Why am I reminding you of all this?? Because It's Coming Back again


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2020
Who can forget that it has been over two Years since we heard Andrew Cuomo Bsing every day anout “Flattening the Curve” it was all we heard about day, after day. It was the rage! He told us to take 2 weeks to self isolate ourselves so that other people don’t get sick And the next thing we heard was that EVERYBODY had to Close their businesses, they Restaurants, the Churches, and Synagogues, must close Even the shelves in the Super Markets were either empty of there were signs to ration the items. But the Liquor stores remained open because they were “Essential” . Good idea right? NO!
Speaking of being unable to do anything during this period, many states imposed shut downs and mandatory isolation on their citizens. Visiting family and friends? Nope! NO Shopping? NO Travel? NO having your Kids Play in the park with other kids.
No going to the beach, or the Movies. Nothing! We even had to stay 6 feet away from anyone else.
Only essential businesses were allowed to be open, which apparently included the Liquor Stores and Abortion Clinics… It was okay to Buy Liquor, and Kill Babies.
So why then, did these Democratic Governors such as Andrew Cuomo order New Yorker’s to put Covid positive patients in nursing homes with Vulnerable and Sickly Elderly people? Anyone know? Wasn’t that the exact opposite of the idea to protect the elderly from catching Covid? As families were literally forbidden to be in the room as their loved ones died in hospitals and Nursing homes, Covid positive patients were being shipped to nursing homes.

Why am I reminding you of all this??
Because by the sound of the Powers that Be, the Democratic Governors, and Mayors in Democratic States, It looks like it’s coming Back again
Who can forget that it has been over two Years since we heard Andrew Cuomo Bsing every day anout “Flattening the Curve” it was all we heard about day, after day. It was the rage! He told us to take 2 weeks to self isolate ourselves so that other people don’t get sick And the next thing we heard was that EVERYBODY had to Close their businesses, they Restaurants, the Churches, and Synagogues, must close Even the shelves in the Super Markets were either empty of there were signs to ration the items. But the Liquor stores remained open because they were “Essential” . Good idea right? NO!
Speaking of being unable to do anything during this period, many states imposed shut downs and mandatory isolation on their citizens. Visiting family and friends? Nope! NO Shopping? NO Travel? NO having your Kids Play in the park with other kids.
No going to the beach, or the Movies. Nothing! We even had to stay 6 feet away from anyone else.
Only essential businesses were allowed to be open, which apparently included the Liquor Stores and Abortion Clinics… It was okay to Buy Liquor, and Kill Babies.
So why then, did these Democratic Governors such as Andrew Cuomo order New Yorker’s to put Covid positive patients in nursing homes with Vulnerable and Sickly Elderly people? Anyone know? Wasn’t that the exact opposite of the idea to protect the elderly from catching Covid? As families were literally forbidden to be in the room as their loved ones died in hospitals and Nursing homes, Covid positive patients were being shipped to nursing homes.

Why am I reminding you of all this??
Because by the sound of the Powers that Be, the Democratic Governors, and Mayors in Democratic States, It looks like it’s coming Back again
It never left. There are still people catching covid. And because of covid, Flu was down.

It is up now. And RSV. What is that? Look it up.

It is never going away as long as some people INSIST that it was all a hoax or any other lie they wish to believe.

Do not vaccinate, for Flu, covid or anything else and continue to be part of the problem and not the solution.
Who can forget that it has been over two Years since we heard Andrew Cuomo Bsing every day anout “Flattening the Curve” it was all we heard about day, after day. It was the rage! He told us to take 2 weeks to self isolate ourselves so that other people don’t get sick And the next thing we heard was that EVERYBODY had to Close their businesses, they Restaurants, the Churches, and Synagogues, must close Even the shelves in the Super Markets were either empty of there were signs to ration the items. But the Liquor stores remained open because they were “Essential” . Good idea right? NO!
Speaking of being unable to do anything during this period, many states imposed shut downs and mandatory isolation on their citizens. Visiting family and friends? Nope! NO Shopping? NO Travel? NO having your Kids Play in the park with other kids.
No going to the beach, or the Movies. Nothing! We even had to stay 6 feet away from anyone else.
Only essential businesses were allowed to be open, which apparently included the Liquor Stores and Abortion Clinics… It was okay to Buy Liquor, and Kill Babies.
So why then, did these Democratic Governors such as Andrew Cuomo order New Yorker’s to put Covid positive patients in nursing homes with Vulnerable and Sickly Elderly people? Anyone know? Wasn’t that the exact opposite of the idea to protect the elderly from catching Covid? As families were literally forbidden to be in the room as their loved ones died in hospitals and Nursing homes, Covid positive patients were being shipped to nursing homes.

