Why am I supposed to care about Chemical Weapons in Syria?

George Washington would say war in Syria doesn't fix millions of Americans out of work and our crumbling infrastructure at home
Sending U.S. troops to Syria would be a disaster, but Turkish troops could be successful.

Read some real news instead of your Progressive jokes.

We already have troops in Syria and have been for a while.

From the New York Times, the Progressive bible.


By 'Sending U.S. troops to Syria' I meant a large number of combat troops, not a tiny number of advisers.

I couldn't have made this up!

Here you are, taking serious a headline from a SYRIAN NEWSPAPER!
I am sick to death of American young adults being sent to die for some other countries problems.

Fuck the world; let it burn to the ground and let us take care of our own.

In a global economy, exactly how will that work? I'm sure in the small mind of a Progressive, that seems to solve everything.

However, I am glad that you are a strong supporter of building the wall on our Southern border!
Well, to my understanding, as Mr. Assad continues to bomb civilians with Chemical weapons, it further destabilizes the region and causes more refugees to flood out of the chemical bombings and towards the safety of western cities.

So you know that teeny tiny refugee problem affecting Europe and the U.S. and that the right-wing is working heavily on to stop? It kinda traces back to the chemical bombings.

Also, this whole "I'm not getting chemically bombed, so I shouldn't care," mindset isn't healthy. Plugging your ears and saying "I don't care" isn't going to stop the massive war in Syria and the middle east and isn't going to stop the unhealthy amount of bloodshed and suffering. I dunno about you, but I don't want my fellow human beings to suffer :p
Well, to my understanding, as Mr. Assad continues to bomb civilians with Chemical weapons, it further destabilizes the region and causes more refugees to flood out of the chemical bombings and towards the safety of western cities.

So you know that teeny tiny refugee problem affecting Europe and the U.S. and that the right-wing is working heavily on to stop? It kinda traces back to the chemical bombings.

Also, this whole "I'm not getting chemically bombed, so I shouldn't care," mindset isn't healthy. Plugging your ears and saying "I don't care" isn't going to stop the massive war in Syria and the middle east and isn't going to stop the unhealthy amount of bloodshed and suffering. I dunno about you, but I don't want my fellow human beings to suffer :p

People suffer every day. You can't save every stray dog!
To keep us neck deep in wars that many corporations that donate good money to Neocon Chickenhawks to keep getting us into.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama bombed seven countries. After declaring victory and a win in Iraq, ISIS stepped in to fill the vacuum. Syria crossed his red line and used chemical weapons. We have moved troops back in Iraq. After the Bush War on Terror began, we had no further fatal terrorist attacks on our soil. As you know, with President Obama, that changed drastically.

So explain to us all, if you will, how President Obama's timorous policies have improved anything in the world? During the reign of President Obama did fatal Islamic Terrorist Attacks around the world?

After the recent use of Sarin Gas by Assad on his own people, President Trump launched 50 Tomahawk at the Syrian Base from where the attack was launched. Which do you think will be more effective?
The people who live in the ME are toast. Let's face reality. It's not because of us. It's because of their own people/leaders. They are ALWAYS going to be in some kind of crap.

They also attack us saying they do NOT want us being involved in their business. Time we started to listen to them and stay the hell out of there!

Go ahead and cry over them. They are not worth OUR sons and daughters blood and sacrifice!
Well, to my understanding, as Mr. Assad continues to bomb civilians with Chemical weapons, it further destabilizes the region and causes more refugees to flood out of the chemical bombings and towards the safety of western cities.

So you know that teeny tiny refugee problem affecting Europe and the U.S. and that the right-wing is working heavily on to stop? It kinda traces back to the chemical bombings.

Also, this whole "I'm not getting chemically bombed, so I shouldn't care," mindset isn't healthy. Plugging your ears and saying "I don't care" isn't going to stop the massive war in Syria and the middle east and isn't going to stop the unhealthy amount of bloodshed and suffering. I dunno about you, but I don't want my fellow human beings to suffer :p

People suffer every day. You can't save every stray dog!

