Why are all the leaks coming from Washington Post????

If you can’t understand the concept of preserving the sources you have as a journalist, you’re pretty stupid.
then why make a comment? just say anonymous and move on. nope that was done intentionally. now they must name those few sources. they didn't ask to be withheld. The post doesn't get to make that call.

The newspaper gets to determine what gets printed.
Journalism 101
Comon sense 101
no doubt, but when they lie, and are caught lying, they become not dependable anymore. so bye bye post.

Does the same go for the President?
The leaks aren't "coming" from the Washington Post, they are leaked "to" the Washington Post. Since the leaks are unverified and anonymous it's possible that they are enhanced by the Post or even rewritten for political purposes.

It's also possible you've been brainwashed by fake news / tweets. But maybe I being too judgmental, since I disagree with most (all) of your posts / comments. Please tell me which sources below you trust and which you don't trust:
  • Drudge Report, Limbaugh, Fox News, Brietbart News, Alex Jones. The Daily Caller, Wash. Times, ;
  • Washington Post, NY Times, Christian Science Monitor, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN.
So as I said. The OP is built on an entirely false premise.
What is the false premise?
The Post said there were over 30 conflicting narratives...key point..as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans,
But the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI and on Capitol Hill, as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans, paint a conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey.
Many of those interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to candidly discuss internal deliberations.
Inside Trump’s anger and impatience — and his sudden decision to fire Comey
The only NON-conflicting i.e. the 4 mentioned in the story weren't conflicting narratives!

So who were the "few of the 30 private accounts" that discussed the deliberations internally?
These FEW should be able to tell us exactly what the "deliberations" were but if they do they are in violation of the non-disclosure agreements!
So WHO are the few that didn't speak on condition of anonymity ?
THAT is the premise!
If you can’t understand the concept of preserving the sources you have as a journalist, you’re pretty stupid.
then why make a comment? just say anonymous and move on. nope that was done intentionally. now they must name those few sources. they didn't ask to be withheld. The post doesn't get to make that call.

The newspaper gets to determine what gets printed.
Journalism 101
Comon sense 101
no doubt, but when they lie, and are caught lying, they become not dependable anymore. so bye bye post.

Does the same go for the President?

Well @jc456…. If you don’t believe the WAPO because they lie…does the same go for President Trump?
If you can’t understand the concept of preserving the sources you have as a journalist, you’re pretty stupid.
then why make a comment? just say anonymous and move on. nope that was done intentionally. now they must name those few sources. they didn't ask to be withheld. The post doesn't get to make that call.

The newspaper gets to determine what gets printed.
Journalism 101
Comon sense 101
no doubt, but when they lie, and are caught lying, they become not dependable anymore. so bye bye post.

Does the same go for the President?

Well @jc456…. If you don’t believe the WAPO because they lie…does the same go for President Trump?
what's he lied about. I'm still waiting.
The leaks aren't "coming" from the Washington Post, they are leaked "to" the Washington Post. Since the leaks are unverified and anonymous it's possible that they are enhanced by the Post or even rewritten for political purposes.

It's also possible you've been brainwashed by fake news / tweets. But maybe I being too judgmental, since I disagree with most (all) of you comments. Please tell me which sources below you trust and which you don't trust:
  • Drudge Report, Limbaugh, Fox News, Brietbart News, Alex Jones. The Daily Caller, Wash. Times, ;
  • Washington Post, NY Times, Christian Science Monitor, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN.

A) Drudge doesn't count! He doesn't write a single story. He writes headlines that link to the stories so I'm just reading his links.
B) Limbaugh and Alex Jones are "commentators" meaning they identify themselves as a biased editorializers! Understand the difference?
C) The rest are for the most part BIASED NEWS distributors. With only Fox being rated by most people as equal in balance.
The rest are noticeable BIASED against Trump definitely!
Want proof of the bias?
In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters


The leaks aren't "coming" from the Washington Post, they are leaked "to" the Washington Post. Since the leaks are unverified and anonymous it's possible that they are enhanced by the Post or even rewritten for political purposes.

It's also possible you've been brainwashed by fake news / tweets. But maybe I being too judgmental, since I disagree with most (all) of you comments. Please tell me which sources below you trust and which you don't trust:
  • Drudge Report, Limbaugh, Fox News, Brietbart News, Alex Jones. The Daily Caller, Wash. Times, ;
  • Washington Post, NY Times, Christian Science Monitor, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN.

