with his underage girl pimp, Jerry often.

Ya right, just like that professional liar Obama promised not raise our taxes! Now who do you think was closer to Epstein, Trump, who kicked him out of Mara Lago, or Bill Clinton who flew to Epstein's pedophile island on Epstein's private jet, numerous times?
Slick was just working on his tan.
Only a window licking moron thinks this isn't just a political stunt.

Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

But it was just about Biden.
Wow, seriously? Take your blinders off. Trump asked about Ukraine addressing corruption, including what happened in 2016 with the server and the DNC.
Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
Wasn't the Mueller Russia collusion hoax all about another country interfering in our elections and corrupt American politicians such as Biden cooperating with such countries? Suddenly the Left is totally uninterested when it's their side that is accused of this corruption and treason. What a suprise. Like a I said Trump wanted to ensure that the money we sent to Ukraine won't go into the same corrupt system that did business with Biden, the DNC and Hillary, and that's his job.
Biden didn't collude with Russia to hack the election.
Well... all these poor little unhinged demtrash snowflakes in this thread... yep... you can SMELL the ANGER and HATE, despite the smell of their DESPERATION.

They know the vast majority of Americans are behind the president, and despite all the 24/7 smearing, lies and bashing of him by the democrats and their propaganda wing, ever since he was elected, he now has MORE support than he did BEFORE, and the democraps can't wrap their heads around it, and they're too STUPID to know when to QUIT.

I say fine, all good and dandy. The DEMOCRATS are ENSURING President Trump will be reelected because of what THEY ARE DOING, they are HELPING... so... THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP DEMTARDS.
The vast majority of feeble minded jerks.

Anyone is thinks Trump is so great is dumber than shit.
What's dumb is the zombies voting for a Democrat party that plans to raise our taxes, expand the size of govt and its control over every aspect of our lives, have monsters like Epstein and Weinstien as celebrated donors, and want to hand our sovereignty over to foreign govt.'s and super wealthy crooks like Soros who actually want to destroy America from within.

"our taxes" unless you are wealthy, there is no plan to raise your taxes. Trump has not shrunk the size of government. Epstein was Trump's buddy & partied with his underage girl pimp, Jerry often.

Ya right, just like that professional liar Obama promised not raise our taxes! Now who do you think was closer to Epstein, Trump, who kicked him out of Mara Lago, or Bill Clinton who flew to Epstein's pedophile island on Epstein's private jet, numerous times?
Slick was just working on his tan.
Bill Clinton did not have sex with any underage sex slaves during his many visits to Epstein's private Island.
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
Wasn't the Mueller Russia collusion hoax all about another country interfering in our elections and corrupt American politicians such as Biden cooperating with such countries? Suddenly the Left is totally uninterested when it's their side that is accused of this corruption and treason. What a suprise. Like a I said Trump wanted to ensure that the money we sent to Ukraine won't go into the same corrupt system that did business with Biden, the DNC and Hillary, and that's his job.
Biden didn't collude with Russia to hack the election.
Hillary sure as hell did. The Ukrainians paid off Hunter Biden in order to gain influence to the White House through Joe Biden. The same happened in China.
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
Wasn't the Mueller Russia collusion hoax all about another country interfering in our elections and corrupt American politicians such as Biden cooperating with such countries? Suddenly the Left is totally uninterested when it's their side that is accused of this corruption and treason. What a suprise. Like a I said Trump wanted to ensure that the money we sent to Ukraine won't go into the same corrupt system that did business with Biden, the DNC and Hillary, and that's his job.
Biden didn't collude with Russia to hack the election.
Who did? I say Obama since it happened on his watch and he did nothing.
Hardly a stunt
Trump committed a serious violation of ethics appearing to be a criminal offense

The most damning evidence comes from Trumps own people
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

But it was just about Biden.
Wow, seriously? Take your blinders off. Trump asked about Ukraine addressing corruption, including what happened in 2016 with the server and the DNC.
He demanded that the President of the Ukraine to announce he was opening an investigation into Biden., only Biden. Trump's political rival.

The 2016 event had already been debunked. Trump's aids told him this.
There is no evidence. We have the transcript of the call.

You have second hand opinions and feelings.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

But it was just about Biden.
Wow, seriously? Take your blinders off. Trump asked about Ukraine addressing corruption, including what happened in 2016 with the server and the DNC.
He demanded that the President of the Ukraine to announce he was opening an investigation into Biden., only Biden. Trump's political rival.

The 2016 event had already been debunked. Trump's aids told him this.
Link to this “demand”.

