Zone1 Why are Christians opposed to abortion when God.....

So, you can worship a dude who kills people, and who tells you to not kill people?

Personally I'm like... nah, you can't tell me to do something you're not willing to do.
If God can kill all the children in a great flood and you are God, there is nothing stopping you from going into that school room and killing every child there. God should not tell you not to do something He's not willing to do. You don't have to use a gun. Use a knife.
If God can kill all the children in a great flood and you are God, there is nothing stopping you from going into that school room and killing every child there. God should not tell you not to do something He's not willing to do. You don't have to use a gun. Use a knife.
So, you worship a deity that's evil, but that deity says you can't be evil, and you continue to worship that deity? That doesn't make sense to me.
Oh that's where you get it wrong. God absolutely gives you the freedom to be evil. You can be any kind of evil you want. It's making the choice not to be evil. You can kill your child or decide not to kill your child. God is not evil. Maybe yours is.
Oh that's where you get it wrong. God absolutely gives you the freedom to be evil. You can be any kind of evil you want. It's making the choice not to be evil. You can kill your child or decide not to kill your child. God is not evil. Maybe yours is.

You can be evil, the question is whether you should be.

We're saying God is made in the image of Man, and God is evil, and God chose to be evil.... where's the morality in that? Surely religion is designed to STOP people from being evil, not encouraging them.
You can be evil, the question is whether you should be.

We're saying God is made in the image of Man, and God is evil, and God chose to be evil.... where's the morality in that? Surely religion is designed to STOP people from being evil, not encouraging them.
God isn't made in the image of man. God made man in the spiritual image of God, rather than a likeness. God never chooses to be evil although some might see it that way. God frankly doesn't care one way or the other what you choose to be. Of course religion isn't designed to stop people from being evil. How would it do that? The best religion can do is point out the differences. You decide what you do on your own.

This is all quite simple. God mostly leaves people alone to bump through life falling down and getting up. When God decides to pay attention to you, that is a world of hurt. I've been there in places so dark Satan won't go. Your world will literally fall apart while you watch. God wants something from you.

I really don't go to church. The pastors, priests, imams, have no idea what they are talking about. They say words without meaning. I never think about whether or not I should believe in a God. As long as He believes in me, I'm good.
God isn't made in the image of man. God made man in the spiritual image of God, rather than a likeness. God never chooses to be evil although some might see it that way. God frankly doesn't care one way or the other what you choose to be. Of course religion isn't designed to stop people from being evil. How would it do that? The best religion can do is point out the differences. You decide what you do on your own.

This is all quite simple. God mostly leaves people alone to bump through life falling down and getting up. When God decides to pay attention to you, that is a world of hurt. I've been there in places so dark Satan won't go. Your world will literally fall apart while you watch. God wants something from you.

I really don't go to church. The pastors, priests, imams, have no idea what they are talking about. They say words without meaning. I never think about whether or not I should believe in a God. As long as He believes in me, I'm good.

So, with the "God made man in his own image" we have three different interpretations already
1) Physical image.
2) Mental image
3) Spiritual image.

Someone else said it was number 1 in another thread today.

God didn't chose to be evil, however he created humans and then told them "thou shalt not kill", surely that should be a big freaking wake up call to God that if he then goes and kills, he's freaking EVIL.

Basically, it seems to me that either God is pretty much a retard and doesn't have full control of his own brain, or he's evil. Which one?

Religion totally is designed to stop people being evil. The Ten Commandments was totally a set of basic laws.... Every religion punished murder.

As for Christianity being a religion of "you decide what you want to do", that was totally NOT the kind of religion it was for about 2,000 years.... suddenly people are interpreting this differently. Go to England 400 years ago and women who gave birth out of wedlock would be ostracized from society. Why? The religious morals were designed to stop people doing things. Murder was also prevented by telling people they'd go to HELL if they did it.
when God killed ALL babies in the great flood of Noah's Ark flood fame?

I write this not to anger people, if you're not interested in discussing it, then don't. Keep your religion to yourself and move on. I write this because I've had a conversation in another thread and thought it might be a good question to ask for those who want to test their religion against my lack of religion.
You dont believe that Noah’s God exists, do you?
So, with the "God made man in his own image" we have three different interpretations already
1) Physical image.
2) Mental image
3) Spiritual image.

Someone else said it was number 1 in another thread today.

God didn't chose to be evil, however he created humans and then told them "thou shalt not kill", surely that should be a big freaking wake up call to God that if he then goes and kills, he's freaking EVIL.

Basically, it seems to me that either God is pretty much a retard and doesn't have full control of his own brain, or he's evil. Which one?

Religion totally is designed to stop people being evil. The Ten Commandments was totally a set of basic laws.... Every religion punished murder.

As for Christianity being a religion of "you decide what you want to do", that was totally NOT the kind of religion it was for about 2,000 years.... suddenly people are interpreting this differently. Go to England 400 years ago and women who gave birth out of wedlock would be ostracized from society. Why? The religious morals were designed to stop people doing things. Murder was also prevented by telling people they'd go to HELL if they did it.
With any luck God will send you hell soon.

Go to England 400 years ago

Typical leftist stupid.
when God killed ALL babies in the great flood of Noah's Ark flood fame
This is what you take away from the story of Noah? A natural disaster hit, and it was God killing babies?

I am guessing you attribute the fires and storms in Maui to God as well?
So, this is a massive case of do as I say, not as I do?
It is a massive case of knowing nothing about natural disasters. Or about human nature for that matter. Decades ago Milgram proved that humans can do atrocious things when someone in authority told them it was okay. Governmental authority said it was okay to kill the unborn and just like in Milgram's study, over sixty percent of the population suddenly found nothing wrong with killing the unborn.

Each person does get to decide what kind of person they want to be. The choice before them is to nourish life or to kill life. What does choosing to kill one's own children say about any individual?
Blah, I don't care about "gawd's plan"....It is what it is...or maybe there is no plan at all.

I don't care about "a woman's right to choose". They had already chose poorly.

All I care about is to see that the utility of abortion is maintained.

Now if folks want to see "guardrails" (like 15 weeks or so) then that is fine by me as long as the basic utility of abortion is available.
It is a massive case of knowing nothing about natural disasters. Or about human nature for that matter. Decades ago Milgram proved that humans can do atrocious things when someone in authority told them it was okay. Governmental authority said it was okay to kill the unborn and just like in Milgram's study, over sixty percent of the population suddenly found nothing wrong with killing the unborn.

Each person does get to decide what kind of person they want to be. The choice before them is to nourish life or to kill life. What does choosing to kill one's own children say about any individual?
Didn't God choose to kill his only begotten son to correct his fuck ups?
Blah, I don't care about "gawd's plan"....It is what it is...or maybe there is no plan at all.
What about Government's plan? Lead the people into corruption so they won't make a peep about political/government corruption. We steal them blind, but they are killing their children.
Didn't God choose to kill his only begotten son to correct his fuck ups?
No. God sent Jesus with the message sins are forgiven. This upset the authorities of the time who wanted people to pay them for the forgiveness of sins. Having someone from God announcing sins are forgiven was not to be tolerated. Basic human reaction among a corrupt earthly leadership both then and now.
No. God sent Jesus with the message sins are forgiven. This upset the authorities of the time who wanted people to pay them for the forgiveness of sins. Having someone from God announcing sins are forgiven was not to be tolerated. Basic human reaction among a corrupt earthly leadership both then and now.
John 3:16

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