Zone1 Why are Christians opposed to abortion when God.....

Hell it is. Is cake batter a cake? Is an acorn an oak tree?

Look, if you must have a front row seat in heaven, get it on your own fucking dime. Not on the backs of women or gay people.
thats the shit you tell yourself so you can sleep at night,,

face it sicko youre just another baby killer,,
when God killed ALL babies in the great flood of Noah's Ark flood fame?

I write this not to anger people, if you're not interested in discussing it, then don't. Keep your religion to yourself and move on. I write this because I've had a conversation in another thread and thought it might be a good question to ask for those who want to test their religion against my lack of religion.
For a very simple reason, and it's illustrated with these:

1. You think you see your neighbor kill someone. You go to his house, strike him until he is unconscious, tie his hands together and drag him into your basement. Keep him there behind locked doors for a few years, then kill him. Do you get in trouble? If so, why don't policemen, judges, juries, prison guards and executioners get in trouble for doing the same thing?
2. You declare war on your neighbor and shoot him from your upstairs bedroom window. Do you get in trouble? If so, why don't soldiers on the battlefield get in trouble for doing the same thing? They don't even declare war.
3. You see your neighbor behaving badly towards another person. You go over to him, grab his arm and push him into a chair, telling him he did a bad thing. You force him to sit there for at least 10 minutes. Do you get in trouble? If so, why don't parents get in trouble for doing the same thing?

In each of these cases, it comes down to authority. Policemen have the authority to capture and restrain you, judges and juries have the authority to imprison you, and executioners have the authority to kill you, all without blame to themselves. Soldiers on the battlefield have the authority to kill an enemy combatant without blame to themselves. Parents have the authority to put their children in time-out and tell them they are misbehaving, and you have none of that authority on your own. By the same token, God has authority to do what He does while we do not.

I will also ask this, does the creator have authority over his creation? If you build an ant farm, do you not have the unquestioned authority to destroy that farm, saving a few ants to start over? The ants probably would be pretty ticked off at you, but do you have to justify your decision to anyone else?
Not in the US. It's not a human being in the first few weeks. In some states it isn't until 6, 12, 15 etc weeks. Try again

Earlier in our own country's history, by your definition, black people were not fully human beings, no matter how old they got.

And in Germany, at one point in its history, the same was true of Jews and other Untermenschen.

Exactly the same logic.
Is an acorn an oak tree?

They happened to be born in an area where a natural disaster took place. That natural disaster was as much beyond their control as it was beyond parental control. I wonder about people who have no belief in natural disasters, but are anxious to blame them on God. And these people don't even believe in God.

There are so many great themes in the story of Noah. It's a shame they are so often missed.
So which of those themes make it OK to drown all those innocent babies?
So which of those themes make it OK to drown all those innocent babies?
Shrug. You, not I, believe God deliberately drowned babies. I see floods as natural disasters. What else do you believe about God?
Shrug. You, not I, believe God deliberately drowned babies. I see floods as natural disasters. What else do you believe about God?
The Bible says God told Noah that he was going to cause a great flood to kill everybody, and gave him enough time to build an ark and gather all the animals, and you believe it was just a random natural disaster? Is that the story you're gonna go with?
The Bible says God told Noah that he was going to cause a great flood to kill everybody, and gave him enough time to build an ark and gather all the animals, and you believe it was just a random natural disaster? Is that the story you're gonna go with?
do you believe the bible and god did it??
its your claim so you answer first,,
Your attempt at misdirection is noted. The discussion is whether God killing born babies is as bad as or worse than abortion. Of necessity, the actions of a God have to be included in discussion. The only, or best depiction we have of such a God is in the Bible, so for this dicussion, I'm assuming the Bible is accurate. Otherwise the discussion is meaningless.
Your attempt at misdirection is noted. The discussion is whether God killing born babies is as bad as or worse than abortion. Of necessity, the actions of a God have to be included in discussion. The only, or best depiction we have of such a God is in the Bible, so for this dicussion, I'm assuming the Bible is accurate. Otherwise the discussion is meaningless.

the lengths you sick fucks use to justify murdering innocent children is disgusting,,
Yes, today there is lots of evil, far more than existed in the past, simply because there are so many humans. There was evil 2,000 years ago. And yet, it took God 1056 years to figure it out last time, and he hasn't managed it this time.

So, Adam and Eve were God's children... and all the people around 1000 years later were his children, and he killed 99.9% of them.... seems like there is justification for killing your own children, because God did it
Again, He has authority that you don't. Did you not read what I wrote?
God is not only the Author and Creator of Life, but He and He alone determines where that life goes after death.

None of us are creators of life. It's not the same.

Put simplistically:

No one puts up a fuss if a child builds a sandcastle and then, a little while later, kicks the sandcastle down. The child built it; he has that right.

But if a child builds a sandcastle and ANOTHER child comes to kick it down....
They're trying to project the limits of human authority onto God, then get upset because He will not be limited.
Biology says that. To argue differently is to argue personhood, which is a different thing entirely.
Just to be clear, a woman having an abortion is bad, but God killing countless innocent babies is perfectly fine. Is that what you are saying?

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