Why all the unsubstantiated charges of hypocrisy from conservatives?

^^I don't think you understand what I'm saying. They're not deliberately being untruthful. This is actually what they think.

I heard something on one of the news channels this morning that a large percentage of press releases issued by legislators are negative comments about the opposing party, rather than announcing anything "good" they might have done to benefit their constituents. Sounds about right.
I think it's interesting how many people assume that I'm a liberal. I haven't expressed very many liberal views. Mostly just disagreed with some people. And they assume that if I'm disagreeing with them I must be a liberal. Very dichotomous way of thinking. No nuance. Sad.

Or they may just be more experienced and well versed in dogmas than yourself. I know that wouldn't occur to you, given the above post and all.

But I'm sure you will agree that the label "liberal" has been bastardized to mean anyone left of the far right, even rinos.
I think it's interesting how many people assume that I'm a liberal. I haven't expressed very many liberal views. Mostly just disagreed with some people. And they assume that if I'm disagreeing with them I must be a liberal. Very dichotomous way of thinking. No nuance. Sad.

Or they may just be more experienced and well versed in dogmas than yourself. I know that wouldn't occur to you, given the above post and all.

But I'm sure you will agree that the label "liberal" has been bastardized to mean anyone left of the far right, even rinos.

No it means the same thing it meant prior mostly hypocritical left-wing extremist's and the Liberal title means the same thing as Progressive, as socialist as democrat (there is a distinction with that one though) democrats used to be a pretty moderate group its to damn bad the Blue Dogs don't suck it up and retake their party.
After the part about Obama being a centrist.. no use reading the rest of the OP's bullshit...
I think it's interesting how many people assume that I'm a liberal. I haven't expressed very many liberal views. Mostly just disagreed with some people. And they assume that if I'm disagreeing with them I must be a liberal. Very dichotomous way of thinking. No nuance. Sad.

Or they may just be more experienced and well versed in dogmas than yourself. I know that wouldn't occur to you, given the above post and all.

But I'm sure you will agree that the label "liberal" has been bastardized to mean anyone left of the far right, even rinos.

kinda like the way Dean uses Republican/Conservative to mean ANYONE to his Right.....i gotcha....
I think it's interesting how many people assume that I'm a liberal. I haven't expressed very many liberal views. Mostly just disagreed with some people. And they assume that if I'm disagreeing with them I must be a liberal. Very dichotomous way of thinking. No nuance. Sad.

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, some of these twits call
me liberal, and my favorite politician is Pat Buchanan. I have never voted for a liberal, but just because I don't walk the Zionist line, I am called everything except Attlla the Hun. What is it with these rightists who follow the neo-con demands that they support the evil and terrorist state of Israel just because their leaders tell them to? Those leaders are, themselves, either bought by the Zionist lobbies in Washington, or are afraid of them. Israel is a millstone and an albatross around the neck of this republic, and will likely be the cause of our ultimate downfall, but the misguided so-called 'conservative' robots continue to swallow the Zionist lies.
Hmmmm.... is this one a troll? It seems like he's trying to provoke me into a bickering match about the deficit. He must know that's horribly off topic. He's certainly not contributing anything interesting to the thread, so I'm gonna say troll.

Takes one to know one.
Hmmmm.... is this one a troll? It seems like he's trying to provoke me into a bickering match about the deficit. He must know that's horribly off topic. He's certainly not contributing anything interesting to the thread, so I'm gonna say troll.

Takes one to know one. LOL!
I think it's interesting how many people assume that I'm a liberal. I haven't expressed very many liberal views. Mostly just disagreed with some people. And they assume that if I'm disagreeing with them I must be a liberal. Very dichotomous way of thinking. No nuance. Sad.