A) Drudge doesn't count! He doesn't write a single story. He writes headlines that link to the stories so I'm just reading his links.
B) Limbaugh and Alex Jones are "commentators" meaning they identify themselves as a biased editorializers! Understand the difference?
C) The rest are for the most part BIASED NEWS distributors. With only Fox being rated by most people as equal in balance.
The rest are noticeable BIASED against Trump definitely!
Want proof of the bias?
In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

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View attachment 133493

Once again your biases conflict with other explanations. Have you considered the educational level and advanced degrees, and career goals of those who donate to the D's and those who donate to the R's?

Does the editor or publisher of a major newspaper support mitigating pollution who believes human activity is harming the earth? Does the Coal Executive care about the damage down by coal mining or Profit and Job security?

Which Party protects the environment, and which does not? Can you guess which party the former will want to see in power, and which party the latter will want?
then why make a comment? just say anonymous and move on. nope that was done intentionally. now they must name those few sources. they didn't ask to be withheld. The post doesn't get to make that call.

The newspaper gets to determine what gets printed.
Journalism 101
Comon sense 101
no doubt, but when they lie, and are caught lying, they become not dependable anymore. so bye bye post.

Does the same go for the President?

Well @jc456…. If you don’t believe the WAPO because they lie…does the same go for President Trump?
what's he lied about. I'm still waiting.

Just for starters:

Screen Shot 2017-06-16 at 12.14.20 PM.png
The newspaper gets to determine what gets printed.
Journalism 101
Comon sense 101
no doubt, but when they lie, and are caught lying, they become not dependable anymore. so bye bye post.

Does the same go for the President?

Well @jc456…. If you don’t believe the WAPO because they lie…does the same go for President Trump?
what's he lied about. I'm still waiting.

Just for starters:

View attachment 133501
every point can be argued. but, I'm not going through your list. but none of that proves anything about lies. I don't believe in climate change other than natural. am I a liar?

The voter fraud is being looked into and is active. he may be proven right. premature.

someone has backed the story of the muslims cheering on 9/11.

So see, I can go down that list and debunk everyone of those. try again, something of substance now. btw, no evidence that obummer was born in hawaii.
So my points stand. The OP was built on a false premise, and the wiretapping of Trump Tower was fake news.
they wire taped the other end to get there you fool. wow.
So you are doubling down on the tard, eh?

Do you hear yourself? Our government monitored the Russians BECAUSE THEY KNEW TRUMP TOWER WAS CALLING THEM?


You just admitted they colluded!
that's why they call it wire tapping isn't it? to spy on someone. espionage?

and btw, why trump stated tapping the tower. thanks for proving that.
Are you saying that Flynn was calling from trump tower when he called ambassador kilsiak and told him Trump would renege the recent sanctions once in office? so flynn could have been sitting in the same room as trump when he made the call? So TRUMP could have directed flynn to make that offer to the russians??

That's NEWS to me....I thought flynn used his own phone, without trump's knowledge....?
So my points stand. The OP was built on a false premise, and the wiretapping of Trump Tower was fake news.
they wire taped the other end to get there you fool. wow.
So you are doubling down on the tard, eh?

Do you hear yourself? Our government monitored the Russians BECAUSE THEY KNEW TRUMP TOWER WAS CALLING THEM?


You just admitted they colluded!
that's why they call it wire tapping isn't it? to spy on someone. espionage?

and btw, why trump stated tapping the tower. thanks for proving that.
Are you saying that Flynn was calling from trump tower when he called ambassador kilsiak and told him Trump would renege the recent sanctions once in office? so flynn could have been sitting in the same room as trump when he made the call? So TRUMP could have directed flynn to make that offer to the russians??

That's NEWS to me....I thought flynn used his own phone, without trump's knowledge....?
well first you'd have to prove that is a violation of anything. can you say that?
So my points stand. The OP was built on a false premise, and the wiretapping of Trump Tower was fake news.
they wire taped the other end to get there you fool. wow.
So you are doubling down on the tard, eh?

Do you hear yourself? Our government monitored the Russians BECAUSE THEY KNEW TRUMP TOWER WAS CALLING THEM?


You just admitted they colluded!
that's why they call it wire tapping isn't it? to spy on someone. espionage?

and btw, why trump stated tapping the tower. thanks for proving that.
Are you saying that Flynn was calling from trump tower when he called ambassador kilsiak and told him Trump would renege the recent sanctions once in office? so flynn could have been sitting in the same room as trump when he made the call? So TRUMP could have directed flynn to make that offer to the russians??