Why am I reminding you of all this??
Because by the sound of the Powers that Be, the Democratic Governors, and Mayors in Democratic States, It looks like it’s coming Back again
I understand your concern. I am not in a Democrat run state or even is a state that is bordered by one. I too, have seen the uptick in warning signs. Not expecting any shutdowns here in the next month or two. Planning a trip out west to a "Blue State" in January, but since they make their money this time of year from people like me, not expecting any shutdown out there, either.

Employment opportunities are aplenty. If it is going to suck where you are now, it might be time to move back to some state where more normal precautions instead of radical precautions are taken. You look young. If it sucked there, last time and looks like it might suck there this time, you might ought to consider a change of location, while young and maybe not as locked in. Just Sayin... :dunno:
Clinics here are still playing maskarade cause COVID is gonna get ya

There are actually "health car professionals" in South Dakota who believe the state is STILL in lockdown EVEN NOW, after never having opened up! I was having a conversation with a nurse practitioner who told me this and when I asked her how I was getting into the nursing home with my American Legion Auxiliary members to help on Bingo night, she looked at me with a really deranged look on her face and walked away.

I think we'll do okay here in SD where most people are still thinking with their brains, not their TV's.

Fortunately, we now have a couple years of history to draw from. "We" were told that EVERYONE was vulnerable to serious illness and DEATH if we were infected with the Corona Virus. But then it became apparent that very few healthy people were getting seriously sick and almost no children. The vast, vast, vast majority of people who were dying were old and/or very sick from other factors, and healthy people who caught it got mild symptoms and it was basically No Big Deal. At this time, however, the Media kept presenting stories of healthy adults who were actually getting sick and dying which, while true, was not a true representation of the magnitude of the problem. The fact was that VERY FEW healthy adults and almost no children were getting sick, and eventually "we" caught on. The problem was the Leftist Media trying to frighten people into taking these neurotic measures to protect themselves from a nearly-non-existent threat, typified by pictures of lonely bicyclists, riding out in the middle of nowhere, wearing a mask; single women, driving around alone in a car wearing a mask. Eventually, "we" got it. It was mostly a hoax - as it pertained to healthy people under 70 years old.

So in spite of the fervent wishes of the mainline Leftists, "we" will never go back there again. If the Governors impose lockdowns, have mask mandates, starting talking about staying six feet apart, "we" will tell them in a variety of ways to go and have sexual intercourse with themselves...cause we are not buying it this time around.
It's not the covid now but the bad flu season, mask mandates are making a comeback....Sure as shit.

Hospitals and doctor offices in my AO are overrun. Shit-ton of school absences....Talk of a early Christmas vacation to let it burn out.

Daycares are requiring adults to wear masks to drop-off/pick-up their kids, more to "protect" the adults. No kid mask mandate.....Yet....General flailing about.

A good half of the kids in my G-Grandkid's were out sick this week.
Obviously, because you just want to blame Democrats specifically whilst otherwise flaming indiscriminately, as though no lessons are ever learned from bitter experience. Fear, fear, fear!

The majority of states that still currently have COVID-19 emergency orders still in place, are ran by Democrats: California, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, and Washington all have Democrat Governors, while Texas and West Virginia have Republican Governors.

Now let's see how many of those Democrat-led states re-institute their emergency orders this Winter, compared to the Republican-held states.

State emergency health orders during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2021-2022
If shutdowns are required anywhere, they will happen.