My view of you is that of a Statist, a Progressive that thinks Big Centralized Government and more authority over our lives, is the answer to our problems. One Size does not fit all. I will chose tailored remedy for each unique situation, over Pretentious Assholes thousands of miles away handing out decrees over what they most often know nothing about, every chance I get. Republican or Democrat, Fuck the New World Order. The World hasn't changed, We have, the testimony to the amount of Shit We are full, of as a Society, is the Failure to achieve balance to this day. Where there should be Harmony, there is Strife. This is not the Vision of Federalism, of old.

You're making my point for me. You expressed your opinion of what my views are. Now go find where I said things that give you those impressions. Don't bother. You won't find anything, because those aren't my beliefs and so you won't find me expressing them. Remember, disagreeing with something you believe does not mean that I believe whatever the party line is on the other side. That is dichotomous thinking. There are more than two possible opinions.

I identify as an anarchist. But in practice I am more of a pragmatist. In various projects, I have worked with Quakers, Episcopalians, Catholics (three different projects, three different churches), the city government, a middle school, a Spanish workers' union, a soup kitchen, crowds of disgustingly filthy anarchists, and even a non profit front organization for the evil corporation that is destroying the culture of my city. Try and see if you can pigeon hole that.

I do not believe in Big Government. But in the current situation, I recognize it as a necessary counterbalance of Big Business. We have a long history of big government busting up trusts, and you should be glad because an unregulated free market leads to a lack of competition. The biggest threat to our liberty right now is Big Business taking control of our government and using it as an instrument to redistribute wealth. Or do you read the last 30 years differently?
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After the part about Obama being a centrist.. no use reading the rest of the OP's bullshit...

This is the best example yet. Flat out refused to entertain a thought he doesn't agree with. That's the definition of closed minded, isn't it?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that at some point you've probably complained about something Obama did being similar to something Bush did. I realize that I'm putting words in your mouth here. But you didn't give me much to go on in your one-liner, so I'm guessing. If I'm wrong tell me.

So if Obama has done things similar to Bush, does that mean that Bush was acting like a liberal? Or does that mean that Obama doesn't always act like a liberal?

Please, just consider this thought. It's possible that from your perspective, a centrist looks like a liberal.
Hmmmm.... is this one a troll? It seems like he's trying to provoke me into a bickering match about the deficit. He must know that's horribly off topic. He's certainly not contributing anything interesting to the thread, so I'm gonna say troll.

Takes one to know one.

Yeah, but when I troll I'm so much better at it!
I think it's interesting how many people assume that I'm a liberal. I haven't expressed very many liberal views. Mostly just disagreed with some people. And they assume that if I'm disagreeing with them I must be a liberal. Very dichotomous way of thinking. No nuance. Sad.

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, some of these twits call
me liberal, and my favorite politician is Pat Buchanan. I have never voted for a liberal, but just because I don't walk the Zionist line, I am called everything except Attlla the Hun. What is it with these rightists who follow the neo-con demands that they support the evil and terrorist state of Israel just because their leaders tell them to? Those leaders are, themselves, either bought by the Zionist lobbies in Washington, or are afraid of them. Israel is a millstone and an albatross around the neck of this republic, and will likely be the cause of our ultimate downfall, but the misguided so-called 'conservative' robots continue to swallow the Zionist lies.

I'll agree with you on most of that. Except the last part, where you complain about conservatives. They're not the only ones pushing Zionism. It's been a while since I've done this, but go look up some old presidential debates. Try and find one presidential candidate who has not firmly supported Israel.
I think I've figured it out. They don't think that they're full of shit. They just don't really understand what's going on.

See, Obama's a pragmatic centrist. And they think he's a liberal. So when he does things that aren't liberal, it makes the hypocrite alarms go off. They don't read or watch any liberal media, so they don't realize that liberals are bitching about how centrist Obama is, when they want him to pull more to the left. They just assume that leftists are supporting their president's policies, which are often not liberal. Thus the persistent charges of hypocrisy.

And then there are the trolls. 'Nough said about that.

thats all conservitive know ,
first denial of it ever happened then saying the Dems did , now you well its going to get better next year ,thats when the lying and shit throwing will really get crazy .
as for trolls , that put up with it
enough said

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