That's NEWS to me....I thought flynn used his own phone, without trump's knowledge....?
well first you'd have to prove that is a violation of anything. can you say that?
are you claiming flynn was using phones in trump tower when he called the russian ambassador? that was NEVER REPORTED, where did you get that from?

the possible violation of flynn would be breaking the Logan act....and undermining a sitting president with a foreign power.
Republican congressional investigators expect a potential “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week, a source told Fox News.


The intelligence corroborated information about surveillance of the Trump team that was known to Nunes, sources said, even before President Trump accused his predecessor of having wiretapped him in a series of now-infamous tweets posted on March 4.

I agree. Almost all the MSM use "anonymous sources"!
But this story is exclusively the Post. They are being quoted by ALL the MSM and they point I'm making is that which of the
30 WH officials had a conflicting narrative which is the exact term used by the Post...AND that were willing to speak on the record!
Who were they? Not these guys

the quotes are NOT "conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey.

NONE of these were "conflicting"! Words have meaning!!!
Sam Nunberg, a former political adviser to Trump, said the FBI director misunderstood the president:
“James Comey made the mistake of thinking that just because he announced the FBI was investigating possible collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, he had unfettered job security.In my opinion, the president should have fired Comey the day he was sworn in.”
That is NOT a conflicting NARRATIVE! So Nunberg is NOT one of the "30 officials that paint a conflicting view!

Roger Stone:
The men influencing Trump include Roger Stone, a self-proclaimed dirty trickster and longtime Trump confidant who himself has been linked to the FBI’s Russia investigation; former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a Comey critic who has been known to kibbitz about the ousted FBI director with like-minded law enforcement figures; and Keith Schiller, a former New York police officer who functioned as Trump’s chief bodyguard and works in the West Wing as director of Oval Office operations.
“What Comey did to Hillary was disgraceful,” Stone said. “I’m glad Trump fired him over it.”
STONE Presents a "conflicting view" HE FAVORED THE FIRING!!! Where is that Conflcting???

George Lombardi,
a friend of the president and a frequent guest at his Mar-a-Lago Club, said: “This was a long time coming. There had been a lot of arguments back and forth in the White House and during the campaign, a lot of talk about what side of the fence [Comey] was on or if he was above political dirty tricks.”
AGAIN WHERE IS IT A CONFLICTING VIEW?? Lombardi favored the firing... CONFLICTING????

Newt Gingrich:
You can’t be the quarterback of the team if the rest of the team is not in the huddle,” Gingrich said. “The president has to learn to go a couple steps slower so that everyone can organize around him. When you don’t loop people in, you deprive yourself of all of the opportunities available to a president of the United States.”
Gingrich favored the firing! Where is the CONFLICTING THERE???

See you didn't read the article close enough!

Again tell me who the POST quoted had CONFLICTING narrative ? WHICH of the four above didn't think firing Comey was right? That is what a "conflicting"
narrative is.
NOW tell me again WHO among the 30 WH did NOT ask for anonymity and were NOT in agreement with Trump?
Who were they???
In your original comment, you made no mention of conflicting narratives. you simply implied that all of the Washington sources were Anonymous, which is false. your thread has been dead for a while.
Does anyone really think the DC establishment would just roll over and cave to Trump and the American people, hence the leaks and MSM attacking like rabid dogs.
The DC establishment and their pals in the MSM have control over nearly $4 trillion dollars of the nations wealth, they are not going to let some outsider like Trump come in without a fight. They attacked Reagan like rabid dogs for the same reason so this is nothing new.
they wire taped the other end to get there you fool. wow.
So you are doubling down on the tard, eh?

Do you hear yourself? Our government monitored the Russians BECAUSE THEY KNEW TRUMP TOWER WAS CALLING THEM?


You just admitted they colluded!
that's why they call it wire tapping isn't it? to spy on someone. espionage?

and btw, why trump stated tapping the tower. thanks for proving that.
Are you saying that Flynn was calling from trump tower when he called ambassador kilsiak and told him Trump would renege the recent sanctions once in office? so flynn could have been sitting in the same room as trump when he made the call? So TRUMP could have directed flynn to make that offer to the russians??