Yes, however, when that suffering in turn creates a massive refugee problem that is hurting the western world as well as allowing pockets of islamic extremism to pop up, maybe, just maybe, it might be time to intervene and give a helping hand?
Well, to my understanding, as Mr. Assad continues to bomb civilians with Chemical weapons, it further destabilizes the region and causes more refugees to flood out of the chemical bombings and towards the safety of western cities.

So you know that teeny tiny refugee problem affecting Europe and the U.S. and that the right-wing is working heavily on to stop? It kinda traces back to the chemical bombings.

Also, this whole "I'm not getting chemically bombed, so I shouldn't care," mindset isn't healthy. Plugging your ears and saying "I don't care" isn't going to stop the massive war in Syria and the middle east and isn't going to stop the unhealthy amount of bloodshed and suffering. I dunno about you, but I don't want my fellow human beings to suffer :p

People suffer every day. You can't save every stray dog!

Yes, however, when that suffering in turn creates a massive refugee problem that is hurting the western world as well as allowing pockets of islamic extremism to pop up, maybe, just maybe, it might be time to intervene and give a helping hand?

Let somebody ELSE "help" them for a change.
People suffer every day. You can't save every stray dog!

Very true! But I can save one!

So take in a homeless American veteran. WE have our own problems here in this country and it's time we cleaned our OWN house before we get involved in their . . . cess pool.

As long as you are friends with the House of Saud and Israel, it will always be an American problem..
NOTHING is going to change over there unless the people (the majority of them) decide they want to change things. That is the only way.

If they want OUR help, then we should be able to set ALL of the terms. Fuck them. It's our blood and our money that is being spent and for WHAT?
The reason I ask is the same one I had when President Obama was faced with this question. I honestly don't care. What happens in Syria doesn't have a damned thing to do with anyone in the US.

You need to go back and view some history from WW-I.

What you are saying above is almost word for word what was said about Poland in the Fall of 1939. How did that workout?

You don't want to get into history with me. I can assure you I am aware of it.

But let's get a little more recent. There is one naval base for the Russians in the entire Mediterranean Sea. It is in Syria. Imagine how we would react if our base at Rota Spain was threatened. We would do exactly what the Russians are. We would pull out all the stops to protect our base.

So we have a side in the conflict that can't afford to lose. But hey we are pulling out the WW I and II examples. Fine with me. This mess is actually closer to the Spanish Civil war than Poland which is an asinine example. Poland was the cause of the war. The example you are thinking of is Czech and the Sudaten Land.

Syria isn't trying to take over anything. They aren't fighting against patriots who hope to have a democratic form of government. They want themselves in charge. New dictator with the same old rules.

The Spanish civil war was a test of new weapons and tactics. The theories on air power and bombing were tested there on live victims. The techniques developed would serve the Germans well through about 1942.

The Russians can't back down. If they do they lose their only Naval base in the Med. they are not going to give up. So if we escalate where does it go next? You use the World War I example. Was the death of tens of millions a fair price to pay for the death of Arch Duke Ferdinand?

Make no mistake. An escalation in Syria leads to World War III. How do we win that? How do we survive it?

Using your Second World War analogy is sort of apt. We are the ones demanding Poland. We are the invaders starting the war. We are the people holding a gun to the head of the Yugoslavian Prime Minister demanding he surrender the nation. We are the baddies.

We armed the terrorists. We have advisors working with the terrorists right now. The Nazi's sent people in to Poland to stir up trouble and give them the excuse to go in.

We are the baddies.

Obviously you are not aware of history. You wish to re-write it which is not surprising for a Progressive. The situation we are in today is due entirely to the timorous policies of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

We have just destroyed the base from which the chemical attacks were launched with 50 Tomahawk missiles.

I'm very annoyed over this entire situation and us being there or being involved at all. WILL we ever learn?

We have learned. We have learned extremely well that your policies and those of your messiah, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama are total, dismal failures. Those policies have left the world, especially the Middle East in total chaos.

Are you aware that as things stand today, North Korea is expected to have a nuclear ballistic missile capable of reaching the West Coast of the United States by the end of President Trump's first term. Are you prepared for that eventuality?

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