But, you are inciting for fear, as usual.

Try one day at a time.

More people have died from Covid under *biden than Trump.

Where are the numbers and shutdowns.

Inciting fear? Yes they did, but barely a peep now. :rolleyes:
It never left. There are still people catching covid. And because of covid, Flu was down.

It is up now. And RSV. What is that? Look it up.

It is never going away as long as some people INSIST that it was all a hoax or any other lie they wish to believe.

Do not vaccinate, for Flu, covid or anything else and continue to be part of the problem and not the solution.
you continue to vaccinate and boost....and pretty soon you won't be a problem.
We pretty much ignored it completely out here & will do so again if they rerun that script.

Wetting the bed over anything is your right as a free person but don't ever expect me to go along with any suppression of my rights & bend the knee to your fear of a bad flu.
Didn't happen then, won't happen now or ever
Who can forget that it has been over two Years since we heard Andrew Cuomo Bsing every day anout “Flattening the Curve” it was all we heard about day, after day. It was the rage! He told us to take 2 weeks to self isolate ourselves so that other people don’t get sick And the next thing we heard was that EVERYBODY had to Close their businesses, they Restaurants, the Churches, and Synagogues, must close Even the shelves in the Super Markets were either empty of there were signs to ration the items. But the Liquor stores remained open because they were “Essential” . Good idea right? NO!
Speaking of being unable to do anything during this period, many states imposed shut downs and mandatory isolation on their citizens. Visiting family and friends? Nope! NO Shopping? NO Travel? NO having your Kids Play in the park with other kids.
No going to the beach, or the Movies. Nothing! We even had to stay 6 feet away from anyone else.
Only essential businesses were allowed to be open, which apparently included the Liquor Stores and Abortion Clinics… It was okay to Buy Liquor, and Kill Babies.
So why then, did these Democratic Governors such as Andrew Cuomo order New Yorker’s to put Covid positive patients in nursing homes with Vulnerable and Sickly Elderly people? Anyone know? Wasn’t that the exact opposite of the idea to protect the elderly from catching Covid? As families were literally forbidden to be in the room as their loved ones died in hospitals and Nursing homes, Covid positive patients were being shipped to nursing homes.

Why am I reminding you of all this??
Because by the sound of the Powers that Be, the Democratic Governors, and Mayors in Democratic States, It looks like it’s coming Back again
May be, Or it could be that you enjoy whining so much till you're just not ready to stop.
It never left. There are still people catching covid. And because of covid, Flu was down.

Yes because the two viruses yield to one another like cars in traffic.

Had absolutely nothing to do with the numbers game and drumming up fear/justification for lockdowns.

The flu yielded to the Covid.

They got together and had a conference you see.

Rhinoviruses agreed to yield to Coronaviruses.

It was all on the up and up, legitimate agreements and all that.

You ate the brown acid, didn't you?
Its simple science.
You can use quarantine methods to prevent an epidemic from ever taking hold in a society.
But once the quarantine has failed and the epidemic has hit in force, then the ONLY way to end it is with herd immunity, which means you want to spread infection as quickly as possible, among those who are most likely to survive.
That means you NEVER want to "flatten the curve".
That only prevents herd immunity, so always results in the largest possible death total, going on potentially forever.
It never left. There are still people catching covid. And because of covid, Flu was down.

It is up now. And RSV. What is that? Look it up.

It is never going away as long as some people INSIST that it was all a hoax or any other lie they wish to believe.

Do not vaccinate, for Flu, covid or anything else and continue to be part of the problem and not the solution.

The only thing that can make any epidemic end is herd immunity.
The pathogen has to run out of easy hosts.

While real vaccines can do that by conveying immunity as good as recovery immunity, clearly the mRNA injections do not give any immunity at all, so are worthless as far as ending the epidemic.
The mRNA injections do not at all reduce infection or spread, and only temporarily reduce severity of symptoms for a few months.

You should not care if people vaccinate or get infected instead, because all you should care about is getting as many immune as possible, as quickly as possible.
What you should NOT want is "flattening the curve", because that prevents any epidemic from ever ending.

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