That's NEWS to me....I thought flynn used his own phone, without trump's knowledge....?
well first you'd have to prove that is a violation of anything. can you say that?
are you claiming flynn was using phones in trump tower when he called the russian ambassador? that was NEVER REPORTED, where did you get that from?

the possible violation of flynn would be breaking the Logan act....and undermining a sitting president with a foreign power.
nope, transition into office allows that communication. so sowry chawrie
Republican congressional investigators expect a potential “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week, a source told Fox News.


The intelligence corroborated information about surveillance of the Trump team that was known to Nunes, sources said, even before President Trump accused his predecessor of having wiretapped him in a series of now-infamous tweets posted on March 4.

I agree. Almost all the MSM use "anonymous sources"!
But this story is exclusively the Post. They are being quoted by ALL the MSM and they point I'm making is that which of the
30 WH officials had a conflicting narrative which is the exact term used by the Post...AND that were willing to speak on the record!
Who were they? Not these guys

the quotes are NOT "conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey.

NONE of these were "conflicting"! Words have meaning!!!
Sam Nunberg, a former political adviser to Trump, said the FBI director misunderstood the president:
“James Comey made the mistake of thinking that just because he announced the FBI was investigating possible collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, he had unfettered job security.In my opinion, the president should have fired Comey the day he was sworn in.”
That is NOT a conflicting NARRATIVE! So Nunberg is NOT one of the "30 officials that paint a conflicting view!

Roger Stone:
The men influencing Trump include Roger Stone, a self-proclaimed dirty trickster and longtime Trump confidant who himself has been linked to the FBI’s Russia investigation; former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a Comey critic who has been known to kibbitz about the ousted FBI director with like-minded law enforcement figures; and Keith Schiller, a former New York police officer who functioned as Trump’s chief bodyguard and works in the West Wing as director of Oval Office operations.
“What Comey did to Hillary was disgraceful,” Stone said. “I’m glad Trump fired him over it.”
STONE Presents a "conflicting view" HE FAVORED THE FIRING!!! Where is that Conflcting???

George Lombardi,
a friend of the president and a frequent guest at his Mar-a-Lago Club, said: “This was a long time coming. There had been a lot of arguments back and forth in the White House and during the campaign, a lot of talk about what side of the fence [Comey] was on or if he was above political dirty tricks.”
AGAIN WHERE IS IT A CONFLICTING VIEW?? Lombardi favored the firing... CONFLICTING????

Newt Gingrich:
You can’t be the quarterback of the team if the rest of the team is not in the huddle,” Gingrich said. “The president has to learn to go a couple steps slower so that everyone can organize around him. When you don’t loop people in, you deprive yourself of all of the opportunities available to a president of the United States.”
Gingrich favored the firing! Where is the CONFLICTING THERE???

See you didn't read the article close enough!

Again tell me who the POST quoted had CONFLICTING narrative ? WHICH of the four above didn't think firing Comey was right? That is what a "conflicting"
narrative is.
NOW tell me again WHO among the 30 WH did NOT ask for anonymity and were NOT in agreement with Trump?
Who were they???
In your original comment, you made no mention of conflicting narratives. you simply implied that all of the Washington sources were Anonymous, which is false. your thread has been dead for a while.
you just lied, shame on you.

health--I agree. Almost all the MSM use "anonymous sources"!

liar--you simply implied that all of the Washington sources were Anonymous
no doubt, but when they lie, and are caught lying, they become not dependable anymore. so bye bye post.

Does the same go for the President?

Well @jc456…. If you don’t believe the WAPO because they lie…does the same go for President Trump?
what's he lied about. I'm still waiting.

Just for starters:

View attachment 133501
every point can be argued. but, I'm not going through your list. but none of that proves anything about lies. I don't believe in climate change other than natural. am I a liar?

The voter fraud is being looked into and is active. he may be proven right. premature.

someone has backed the story of the muslims cheering on 9/11.

So see, I can go down that list and debunk everyone of those. try again, something of substance now. btw, no evidence that obummer was born in hawaii.

No you can’t.

The murder rate isn’t as high as it has been in 45 years. These are statistical matters.
Nobody of any standing thinks there were “thousands” of muslims cheering.
Nobody saw it on Television…no television network broadcasted it…
And Gee, he spent nearly 8 years investigating Obama’s birth certificate even sending PI’s to Hawaii stating “we wouldn’t believe what they are finding.” Where are the findings????

But even off the list…

He says he doesn’t settle law suits. Does he?
He says he’ll declare China a currency manipulator. Did he?

I have more but that is enough for now.

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