Watch this.....
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
Wasn't the Mueller Russia collusion hoax all about another country interfering in our elections and corrupt American politicians such as Biden cooperating with such countries? Suddenly the Left is totally uninterested when it's their side that is accused of this corruption and treason. What a suprise. Like a I said Trump wanted to ensure that the money we sent to Ukraine won't go into the same corrupt system that did business with Biden, the DNC and Hillary, and that's his job.
Biden didn't collude with Russia to hack the election.
Who did? I say Obama since it happened on his watch and he did nothing.
You are lying when you claim Obama did nothing about the Russians interfering to get Trump elected.
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

But it was just about Biden.
Wow, seriously? Take your blinders off. Trump asked about Ukraine addressing corruption, including what happened in 2016 with the server and the DNC.
He demanded that the President of the Ukraine to announce he was opening an investigation into Biden., only Biden. Trump's political rival.

The 2016 event had already been debunked. Trump's aids told him this.
Link to this “demand”.

Watch this.....
Read the transcripts.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
Wasn't the Mueller Russia collusion hoax all about another country interfering in our elections and corrupt American politicians such as Biden cooperating with such countries? Suddenly the Left is totally uninterested when it's their side that is accused of this corruption and treason. What a suprise. Like a I said Trump wanted to ensure that the money we sent to Ukraine won't go into the same corrupt system that did business with Biden, the DNC and Hillary, and that's his job.
Biden didn't collude with Russia to hack the election.
Who did? I say Obama since it happened on his watch and he did nothing.
You are lying when you claim Obama did nothing about the Russians interfering to get Trump elected.
What did he do.....oh yeah, he told Putin to “Cut it out”. What a wimp.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

But it was just about Biden.
Wow, seriously? Take your blinders off. Trump asked about Ukraine addressing corruption, including what happened in 2016 with the server and the DNC.
He demanded that the President of the Ukraine to announce he was opening an investigation into Biden., only Biden. Trump's political rival.

The 2016 event had already been debunked. Trump's aids told him this.
Link to this “demand”.

Watch this.....
Read the transcripts.
Already did. That’s why it was so easy to call you out on your lie, liar.

Where is the “demand”?
The "transcript" reveals trump solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign.
Transcript reveals that Trump wanted Ukraine to clean up its corruption problems so that our taxpayer money is used properly. In other words he was doing his job, unlike his predecessors.

Dumbfuck, he asked the president of Ukraine to find the DNC server, which is not in Ukraine -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into Joe Biden's son working at Burisma, who no longer works there -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

He asked the president of Ukraine to look into a U.S. vice president getting a prosecutor fired, who's no longer a U.S. vice president -- that does nothing to clean up corruption.

Trump didn't bring up a single case of any ongoing corruption. Only old purported cases which happen to help his campaign for running in the presidential election.

He abused the power of his office and you rightards hate America so much, you're willing to turn a blind eye to it.
Wasn't the Mueller Russia collusion hoax all about another country interfering in our elections and corrupt American politicians such as Biden cooperating with such countries? Suddenly the Left is totally uninterested when it's their side that is accused of this corruption and treason. What a suprise. Like a I said Trump wanted to ensure that the money we sent to Ukraine won't go into the same corrupt system that did business with Biden, the DNC and Hillary, and that's his job.
Biden didn't collude with Russia to hack the election.
Hillary sure as hell did. The Ukrainians paid off Hunter Biden in order to gain influence to the White House through Joe Biden. The same happened in China.

Hillary. Really. Not this bullshit again.
Funny...a radical Leftist calling others "cult freaks". Another example of The Left accusing the opposing side of things they are far more guilty of.

They're helpless and desperate to name us with any label in the playbook. Trump has been in politics far shorter time than any politician left supports. And they call us "cult" while they still claim that Hillary "won" something.
Remember even McCain and Romney were called racists, sexists, blah blah...by the Left when they were running before they became their darlings. It's the same shtick no matter who's running or in office. There isn't a single conservative that isn't a racist or sexist etc.
No, I don't remember because you are full of shit. T
There was no major complaints of racism.
Maybe he's talking about when Republicans were calling McCain a racist?
Let me refresh your memory.

Obama Aide Concedes 'Dollar Bill' Remark Referred to His Race

Sen. Barack Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The comment had triggered a charge Thursday from Sen. John McCain's campaign manager that Obama had "played the race card... from the bottom of the deck."

You cons are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

You actually tried to corroborate your claim that McCain was called a racist with a news story that that McCain was not resorting to racist attacks ..

The Obama campaign made clear Thursday that they did not believe McCain was using Obama's race, but accused the Republicans of "low road politics."

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